The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 1142: Destroy one by one

   Chapter 1142

   "At the beginning, don't be angry, we can discuss."

  The third supreme hurriedly stabilized Taichu said: "Since the avenue barrier does not repel you, it means that you will not be suppressed if you enter."

   "Yes, friends in the early days, everything can be discussed. As long as the three of us have a destination, who will provoke the Ninth Chaos, which has grown into the highest of the avenues, is going to find death?" The second supreme also said.

   "The words of the two Taoist friends are reasonable." The First Supreme said nervously, afraid that he would not agree at the beginning.


   Seeing this for the first time, thinking of a wonderful way, so he said: "Do you want to take risks, or take risks for you? The deity wants to ask you how old are you?"


   "You, you are not afraid that we will continue to pester you."

   "Haha..." I laughed at the beginning, "Do you have this ability?"

  After saying this, the three of them were completely stunned, and they really didn't have this ability.

  With this ability, I have already gone to the Ninth Chaos. How can I be here to plead for the beginning.

  But when I saw this at the beginning, he said, "But, it’s not impossible. To be honest, the deity can’t erase you, and you can’t erase the deity. But the deity doesn’t want to be entangled with you anymore, it’s very uncomfortable."


  The three of them were excited, and thought: Did they change their minds too early?

   "Friends, what do you say?" the three asked excitedly.

   Taichu said: "It's very simple. It is impossible for the deity to take risks by yourself. You need to accompany me. Only then can you rest assured that the deity, otherwise it is absolutely impossible."

  After talking at the beginning, the three of them felt uneasy.

  First Supreme said: "But fellow Taoists in the early days, the three of us can't enter, only you can."

   "Haha, simple." I saw a smile and said: "It's nothing more than the origin of the deity. The deity can provide you with it. You will follow the deity to enter and be suppressed with everyone. If nothing happens, you don't want to come back."

  "This?" The three began to think.

   asked Taichu to test their willingness. Anyway, the risk is not to be borne by oneself, but they were asked to go too, and the three hesitated.

  But when I saw this at the first time, I was immediately angry, "Three bastards, let the deity go, you said it nicely, you have to go and hesitate. Hmph, wait for your death, the deity will not wait."

   "Slow, slow, all the Taoist friends in the early days are easy to discuss, and easy to discuss." The second supreme hurriedly called to stop the early days.

  In fact, he didn't want to leave at the beginning, he still wanted to cheat others.

  If you really leave, there will be no way to cheat.

  I was betting at the beginning, betting that I am special, my own origin is not damaged, you can go anywhere, you can go to the nine chaos.

  But at first I was sure that if I gave them the original source of the primordial Qi, they would be rejected by the Eighth Chaos.

   So at first I planned to lose a little of my own origin, let one merge, and then follow myself to the Eighth Chaos.

After    is gone, they will not be suppressed, but they will slowly consume their non-destructive origin.

At the same time as they were consuming, they couldn't make up for it. Once they exhausted their non-destructive wishes, they would definitely be suppressed by the Eighth Chaos Avenue, or even beheaded and suppressed. At that time, their chances came.

  ...Or kill him.

   "Huh, what is there to discuss, don't think about letting the deity explore for you, you have to go together." At the beginning, the deity said coldly: "Also, the deity will only provide the source for one person, and will not give it if there is more."

   "What?" Three people were taken aback, one person?

"Haha, what do you think? If this deity provides the three of you with the source of harmless Qi, what should you do if the three of you go to the ninth chaotic deity? ... There can only be one, and one succeeds. The three of you cannot be the same. Chaos, that's it."

   "Whoever wants to try first, stand up for yourself."

  "This?" The three of them thought.

  The first one to follow Taichu to be very adventurous, what if it is suppressed by the Great Avenue of the Eighth Chaos? What if it fails?

  But the first one is better than the last, the last one is dangerous.

  Because you didn’t know the last one, at the beginning, if you were willing to help you, he just didn’t want to help you. What can you do if you quit in the middle?

   Can't beat and beat, scold and dare not scold, is it like this way of living by running away?

  Also, looking at the early decision, it seems that no negotiation is allowed. If you wait for someone to entangle you, maybe you won't wait in the first place.

   "Who is the first, hurry up." Taichu urged.

  As a result, there is still no stand out.

  It seems that they all want the second one. Let the first and third two fellow Taoists try.

   "Well, since there is not, the deity is gone." It was too early to wait.

   "Wait, fellow daoists in the early days."

  "Wait for a long time fellow Taoist."

   "Friends, don’t worry."

   "Hmph!" Taichu sneered: "Why, I still want to keep the deity, come and see who is afraid of whom?"

  The three were embarrassed for a while, and the time was too short to discuss.

  "Taochu fellow, if you are the first to go with you, what should you do with us after you enter?" The second asked a very stupid question.

   "Haha, then don't go, it's not easy, it's not the deity begging you."

   "Well, the deity is the first to go." The first supreme said suddenly.

  "You?" The second and the third were surprised. The first one went first. Is he stupid?

  The first supreme has misery. He found that the hatred between himself and Taichu was too great, and he could only be the first to go.

  Because the second one is not allowed even at the beginning.

  And if it’s the third one, don’t think about it, you’ll regret it when you arrive at the beginning.

  Then you can only go first.

   Say he is not afraid of danger?

  Of course he is afraid, but since the beginning has grown up, there is no difference between going or not, he can only take a gamble.

  If you don’t stay in the place of exile, you will fall slowly, so it’s better to try it.

  Testing may be a great crisis, but it is better than not testing until it falls.

   is that he dared to attack himself at the beginning, first believe that his eighth level cultivation base is not afraid of the beginning.

  In the beginning, I could only tie myself.


  The words of the first supreme, not only the second and third supreme being surprised, but also a little uneasy at the beginning.

  The First Supreme can never be the first to go. He is most sure to kill the Second Supreme and the Third Supreme, but the First Supreme himself is not absolutely sure at present.

  It would be okay if the first supreme I had imagined went to the Eighth Chaos and was suppressed by the Dao, what if it didn’t appear?

  If you don’t show up, it will be uncomfortable.

  In addition, there is a crucial point that all four of them selectively forgot.

  That is, you can go back.

  If it succeeds, the three of them can still come back, which is actually no different from not separating the three.

  The only way in the early days was to find a ‘hands-in’ to send in, and then kill him in it. After beheading and fusing him, he wouldn’t be afraid of anything.

   At that time, it was exposed, because even if it was exposed, the remaining two ran away in a hurry instead of being evenly matched.

   "You can't, you can only go the third, the deity is not at ease with you." Taichu said.

   "Huh?" The three of them were taken aback after listening.

  And the second supreme and the third supreme looked thoughtfully at the first and the first supreme, this is the first supreme plan not to let go of the first supreme.

  Such obvious disapproval, which means that you must be entangled with the first supreme to the end.

  So, the cooperation with Daiichi will end here?

  Anyway, there is not much contradiction between myself and Taichu. As long as I can get rid of the chaos, who would be indifferent to fight against Taichu.

   Therefore, the second and third have a decision in an instant, and in front of their interests, they are no longer on the same line with the first supreme.

  "In the beginning, what do you mean?" First, I was a little nervous.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, it was too early to attack. Is this to use profit to divide the alliance front of the three of them?

  Looking at the second and third supreme squinting eyes, it seems that the two of them are moved and they are in danger.

   "It's not interesting, but you can't be the first. You are too shameless and too dangerous."

   "Haha, if I can't go, you guys can't even think about it." The first said gloomily.

   "Hehe, it's just right, then forget it." Said indifferently at the beginning.

   "Wait, fellow Daoist from the beginning." The second and the third were also angry, "What do you mean by the first?"

"Haha, what do I mean? You three despicable villains want to harm the deity together, what do you mean by asking me?" The first supreme sneered: "...I mean very clearly, don't let me ask for help, don't ask for it. ."

  The second and third words are uncomfortable.

  But Taichu suddenly said: "Okay, in that case? Fellow Daoist Chaos, Fellow Daoist Destroyer, the three of us unite to kill this place, right?"

  "You?" The first one was taken aback and panicked.

  There is also this trick, how can I forget it?

   "Ahem, it won't be enough, the two Taoists calm down." The third hurriedly said.

It is impossible for    to join forces to kill the number one, and to have the opportunity to go to other chaos, it is all supported by the first supreme.

  If he was beheaded, he and the Second Supreme were really not good, and he didn't pay attention to them at all in the beginning.

  At that time, the two of them will be targets that can be easily defeated in the first place.

  The third supreme is not stupid.

   But it’s embarrassing. At the beginning, I made it clear that I didn’t want to give the first supreme a chance, and the first supreme also took the risk. If you don’t give me a chance, I will make trouble. Let’s not even think of a chance.

  Turning around, the key is still too early.

  Furthermore, at this time, the second and third supreme beings suddenly realized that none of the three could die, and that one of them would be troublesome.

  If you die, it is difficult to have an equal dialogue with the beginning.

  Sorry people.

   are all betting, risking their lives to bet,

  It’s not okay if you don’t bet, this is the only chance.

  Until the beginning, what did you suddenly think of?

  【Finally, we can't do anything with each other, and you can see through my defeat one by one, and your union will not be scattered. Without giving you a chance, you will not give up entanglement with the deity. In that case...?

   Then take a gamble and bet on who is the first to achieve the avenue.

  ...First, the deity bears it for the time being, don't let the deity be the first to achieve the avenue, if the deity achieves the avenue, no matter where you are, you will be killed. "】Said Taichu.


   Taichu gave a cold snort, his face was very ugly.

  Looking like they had accepted their fate, the three raised a sigh of relief.

   And it was very thorough at the beginning, and the three of them really can’t break.

   And the conspiracy just now was defeated one by one in the beginning, and the beginning did not hide it.

  This is great. If you open the skylight and talk brightly, don't count anyone, just look at their abilities.

   is the strength of the supreme late stage, no one should think of completely beheading anyone, it is only the last time to press and beat.

  This is all right.


  PS: It’s April. If not surprisingly, this is the last month of the book, and it’s about to be finished.

  The new book has been deleted, deleted, and revised. There are 30,000 words in the new book. The book will be published after the book is finished.

  The new book is very big. I thought about the beginning of several times. It may be demanding, but I am always not satisfied with it. Now I am not sure about this. Just like pregnancy syndrome, I am very anxious.

  Because they don’t know the new book, the book friends like it or not, so Zuiyue thinks about it and follows the current open book. No matter so many, it will always be tested.

  Maybe I think it’s good, but the book friend is not satisfied, maybe I think it’s mediocre, but the book friend likes to read it.

  This thing is not accurate, it is harder to guess than my rabbit’s A shares.

  So, Mang is over,

  Wait for the new book to be released, you guys need a lot of support.

  In addition, I also successfully finished the Demon Emperor, even more so. I will finish one and open a new one, and it won't be time consuming like a difficult one.

  Well, that’s all, the demon king in the last month, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription...

  A monthly pass is also required, and a recommendation is also required...



  (End of this chapter)