The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 1140: Supreme Li Tao

   Chapter 1140

  Wangshu has always been the first goddess of the primordial land, and the sudden appearance of Tianlan broke this myth.

  It is impossible to say that Wang Shu doesn't feel at all, and she even asked Taichu about her understanding of Tianlan.

  At the beginning, after talking to Wang Shu carefully, Wang Shu said: "I am indeed inferior to her. The difference is not even a bit."

  There was no refutation at the beginning, but Wangshu was his wife, so it was not easy to refute.

  Don’t talk about Wangshu, that is, in the beginning, I admired Tianlan, and it was the fourth supreme of the Exile. Even if the villagers in the exile were belittled at the beginning, they could not refute that Tianlan was very strong.

  At present, Tianlan is the first person under Taichu, and the first supreme, the second and the third supreme who are known to be stronger than Tianlan are all the targets of Taichu to kill.

  No matter in the short term or in the long term, Tianlan is the second person.

  Thinking of Tianlan, Liangyi and the others, at the beginning, I thought of three old things in the land of exile.

   "...Where are you going, husband?" Wang Shu saw Taichu suddenly stood up and asked.

   "The deity goes to the place of exile, and meets three old things for a while. It’s been a long time since the deity is afraid of their loneliness."

   "You, giggle—" Wang Shu smiled.

  It is too early to say that cheating and provocation are so reasonable.

   "By the way, see if there is a chance. If you have the opportunity, you can play against them." Taichu said again.

  Wangshu was already extremely relieved of Taichu's strength, and now she has no worries about going to the exile in Taichu.

  Therefore, I was idle for a while, and planned to find three old things to play a game.

   These three old things seem to see the mystery, but they don’t separate. This is very uncomfortable at the beginning. It would be fine if the three were separated.

  As long as they are separated, they are sure to win one at the beginning.

  Just like this, I went to the exile again in the beginning.


  In Honghuang, recent events have happened one after another, making the souls panic.

  The internal contradictions of the Ascendant broke out completely, and the moment of acting in the rebuilding, it could not be suppressed.

  In the base camp of the new forces of Ascendant.

   Yuan and a group of nine elders and Chonglou gathered together.

   "Hey, it has been so long, why hasn't there been any news about fellow Emperor Huang Dao? I'm afraid it's not because of the recent appearances of Yangmei Senior, Tianlan Supreme, and Liangyi Supreme?" An elder sighed.

  They have been very apprehensive recently and have been waiting for Wuliangmen's answer.

   And Chonglou, the black hand who directed all this, smiled.

  He looked at the nine elders, except for Yuan's indifferent performance, the others were very nervous.

  It can be seen that Yuan is worthy of being the strongest under him, not only in his cultivation, but also in his mind.

   "Isn't it better if the Boundless Gate doesn't give news?" Chonglou suddenly said.


  "This?" The Eight Great Elders were suddenly surprised.

   And Yuan looked at the Chonglou, he was finally affirmed, maybe the scene he saw before was not true.

  But he did not pierce, and even stood up to cover up:

"The leader is right, just drag it. What we are afraid of is not dragging, but not having time. As long as we are given time to grow, the immeasurable door will choose not to support us in the end, and we are not afraid that the three saints will suppress you. friend."

  After saying this, everyone was taken aback and instantly understood.

is not that right? As long as Wuliangmen does not announce its support or support for one day, no one will dare to put an extinct suppression on the new forces before Wuliangmen makes a decision.

  And as long as the time drags on, as long as there is a saint among others, you can protect yourself.

  If there are two, then completely...?

  No, it seems a bit uncomfortable if two appear.

  After all, the new forces are not from any ethnic group, but from different worlds. Such a union is obviously possible, but it is impossible to have a heart-to-heart.

  Neither relatives nor reasons, who would unite if it weren’t for a lot of pressure.

  This is a big drawback. If this drawback is not solved, the ascendant will always be scattered.

   "So, the lord, you are not summoning us this time for the decision of the immeasurable door, but for something else?" An elder said.

"Haha, Elder Feng is right." Zhonglou said, "In general, we are safe for the time being. There is no need to worry about the risk of extinction. As long as there is no way to make a decision, no one will dare to hit our attention. Moreover, things are too late recently. Many, Wuliangmen may have forgotten our business, after all, Wuliangmen has too many things."

  Chonglou has not forgotten the joint acting with Emperor Huang before Consummation, which is not to be seen.

  Let everyone treat them as Wuliangmen and temporarily don’t have time to care about them.

He said: "In fact, this is fine. We will be safe before the Wuliangmen makes a decision. Therefore, this is an opportunity for us to grow and grow. As long as we grow up, we will have no scruples. , Is for our plan when we grow up."

   "Oh?" Everyone was startled.

  Yuan glanced at Chonglou, and it was not easy.

  "What does the leader mean?" Yuan asked.

   "What I mean is very simple..." Chonglou looked at the people and said, "Do you know the free ones? Or, do you know that there are five cosmic forces in the mortal sky?"

  "This subordinate knows that recently there have been many people from the lower realms of scientific and technological civilization, cultivation civilization, magic civilization, and giant beast civilization." Qian Yuan said.

   And Zhonglou said again: "Then everyone should know what their alliance is like?"

   "Well, the subordinates understand a little bit, which is similar to an alliance system that is dispersed internally and unified externally. Unlike free people, free people have nominal leaders and raise their eyebrows." Elder Feng said.

Chonglou smiled and said: "Yes, it is such an alliance, or what they call a federation. We can now make plans for our future, and make an alliance similar to this. In this way, all ten of us will achieve success in the future. If you are a saint, you will not repeat the same mistakes."

   Repeating the same mistakes here refers to the corpse, the great wilderness, and the ancestors.

  They all listened to the corpse before. The corpse was a dragon head, but after being manipulated by the Styx Kunpeng for a while, the status of the corpse dropped significantly.

  "This?" The nine people were lost in thought.

  Seeing that the nine people are making a decision, he reiterated: "This leader does not have to agree with everyone, but gives a suggestion;

  ...Of course, I hope you can agree, and you have also seen that the prehistoric is a replica of our small world, a larger and stronger small world, and it is impossible to achieve great power on your own;

  ...Without the support of forces, it is difficult for us to have the cohesive luck and the ability to compete with others, or even if we are not united and cohesive, we will be scattered, and even we will be eliminated. "

  Seeing that the nine people seemed to be persuaded by themselves, Chonglou continued:

"The nine of us can jointly swear that the position of the leader is not that the poor Taoist has always been monopolized, but everyone has elected. If I do well, everyone will support me. Dao has no face to do it."

  Chonglou said again:

   "The same goes for you, as long as you fellow daoists can get everyone's approval, any of you can be elected as the leader."


  After saying this, everyone feels motivated.

  At present, it seems that Zhonglou has done a good job, and he is also satisfied with him as the leader, which is the best choice for now.

  But in the future, I am not without the ability to compete. As long as my ten people make an agreement, it is not a good decision.

   Just as Chonglou said, it seems chic and comfortable to be scattered and cultivated, but the competition is less, and it is impossible to condense the previous great luck.

   "Pan Dao feels good, I agree." Yuan was the first to stand up.

  In his opinion, it is very good. It is inevitable that there will be selfish desires, but who does not have selfish desires?

  At present, the heavy building is doing well, and I am not that kind of character. I have to be the first person. I am more suitable to hide behind the scenes rather than stand up.

   "Pan Dao also agreed."

   "Poor Dao——"

After Yuan agreed, everyone thought about it and agreed.

  Chonglou was satisfied with a sigh of relief. In fact, Emperor Huang thought of this method for him.

  Emperor Huang has broken his studies, and he wants to be the biggest man behind the scenes.

  As long as he has a good relationship with Chonglou, these people will be sanctified in the future and will continue to support Chonglou in his own position.

   And his Emperor Huang can be deployed by remote control of the heavy building.

  Emperor Huang’s idea is: When the new power grows, he will attack the corpse, and then swallow the power of the corpse.

   Then annex Dahuang and God Ancestor, so that the entire Ascendant can be completely united.

  This is equivalent to controlling the Ascendant, and it is also equivalent to completing your mission.

  At that time, there is no need to secretly control the heavy building if you want to come, because it is unnecessary.

  That’s it...

  In the recent turmoil in Honghuang, the new ascendants have completed their integration.


  And the other side.

  Tianlan Supreme, established a dojo near Zhoushan in the east of the prehistoric immortal world, intending to take root in the east in the future.

  East This place has always been the most elite place in the empire, and it is also the place with the most masters.

  Tianlan came here to start the mountain, frightening all the great forces in the East.

  In the east, there are the base camp of the monster clan, the base camp of the dragon clan, the base camp of the Sanqing, and the base camp of Hongjun. Even Nuwa and several major disciples of the Wuliangmen of Zhenyuanzi are in the east.

  Tianlan Supreme suddenly joined, and the East was rumbling for a while.

  Fortunately, these supreme beings have a good temper, and they disdain to make noise, and they fall into peace after they stand on the road and open the mountain.

  Even Tianlan kindly erected nine Taoist monuments, allowing the creatures to learn from her insights and some incredible exercises.

  If Yunwu and Shenyu’s previous actions were a great fame and fortune, Tianlan is a feminine moisturizing thing, a long stream of water.

  She doesn't want to arrange anyone, nor does she want to gain luck and prestige through big events.

  She wanted to be as immobile as she was in the beginning.

   Shelter a creature, give a gift to a creature, and lay a solid foundation for oneself by moisturizing things silently for a long time.


  I thought that Tianlan Supreme was just like this, but that day, she suddenly came to Fengxi Mountain.

  This made Nuwa wonder for a while.

   Tianlan descended, Nuwa respectfully greeted her.

  Tianlan looks very easy-going, much more easy-going than when he was in Exile.

  Nuwa has the kind of teacher-mother-like feeling that she got from Wang Shu.

  But when Tianlan smiled and watched the wind sway, Nuwa seemed to understand and understood the reason why Tianlan came.

  Not to see herself, but to see the wind swaying, or to see her former fellow Taoist Feihua.

Swaying from the wind was adopted by Nuwa as a direct disciple. Today's swaying of the wind is the initial cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian.

  Under the avenue, we pay attention to accumulation and Taoism, which is just like the ancient times.

  It can be said that today's cultivation seems to have exploded, but it is really slow compared to the whole nature.

  The outbreak is due to the gift of the great road and the explosion of the masters.

  However, the cultivation of living beings is strictly speaking slow. This is the coercion of the Great Dao.

  A complete road coercion.

  Of course, it is still faster than the ancient times. The ancient times not only have the pressure of the great roads, but also the main pressure of the Pangu, and there are no roads in the ancient times.

  Now, there is no need to fumble, there is a way out of the predecessors, but under the coercive and consummated Dao rules, cultivation is really slow.

   Therefore, even if the wind is swaying under Nuwa's training, even if she is based on the origin of her previous life, it is only at the level of the early stage of the Daluo Jinxian, and Daluo has not yet blossomed.

  Nuwa branch walked away and the wind swayed, Tianlan said: "This may be the best way for Feihua, since the beginning of the Taoist friend is kind."

  Nuwa smiled and did not speak, this kind of thing is hard to say.

   "I hope she will return from Nirvana. Since her fall, our two sisters have not been together for a long time, hey!" Tian Lan said.

  Nuwa actually didn’t understand, but she didn’t speak.

   "Never mind, the deity is leaving first." Tianlan said.

   "Send to seniors."

  Those who came and left in a hurry were also in a hurry, but Nuwa didn't say anything.

  After a while, Tianlan is gone, it seems to be here to see his old friend.

   And the wind swayed in, "Master, is this Senior Tianlan the current first goddess? I heard that she is at the same level as the Patriarch."

   "Yes." Nuwa kindly touched her head swaying in the wind.

   "I will be the same as Senior Tianlan from now on."

   "Hehe, what day do you look forward to for the teacher."

  "Master, you unbeliever?" The wind swayed.

   "No, I believe, you little girl."

  "Master deceives people." The wind swayed his lips, as if he felt Nuwa's coaxing behavior, "I have grown up, Master still treats me like a child."

   "Hehe, you think too much." Nuwa shook her head.

  The wind is swaying, I feel that there is a generation gap with the master, and I can’t talk about it anymore.

  She left depressed, and vowed to be the strongest goddess in the wild like Tianlan.

  However, she has a feeling of throbbing.

  This point was suppressed by her, thinking that she was excited by seeing the superior, and she didn't care.


  And another supreme liangyi popped out.

  Finally settled in the West, near the Yin-Yang Dynasty of the former Yin-Yang ancestor.

  He has a familiar feeling here.

  However, his actions scared the Western Buddhism, Luohu, and Modao.

   These two instruments have come to the West, and there will be more things that the West cannot afford to provoke in the future.

  And after Liang Yi and Jian Tianlan's behavior, he feels good.

  So after starting a mountain and establishing a road, he even preached three sermons to nearby creatures.

  In a time, it triggered a grand event throughout the West. After that, Liangyi erected a monument to give back to the creatures and benefit the creatures in this place.

In general……

  The great creatures sum up their discoveries.

  Whether it is the cloud and mist that suddenly appeared, or Shenyu, as well as Tianlan and Liangyi several supreme.

  These people are worthy of the high level of Taoism, and they have not bullied the creatures for evil.

  All showed the demeanor of being superior, one by one, being a good person among the good people.

  They are very satisfied with this point, but can they start to meditate after being satisfied?

  "Does it mean that once you become a high-level Taoist, you will become a good person, a good person who gives back to life?"

  This thought echoed in the hearts of everyone.

  For a long time, everyone couldn’t understand why all the superiors are good people?


  Until Feng Wu, who returned to her family’s home, and Xuan Gui, the son-in-law of the Feng clan, they learned that a Daoist came from the West, and they were still settled in their Western territory of the Feng Clan. The two worried that the Feng Clan came back to investigate...

Feng Wu said: "It's ridiculous, that any superior person is a good person, nothing more than ours, the superior seniors look down upon them. In addition, a stronger'staring' at them, you say they dare to do evil. Do not?"

  Feng Wu finished speaking, Xuan Gui suddenly became cheerful.

  Yes, I must have been scared by Dao Zun, otherwise the explanation won’t work.

   "Madam, see you well."

   "Hehe, low-key, low-key, finally bubbling back to the fairy world, don't praise me."


  (End of this chapter)