The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 149

This is another tricky case. Why are there so many headaches and annoying cases all of a sudden?

Moreover, this is only a case of disappearance, which does not constitute a murder case at all, because the police could not even find the bodies, but only found the bodies of 7 or 8 kittens. .

Could it be that Xiaokai really grew wings and flew to the sky?

Leng Yu sat on the chair calmly. When she fell into deep thought, Lin Xin, who was sitting next to her, spoke at this time. She only asked: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li, the magic team at that time What kind of vehicles did the staff sent here come here?"

Zhang Qing and Li Liang said at the same time: "The white vans look exactly the same as the vans of our XX service company. There is no difference."

"Do you know the license plate number?" Lin Xin asked again, hoping to trace the truck from the license plate number.

Zhang Qing and Li Liang looked at each other, then turned to look at Lin Xin again, and said in a daze, "Police officer, we didn't even notice the license plate number of the truck..."

"Yeah." Lin Xin agreed, with a slight disappointment in her eyes.

However, it is true that no one will deliberately pay attention to the license plate number of the truck, unless the person is a gambler, will deliberately look at the license plate number of the other person, so that they can write it down and place a bet.

Even if someone sees it, it is useless, because if someone wants to carry out abduction, then the license plate number on the truck must be fake.

Therefore, if the information on the license plate number of the truck is really obtained, it is just a futile effort for the police.

"Okay, we are finished. If you have other information you want to tell us in the future, please contact Officer Tang in the Public Security Bureau immediately." After Leng Yu finished speaking, he got up from his chair.

The other 3 people got up with her. After they nodded to the men, they left the service company. When Leng Yu walked out of the service company's gate, he saw a white van stopped at the gate.

Seeing that it was a medium-sized truck, she pointed to the truck and said lightly: "They came here in a van like this."

"Yes, so maybe we can let Police Officer Tang send someone to find such a truck." Lin Xin followed Leng Yu's finger and glanced at the van, and said.

Leng Yu glanced at her, and an invisible smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said, "Yes, after being with me for so many years, I have finally made progress. I know what I want to say."

"Go!" Lin Xin frowned, stretched out her hand and gently pushed Leng Yu, and walked forward to the car, waiting for them.

Leng Yu smiled and came to the car. After opening the door, he turned to Huang Lin and Mei Hua and said faintly: "We will stop for lunch in a while. Then, we have to use the database to find Peng Dahu's identity, although I don't think we can find it. What's on... But we still can't miss the only information we have."

"Boss, this man walks around and doesn't seem to have a stable place to stay. I feel that even if he wants to find his previous job, the employer may not be able to find it." Huang Lin opened the door and let Mei Hua sit in the car, and then followed him in. By the way, said to Leng Yu.

"It is very likely that he has never worked with other employers." Leng Yu said leisurely.

"Why?" Huang Lin asked.

Leng Yu took the document from Lin Xin's hand, pointed to the handwriting on it, and said, "This is not Peng Dahu's handwriting. Normally, we fill out the form by ourselves, but this is definitely not written by him."

"Boss, how do you know?" Huang Lin couldn't help but widened her eyes and asked.

At this moment, Mei Hua and Lin Xin also turned their heads to look at Leng Yu's fingers, and asked in unison: "How do you know?"

"Because I just noticed that the font on the front desk of the Municipal Council is exactly the same as the font written on the form. Do you think any front desk will fill out the form for you so diligently? She doesn't know you, how can she know your personal information? Even if she can ask, isn't it too troublesome?" Leng Yu raised the corners of his mouth and looked at them and said.

"Boss! Why are you observing so carefully?" Huang Lin exclaimed.

"Leng Yu, we really admire you." Lin Xin shook her head, really impressed for her.

Only Leng Yu noticed such a small detail here, but none of the other three people noticed the handwritten font on the front desk.

"But Officer Leng, why do you say that Peng Dahu probably hasn't worked with other employers? Does this matter have anything to do with his illiteracy?" Mei Hua asked in a low voice, she was curious about Leng Yu's analysis of the matter.

Leng Yu started the car and said casually: "I'm just guessing. But, I ask you, who would want to hire someone who doesn't even know the word?"

"If he is really illiterate, how can he know that he has travelled all the way to Longshi?" Huang Lin asked again.

Lin Xin turned around and explained to Huang Lin: "So, we can come to a conclusion that Peng Dahu will never be alone when driving a long distance. There must be someone else with him beside him."

"Lin Xin is right. This person can't act alone, so I'm very curious about who this person is always with Peng Dahu? Is it just a member of the magic group?" Leng Yu looked at the front of the car. Said.

In this way, everyone drove to a small noodle restaurant amidst speculation. After eating the noodles in a hurry, they drove back to the Public Security Bureau again.

At that time, it was only about three o'clock at noon, but Leng Yu and others went to the conference hall and walked over.

"Let's wait for Officer Tang, Yang Cong and others here, and wait for the DNA identification results by the way." Leng Yu said while sitting on a chair.

Mei Hua took out her little notebook and quickly memorized everything they had just asked, so that she could use it in the future.

Waiting until around 7 o'clock, Yang Cong, Officer Tang and others came back one after another. When they stepped into the conference hall, they saw Leng Yu and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"Have you eaten?" Leng Yu asked them, raising his head.


"Boss, we ate."

Officer Tang and Xiao Cheng answered Leng Yu. Seeing her nodding her head, she snorted and said: "Sit down, we have started the meeting. We haven't heard from the DNA yet. It is estimated that the report will be released in a while."

After Xiao Cheng, Officer Tang and others agreed, they sat in the conference hall.

"Xiao Cheng, why don't you start first." Leng Yu looked at Xiao Cheng and said.

Xiao Cheng nodded and began to speak loudly: "We have posted more than 5,000 missing persons notices from morning until now. We are in various important areas in Longshi, such as shops, restaurants, bars, and hotels. Missing notices were posted outside, residential area intersections, etc. Moreover, we also deliberately drove to the city next to Longshi and posted missing persons notices, hoping to find Yan Shikai with the help of the people. Therefore, I estimate that people in the Public Security Bureau will call us these days, but it's not clear whether these calls are useful to us. After all, there should be a lot of fraudulent calls for this disappearance case."

Xiao Cheng stated his thoughts according to the facts.

After Leng Yu heard this, he nodded: "Well, that's right, then, when you posted the missing person notice, did you meet any suspicious people?"

"That's not true. The people are just looking at us from a distance to post. Although a few bold people will come to ask us about our situation, we haven't been able to pick up any news from their mouths." Xiao Cheng said. .

Indeed, missing persons notices are not very useful, and it is impossible for missing persons to appear out of thin air by relying on missing persons notices alone. Even if it can be found, it is very unlikely.

Moreover, as Xiao Cheng said, there will be many fraudulent calls received by the Public Security Bureau in the future, so the information received from the people may not be fully believed.

"Okay, thanks for your hard work." Leng Yu said.

Later, she cleared her throat and said to them: "Next it is our turn to talk about our discovery. We found some news here. First: We went to Yan Shikai's house this morning and found out. A cyan iron box hidden deep in the closet contained a stack of banknotes. Yan Shikai was only a junior high school student, and he was not rich by birth, so he could not have so much money on him, so we guessed that it was made by the magic group. The salary for him. However, we don't know how many days of salary it was. However, based on this, we can temporarily prove that Yan Shikai did not run away by himself, and his disappearance is likely to be man-made. "

She paused, and then said: "Second: We found the Municipal Council and found from their information that the name of this group of magic groups is called'stunt team'. It is an unremarkable name. It seems that we are here. No one noticed. Officer Tang, you have been to the magic show, have you noticed the name of this team?"

Leng Yu turned to Police Officer Tang and asked.

Officer Tang frowned and kept recalling the magic show he watched not long ago, whether he had heard or seen the group name.

For a long time, he shook his head and said, "No, I didn't notice the name, alas..."

Leng Yu showed a smile that couldn't be shallower at this time, and said, "Inspector Tang, it's not just that you didn't notice, neither did you notice, but also Officer Lin and I. But what does this mean? I think it can explain. The magic group didn’t want to make a name for themselves through magic. The behind-the-scenes envoy of the magic group used magic to cover up some things so that they could do things that we didn’t know so far. In addition, we also found out. The man who came to the municipal council to apply for the permit was called Peng Dahu, and he was still an illiterate guy. After giving the municipal council a bribe, he successfully obtained the permit."

"Third: We found the XX service company that came to the park to arrange the magic show, and found that the foreman and his deputy of this company knew Peng Dahu, and the most important thing was that Peng Dahu was a member of the magic team. When the staff he sent to build the backstage were very rusty when they built a simple backstage, they were not like employees in this industry at all, but more like a group of people temporarily hired to make do with work in the park."

Leng Yu kept talking about all their discoveries today, and stunned Police Officer Tang, Yang Cong, Xiao Cheng and others.

About 10 minutes later, Leng Yu turned to Officer Tang and asked: "Inspector Tang, how are you doing? Are there any major discoveries?"

Officer Tang looked at Leng Yu blankly, some of the information she just said could not be filtered. It took a long time before he said: "Officer Leng, we also received a message here. We asked a middle school student. He said that two days before the magic show ended, Yan Shikai suddenly ran away on the night of the salary payment..."

Ran away. . . .

What? Ran away? ? ? ! !

Until Leng Yu and the others reacted, they saw the same puzzled expression on Police Officer Tang's face.