The Descendants of Wudang In Another World

Chapter 227: good

Many mercenaries left the mercenary union directly without saying anything. Their purpose was very simple and clear. They wanted to find the leaders of the group as soon as possible. Now high-level thieves are all targets of various mercenary groups, not to mention the emergence of new high-level bandits. Assassin, what a great talent, he has quick hands and slow hands. If he is snatched by other mercenary groups, he can only be jealous on one side. .

One-third of the people in the mercenary union suddenly disappeared, and the other one-third gathered around and wrapped Zhang Hao inside. Everyone shouted, "Your Excellency, come and compare the rabbit servants." Corps, the treatment is absolutely good. Bibi Rabbit Mercenary Corps are all masters, dressing up as rabbits and eating bipedal dragons, is our truest portrayal."

"The Lady Luck Mercenary Group is your best choice..."

"Come to our Blue Bird Mercenary Corps. The Blue Bird Mercenary Corps has sufficient funds and beautiful magicians from various countries. It is a paradise on earth.

A group of people stood around Zhang Hao, shouting left and right, the whole mercenary union was noisy like a vegetable market, and it was annoying to listen to it. Zhang Hao slapped his hands, and the internal applause shook everyone's heart, and immediately all became quiet. After getting down, Zhang Hao sighed and said: "I will not join any mercenary group. I am only interested in the task of clearing the ghosts of the sunken ship. I have a method to defeat the blue ghost, but I need a level II or higher servant. The corps cooperates. If the team fails to meet the requirements, please don't disturb me."

These few words are arrogant enough, and Zhang Hao can only use this method to turn down most of the invitations. But the mercenaries did not have any disgust. A high-level assassin was qualified to say such things, not to mention that he also mastered the method to deal with the blue ghost. No matter how proud such a person is, there is no problem.

In the entire continent, there are only eleven mercenary teams above level II. Haiyin City is a big city, with one level I mercenary group and one level II mercenary group permanent. But it happened that both teams had tasks to go out, and only some non-staff personnel stayed in Haiyin City.

Everyone weighed their own weight. Slowly returning to their seats, Zhang Hao sighed, surrounded by a large group of enthusiastic people, it felt really uncomfortable, no wonder celebrities didn't like to show their faces.

Zhang Hao found a place where no one was sitting. The lady at the counter poured a glass of wine and brought it in, saying that it was a gift from the union. Zhang Hao was not polite, thanked him, took it, and tasted it slowly. After a while, someone came over to talk.

"Moonlight White Tiger Mercenary Corps, as long as you are willing to come, the deputy commander will be your land." The one who said this was a middle-aged soldier dressed shabbyly. Fengshuang covered his face, and on the right hand on the table, the bronzed skin was cracked like loose skin. Behind him were four identical, malnourished, thin children. They seemed very cautious in this proud mercenary union. The soldier sat down opposite Zhang Hao and said without humility: "If your Excellency wants to deal with the ghost of the sinking ship, I think your Excellency must be useful to us."

Zhang Hao raised his head, observed it for a while, and shook his head: "As mentioned earlier, I have no interest in joining the mercenary group. Moreover, although you have the strength of the blazing sun war disaster level, the number of your group members is too small. I don’t think they can help much."

Zhang Hao's words are already very polite. Those four boys didn't have any grudge or magic power on them. And from the face, it can be seen that these four people have been suffering from hidden diseases for a long time. If they were replaced by other people, they would definitely sneer, and then walk away.

"It's really a pity, but we are also interested in this task. I think we can form an alliance for the time being." The middle-aged soldier smiled indifferently: "Moreover, you can't just look at appearances in everything. Although these four boys can't learn vindictiveness and harmony. Magic, but they also have a very special ability. If your Excellency is interested, please come with me. In the station of our mercenary group, I will let them perform for you now."

Zhang Hao thought for a while, nodded, decided to go with them, waiting here is no way.

The middle-aged man’s neither humble nor arrogant face finally showed joy. In his opinion, 18,000 gold coins are already in his hands. Even if half of them are given to this high-level assassin, there are still 9,000 gold coins left, which is enough. The four boys had already paid for their medicine and tuition. They got up immediately, suppressing the joy in their hearts and said: "Your Excellency, please come with me, you won't be disappointed."

The resident of the Moonlight White Tiger Mercenary Corps is located outside of Xiaoxiao, half-hidden in the woods. It is an old tiled house with only three kinds of furniture, old tables, and polished paint. Although the chairs and a cabinet without sliding doors are simple, but the inside is clean and clean, the windows are also open, the sun shines in through the leaves, and the house is full of warm breath, which makes people feel refreshed.

A certain child pulled a stool, shyly and with a little awe, invited Zhang Hao to sit down. The middle-aged soldier cleared his throat and said, "I am the head of the Moonlight White Tiger Mercenary Corps, Shi Woer, despite the name It’s strange and hard to pronounce, but I heard from my grandfather that this is the name of a very famous hero in ancient times. He wore a armor called the Savior and saved countless lives, so I have been Take pride in your name."

Out of courtesy, Zhang Hao applauded symbolically.

Shiwoer gave Zhang Hao a grateful look, and continued: "I have only one purpose for establishing the Moonlight White Tiger Mercenary Group. I learn from the ancient Shiwoer. Although I don’t have a savior’s armor, I also have a hot one. Xin, I set up a mercenary group at the age of nineteen. Up to now, it has been twenty-four years. Up to this point, I have saved 172 children and their lives, or lifted them out of poverty, but this It's far from enough. Our goal is to save a thousand children in our lifetime." The four children standing next to them looked at Shiwoer, all showing respect and admiration.

Zhang Hao was taken aback, and suddenly remembered something, he stood up and asked: "Do you have a nickname called Stupid Baihu, or called an idiot and kind-hearted person."

Shi Woer smiled awkwardly: "Someone really calls me that."

Zhang Hao respected him and said with a serious face: "I have heard of your name a long time ago, and I have always admired it. I didn't expect to be able to meet with you. I'm really blessed boy."

Shiwoer is a rare great good man. He has been giving everything he has to save those lonely children. For his own ideals, he persists even if he is laughed at. He is overworked and his family does not understand, making him look better than others. The real age is much older, but even so, he has not been recognized by the entire continent. People like to do "big things" heroes, not his "baby army"-style petty slapsticks, only a small group of knowledgeable people The man was preaching his deeds, and Zhang Hao happened to have heard of it once, but he remembered the name firmly.

"Your Excellency." Seeing someone positively affirmed his behavior, Shiwoer's face flashed with excitement and joy, he smiled: "Three months ago, I found these four boys were abandoned on the side of the road. , I picked them up. After a few days, I finally knew why they were abandoned. It turned out that they were under a very strange curse."

Zhang Hao asked with interest: "A curse again? What kind of curse is this time?"

"You can't use magic in your life. Once you meditate, the surrounding magic elements will disappear completely, and with age, your physique will gradually deteriorate, and eventually you will suffer from various diseases and die in pain." Shiwoer smiled miserably: "Is it right? It’s a cruel curse. Only some kind of alchemist’s potion can eliminate it. It happened that I had some friendship with a certain alchemist who could provide us with potions at cost, but even so, it would cost four thousand gold coins, each One thousand per person."

"It's indeed a very vicious curse." Zhang Hao asked curiously: "In this case, these four children have no ability, how can they help me?"

Shi Woer laughed and said: "Everything has two sides. Once they meditate, the surrounding magic elements will indeed disappear. But you think about it, without magic elements, I think that blue ghost will definitely not be able to perform mission magic, so it Will drop drastically, and you can kill him in one fell swoop."

Zhang Hao clapped his hands and said, "It is indeed a good way. How big an exorcism area can the four of them create at the same time?"

"How big do you hope to be?"

Zhang Hao thought for a while and said: "At least it needs to be a sphere with a radius of 400 meters. I fought the blue ghost once, and its speed is not much slower than mine. This is the limit distance to catch him, but his Water magic is very tangling, and I often bring large tracts of sea water to push me away.” Although Zhang Hao can swallow magic elements, there is nothing to do with the sea waves brought by the water magic, if it weren’t for Stephanie. Given that there are treasures that can move freely in the water, they have long died on the bottom of the sea.

Shi Woer thought for a while and said, "Yes, but they can only last for four minutes at most. They are still young and lack energy." As soon as these words came out, the four children all bowed their heads in shame.

"Enough Hao smiled and said: "The battle of thieves has always been determined in an instant. "

Swallow breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to speak, when a clear and sweet female voice came from outside the room: "Uncle Swall, we are back. Something big happened today."

Zhang Hao only thought this voice was very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

A few seconds later, a delicate girl came in outside. Zhang Hao took a closer look. It turned out to be the sister of the magic wolf, the little thief Alice. How could she be here, Zhang Hao was secretly surprised.

Alice greeted Swallow sweetly, turned her gaze to Zhang Hao, stayed for a while, her eyes suddenly glowed with strange light, and exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Alex, Brother Fire Spider, How will you be here?"

Zhang Hao was taken aback, stepped back, and said in amazement: "How can you see me again?"

Shi Woer was also taken aback, and stepped back and said, "You are actually a fire spider."

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