The Descendants of Wudang In Another World

Chapter 348: Centaur Rage

The centaur is a natural light cavalry, while the forest centaur is the strongest light cavalry in the mainland, the land king's arm. Ordinary cavalry and ordinary grassland centaur have the scruples of not entering the forest, but the forest centaur does not have this problem. The forest is their favorite home. The trees are not an obstacle to their charge, but to protect their lives. friend.

Like the elves, trees have a very special significance to the centaur.

The Elf Queen Moira's expression changed slightly: "Uglula! What's the matter with you? We slaughtered more than three hundred centaurs. Could it be that our elves did it? How could this be possible."

The centaur patriarch, Uglula raised his front hooves and stomped heavily on the grass. The grass was flying, and two large depressions in the washbasins appeared immediately. He shouted angrily with red eyes, "Moira, My eyes are not blind. I can still tell the difference between humans and elves. More than a hundred elves came to our tribe. Because we are allies, we welcome them as family members. I didn’t expect them at night, they... ...."

All the centaurs present have distorted faces, expressions of anger and sorrow after being betrayed. The forest centaurs are a very kind race. They are vegetarian animals and live an uncontested life in the forest. There are only humans and demons. During the war, they will come out of the forest and contribute their strength to the stability of the mainland.

This is not to say that the centaur race has no temper. On the contrary, their temper is empty and very violent, and they are usually very gentle. But once the anger really starts, it will rampage without reason. There is a saying on the mainland that angry dragons can be soothed with treasure, and angry centaur will only stop if they let each other's blood drain.

As the queen, Moira knew that this matter was of great importance. The elves and the forest centaur have formed an alliance for thousands of years, and they are each other's gateways. Depend on and help each other, if the relationship between the two races ends in her hands, how the elves of later generations will evaluate her, may be labeled as incompetent.

First, the windmill town tragedy was unknown, followed by the massacre of the Torres Neutral Nations army in the forest, and now there is an unidentified elves massaging the centaur, and now it is the empress handover ceremony. Unexpectedly, the troubles happened one after another, and Moira felt that she had been spotted by the goddess of bad luck recently.

Moira really couldn't believe that her tribe would actually slaughter the good and friendly centaur alliance, but looking at the current situation, the centaur tribe did not seem to be pretending. She and Uglula had also had contact with each other. Like a man made out of nothing, her first reaction was whether someone pretended to be the elves and did it.

"Uglula. Did you fall into the illusion?" Moira asked calmly: "Our elves are impossible. There is no reason to attack our brothers and sisters."

Uglula shouted in grief and angrily: "Only the elves can have a powerful illusionist. And a powerful illusionist can only deceive more than a hundred pairs of centaur eyes at most. Is it possible that our whole family is deceived by the illusion? If there is an illusionist who can confuse the eyes of our whole clan at the same time, then he must be an elf too, and he is definitely not a human being."

Moira thought for a while and said, "Uglula, our elves will do our best to investigate this matter. After all, this is related to the future of our two clans, but it won’t work today. Let’s hold this down for the time being, and wait for the coronation ceremony of the queen. After completion, tomorrow, we will give you an answer on this matter. And. I hope you can calm down your tribe. I suspect that someone is deliberately instigating the alliance between our two tribes."

Uglula is not stupid either. He naturally knew that the "person" Moira said was referring to the demons, but he believed in his own eyes: "Are you elves already in the arms of the demons? One or two elves still make sense, more than a hundred Fairy, do you really think I’m an idiot, Moira, today is the coronation ceremony of the queen, if you don’t hand over the murderer, we will have to rush in and search for people by ourselves. If you dare to stop, the two races will not die. Endless race wars."

It’s no wonder that the centaur patriarch is so angry and kindly entertained the guests, but he did not expect to attract a group of wolves in. No matter who it is, he will be angry when encountering such a thing. He is not bad, at least he has not lost his reason. Luo Yan watched from the side, begging for himself, if he were himself, he would have held the sword a long time ago, and if he didn't say anything, he would fight to death and death with the other party.

Uglula's eyes swept across the elf in front of him coldly, and when he saw a female elf with purple hair and purple eyes standing in the crowd, he shook his body, revealing a strange expression.

Moira frowned and said, "Why don't you go directly to chase the murderer, but run to our sanctuary to ask for someone?"

"The more than one hundred elves have evidence to advance and retreat. Obviously they had premeditated. After killing our people, they looted and fled immediately. When we organized a counterattack, they would have disappeared." Lula hummed coldly: "In the forest, who can get rid of our centaur tracking, besides your elves, who else can be."

This can be regarded as an iron proof, indeed, as Ulugra said, only the elves can get rid of the centaur in the forest.

Moira felt the more headache, and now many things started to point to the Elves, the windmill town tragedy, and the massacre of the soldiers of Torres had not yet come to light. Because the Elves had a very good reputation, the Army of Torres only sold one of them. Face, did not show much hostility. If this matter is known to humans outside the forest, Torres will definitely have a lower evaluation of the elves, and then rise to the point of prevention.

Moira sighed and said: "So, you will come directly to the sanctuary. It is indeed the most direct and good way. However, this is what your centaur people say. I believe our people will never do this kind of thing. We can endure until tomorrow, and we can work together to resolve this matter. Today is the coronation ceremony of the queen. There are many envoys, princes and princesses from various countries in the sanctuary. If something goes wrong with them, our family cannot bear such a big responsibility. Therefore, Ugg Leura, talk about everything tomorrow. Okay?"

The centaur stepped on the front hoof several times, and shot the spear horizontally: "If I don't agree."

With his movements, more than a thousand centaur began to retreat, and stepped on their back hoofs in excitement. This was their preliminary action to charge. Once the centaur charged, no one could stop it.

Moira turned her head and glanced at her silently. Then whispered: "Then, we have to go to war. The elite of our elves have gathered in the sanctuary. If you really fight, you will only be wiped out."

Uglula smiled disdainfully.

In other words, Moira is not good at military affairs. She is a queen of internal affairs, so she doesn't know much about it. Once the assault formation is launched, four rounds can be interspersed in the sanctuary. Although the final result is indeed as Moira said, they will be annihilated. However, as long as they can kill one-third of the envoys of various countries, the elves Even if the clan is immortal, it will be frantically encircled and suppressed by human countries. Then life is better than death.

Uglullah understood this and dared to come to the door.

Of course, this is what happens when Andi's strength is not included.

At this moment, there was a sudden wave of magic power in the air, and everyone looked up, and it turned out that they were the children of the forest. Ansel led a large group of elven magicians rushed over.

Moira looked at it and sighed inwardly: "Oops! This time things are troublesome."

The atmosphere between the two parties was already tense enough. The arrival of this group of elven magicians immediately caused the centaur tribe’s geographic intelligence to start to lose control. Uglula shouted: "Very well, Moira, our two tribes will never die. , My people, follow me, charge. Smash into the sanctuary. Kill all the human messengers, let the elves bury the dead brothers and sisters."

More than a thousand centaur moved. More than four thousand horseshoes stepped on the soft grass, and there was a thunderous sensation. The momentum was shocking. The more than sixty elf archers who had been drawing their bows at the centaur also let go, shooting colorful magic arrows. Towards the Centaur formation, and about to shoot the Centaur, a wave of magical armor appeared on them suddenly, and then the magic arrow broke and fell.

As an ally, the two clans knew each other well. Since Uglullah dared to come to the elves to seek justice, they naturally came prepared. The leather armors they wore were all attached to the centaur prophet’s unique long-range strike protection enchantment.

The centaur not only charged fiercely, but also had great arrows. The centaur running in the front row also drew its bow and shot horizontally, and about a hundred arrows with vindictive air shot at the elves.

Moira's eyes suddenly closed, and a pair of colorful butterfly wings behind her suddenly emerged, transforming into a colorful circular enchantment in the air, covering everyone in, and centaur arrows shot on it, unexpectedly one after another. It bounced back, but it was a pity that the long-range strike protection barrier on the centaur was not weak, and the arrow that bounced back was ten centimeters away from their body, weakened by the protection barrier, and fell to the ground.

Moira closed her eyes and said to An next to her: "Mother, this place is dangerous, please go back to the palace temporarily..."

She didn't say anything. Uglula, the centaur patriarch who charged at the front, saw the colorful enchantment, snorted coldly, and took out three white feathers from the blue quiver hanging on the waist of the horse. At the same time, it was placed on the golden bow and stretched out, and three short arrows rotated in the air, turning into three cyclone vertebrae visible to the naked eye, flying towards the colorful enchantment.

About 0.1 seconds later, the two collided, the three whirlwind vertebrae disappeared, and the colorful butterfly wing-like enchantment disappeared at the same time.

Moira's face was pale, she opened her eyes, frowned and said, "Centaur holy artifact, wind element dragonbone bow, Uglula actually brought this thing here."

At this time, the centaur was less than 20 meters away from the elves on the ground. The elven wizards in the air and Ansair, although they had prepared magic, did not dare to use them casually, because they were too close, they were afraid of injury. Not only that, their mother is also inside.

After another half a second, the centaur was still ten meters away from the elves on the ground. This distance was no longer suitable for bow and arrow shooting. All the centaur raised their long cavalry guns, and the murderous spirit was on the verge of death. Come.

The surrounding elves desperately rushed to the side of Andi, even if they use their bodies, they have to pile up a wall that can protect their mother's land.

At this time, Ann finally started.

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