The Descendants of Wudang In Another World

Chapter 312: Elves and elves

Sam took a deep pat on his belly that was puffed up because of obesity, and said: "The group of people who clashed with the Elves are mostly related to the massacre in Windmill Town. The Elves seem to be still looking for them. If we follow Later, there may be gains, but..." Sam looked deeply at the hundreds of soldiers around him: "Just so many people together, it is easy for the guardians of the jungle to know that we are stuck behind them, Irene, You take these soldiers back to Avalon first, and then write a letter asking your sister to come here too. We must use her power."

Irene is smart. Of course she understands that this is her husband's pity to protect herself. She is sweet and sad. The two tastes are mixed. She has beautiful eyebrows on her forehead and a smile on the corner of her mouth. Her expression is extremely unique, but also No one feels the slightest awkward feeling.

Sam knew her mood well, stepped forward and put his arms around his wife's waistline, and said, "Don't worry, we are just following the elves and will not directly conflict with them. It is more appropriate for you to bring the princess over as soon as possible. To choose, we need her magical knowledge and power."

Irene also understands that she is indeed better than her husband in scheming and politics, but if she encounters life-related battles, she will be a burden. She nodded reluctantly, and moved forward and kissed Sam on the deep cheek. After a moment, he exhorted: "Be careful yourself. I'll wait for you to come back at home."

Then she turned her gaze on the blood wolf and smiled and said, "Zint, you should also pay attention."

Jin said with a smile: "Don't worry, Irene. When Sa comes back, I can guarantee that he will be fatter than he is now."

Irene smiled, with Jinte's assurance, she was relieved a lot, looked at Zhang Hao, and said politely: "This man, Mr. Kiga. Please be careful too." Seeing Zhang Hao nodded. She finally set her sights on her husband. After staring for a long time, he ordered a group of soldiers to leave.

When he left, he looked back three steps one at a time, stopped five steps to look at each other, and seemed reluctant to give up. After doing this several times, Irene made a decision. Leave quickly.

"Seeing you so affectionate, I also want to take a wife and go home." The blood wolf patted the old man on the shoulder and laughed: "Hey, is there any beautiful lady you can introduce to me?"

Sam patted his face deeply, came out of the nostalgic state of mind, and smiled: "Why, after Irene goes back, the princess may come and investigate the matter with us. Are you afraid that I will tell her this?"

Zint smiled bitterly: "She just treats me as a friend. You know, she is thinking about that person now."

"Speaking of it, maybe she can come with Fire Spider." Sam's dark mung bean eyes showed expectant light: "If that guy can come over, this matter will be much easier to handle. With other forces to help, we must cooperate with you. The elven jungle guardian team contends. It's a breeze."

Zhang Hao was rather embarrassed to hear the demon wolf's praise.

"Fire spider?" Zint suddenly bowed his head in thought. Something flashed in his mind, but he didn't catch it for a while. While thinking hard, Sam walked over and slapped him on the shoulder and asked: "You are What are you doing?"

Zint's thoughts were immediately dissipated by a slap, and disappeared without a trace. He looked at the old man and said regretfully: "I seemed to think of something very important just now. But. What will happen to you just now. I can't remember it anymore, alas!"

"That's really embarrassing." Sam asked seriously, "Is it related to this incident. Very important thing?"

Zint shook his head and said: "It shouldn't matter, otherwise I won't miss it. It doesn't matter. Let's catch up quickly now. The speed of the jungle guards is not bad, I'm afraid I will lose it!"

Sam looked at Zhang Hao deeply and worried: "Your Excellency is wearing heavy armor, which greatly affects the speed of movement, and the noise is very loud. Can you just take it off and I will buy a stronger armor for you afterwards. ."

Samshen’s words are completely negotiable. The warrior profession values ​​his own weapons and armor very much, second only to his life. Except for bathing and sleeping, he always stays on his body and allows a soldier to take off his heavy armor in a state of battle. , Its meaning is almost the same as killing them half their lives.

Sam Shen didn't hold much hope that the other party would remove his own armor. He already had the consciousness of consuming a lot of words, but Zhang Hao nodded without hesitation, and took off the black iron armor. , Put aside, such free and easy behavior surprised Samshen and Zint, the magic wolf blinked the mung bean eyes a few times, and said with a surprised smile: "Your Excellency is really different from other stubborn and inflexible fighters, thank you very much."

After Zhang Hao took off his heavy armor, his figure in a single shirt appeared weak, and Jin Te wondered: "Unexpectedly, your physique contains powerful power. It is incredible. You must have very powerful abilities."

Smiling modestly, Zhang Hao said, "It's just a few tricks passed down by the family."

"Hey, it may not be a small skill, and more!" The blood wolf was puzzled: "When I see your figure, how come I feel more and more familiar, I must have seen you there."

Zhang Hao laughed happily, without speaking, Sam Shen interjected in the side: "Okay, okay, don't remember there, hurry up and gnaw the dirt, we may not be able to catch up if we chase some more."

"Okay!" The flash of aura was interrupted again, Zint sighed helplessly, squatted on the ground, and started using his unique tracking technique.

With Zint's special ability, Zhang Hao and the three of them bite tightly behind the jungle guardian team ground. Although the elves have a strong ability to move and hide in the forest, they did not leave them behind.

This tracking lasted for several hours, and the bush guardian team didn't stop to rest until nightfall.

Long-term tracking consumes energy. Samshen is a magician, and he is fat and exhausted. Because the elves are very sensitive to magical fluctuations, he dare not use light spirits at all. Or flying spells and other spells that have extremely obvious magic fluctuations to reduce the burden. He can only use it very easily, consumes a small amount of energy and slowly restores the magic, the effect is not great, but it is better than nothing, he gritted his teeth with the strong willpower unique to the magician Supported it.

The forest at night is the world of the guardians of the jungle, Zint knows that the elven team is stationed not far in front with his unique tracking skills. But the specific position is not very clear, in order not to disturb Hunter who is tracking. They rested on the spot and didn't even dare to light the source of the fire. The surrounding ants and insects kept harassing the three people. This situation didn't change until Zhang Hao found a few Nietzsche grass nearby.

"It turns out that this kind of grass can repel mosquitoes." Zint scratched the red and itchy lumps on his body. "It reminds me of the first battle between me and Sam. At that time, I was lying in ambush in the jungle because I was nervous. At all. I didn’t notice the nearby ants and insects. It was only when I returned to the barracks after the war to "fight the blood" that I was bitten and my whole body was red and swollen, itchy and painful, and I couldn't sleep at all at night. It took more than ten days to recover. ."

Sam ate the sour wild fruit deeply, frowning. His eyes narrowed into two thin lines. He shook for a while, then slowly came over and sighed: "It's sour, tsk. Your Excellency Kiga is a mercenary, so the survivability in the field is naturally much better than those of us full-time soldiers. Kiga Your Excellency, I don’t understand one thing. It’s very dangerous to track down the massacre in Windmill Town. You will lose precious lives if you fail to do so. Although your friends are residents of Windmill Town, just because of this connection, you join regardless of the danger. We seem to be a little bit unreasonable in reason."

"Is it important?" Zhang Hao asked with a smile, with a calm appearance. The moonlight at night was good, and the two wolves of Demon Blood could clearly see the expression on Zhang Hao's face.

Sam smiled deeply and said, "It's not very important. It's just curiosity."

"Vengeance for friends is one reason." Zhang Hao paused for a while. In the expectant eyes of the two wolves, he said: "Of course, I have other plans. It's just that I can't say it now. If it succeeds, you will know it afterwards."

"So, does this matter conflict with our country's interests?" Demon Wolf asked tightly.

Zhang Hao looked at the two opposite people. Although their faces were calm, their eyes were faintly tense. Zhang Hao joked: "Well, it's hard to tell, I don't know."

Hearing these words, the two wolves of the demon blood actually screamed at the same time, relieved, the tense color in their eyes disappeared, the demon wolf lay on the ground, half-closed his eyes and said: "I am very tired, let me sleep for a while. Just wake me up right away if something happens..."

With the effort of talking, Sam the Demon Wolf actually fell asleep on the grass, and his fatigue can be imagined from this. Zint is much better than him. After all, he is a magic warrior, and his physique is stronger than that of a pure magician. He looked at Zhang Hao and smiled: "I'm really sorry, I'm also very tired. Wake me up in the middle of the night and we will replace, okay?"

"Well, I don't have a problem for the time being, and I still have enough energy." Zhang Hao nodded and said: "You can sleep until dawn. Adequate energy is the main condition for the magician to cast spells."

"As expected of a soldier, with extraordinary energy, thank you." The blood wolf lay down on the ground, and fell asleep after a few breaths. This is one of the characteristics of pure soldiers, as long as they are safe, regardless of the surrounding situation, as long as they think it is necessary, they can sleep.

Zhang Hao sat cross-legged, half-truthed breathing, because he was about to watch the night, he didn't dare to enter the calmness completely, at least he stayed a little bit attentive to listen to the movements outside.

In less than two hours, the two wolves, who were already sleeping, suddenly sat together and looked in the same direction together. Zhang Hao opened his eyes and saw that they looked serious and asked: "What? Is something happening?"

"Several different magical power fluctuations are in conflict, just not far ahead." The magic wolf's face was palpitating: "This is really amazing, all of them are of the Great Mage-level, and there was a short-term magic just now. It broke out, approaching the Sorcerer rank. Could it be that the elves in front are fighting against someone?"

Zint rectified his clothes for a moment, and sneered: "We'll be clear if we sneak up and take a look. Hey, it's mostly inseparable from the affairs of Windmill Town. When I taste them, even if they hide in the devil world. Hidden, I will also lead my troops to kill them all, and avenge the people of Windmill Town."

The magic wolf did not speak, but the fierce light in the green bean's eyes was extremely fierce. The corners of the mouth are full of sneers.

The three of them found a small hill not far away, and temporarily looked at the place where the battle occurred. Because of the long distance and the relationship between the night and the place, they could only faintly have a lot of people running back and forth in front of them, and there was a lot of magical flames. Blooming among the trees, shouting to kill. And the harsh screams.

"You can't see everything clearly!" The Demon Wolf frowned, and said distressedly: "It would be nice if I could get closer."

Zint said indifferently: "If you get closer, you will get involved in this battle. When they finish fighting and both lose, let's see if there is any advantage. Even if it doesn't work, we will wait for them to leave. , I will taste the breath they left behind. After that, I can follow them too."

"Zint, what is the time limit for your tracking operation?" Sam asked deeply.

"A normal person's breath lasts about two days." Jinte said angrily: "Proficient in concealment, anti-tracking skills, and the remaining breath time will not exceed four hours, and it is still incomplete. The people in the windmill town tragedy are all masters of concealment. Moreover, we came too late and the breath had dissipated early, so there was no way to track them."

The Demon Wolf sighed: "It would be great if we knew what race was fighting against the Guardians of the Forest. Then the scope of investigation would be much narrower."

"It's the elves." Zhang Hao interrupted suddenly: "Both are elves."

"What, the elves?" The two wolves shouted in surprise at the same time, they had imagined many possibilities before. But I didn't expect that both parties were actually elves.

After a long pause, Zint said: "This is too strange, the unity of the elves is so famous, how can the situation of internal fighting occur." For the intelligent creatures of any race in the mainland, the internal fighting of the elves is A fantasy joke.

The magic wolf Sam Shen has other questions: "Your Excellency Kiga, this distance, this kind of moonlight is not a very bright night, you can actually see their faces, don't you have dark vision?"

"Dark vision?" Zhang Hao smiled and said, "That's right. What? Is there any problem with this?"

The magic wolf Sam stared at him with deep piercing eyes, and laughed in a playful tone: "Your Excellency has no grudge. The power is surprisingly strong, and he has a vision for nobles if they treat ordinary people, and now he has dark vision, so I'm wondering, are you a noble dragon clan with the ability to transform?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hao sighed secretly. As a descendant of the dragon, how can I say it has something to do with dragons. Although alien dragons and Chinese dragons are different species, in any case, these two creatures are dragons. Zhang Hao also admitted that the alien dragon belongs to the dragon family, just like the difference between the yellow race and the white race. The conclusion is that he is also a member of the dragon clan, so for a moment he really didn't know how to answer this question.

About two seconds later, his mind turned and he denied: "How is it possible? I heard that a dragon that can transform into a human shape can easily destroy a city. Do you see me like it?"

"At least your Excellency is not an ordinary human." Sam asked unwillingly: "We are already comrades-in-arms now, can't we disclose it?"

Zhang Hao shook his voice, affirming: "I am not one of those dragons with four legs and ugly wings." Here, he specially left a language trap. He is a descendant of the beautiful and noble Chinese dragon and has nothing to do with the lizard dragon.

Sam can hear Zhang Hao's language that seems to have other meanings, but he doesn't know that there is another kind of dragon known for its nobility and elegance in the universe, so he doesn't know what Zhang Hao said just now, What kind of meaning is hidden inside.

I guessed in my heart for a while, but I couldn’t guess what kind of special information was in Zhang Hao’s words. The side shouted happily: "Ah, it's burning, I can see them, they are all elves, oh, strange, how come those elves have pale gray skin."

Fire is the most avoidable in the forest. The elves have never liked fire magic, and I don’t know why. Someone actually used a large-scale fire magic to ignite the nearby trees, and the battlefield suddenly became The light is transparent, and the Demon Blood Twin Wolves can now see clearly the situation on the battlefield.

Both parties who are fighting are elves, but the skin of the elves on the other side is obviously different from the elves recognized by the world, and their eyes are light gray. Even the skin is light gray, other than that, the appearance characteristics are no different from ordinary elves.

The two types of elves are fighting, a very fierce and cruel battle. Each attack is to greet each other's vitals, especially the light gray-skinned elves, whose number is twice that of ordinary elves. It's still a life-for-life style of play, but even so. The guardian of the forest still had the upper hand. Although some people were injured, with the powerful healing magic of the Treant race, they just managed to sustain it. On the contrary, the number of light gray-skinned elves was slowly decreasing.

Although the overall strength of the gray-skinned elves is not good, one elves is very eye-catching. He wielded double knives, his movements were extremely agile, the replacement of magic and vindictive attacks was quick and fierce, and he was often unprepared. He was extremely tough. At the same time, he needed five jungle guards to stop him.

Zint saw his eyes wide open, fascinated, he was originally a magic warrior. Seeing such a powerful elven magic weapon attack method, he immediately opened a door to his slow-moving double repair road that he had never seen before, and gained a lot.

The dual-blade elves were blocked by the five jungle guardians and saw their companions fall one by one. Although sadness flashed in their eyes, they did not show any anxiety. After a few rounds of offense and defense, his eyes flashed cold and his attack frequency suddenly increased. The five guardians of the jungle began to be squeezed back by him, and some even began to be chopped by him. The two treants immediately treated him. The magical center of gravity shifted to his side. At this moment, a transparent shadow suddenly appeared behind the two treants. It flew like a flying treant on one of the treants, and suddenly pulled the head of the treants. Down. Fell to the ground. It appeared to be a giant black leopard talking about a tree man's head.

See this wizard. Zhang Hao only felt familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was. After the panther appeared, Zhang Hao finally woke up and said in a low voice, "Double Knife Drizzt, it was him? It was almost like this. I can't recognize it anymore."

The treants originally had real vision, and magic or skills such as invisibility were useless in front of them, but they were attracted by Drizzt and did not notice at all. Not far behind, there was a black leopard watching. write.

The black panther succeeded in a blow, and this incident caused the guardian of the jungle to appear short-lived and shocked. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the black panther uttered the head of the treant and evacuated from the circle of battle like an arrow. The vitality of the tree people is very tenacious. Even after losing their heads, the headless tree people still cast magic, but they don't have the right head.

The black panther was outside the battle circle, his mouth closed, the tree man’s head was bitten to pieces, green sap was splashed everywhere, the headless tree man twitched for a while, and his huge body finally fell down suddenly. The panther licked the juice at the corner of his mouth, cracked his mouth and jaw, seemed to be sneering silently, and then went invisible again.

After losing a tree man, the situation was reversed immediately, the gray-skinned elves' pressure was greatly reduced, and the guardian of the jungle was immediately at a disadvantage. Drizzt became more and more courageous, and one person actually contained six guardians of the forest. Hidden somewhere, the panthers, who may deliver a fatal blow at any time, are in the tiger god, the situation of the jungle guard team is very dangerous.

Sam sighed deeply: "If this continues, it is only a matter of time before the Guardian of the Forest is completely wiped out. Your Excellency Kiga, what do you think about this?"

"Help, how can I say that the elves have no direct conflict of interest with us." Zhang Hao held the two-handed giant sword and said, "I don't know what your Excellency Samushen has in particular about this?"

Sam smiled deeply and said: "I also agree with your opinion, help."

Zhang Hao nodded, holding a two-handed giant sword, a few leaped to the periphery of the battle scene, sweeping the outer gray-skinned elves like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves.

The two wolves of Demon Blood were slower. They were left far behind by Zhang Hao. Taking this opportunity, Sam exclaimed: "Fast speed, can you fight the assassin, what kind of character is this Kiga? ?"

"He's really amazing, but I'm even more strange..." Jin Te deliberately lowered his voice: "According to your usual style, you should only help when the elves are about to die, to ask for help. To maximize love and interest, why now...?"

"I can now be sure that this Kiga is a man with a strong sense of justice." Sam deeply suppressed his voice: "If I let the elves be killed without helping, then it will definitely arouse his resentment. I am a nobleman. If he reacts with this, it may affect his sense of belonging to the country. A strong man like this is definitely the target of various countries. Once he has the idea of ​​dissatisfaction with the country, he will be dissatisfied with the country. In terms of it, it will be a great loss. In contrast, some of the benefits of the elves are nothing. No matter how strong the credibility and gratitude of the elves are, they are just outsiders after all."

A clear smile appeared on Zint's face: "Old man, you are getting more and more treacherous!"

"Have it?"

Due to Zhang Hao’s participation, the gray-skinned elves' encirclement that was suppressed by the advantage of numbers was forcibly opened a gap. Seeing the reinforcements came, the jungle guard team's spirits were lifted, morale immediately improved, and the two wolves of the demon blood rushed to it. As soon as he shot, the gray-skinned elves fell down a few more.

When Drizzt saw this, he was angry and angry, and he was about to wipe out the jungle guardian team in front of him. He didn't expect three humans to be killed halfway, and many of his comrades died tragically under their hands. Drizzt moved, bypassing the six jungle guards, and came straight to Zhang Hao. In his judgment, this warrior was the most powerful person. As long as he could suppress him, he would rely on the number of people. Definitely can once again gain the upper hand.

Mo Wu Hybrid Skill Dragon Double Blade! Drizzt came with hatred, and when he shot it, he did it with all his strength.

The two long knives became two huge ice dragons, and the special attack skills mixed with fighting spirit and ice magic suddenly appeared on the battlefield. Everyone's eyes were attracted to the past, stunning and trembling! No one dared to question the powerful destructive power contained in these two ice dragons. This amazing technique, which subverted the theory of the incompatibility of fighting spirit and magic, appeared for the second time in front of the intelligent creatures of the mainland.

The full-strength magic martial arts are very stamina-consuming and have a very strong negative effect. Drizzt will never use it until the critical moment. In his opinion, no one in this world can stop him from exhausting his fighting spirit and The magic martial arts used for the magic capacity, except for that person.

The ice dragon rushed to the ordinary-looking warrior fiercely. From everyone's point of view, this warrior was dead. They were afraid and fortunate. They were afraid of the strength of the two ice dragons. Fortunately, the goal of the two ice dragons was not themselves.

Zhang Hao held the two-handed giant sword and drew a semicircle smoothly forward, swaying a strong wind.

Bibitu stands on the road where the dragon is rushing! This is what everyone thinks at this moment.

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