The Descendants of Wudang In Another World

Chapter 444: Greatly (on)

Going further down, the environment is even more sinister. In fact, the artificial construction of a hundred years ago only stopped at the altar. The cave in front of me didn't seem to be artificially built. This is actually not correct. The entire cave has a very regular circular shape with a diameter of three meters, extending downwards slightly.

This is definitely not a cave that can be formed by nature, but with human habits, it is impossible to build such a weird cave. No matter what kind of human civilization, it is indispensable for the convenient design of stairs, which is in line with the walking habits of the human body. Moreover, the passages that humans like are generally arches, and there are few purely circular passages.

The passage is full of frost, and the road is at a slightly inclined angle, which is quite inconvenient to walk up, and the soles of the feet are easy to slip. With more than ten years of horse stance, Zhang Hao stepped on it as if walking on the ground, but other people did not have his ability. Even if they were holding on to the wall, they suddenly fell down. More importantly, , There seems to be a peculiar power permeating this passage, which can suppress the use of grudge and magic.

"Your Excellency Luo Ye, there seems to be something wrong here." Sigumar thrust the sword into the ground forcefully to stabilize his body: "The invisibility coat of arms of our thieves group seems to be unusable, and there is a force pulling it. In our body, we feel that strength is slowly being lost."

Zhang Hao said, "Then you can go out and help, I can go down alone."

Siguma looked hesitant. The order he received was to protect Zhang Hao. If he left now, how would he return to the leader after he went out! In the mercenary world, this behavior is equivalent to disobedience, and the consequences are serious. Although it will not involve life or death, it will give people a reputation or a stain on courage.

But that mysterious force was constantly pulling the energy in their bodies, and the frost on the ground made them very inconvenient to move. The situation ahead is unknown, so he rushes on like this, in case of ambush, there is absolutely no ability to fight back.

After thinking for a while, Siguma looked at the team members around him, and said in a deep voice, "Let's withdraw." It seemed that he had guessed the hesitation in the hearts of his teammates, and he gritted his teeth and continued: "Stay here, we will only hold back. If the team leader blames it, I will bear the responsibility alone."

"And me." The female ranger with a huge long crossbow suddenly interjected.

Perhaps other people thought that Siguma was right, or someone was responsible, the rest of them nodded at the same time, and began to withdraw from this channel full of ice elemental elements and a weird atmosphere.

"Your Excellency, be careful." Before Siguma left, he said a word. When he walked to the entrance of the cave, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhang Hao for a while, then suddenly said: "If you can't come back, I will take care of the card for you. Ms. Luo Er, please rest assured."

Hearing this, the female ranger's expression on her back with a giant crossbow immediately darkened.

Zhang Hao curled his lips, what the other party said really made him wonder what to say.

Waved his hand, bid farewell to the wild wolves mercenary group. Zhang Hao slid all the way down the channel. This passage is much longer than Zhang Hao imagined. It is probably in the shape of a spirulina, extending all the way to the depths of the mountain.

Zhang Hao became more and more sure that this thing was definitely not a product of human beings, and he was even more sure that the elemental lifeform that Stephanie asked him to find must be at the end of this passage. Because the more you go down, the thicker the frost layer of the channel, and most importantly, the fluctuations that are constantly being retracted and retracted are becoming clearer and clearer.

About two hours later, the air in the passage became thinner and thinner. Zhang Hao guessed that he had reached the bottom of the mountain. After sliding down for about ten minutes, a bright light appeared in front of the dark passage. Zhang Hao thrust his right hand toward the wall, his entire palm penetrated the frost layer, grabbed the rock wall of the mountain, and forcibly prevented his sliding body.

Then he lifted the weight of the fall and walked forward step by step, immersed in the light.

"Tsk tusk tusk!" Zhang Hao smashed his mouth in amazement: "This is really a fairyland on earth."

There is a surprisingly huge cave in front of me. Compared with this place, the space above the altar is simply the difference between the thatched house and the Tongtian Pagoda.

This cave is a frosty world, with huge polygonal rhombus icicles emerging from the top and bottom, front and back, left and right of the cave, densely packed, almost filling the entire space. I don't know the magic light that appeared from there was refracted by the diamond-shaped ice body and turned into colorful ribbons.

Plain white snow and frost, transparent diamond-shaped icicles, and countless small rainbows. Even the wonderland in fairy tales is nothing more than that.

The exit of the cave where Zhang Hao was standing was in the middle of the rock wall in this space. From this place, the distance from the ground is probably more than two hundred meters.

However, the diamond-shaped icicles ‘grown’ on the rock walls of the cave helped Zhang Hao a lot.

Suddenly, a hint of pink on a huge icicle on the right under his feet caught his attention. In this world where transparency and white coexist, such a bright red is too eye-catching.

Zhang Hao jumped down, squatted slightly on the huge icicle and looked at it for a while, frowned, and said to himself: "Yes, it's blood."

Because the blood was frozen and covered with a thin layer of frost, the blood stains looked pale pink. Zhang Hao became alert, and this pool of blood told him that this place was not as beautiful and peaceful as it After dozens of rapid jumps, Zhang Hao landed at the bottom of the cave. It was very quiet here, so quiet that only the sound of his own breathing and heartbeat could be heard. Zhang Hao even had an illusion. He seemed to be able to hear the sound of his own blood flowing through his blood vessels.

The sore teeth squeaking sounded on the soles of Zhang Hao's feet. For the first time, he knew that the sound made by stepping on the frost layer turned out to be like this.

There are diamond-shaped icicles growing from the ground everywhere. It seems that it is not easy to find a way. And walking here is like walking into the world of mirrors. Every diamond-shaped surface of the icicle can reflect Zhang Hao's image. He looked over, surrounded by green-haired and green-eyed himself.

Rao is Zhang Hao's extraordinary mind. After staying here for a long time, he feels that his scalp is a little tight. Cautiously circled inside for a while, and suddenly, surrounded by messy icicles, a raised long snowdrift attracted his attention.

The ground here is very flat, and such uplifted snowdrifts are completely invisible. He walked over and wiped the frost on the surface of the ‘snowdrift’, and a black magic robe appeared. At the same time, a palm that had been frozen into a blue-purple appeared in his sight.

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