The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 155

Before long, Xiao Cheng and others also drove the car outside the garbage dump. He quickly looked up at the garbage dump and saw that Leng Yu had arrived and was talking to Officer Luo, and said to Officer Tang: "Officer Tang, my boss has arrived, let's get off the car and check."

"Well, you and Police Officer Yang might as well go to the periphery of the scene to conduct surveys?" Police Officer Tang suggested.

"Yes, this is what we are going to do, see you later." Xiao Cheng nodded and said, and then stepped out of the car with Yang Cong.

Unexpectedly, when they stepped out of the car, the stench from the garbage dump became even stronger. Xiao Cheng and the others frowned, then took out the mask they were carrying and covered their face.

"It's so stinking." Yang Cong said with a frown, and when he looked at the **** piled up in the garbage dump, he felt nauseated.

"Yang Cong, let's find Meihua and the others. I think they should be searching not far away when they arrive." Xiao Cheng patted his shoulder and said.

"Okay." Yang Cong responded, and then turned to Officer Tang and said: "Officer Tang, Sister Lin and the others are right in front of you, you go find them first."

Officer Tang just nodded quickly, and then walked deep into the garbage dump without stopping. When he came to Lin Xin and the others, he heard the conversation between them and Officer Luo.

When Officer Luo glanced at Officer Tang, his face immediately showed a wry smile, and said, "Brother Tang, why is this bad luck blowing directly into our city?"

Officer Tang also showed a bitter smile and said, "Isn't it? We have never encountered any murders in Longshi. How did you know that Director Wang didn't burn incense, so the mold was transferred to our city, and he was tired. Two of his apprentices can’t get married and must come here to solve the case with us.”

After Lin Xin stood by and listened to the questions and answers of the two big men police officers, she couldn't help feeling secretly funny in her heart: Director Wang, Director Wang, you should sneeze now, you see, people are always there. You are saying bad things about you behind your back, haha.

Officer Luo glanced at Lin Xin and Leng Yu, and said with a smile: "Ah, the two are already engaged? I don't know which man is so lucky to marry you both."

Leng Yu intervened in time at this time, only to hear her say: "Officer Luo, she and I are lovers." Then, she quickly changed a more serious tone and said: "Let's continue to discuss the case. , If the case is solved, I will invite you to a wedding drink."

Officer Luo realized that he was standing in the middle of the garbage dump at this moment, and when he was feeling burnt with the three packs of corpses, he immediately turned into a serious face, coughed, and said in a deep voice: "We Where did you go?"

Lin Xin looked at Officer Luo's stern face with embarrassment, and suppressed her smile, and said, "Inspector Luo, Officer Tang has just arrived. Why don't you repeat everything you told us?"

"Okay." Officer Luo nodded, and then repeated what he had just said to Lin Xin and Leng Yu.

"Officer Tang, we just talked about how to receive a report from a scavenger. This scavenger is called Huang Daniu. He said that he came to the garbage dump at about 4:30 in the morning and then walked to the garbage dump as usual. Here, I slowly checked to see if there were any valuable tatters that could be picked up and sold. As the day lighted, Huang Daniu quickly looked for tatters here when there were not many people in the morning, so as to avoid people in the garbage dump. When he got more, he had to rob him with other people. Therefore, he was quite diligent in finding the tatters, but he did not expect that the palm of a person was actually turned out in the three black garbage bags. He was at that time. I was frightened, and the whole person fell to the ground. But after all, Huang Daniu is not a rascal. He knew that the situation was serious, so he hurried to the Public Security Bureau and reported it to us. This Huang Daniu has not read a book. Speaking slurred, but I also gave a general idea to the police officer, so I quickly brought people over here to investigate." Officer Luo whispered what happened.

"What happened then?" Officer Tang asked.

"Later, we also brought Huang Daniu over. He led us to the place where the body was found. As a result, it turned out that there were three black bags. I asked the police officers to open 3 bags and found that they were all inside. Corpse..." When Officer Luo said this, he paused and watched everyone's reaction.

"So, are these corpses now taken to the autopsy room in the Public Security Bureau?" Officer Tang asked.

"Yes, all three packs of corpses were led to the autopsy room of the Public Security Bureau, waiting for the forensic doctor to piece together and dissect the corpses, while my subordinates and I will continue to stay here to see if there are any suspicious clues or Another corpse." Officer Luo explained.

Leng Yu asked, "So, are we standing where the corpse was found?"

"Yes." Officer Luo nodded.

Leng Yu agreed, and quickly squatted on the ground with Lin Xin and looked closely.

Officer Luo saw the two of them doing this, somehow, suddenly wanted to test Leng Yu and Lin Xin. So he said, "However, we found a strange thing on the corpse. Do you know what it is?"

"The corpse was covered by rice grains." Leng Yu and Lin Xin said in unison.

Officer Luo showed a surprised look at this time, and blurted out: "How do you know?!!!"

Lin Xin raised her head and said to Officer Luo: "Because there are rice grains here."

After Police Officer Luo and Police Officer Tang listened, they squatted down. I saw Leng Yu pointing to the rice grains on the ground, and said: “Rice grains also appeared here. Officer Tang, do you remember? Rice grains were also found in the park.”

"Remember! But Officer Leng, there are rice grains here, that's normal." Officer Tang said.

Unexpectedly, Officer Luo shook his head at this time and said, "Brother Tang, you don't know anything about it. In the garbage bag with 3 packs of corpses, we found a whole pile of rice grains covered in it. Above the corpse."

"Is this all three packs?" Leng Yu asked.

"Yes, all three packs are like this." Officer Luo nodded and said.

"So, the rice grains on the ground fell when the police officers removed the corpse?" Lin Xin asked afterwards.

"Yes, it's also possible that the yellow bull fell when he opened the bag." Officer Luo said again.

"But, why did the murderer cover the corpse with rice grains?" Officer Tang asked incredulously.

"The murderer is probably trying to hide people's eyes and ears. If the corpse is covered with rice grains, the scavengers may not find the corpse, but purely think that it is leftovers left by others." Lin Xin said, at the same time. Turning to look at the rest of the location, to see if there are any clues left by the murderer.

"Well, it is very likely that this is the case. After all, we still don't know what kind of person the murderer is, so we are just guessing that way for the time being." Leng Yu said in the interface.

Then, she asked Officer Luo again: "By the way, did you see the head of the deceased?"

"It doesn't seem to be, but I don't know if it was hidden in those three packs of corpses." Officer Luo frowned and said.

"The body has stinks, and the deceased has been dead for about a week." Officer Luo said again.

"If this is the case, these corpses are likely to belong to Yan Shikai who has been missing for a week." Officer Tang made a preliminary conclusion and said.

"Yes, besides that, a large number of rice grains appeared on the corpse for no apparent reason, making me feel that this case may be really related to Yan Shikai's disappearance." Leng Yu said.

"Inspector Leng, is this just a coincidence? After all, rice grains appeared in the park because of the staff eating." Officer Tang said, still can't imagine the rice grains and the two cases.

"I don't know, but this is also an extremely elusive clue, the rice grains have to be tested." Leng Yu said.

"Inspector Leng is right. Although we may not get more information, looking at the source of these rice grains may be able to find out something." Officer Luo said calmly.

"Well, this is not unreasonable. I asked my deputy to take the rice grains for testing, and Quanshi can also take the rice grains for testing." Officer Tang said, and then dialed the deputy's phone and told him Follow the instructions and take the rice grains to the laboratory for testing.

After a long time, Police Officer Tang hung up the phone and said to them: "Should we go to the autopsy room to see the corpse?"

"Good." After everyone agreed, they found Yang Cong and others.

Lin Xin asked, "Did you find anything?"

"No, except for a pile of rubbish, no suspicious clues were found." They reported the situation to Lin Xin and others one by one.

"Let's go back to the Public Security Bureau and see what explanation the forensic doctor can give us." Leng Yu said.

The crowd drove out of the garbage dump again and then quickly drove to the Public Security Bureau.

Officer Luo led them to the autopsy room. Lin Xin and the others immediately smelled a foul smell from the corpse.

When they stepped into the dissection room, they saw that the forensic doctor was carefully taking out the corpses piece by piece, and then lined them neatly on the dissection table.

Leng Yu and others looked at these corrupted corpses and couldn't help frowning. However, they couldn't see the dead man's head from the numerous corpses. .

"Forensic Shen, how's it going?" Officer Luo asked with a deep frown looking at the corpses.

"Look, the edges on these corpses are cut very neatly. The murderer used a very sharp weapon to cut." Shen Forensic doctor pointed to one of the corpses and said to everyone.

She paused, pointed to a larger corpse piece taken out of the black bag, and said: "From the perspective of the pelvis of the deceased, she looks more like a man, and he is also a thinner man, like a teenager. Young man."

When Lin Xin and others heard this, their hearts sank.

juvenile. .

Is it really such a coincidence?

Does that mean that the deceased is Yan Shikai, who has been missing for a long time?