The Descendants of Wudang In Another World

Chapter 163: The God Hidden in the Shadow of History

The surrounding wind elements suddenly became denser. Although the hundreds of monsters in the distance moved together, they only moved a short distance. What flew out was a giant bird. No, it should be said that it was a giant beast. This beast has a long forehead. Antlers, beaks, hooves, eagle wings, horsetails, silver feathers, huge body, the king of sand lizards is already very big, but two sizes smaller than it. Every time it **** its wings, it will roll up more than ten meters of sand and dust. From a distance, it is full of force, plus it is a monster flying in the air, giving people a sense of pressure.

Other people’s eyes are not as weird as Zhang Hao. When they saw such a monster flying out of the purple mist, they were shocked. The purple mist in the land of death is a taboo in the desert. The monsters that can fly out from here are definitely not good. Quite a few people exclaimed, "The misty monsters of the desert are here. Run for your life, everyone."

This shout suddenly made the already terrified people even more timid. A flying monster about the size of a giant dragon, but different from other land monsters of the same size, being able to fly in the air is an advantage, and it is almost 90%. The above flying monsters are very good at long-range magic attacks. Only magicians or archers can cause damage to them. Others are the ones to be treated, but unfortunately, these two kinds of people are most lacking in the desert.

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Many people turned around and ran away, regardless of whether they would hurt other members of the tribe. There were constant cries of clashing and pain in the crowd, and the screams were endless. The sordid fame and legend of the Land of Death have not been a day or two for thousands of years. There are more than two hundred high-ranking powerhouses missing here, such as God of War, Sorcerer, Marksman, and so on. They are at most only middle-ranked fighters. Let them face up to three hundred sand lizards, and they can also raise their courage. But to fight with a monster flying out of the purple mist. They dare not give ten courage. What's more, this beast is obviously at the king level.

As a scimitar warrior of the God of War, Tiaka's concentration is naturally much stronger than ordinary people. But the magical fluctuations of the wind element emitted by this beast still made him feel shocked, his face changed, and even the magical fluctuations of the fifth-order wind element dragon were not much stronger than this.

"Stay all for me, even if you escape, you must retreat in an orderly manner!" Tiaka looked at the tribesmen who were trampling on each other, feeling extremely embarrassed. Especially in the presence of a foreigner like Zhang Hao, it is detrimental to the image of his country. However, he still admired Zhang Hao very much. Under the magical pressure of this kind of creatures more powerful than a group of hundreds of sand lizards, he was calm and composed, and he was worthy of being a wizard-level earth mage.

If he knew that Zhang Hao was just born insensitive to magic fluctuations, he didn't know what he would think. Tyaka's orders were of no use at all, the crowd was still chaotic, and Tyaka became more and more angry. Angrily shouted: "Whoever dares to mess around again? If you don't listen to the orders, I will kill him immediately." Seeing his immediate boss go out of anger, the soldier squad who had been standing by at the forefront immediately turned around and pointed their scimitars at each other. Everyone who ran away.

Sen Leng Dao Qi, combined to become an extremely powerful vindictive coercion, more than twenty scimitar warriors were riding on horses, looking down at them, as if they lost their souls and ran forward with more than a thousand people. It was like looking at a bundle of scarecrows, with disdain in his eyes.

It is strange to say that more than a thousand people calmed down after being pointed at by these twenty-odd knives. They stopped being crowded and trampled, and even helped some injured people to'retire' in an orderly manner.

Zhang Hao stood outside, ignoring the episode just now. He saw a strange bird flying out, and the other giant monsters did not move. Put on the look of the theater. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is a flying beast that we could only use during the Magic Kingdom, Griffin. How could it be possible? Didn't they all go extinct during the War of the Gods?" Lisi'er said in surprise: "It is so big, I can't believe it in the end. How many years have you lived?"

"Yal, you go with them first, and wait for me in the next city scheduled?" Zhang Hao listened to Lisi's tone, knowing that this beast called Griffon must be difficult to match, so he hurriedly spoke to Yarzhi Go, lest he get in the way here.

Yar was anxious when he heard: "Teacher, I am not going, I am not afraid."

Zhang Hao glared at him and taught him like a teacher: "Go, you will only get in the way here, unless you think your strength is above me."

Zhang Hao put a big hat down, and Yar could only listen: "Teacher, then you remember to come to me, I will wait for you in the hotel in the next city, remember, you must come to me." These few words , Yar said it in a begging tone.

It turned out that this kid was afraid that he would run away. Zhang Hao smiled and said, "Well, don't worry, you teacher, I pay more attention to promises than you think."

Hearing Zhang Hao’s answer, Yar also knew that he had made a mistake, and he was sweating profusely. In the desert, students questioned the teacher’s credibility for no reason, or confronted the teacher. It was an unruly behavior. Students who made such mistakes, The teacher can expel him at any time. He bent down anxiously and bowed to Zhang Hao, and said in fear, "I'm sorry, teacher, I shouldn't believe what you said."

"Leave quickly and wait for me at the hotel in the next city!" Zhang Hao took out three gold coins from his purse and threw them over: "Take care of yourself, I will help you withstand it first." Zhang Hao finished, Lisi Er waved his small hand, and a whirlwind gently blew Yar, who was still bending down, and the gold coins to a hundred meters away.

"Teacher, then I'll go first. Be careful yourself!" Knowing that the teacher thought he was getting in the way, Yaer had to shout to Zhang Hao from a distance, and then reluctantly left with the flow of people.

This Griffin flew very slowly, and when it came two kilometers away, everyone ran three kilometers away early.

"Your Excellency, let's go too, the flying speed of this monster is not as fast as everyone's retreat!" Tiakadi waved, and more than 20 camels surrounded Zhang Hao: "It is our duty to protect the magician. One, please take a ride with one of our team members and leave here."

Zhang Hao swept around and surrounded him as a scimitar warrior. He frowned and asked, "You're welcome, I can walk by myself." Although Zhang Hao was sucked by Lisi'er just now and only had 40% of his internal strength, he stood. After so long, I have absorbed a lot of aura in the air, and now my internal strength has returned to 50%, it is very easy to escape with light effort.

"Your Excellency, please get on the horse!" Tiyaka hadn't heard Zhang Hao's words. Instead, he squeezed the scimitar in his hand, and the more than 20 fighters surrounding Zhang Hao looked arrogant. In the eyes of Tiyaka and others, no matter how powerful a magician was, he was only surrendered by more than 20 mid-level warriors.

"He wants to hold you hostage, and then force you to serve his country. This is the way the desert country has always done it. This was the way it was thousands of years ago." Although Lisi'er is still a child, her knowledge is stronger than that of Zhang Hao. Too much, and laughed: "They thought you were a magician, and they thought it was enough to surround you, but unfortunately, they would kick them on the iron plate."

Zhang Hao felt helpless, the threat had not been relieved, and the Griffin was still flying here. These people started to think of their own ideas, at least on the surface just now, they were helping them out of the siege by themselves. Not only were they not grateful, but they were also prepared to threaten them by force.

"My sword is not a decoration!" Zhang Hao patted the ordinary iron long sword on his waist and smiled carelessly. With Lisi'er's help, plus her own internal strength, it is not necessary to escape. Difficult, this leading scar-faced man is far worse than Reinhardt.

Tiyaka squinted, swept across Zhang Hao’s waist, and smiled: "Ordinary iron sword? It’s not that I laugh at you, sir, magic and vindictiveness are not the same thing. Although you have strong magic, I don’t think there are many people in the mainland. It's your opponent. Even if you can silently cast magic, it will take time. Although it is very short, I can completely subdue you at the moment when you gather magic power. Let us go to the golden city of the desert with us. The king will treat you like a guest."

At this moment, the other people have run far, and the Griffin is getting closer and closer, and the distance is about one kilometer. From a distance, you can already feel the breeze of its wings, and Zhang Hao always has something in his heart. Uneasy, I didn't care about Tyaka, turned his head and glanced, with a sound in his mouth, the giant griffin stopped in place for a while, and began to rush towards the sky, turning into a silver light. Tiaka followed Zhang Hao's eyes and saw this strange scene.

"No, disperse!" Zhang Hao's heart moved. They were all deceived by the griffin's slow flying speed. The other party suddenly accelerated and flew upwards, surely killing them.

Tiyaka is also a man who has experienced many battles. He immediately reacted and shouted: "Retreat." At the same time, he patted the camel and wanted to escape quickly. His more than 20 people were taken aback by Zhang Hao. He squeezed out of the gap between the camels with contempt, but before he ran a few steps, he was suddenly enveloped by a black shadow, and there was a loud sound of rubbing against the air when the meteorite fell from behind.

Zhang Hao looked back at and his face instantly turned pale. No matter how good his Tai Chi mood was, he was also shocked at this time.

The huge monster in the sky swooped down. This head was bigger than the three Boeing planes combined. It took only five seconds. It had already flown about 500 meters above the heads of Zhang Hao and others. At this speed, absolutely Under Zhang Hao's Tiyun's light work.

Can't run away, Zhang Hao sighed.

When it was about 300 meters before it fell to the ground, the silver griffin suddenly shot six huge wings in a row, completely ignoring the law of physical inertia. With such a huge body drive and such a fast speed, it immediately stopped in the air.

But the people below it are miserable. The six fluttering winds are about to wait for the wind flow at the tail 10 meters when the six Boeing passenger planes take off at the same time. Zhang Hao was directly scraped away for more than 20 meters, and finally relied on Tai Chi's internal force to nail herself down with a thousand catties. Lisi'er was also scraped to fly, but because she was a floating body, she didn't suffer anything. Other people flew to a distance of 100 meters in the air with a camel, and then fell severely on the sand 200 meters away, with unknown life or death.

The dust raised by the wind flew up to an altitude of 500 meters.

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