The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 1141: Nine Chaos

   Chapter 1141 Nine Chaos Appearances

   "Hey, the three of you haven't seen each other for a long time."

  Tao Chu came out from the barrier of the avenue.

  As a result, the three of them glanced at him carelessly, and then made no sound.

   "Huh?" It was too early.

  These three old things dare to ignore themselves.

  What's the situation, haven't the three fell out yet?

  Even the three of them really have a united front?

what to do?

  Thinking about it, I decided to try an indiscriminate attack at the beginning.

   Immediately, I saw the trial of fate in the beginning of the primordial move towards the three.

   "Be bold, dare to attack."

  "A trivial means, dare to be presumptuous."


  I have to say that the three old things are very strong, and the three of them are easily resolved by a sudden move at the beginning.

  The reason why the three of them ignored the beginning is because they suffered a lot.

  They found that every time they communicate with Taichu, they are always very aggrieved. They can't say too early. Even if they said, he just ran away after he finished talking, and you didn't have a chance to scold him.

  This is uncomfortable.

  So, in order not to be provoked by language again and again, the three of them compromised with each other.

   is when we first came, no one ignored him, because whoever communicated with him, he calculated who.

  It is the first time to calculate the first supreme, and say to unite with the first supreme.

  The second time I calculated the second and the third, and said to join them, in short, nothing was true at the beginning, and I couldn’t communicate with him more.

  As a result, the three of them just ignored him when they didn’t see him.

  I just didn’t expect that this was really shameless in the beginning. If you ignore him, he will attack you. It’s really shameless.

   "I thought the three daoists practiced and closed their mouths, and they could talk." Seeing the attack worked at the beginning, the three opened his mouth and he said.

  While the three of them looked at each other and tried to hold back, they still ignored the beginning.

  This made me a little depressed at the beginning.

   "The deity is going to play in the exile, do the three of you have any opinions?" Too early to see the three of them still did not speak, asked.

  As a result, the three of them immediately gave way, indicating that you please, as long as you leave the barrier.

   "Bah, is it stupid to be the deity? Once I leave here, you three old things will definitely join hands to deal with the deity." It was too early to be fooled.

  The three of you looked like you were an idiot, thinking: Since you know, you still want to ask Mao?

  In fact, I didn't want to ask at the beginning, but the three of them were silent and could only play with tentatively.

  Thinking about it, but at the beginning she retracted again, and soon returned to Chaos.

   After coming back, I felt melancholy at the beginning. The three old things learned well this time, so what can I do if I just ignore myself?

  The most important thing is that the three of them intend to consume it, but they don’t separate.


  And the other side.

"Haha, how about two fellow daoists? I said earlier. At the beginning, I was an old fox and was good at instigating right and wrong. We had been instigated by him several times before, so we resolutely refused to communicate with him. Do you think he can do nothing?" The first laughed.

"The First Daoist is right. At the beginning, he was not only good at provoking right and wrong, but also liked to run away when we got into trouble. We can't do anything with him, so if he treats him silently, he can't rely on one mouth to instigate right and wrong." .

   "Hmph, sooner or later, I will kill this place one day, it's horrible." The third chaos said.


  The three are very satisfied with this operation.

  The three of them almost fell out not long ago, because they still couldn't explain it, how could they solve the entropy increase so quickly in the beginning.

  This is a puzzle.

   Fortunately, I resisted it, and there was no real fallout.

  The three people need to unite. No matter how quickly the entropy increase was solved in the early days, it means that there is definitely a back-hand in the early days.

   "As long as the three of us stay steady, we won't be afraid of any plot by him." First said firmly.

   "Yes." Second and third lines.

  However, the three of them also understood that this was not a solution after all.

   has been strong since the beginning, but the three of them have no enhanced abilities.

  If the Taichu achieves the supreme late stage, it will be difficult for the three to unite to completely kill the Taichu.

  This is an unsolvable problem.

the other side……

  In the beginning, I was alone there meditating, what should I do, how to solve these three people?

   Is it really going to be consumed?

   "Let's take a look again."

  At the beginning, there was no way, so I had to go over and take a look.

  When Taichu suddenly appeared again, the three people’s ‘high-level’ communication ceased for an instant, and then looked at Taichu indifferently.

  At the beginning: mmp……

  He was depressed for a moment, and the three of them were determined.

  In this case, I don’t rely on cleverness and conspiracy anymore. Let’s harden steel.

  Dragging is not a solution anyway, in that case, expose it.


   A cold snort from the beginning, and instantly came to the three of them.

  This change, the three of them were taken aback.

  In the beginning, this boy was desperate, so he dared to leave the avenue barrier. He didn't want to live anymore.

   "Three old miscellaneous hairs, I really think that the deity is afraid of you." Taichu angrily rebuked the three.

  The three of them haven't recovered yet, what operation is in their mind?

  However, this is an opportunity. If you dared to leave the barrier in the first place, then kill him.

   "Haha. How dare you be so rampant, you are looking for death." The first moment was excited.

   "Two fellow daoists stopped him." The first excitement said.

  And the second and third were also excited, and hurriedly blocked the way back to Taichu, and the three of them immediately surrounded Taichu.

  But they found in doubt that they didn't take any action in the beginning, and they didn't seem to care about their behavior at all.

  Moreover, the Taoist rhyme and momentum of Taichu are constantly increasing.

  Until it gives them a feeling of seven or more levels of Tao.


"This is impossible?"

   "Why is he so strong? This is the seventh level of the Tao, but he clearly only has the fourth level of the Tao... No, it has improved again, it is the fifth level of the Tao, this?"




  I saw two vast rivers beside Taichu, one pure white exuding the trajectory of fate, the other dark exuding the charm of time and space.

  "Two Chaos Spirit Treasures?" The three were confused.

   "Wow!" The purple lotus flower opens, not two but three.

   "Shoot." The First Supreme screamed in panic. He was afraid that he would lose confidence if he waited any longer.

   "It's good to come."

  The death of the world, the toughness of the chaos, and the vastness of the creation, the three supreme ways of the three are against the immeasurable and destiny of the beginning.

  This is the first time the five supreme beings have gathered together and the first collision of the five supreme paths.

  There are three spiritual treasure guards in Taichu, and without the suppression of the original rules, Taichu has the same ability as three.

  The moment when the three Chaos Lingbao appeared, it means that the three of them have no certainty to win the beginning.

  What they are fighting now is the last trace of luck and great strength.

   Strongly believes that even if there are many means in the beginning, the three of them can solve him.

  Because it’s not stubborn to be so stubborn. If you don’t think so, you will lose your final confidence and it will be very miserable.

  The entire time and space of Liyuan began to experience huge fluctuations.

  The five supreme collisions are like breaking the ground.

  If it weren't for the land of the original rules, if it were placed in the chaos, it would be groundbreaking, and it would be a collision that worries the avenue.

  The more frightened by the war.

  The first one finds helplessly that the three of them really have no choice but to do it in the beginning, and the three pieces of spiritual treasure body guards are too unsolvable.

  Especially the long river of time and space and the long river of destiny, just like two giant dragons surrounding Taichu.

  One is the unpredictability of fate, the other is the depth of time and space. Attacking too early is like attacking fate and time and space. You can't penetrate it at all.

  Invincible in the beginning!

  This is the common idea of ​​the three at this moment.

  The fusion of Taichu and Taichu purple lotus, the big seal of lotus root, the five swords of lotus leaf, and the strangulation of lotus.

   All the means came out, and they faced the second supreme extinction millstone, the first supreme creation mountain, and the third giant axe-shaped chaotic spirit treasure.

   is also in the fragments of Hongmeng, the land of the original rules. If this is elsewhere, the smallest aura of the four of them colliding, can open up a world.

  Indescribable battles, every aftermath is the manifestation of Tao. If people watch such battles, they can realize the vastness of the five greatest.

  Unfortunately, no one watched the game here, only four people presented the top five.

  The heart is cold, and the heart of the first supreme is cold. Can you really win in the beginning?

  It is impossible to win even after going to the Ninth Chaos.

  No wonder he was not afraid of the three of them just now. It turns out that he is so strong and he is not afraid of the three of them at all.

  Damn suppression, if it weren't for the suppression of the original rules, he wouldn't be so weak.

  The First Supreme is very cold, and even with a hint of panic.

  As for the second supreme, the same idea, even thinking, is it right? There is no way to compromise with Taichu.

  While the third supreme has the least knowledge of Taichu, I have seen the first supreme one move to force Taichu to retreat, and Taichu is very embarrassed.

   I thought that it was just like that in the beginning, at best, I could save my life under my own hands, but I never thought that I could not save my life under his own hands.

  But under the combination of the three of their own, they can all fight a tie.

  If this one fights against Taichu alone, wouldn't it be chased and beaten by Taichu?


  The four broke out the strongest blow.

  I saw that after the aftermath, it was uncomfortable at the beginning, and the three of them were uncomfortable.

  However, changes have occurred.

  After seeing the four people and the five highest aftermath spreading, suddenly, a purple light flickered in nine circular directions in Liyuan.

"this is?"

  The four of them were puzzled.

  A closer look, it turned out that it was the nine barriers of chaos, which were passively opened up by the aftermath of the three.

   "That is the third chaos, my hometown." The First Supreme trembling suddenly, he looked at a place where the purple light burst.

  "It's the seventh chaos of my homeland. It was here." The second way.

  "This is the fifth chaos, my homeland." The third supreme also said.

  Nine places where purple light erupted, and the other eight were very dazzling, and the aftermath of the four-person war was easily blocked.

  Only the ninth chaos barrier is a bit dim. Although it is also resisted, it is not as dazzling as the other eight.

   Suddenly at the beginning, there was a feeling, in the other eight places where the chaotic purple light flickered, there was a feeling at the beginning that one could pass.

  This made him wonder, can he go to other chaos?

   "Too early, stop." The First Supreme said suddenly.

  I knew this was an opportunity at the beginning.

  Without these nine flashes of chaos, after the madness of the four-player battle, it would be difficult to stop in a short time.

  It may be a battle of tens of millions of years.

  But this sudden riot interrupted the four people’s sorrow and gave them a step down.

  Stopped from the beginning.

   "Hmph." Taichu let out a cold snort.

   Put away the two long rivers, and is not afraid of three people's sneak attack.

  After this time, the three of them have understood that it is impossible to defeat them.

  The four quickly approached the eighth place of chaos and purple light, which is the closest.

  "This is the Eighth Chaos, the home of the previous two instruments." First Supreme said.

   "Hiss, such a strong repulsive force, this is a complete road rule, we can't go."

"you you--"


  The three of them looked at the barrier of the Eighth Chaos eloquently, and saw that when Taichu stretched out his hand, his arm reached into the barrier of the Eighth Chaos without any hindrance, as he expected.

  The three of them were completely silly.

   "How is this possible, how is this possible?"

   "Impossible, impossible." The three of them went crazy.

  In the beginning, it was easy to enter it. What does this show?

  "Taichu, fellow Taoist, you can enter easily, you, you..." the second supreme asked frantically.

  "Taoyou from the beginning, try again soon." The third supreme also said madly.

   "Yes, right, you should try it out in the beginning."

   "Enough, shut up." Taichu roared.

  Are the three lunatics crazy?

   "You. You?" The three of them were very hot.

   But suddenly I found out that what I was commanding was from Taichu, and that he had the ability to do nothing in the beginning.

   "You three bastards, even the deity can enter and can't go. This is a world with complete avenue rules. After I enter, will I wait for the eighth chaos avenue to be suppressed?" Taichu looked at the three with a ugly face.

  In fact, he didn't think so in his heart at the beginning. He thought of the picture of Hongmeng First Will.

  The vast first will, purple thunder and lightning appeared due to the collision of thoughts, and then broke through the Hongmeng, and there appeared the river of avenues and nine chaos.

   is getting closer and closer to his greatest secret, and he is not afraid of the barriers extended by the eighth chaotic avenue rule, indicating that the mystery of his life experience is getting closer and closer.

  Possible, just saying that it is possible, maybe you really are the first consciousness of Hongmeng.

  The origin of everything, the source of Tao.

  Possible, or possible, may enter other chaos by oneself, and will not be suppressed or suppressed by Chaos Avenue.

  In the era of chaos, when you are awake, you will be in a state of purple light. How about before you are awake?

  What was the state before waking up?

   And after waking up, he misled the belief that his biggest secret was the immeasurable Dao Yuanling.

  This point can now be overturned.

  Wuliang Yuanling was added later, before the Wuliang Yuanling, before the initial purple light state, there were secrets.

   and the wisdom from the earth, this is also a secret.

  At the beginning, it was speculated whether it was a purple awn wandering in the nine chaos before the birth of a spirit.

  Before he was born with wisdom, he may wander around, wandering in the entire nine chaos, and even the river of avenues, and even all the time, space points, and all the tracks of destiny after the disappearance of Hongmeng First Will.

  The question is coming again, what on earth is you?

   is the combination of the first consciousness as flesh and blood, and the earth’s spiritual wisdom as the soul?

   or the soul of the earth, the layout of the first consciousness?

  In other words, the soul of the earth is a ubiquitous node, but is it lucky to become the main spiritual wisdom?

   Doesn’t this mean that all creatures, including rules, are the division of the first will, and they are lucky enough to take over.

  Pangu’s consciousness once split into the primordial stars, cough cough..., this was terrifying enough.

  And the first consciousness of Hongmeng may be the differentiation of all living beings.

  "It's just that the deity is lucky, or is there a bigger secret?" At first, I was a little confused.


  The three of the first creation supreme still looked at Taichu with excitement,

  They seem to see another road, another road that does not conflict with the beginning.

  For example, with the help of Taichu, the Ninth Chaos will not be harmed, but it can go to other chaos.

  Naturally would not agree at the beginning, these three are their own cows, how can they let them run away.

   However, the three people who were firm before may have been able to divide.

  The plan that was difficult to implement before may have a turnaround.

  If you make good use of it, it might not be impossible to solve the three, and then fuse them.


  (End of this chapter)