The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 103

Several people hurriedly finished breakfast in the Public Security Bureau, and after calculating the time for the school to open, they rushed to XX University.

At this time, the news of Chen Yanling's murder had spread throughout the campus, so when Lin Xin and others got out of the car, they heard a lot of comments from passing students.

They had no idea that this kind of tragedy would happen in the university they were studying, and judging from the expressions of the students, everyone’s face was covered with worry, especially the female students, they were all because of this **** and murder. They were panicked after the case.

Since the launch, the police have not been able to find the murderer, and the identity and characteristics of the murderer have not been clearly understood, so the entire campus has suddenly been covered with a layer of anxiety and anxiety.

Because everyone doesn't know if the murderer was someone hiding near the university, let alone if the murderer was lurking on campus.

Lin Xin glanced at the campus at random, turned her head and said to Officer Tang: “Let’s go to the principal first and let him arrange for us to meet any classmates who have had close contact with Chen Yanling, including her boyfriend and roommate.”

"Well, good." Officer Tang agreed. Then, everyone put on the police officer's ID and walked quickly to the school office.

Along the way, their appearance attracted the curious eyes of many students. Lin Xin raised her head, completely ignoring other people's gazes, and police officer Tang and others quickly found the university office.

Lin Xin stepped into the office, and after communicating with the front desk there for a while, she was quickly led to the door of the principal's office.

Only after the front desk lady knocked on the door of the principal’s office a few times, she heard a dull voice in the room: "Come in."

The lady at the front desk motioned to Lin Xin and the others to wait outside, but she quickly walked into the principal's room and explained everything to him. Then, after getting the principal's permission, she once again withdrew from the principal's office, turned around and said to Lin Xin: "I have told Principal Huang the matter, and he invites you in."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Xin nodded, and then stepped into the principal's room without saying a word. At a glance, she saw a standing black brand on the table in front of the principal.

The gold letters on the black nameplate are engraved with: Huang Xianhe principal

After Lin Xin glanced at the name on the name tag, she raised her eyes to see the principal's face clearly, and saw that it was a bald old man who was about 60 years old.

She took out her police officer’s ID and said to President Huang: “I’m Police Officer Lin sent by the Federal Bureau of Yang City. He is Police Officer Tang from the Public Security Bureau of Yang City. Then the other two police officers are my colleagues in the Federal Bureau. The purpose of our coming here is to deal with the murder of Chen Yanling, a junior at XX University. We found a female body that had been dead for a week in a river in Yangshi. Her identity has been confirmed as XX. Students in the university, therefore, we are here this morning to get permission from you to interview and investigate the students who have had close contacts with Chen Yanling one by one."

After Lin Xin explained her intentions quickly, she stood aside, staring at Principal Huang with sharp eyes. Principal Huang had obviously been mentally prepared for a long time, and saw that his face did not show a surprised look. On the contrary, he was calm and abnormal, but his eyes showed a hint of heaviness.

He stood up, pointed to the two chairs in front of him, and said, "Sit down first. I'll send someone to notify Chen Yanling's roommate, let her come first, and then we can find out from her that she is the only one who is not her. Besides, who else has had close contacts with Chen Yanling."

Lin Xin smiled and nodded, opened the chair with Officer Tang and sat down. She saw that although President Huang was old, she had arranged things in an orderly manner and had a clear mind. This had eased the work of the police, and the main thing was that he was still willing to cooperate.

After a while, the door of the principal's office was knocked three times. Principal Huang said in a low voice, "Come in."

Then, the door of the principal's room was quickly opened, and a young girl walked in. When he saw Lin Xin, tears came out of red eyes again.

Lin Xin looked at the young girl standing in front of them, and she knew that she was Xiaoying who came to the police station yesterday to report the incident.

Principal Huang frowned and looked at her, and asked: "Are you Zeng Xiaoying? Chen Yanling's roommate?"

Xiaoying looked at Principal Huang with some trepidation, and nodded in a low voice, "Yes, principal, I am Chen Yanling's roommate."

In order to reduce the girl's anxiety, Lin Xin explained to Headmaster Huang: "She came to the police station yesterday to report the case and said that Chen Yanling had been missing for a week, so we all know about it."

At this time, Principal Huang's face was even more ugly. He asked, "Xiaoying, why didn't you let us know in advance?"

"Huang... Principal Huang, I'm scared..." Xiaoying's voice was filled with fear and hesitation, her head hanging down always did not dare to look at Principal Huang.

After Lin Xin saw such a scene, she knew that Principal Huang must be strict at school, which made the students feel so scared of him.

Just like Xiaoying, who didn't dare to go to Principal Huang when such a big thing happened, but went to the Public Security Bureau to report the case first.

Or maybe she knew that the situation was serious, and her first thought in a panic was to report the crime to the police.

Lin Xin saw the anger on Headmaster Huang's face, and knew that he was actually impatient, so she said to him: "Headmaster Huang, why don't we let Xiaoying sit down first and then get some news from her?"

Principal Huang saw that Lin Xin was solemn and polite, and the anger in his heart disappeared without a trace.

He nodded, pointed to the love seat next to the principal's room, and said, "Xiaoying, just sit there, Officer Lin and they want to ask you something."

After Xiaoying glanced at Lin Xin, she nodded to herself, and sat on the sofa aside as the principal told her, but her expression was still horrified.

Lin Xin looked at Xiaoying who was sitting across from her, smiled slightly, and said, "Xiaoying, why don't you tell us about your relationship with Chen Yanling first, and then tell us everything you know about her?"

Xiaoying sniffed and said, "Okay... Yanling and I already met on the first day of our freshman year. At that time, we were all placed in the same dormitory. Because neither of us were two. People from Longshi, when they met each other for the first time, they thought of taking care of each other. Although we took different subjects, our relationship was like a lost sister, and our relationship was very strong. Good. No matter what we do, we will notify each other first, and even feed each other for meals. Yanling is a very good girl. When I was with her, I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. It's just that she has made a boyfriend in the last six months, so the number of times she comes back to the dormitory has decreased because she lives in her boyfriend's house most of the time."

"Well, is her boyfriend from Longshi?" Lin Xin asked.

Xiaoying shook her head and said, "No, her boyfriend is not from Longshi. However, her boyfriend’s family is wealthy, and her boyfriend’s parents bought a suite for her son specially in Longshi, so since Yanling became a boyfriend , I lived at my boyfriend’s house and rarely came back to the dormitory. However, despite this, I would still keep in touch with Yanling. However, since the school dinner was over, Yanling never came back to the dormitory. I haven’t been able to contact her.. I didn’t know until today that she was dead and was still murdered.. Yanling is so good and beautiful, how can anyone bear the heart to kill her?"

When she said this, there were tears in Xiaoying's eyes again, and she continued with some choking: "I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I don't understand who killed her. Yanling never had any enemies with anyone before she was alive. She treated others. She has always been gentle and kind, so I don’t know who killed her."

Lin Xin waited for her to stop for a while and asked her: "So, have you quarreled with Yanling?"

Xiaoying paused, and then said: "Of course it was noisy. But, it was all for trivial things. Just...just..."

"Huh? Just what?" Lin Xin asked, her nerves becoming vigilant.

"It's just that, in the first two weeks, I had a big argument with her. However, it was also because of her boyfriend. I found out that her boyfriend was on two boats, so I told Yanling. But, Yan Ling didn't believe it. She loved her boyfriend very much. She warned me not to destroy the relationship between her and her boyfriend, so we had a dispute at that time."

"Are you arguing in the dormitory?" At this time, Officer Tang interjected.

Xiaoying glanced at Officer Tang. Seeing that he looked a bit fierce, she immediately shrank her shoulders and said, "Yes. When she came back to get something, I told her, but she didn't believe me, instead She also scolded me. Although we reconciled later, she has seldom talked to me about her boyfriend since then..."

"So, is her boyfriend the one who didn't dare to come to the police station to report the crime at all?" Officer Tang asked suddenly angrily for some reason.

In fact, like Officer Wu, he looks the most at these boys who have no guts.

"Yes, that's him. Just when Yanling disappeared, I yelled at him, but he told me not to call the police and went to Yanling first. However, we couldn't find Yanling after looking for a few days. Only then decided to call the police." Xiaoying said with some fear, and at the same time glanced at Principal Huang.

"It's okay. So, what I want to ask is whether something strange happened in your female dormitory?" Lin Xin asked.

At this time, Xiaoying widened her sullen eyes and asked, "Something strange?"

Lin Xin nodded slowly, and said, "Yes, something strange, you think about it seriously."

After Xiaoying listened to it, Yiyan thought about it for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Ah! It's true! Just a month ago, someone in our dormitory sneaked in and took us away. Some underwear and underwear that have not been washed, and even underwear and underwear that have just been washed and are still drying on the shelf have been stolen by this person!"

"Did that person stole your underwear and Yanling's underwear?" Lin Xin raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Yes, he stole my underwear and Yanling's underwear, even the ones that haven't been washed yet..." Xiaoying said. At the same time, a disgusting look appeared on his face.

Lin Xin turned her head and glanced at Officer Tang, seeming to say to him: Sure enough, a perverted fetishist appeared in the female dormitory of XX University.