The Descendants of Wudang In Another World

Chapter 155: Trouble is not necessarily a curse (part

The blond warrior walking ahead had a very punk **** head, and there were a few words carved on his arm. Zhang Hao took a closer look, and it turned out to be the three capital English letters of APC. At the moment, Da Qi, excitedly thought to himself, is this person like me, accidentally fell here, and then can't go back.

She seemed to know the surprise in Zhang Hao's heart. Lisi'er lying on the bed said lazily: "They are the warriors of Feni Zambra, a small country in the west of the Elven Forest. The strange hairstyles and magic words come from their legends. Hero, mystery technician, very weird hobby of imitation!"

It turns out that thirty years ago, a tyrant appeared in Feni Zambra. This man was a genius warrior. He was already a fighting **** at the age of 43, but he was terribly poor in terms of politics and personality. Ren, Yuan Junzi, formulated a series of exorbitant taxes and taxes. That's all. He also likes to search for beauties in the country, no matter how big or small, as long as they are beautiful, they will forcibly **** them back to the royal city for his yin and joy, which makes domestic people's grievances boiling. But there is no alternative to him. Because he had a royal guard, composed of many domestic mercenary masters and aristocratic powerhouses, the nation had revolted four times, and they were all suppressed.

Just when the people were hopeless, the situation changed suddenly. At a festival twelve years ago, when the tyrant stood triumphantly on the open-air altar, announcing his future iron-blood policy, the sky suddenly changed, and a terrifying giant black hole appeared on the originally blue sky. Around the black hole, there are also weird white spherical lightning. And just below the black hole, reflected a reflection to the people of another world. A very unique picture: a neat and flat wide road filled with weird four-wheeled horseless turtle-shell cars, huge flat high-rise buildings entering the sky, rushing crowds, and wonderfully friendly customs, all of which let They stared blankly. All the people present looked up to the sky and prayed. They believe this is a miracle.

The tyrant also believed that this was a miracle, but he thought it was a sign of God's punishment of the land. Before the tyrant could run a few steps, there was a strange noise in the air, a bit like thunder, but more rushing than thunder.

In the reverent eyes of everyone, a blond young man sat on a two-wheeled steel monster that fell from the air and hit the ground tyrant who was rushing away. After the loud noise, the tyrant was caught by the two-wheeled steel monster. Underneath. A pungent, yellowish-brown oily liquid soaked him all over, and the refined armor was sunken from his back. The ground paved with bluestone was smashed. Under such a blow, the tyrant unexpectedly Not dead yet. With a blood-stained face, he roared miserably, trying to crawl out from under the steel monster ground.

The blond young man who fell from the sky did not die either. Although his legs were broken, he did not yell. Instead, he squinted his eyes with a look of intoxication on his face. He lay on the ground, nodding his head, and humming weird. 'Magic' accent. Because this happened so suddenly, everyone around was shocked. No one said anything. Only the magic spells of the blond youth and the screams of the tyrant.

Only after two minutes or so did a priest react. I wanted to run over to heal the blond young man, but at this moment, two rounds of steel monsters flashed an electric light, and it burned suddenly, and the flames rising from the sky encased both of them. Several water magicians rushed up and fired a water arrow, but it was of no use at all.

Under the eyes of everyone, the two were burned to fly ash, and even the steel was turned into iron. Until a long time later, the "truth" was revealed to the world. It turned out that a certain family had a young son who was born to be good at creating magical objects. Because he was dissatisfied with the rule of the tyrant, he prayed to the divine residence every night, hoping to spend his life. In exchange for the life of the tyrant, after three years of prayer, the **** finally heard his voice, so he let him ride on the mount of the god, descend from the sky, use the **** to teach earth magic, and die with the tyrant. Three weeks later, a certain father who was immersed in "grief" took the throne.

Zhang Hao felt helpless, funny, and disappointed at the same time. Judging from the hairstyle and letters, the person who fell off made it clear that he was a foreign squad, a squad car clan with a small pill. What is the mystery there? He became a technician, and he became someone else’s cheap son. It’s not worth it to pave the way for someone else’s throne. This guy died unjustly. Fortunately, when he fell, the large branches and leaves of the enchantment blocked him. Otherwise, it's dead.

Zhang Hao listened to Lisi'er's explanation, and ignored the two in front of him for a long time. This contemptuous behavior finally angered the two fighters. The punk in the front drew out the long sword behind him and cursed: "Asshole, don't you When I speak, I will cut you into pieces and throw them outside to feed the lizards. Don't think that silence can escape the fate of losing money!"

"Why did the two friends break into my house to make trouble!" After he roared, Zhang Hao remembered that someone was looking for the ballast. When he saw the two of them, he couldn't help shaking his head. The armors on their bodies were all leather. Yes, and it is still very shabby, it seems that the mix is ​​really not very good!

"Asshole, are you kidding us?" The punk warrior combed his high-curved hair with his left hand, grabbed the giant sword and was about to fight Zhang Hao, but was held by the warrior behind him: "Brother, you calm down Now, let me talk to him!"

The ‘punk’ fighter seemed to listen to his friend’s words very much. Although there was still raging anger in his eyes, he took two steps back and asked his companion to come forward and talk to Zhang Hao.

This person is also blond. He walked up to Zhang Hao in two steps and slowly said, "My friend, my name is Adolf, so we don’t want to blame you when we go out with friends, but your voice will send us the monsters we are going to transport. The cub was scared to death, and went back empty-handed. It is difficult for us to deal with the leader!"

"What type of monsters and how many?" Zhang Hao asked.

"Sand leech beast cubs, there are 20 cubs, and 20 alloy coins!" The warrior replied without thinking about it.

"Teacher, don't believe them, they are lying!" Yar suddenly appeared outside the door and shouted, "They are transporting monsters, but not sand leeches, but two very ordinary three-color birds, worth two gold coins at most. !"

The two warriors changed their expressions at the same time, and the ‘punk’ cursed: "Damn boy, what are you talking about!" At the same time, he raised the long sword in his hand and hit Yar’s head with the scabbard. Just as soon as his hand was raised, Zhang Hao had already appeared in front of him.

Zhang Hao raised his hand, threw the punk warrior aside, took out two gold coins from his suitcase, threw them to Adolf, and said: "I am wrong with the beasts that scared you to death. I will give you as much as you should pay, but don't think I'm so bully, you respect me a foot, and I will respect you a foot."

Adolf did not pick up two gold coins, and looked at Zhang Hao's face pale and gray.

"Punk" was thrown by Zhang Hao, and he was so dizzy and furious that he jumped up and swung his huge sword at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao didn’t pay attention to this kind of low-level vindictive and ordinary moves without internal strength. He deceived him, turned to avoid the sword, and hit the'punk' nose with an elbow with his backhand, amidst the screams, He passed the window and flew out of the hotel from the second floor. Zhang Hao’s attack was ingenious and precise. It collapsed the bridge of his nose without causing permanent trauma. Moreover, there was sand outside, so even if it fell from the second floor, it wouldn’t be too big. Damage.

"Zokard! Are you okay!" Ador exclaimed, and ran to the window to see ‘punk’ rolling around downstairs holding his nose. It seemed that there was no other serious injury other than pain.

"Your Excellency is a strong man, why come to embarrass our two little soldiers!" Adolescent's eyes shot an angry fire!

"It's you guys who are too good at it!" Zhang Hao was convinced, and he finally saw what a wicked person was about to sue.

Ador stayed, and then said bitterly: "We are not your opponent, I hope you can wait here for a while, and we will come back to collect this debt from you later!" Ador released this cruel remark. , Jumped down from the window, lifted up the'punk' and quickly slipped away.

Yar picked up two gold coins on the ground and handed them to Zhang Hao. "Teacher, should we leave first? They are mercenaries in the Condor Caravan. There is a magician in the Condor Caravan, and there are several more powerful ones. warrior!"

"How many of them are there? How do they compare to the sand lizard beast king?" Zhang Hao asked indifferently ~ ~ there were about 34 people. There is no comparison, the Beastmaster is the strongest in the entire desert, of course, a little bit worse than the teacher! "Yar actually knows that the sand lizard beast king is far from Zhang Hao, but as a fellow clan, of course he has to speak for his clan.

"Then there is no problem!" Zhang Hao smiled. Lisi'er is the best at fighting in groups, even if she can't stand it, she still has to help. In addition, Zhang Hao was afraid that after he had left, those who came to seek revenge would cast anger on the people in the hotel.

"However, Yar, you go find a place to hide now!" Zhang Hao patted the black boy on the head.

"Yes, my dear teacher!" Black boy exclaimed excitedly: "I will hide well and find a safe place to watch you teach them these black-hearted businessmen who do not abide by the rules of the desert!"

"Don't be mean and hide!" Zhang Hao held the kid and threw him out the door. Because Zhang Hao has heard a crowd running towards here.

"Lisi, get up, ready to fight!"

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