The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 172

Leng Yu and Lin Xin quickly got into the black private car sent to them by the Public Security Bureau and drove straight in the direction of Kangshi. During the period, they contacted the police officer over there and simply told him what happened. He sent someone to pay attention to the Longyuan White Rice Factory the next morning.

"We have to drive a 7-hour drive. It should be 7 o'clock in the morning when we arrive in Kang. At that time, we will find a cafe first, and after breakfast, we will go directly to the Public Security Bureau in Kang City, and meet with Officer Cao. , I’ll go directly to the white rice factory, I’m going to see where Peng Dahu can escape." Leng Yu said coldly, staring ahead and stepping on the gas pedal.

"Peng Dahu probably didn't know that we had discovered the white rice. He probably always thought we were following the magic group." Lin Xin said, and then yawned.

"Are you tired? Why don't you sleep for a while, and then I will wake you up?" Leng Yu glanced at Lin Xin, and when she saw that she was a little tired, she couldn't help but feel pity for a while.

Since Lin Xin broke the last case, she hasn't rested, and now following the case with herself, Leng Yu feels distressed, and the look in Lin Xin's eyes has instantly turned to tenderness.

"I'm okay. You can change my car when you get tired." Lin Xin said, and then she straightened up and got a lot of energy.

"I'm going to drive, you just squint for a while, okay?" Leng Yu looked at the front, reached out and touched the top of Lin Xin's head, and said softly.

She hopes that Kangshi will be their last stop, and after solving the case, they can return to Yangshi to rest and plan the wedding.

"I'm really fine, and I just drank coffee just now. If it doesn't work, I'll squint for a while." Lin Xin said.

She didn't want to squint her eyes because she was worried that no one would speak with Leng Yu, so that when she was driving, she would look extremely dull and would easily doze off.

When Leng Yu was about to speak, Lin Xin changed the subject, interrupted her, and asked, "Why do you think Yan Jie chose to return to China?"

Leng Yu glanced at Lin Xin quickly and smiled helplessly. Knowing that she was unwilling to sleep first for her own sake, she followed her words and asked, "Which Yan Jie are you talking about?"

"Of course it's the old one," Lin Xin said, and at the same time passed the thermos in her hand to Leng Yu and asked her to take a sip of coffee.

After Leng Yu took the thermos in her hand, feeling a little bit hot, he drank the coffee cautiously at the mouth of the bottle, but did not answer her question, just said: "Fortunately, you have the foresight, let Police Officer Tang give it to us. Prepared coffee. This coffee tastes good, and I feel better after drinking it."

Lin Xin smiled and said, "Yes. It's best to equip yourself with coffee when driving a long distance, or you should fall asleep."

Leng Yu let out an "um" and then handed back the thermos to Lin Xin. After a long time, she said, "Yan Jie probably suffered a business failure in Country T, so I chose to come back to China."

Lin Xin fixed the lid of the bottle on the thermos and said, "I think so too. Otherwise, in terms of the wealth he earned at the time, I don't think he would want to come back. It must be there. He chose to come back to marry Mrs. Yan when he was in trouble. Then, he probably made a lot of money before he could return to China to open a small hardware store."

"Yeah. However, he is too lustful, and the people in Country T are very enthusiastic, so that country is the most suitable for him." Leng Yu said lightly, then remembered Yan Jie's appearance, and added: " No matter which Yan Jie is, they are all good-looking, so there is no shortage of suitors. And this old Yan Jie, he must have owed a lot of romantic debts when he was young, and Yan Shikai’s death is likely to be one of the debts. The murderer came to him to collect the debt, but it was a pity that Yan Shikai paid the debt. It was really pitiful for this child. If my nephew knew about it, he would definitely be sad for a while. This child is kind of mean. Yan Shikai is the best, alas..."

When Leng Yu thought of his nephew, he couldn't help sighing.

Xiaojun is a lover of personality, and his emotions are prone to ups and downs, especially when he is still in adolescence, and I don't know if he can withstand such a heavy blow.

"Leng Yu, Xiaojun will be fine, don't worry too much." Lin Xin said, seemingly confident in Xiaojun.

"I hope so." Leng Yu said.

She remembered that when her sister was abandoned by her brother-in-law, Xiaojun appeared very calm, not crying or making noise, but he comforted his mother.

Therefore, this child has a very good personality. He knows how to behave calmly when encountering major events, and he really doesn't have to worry too much about him.

"Leng Yu, speaking of this, I am really curious about what caused the murderer to kill Yan Shikai with such cruel means. What happened to him when he was a child?" Lin Xin said in a puzzled tone. .

"This can only get out of his mouth after the murderer is arrested," Leng Yu said.

The two talked along the way. When they passed a 24-hour coffee shop on the way, Lin Xin got out of the car and bought coffee, and then the two continued on the road.

Until they drove to Kang City, the sun had gradually risen, and when the sun shining into the car, they instantly felt a little warm.

"Lin Xin, we have just entered the city of Kang. I saw that there seems to be a cafe in front of me." Leng Yu pointed at a cafe in front of him and said.

"It's better that we stop and have breakfast. At this point in time, Officer Cao probably hasn't come to the Public Security Bureau. Let's go to him after breakfast." Lin Xin said, and her stomach suddenly "gummed." "It rang.

"Hungry. Go, let's have breakfast first." Leng Yu said, and drove the car to the cafe.

The two got out of the car and came to the door of the cafe. When Leng Yu saw the word "Business" written at the entrance of the cafe, he stretched out his hand to open the door and let Lin Xin go in.

Later, she followed in the footsteps of Lin Xin and walked into the cafe.

Since it is still early, there are not many people in the cafe, only twos and threes of diners. Everyone cast a curious look when they saw the two of them coming in.

However, the two ignored them, went to a small corner in the cafe, and sat down.

After the waiter came to order for them, he made a pot of coffee, and the fragrance of coffee filled the noses of the two of them.

After Leng Yu poured a cup of coffee for herself and Lin Xin, he took a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked up at the coffee shop.

After Lin Xin took off her coat, she and Leng Yu also took a look at the cafe, and saw that there were some animal specimens hanging in the cafe, which looked a little strange under the dim light.

"Some people especially like to collect these animal specimens. It seems that the owner of the cafe is also good at it." Lin Xin stared at one of the deer head specimens and said.

"Yes, it's more like an animal tomb." Leng Yu followed Lin Xin's eyes and looked over, and saw the deer head hanging high on a wall of the coffee shop.

The antlers of the deer head were still kept by the owner of the cafe. They were a bit sharp, and these specimens were also very delicate.

It's just cruel. . . .

At this moment, Lin Xin and Leng Yu had a flash of inspiration, and they stared at each other's eyes at the same time. Judging from the expressions in their eyes, they could see a look of unbearableness.

"Leng Yu, I have a very bad premonition." For a long time, Lin Xin said first.

"Me too." Leng Yu nodded.

At this moment, the same thought flashed in their minds.

"Let's eat quickly, and then go to Officer Cao immediately!" Lin Xin said, and then she lowered her head and quickly ate the bread that the waiter had just handed over.

"Yeah." Leng Yu agreed, and then he lowered his head and ate breakfast quickly.

The two of them ate breakfast in a hurry, then paid and left the cafe. Leng Yu drove again and followed the navigation to the Public Security Bureau of Kang City. After reporting to the police officer there, he sat aside and waited for Officer Cao.

After a while, only a short police officer came out. When Leng Yu and the others saw him, they immediately walked over and said to him: "Officer Cao, you quickly send someone to the rice fields to find Peng Dahu, he is probably hidden in one of the rice fields. Then, you let him They pay attention to the scarecrow!"

When Officer Cao was about to inquire again, Leng Yu urged: "Officer Cao, we'll explain to you in a while, and send someone over now, don't let him escape. Then, the three of us will go to Longyuan White Rice Factory together in a while. !"

Seeing the anxiety in Leng Yu's eyes, Officer Cao stopped asking more questions. He directly sent people to various rice fields in Kang City to find people.

Since Kang City is rich in rice, Yan Jie set up a white rice factory here. Therefore, since the magic show ended, Peng Dahu may have stayed in Kang City, and Yan Jie may have been hiding in Kang City.

As Police Officer Tang said, Yan Jie might be playing with his prey, so he did not immediately leave and return to Country T, and most likely hid in Kang City.

In addition, Yan Jie would think that he had committed the crime many times but was never caught by the police. Therefore, he was confident in his modus operandi and did not think the police would find him so quickly.

As it is now, Leng Yu and others cannot be sure where he is hiding at the moment.

"Is it possible for him to hide in the hotel?" Lin Xin asked.

"Impossible. Don't forget, he is holding Yan Shikai's upper body human skin, he should not stay in a hotel rashly. Moreover, I don't think he will live in a hotel. This guy may have his own in Kangshi. The room. If he stays in a hotel, we will be able to grasp his check-in record, which will be even more unfavorable for him. He is not stupid." Leng Yu said quickly.

At this moment, Officer Cao had already given his instructions. He came to Leng Yu and Lin Xin again and asked, "What's going on?"

"Let's get in the car first, and say in the car later." Leng Yu glanced at his watch and saw that it was already around 8.30. If Peng Dahu or Yan Jie came to the white rice factory, they might have arrived by now, and the police would be able to arrest them immediately.

Leng Yu wanted to give them an inside and outside attack. If Peng Dahu came to the factory, they could arrest him immediately. If he is not in the factory, then Officer Cao's subordinates are waiting for him in the paddy field.

As for the biggest suspect, Yan Jie, she thought so too. Either he appeared in the factory, or he was probably also hidden in one of the rice fields in Kang City.

"Officer Leng, why are you so sure that Peng Dahu will hide in the rice fields." Officer Cao asked while driving the car.

"Because of the scarecrow!"

Leng Yu said calmly, and a bunch of cruel pictures appeared in his mind at the same time. . . .