The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 3

Leng Yu still turned her back to Huang Lin.

When she looked at Leng Yu's tall back, she couldn't help but opened her mouth, but she couldn't speak for a while. Huang Lin didn't understand why Leng Yu mentioned Fengyue Place, but when she was about to ask again, Leng Yu turned around and interrupted her: "You ask Xiao Cheng to prepare. We will go to the autopsy room in the Public Security Bureau immediately."

"Yes, boss!" After receiving Leng Yu's instructions, Huang Lin nodded and turned and left.

At this moment, two women in casual clothes suddenly appeared at the door of the Federal Bureau. Leng Yu glanced at them quickly, and didn't take them seriously. She walked quickly to her office, cleaned up for a while and walked out of the Federal Bureau again.

When a male police officer in the lobby of the bureau saw the two women who appeared at the door, he put on a smile on his face. He smiled and said, "You are here. Come and follow me. Go to the conference hall." Then he got up and walked to their side and received them.

One of the women, aged 25, looked up at the arrogant police officer, and smiled at him: "Brother Cheng, don't be so polite to us. Anyway, we have been here a few times, so you don't need to deliberately. The reception is here." The voice screamed, so that the brother laughed.

"Oh, you come here every year to tailor uniforms for our brothers here. Of course you have to be polite, otherwise we have to work naked." There was a little ambiguity in the words. .

The young woman slapped him on the back and said with a smile: "Well, we are about to start working, let's go."

Brother Cheng didn't dare to neglect, so he welcomed them into the conference hall.

After they arrived in the conference hall, Cheng ran out again in a hurry, hurriedly greeted a group of police officers who must wear uniforms to come to the conference hall one by one, and asked two tailors to measure them for them.

Seeing that Cheng's back disappeared in a corner, the young woman who had just started chatting with Cheng turned to another woman and said, "Sister Xuan, yesterday I heard from the boss that we have received another order. Woolen cloth?"

The woman called "Sister Xuan" frowned and said, "Who did you hear? It's absolutely nothing." After a pause, she said, "One more thing to remind you is, The people in the game are not easy to get along with. In the future, you should pay attention to your words and don't talk nonsense about unnecessary things."

"Why? I think they are all pretty good." The young woman asked with some uncertainty.

"Xiaoxin, we are here for work, not for chatting, okay?" Sister Xuan shook her head and sighed, wondering why young people nowadays don't work seriously and have to find a topic to talk about.

Because Sister Xuan's face was serious, Xiaoxin didn't dare to say any more, so she closed her mouth hastily.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, they saw a group of police officers coming into the room one after another from the transparent glass windows in the conference hall.

Sister Xuan and Xiao Xin took out some tailoring tools from their backpacks and began to tailor them one by one. They also took out the small notebooks they carried with them, and recorded their body sizes one by one for the police officers.

When it was the adult's turn, he came to Xiaoxin's side and asked quietly: "Xiaoxin, are you free tonight?"

Xiaoxin quickly turned her head and glanced at Sister Xuan who was working hard in the other corner, and quickly whispered: "Shhh, I'm working."

"Hey, just say one thing, are you free tonight?" Brother Cheng grinned, and Xiaoxin couldn't help but pat him again.

"Work overtime tonight, no time." Xiaoxin whispered again.

"Oh, that would be a pity." Cheng Ge immediately showed a disappointed expression.

Xiao Xin was measuring his body carefully, and suddenly remembered the female police officer she saw at the gate just now in her head, so she lowered her voice and asked, "Brother Cheng, when I just came over with Sister Xuan, I saw a Female police officer, she is so fierce, who is that?"

After hearing this, Brother Cheng changed his face and whispered to her: "Don't mention her. She is the cold-faced female demon in our bureau. It is said that the most fierce murderer will retreat even if they see her. Everyone is scared. Because she was equipped with a gun, but because she had a way to use psychological tactics to subdue the murderers, so that they had to confess all the crimes before they went to court."

Although Brother Cheng lowered his voice, what he said made Xiaoxin's body tremble in shock: "Is it so powerful?"

"Yeah! None of us dare to offend her. However, I heard from colleagues in the bureau that she had recently received a difficult case. I saw her rushing out just now, and probably went out to investigate the case." Dang Cheng said. When another crime happened, there was a hint of pride in his words. It was his own sense of superiority as a policeman, and his voice increased.

Although he was not the one who solved the case.

At this moment, a male policeman standing behind him shouted: "Brother Cheng, don't talk nonsense!"

When Sister Xuan, who was standing in another corner, heard it, she turned her head and said to Xiaoxin, "Xiaoxin, remember what I just said to you." Her tone was quite majestic.

The two of them closed their mouths immediately, lowered their heads in embarrassment, and dared not say a word again.

For a moment, there was silence in the conference hall, and only the "rustle" of clothes colliding in the hall sounded.


Leng Yu and others drove to the Public Security Bureau.

When they arrived, they jumped out of the car and hurried to the autopsy room. They quickly put on their masks and walked in and found the forensic doctor.

The forensic doctor was carefully dissecting the corpses, and when he looked up at them, he beckoned to them.

Leng Yu walked to his side, and the forensic doctor pointed to a wound on the head of the corpse and said: "The deceased's head was hit four times by a hard object. That was his fatal injury. As for other body parts, There was no damage, and no fingerprints were found on the body, so the murderer probably wore gloves and committed the crime."

Leng Yu nodded, and walked over to the corpse, which was neatly arranged and washed with water. She put on medical gloves, turned her head down and turned over her clothes. When she saw the trademark on the back of her clothes, she saw that the handwriting on the trademark had been blurred and she could not see the name of the manufacturer.

Huang Lin followed and looked at the clothes and pants that had been washed with water. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "This clothes is more fancy than the clothes I wear!"

Leng Yu smiled coldly: "It's fine if you know."

Huang Lin gave Leng Yu an angry glance, and then couldn't help but ask: "Aren't these styles of clothes loved by young people? How come this old dead person also followed suit like a young man? "

"It's very simple, because he also wants to be younger." Leng Yu said casually.

When she said this, she didn't even look at Huang Lin, her attention was all devoted to this dress.

"Why?" Huang Lin asked curiously.

Leng Yu flipped through the clothes a few times before putting the clothes lightly on the table. She snarled in the direction of Xiao Cheng: "You have to ask him this question."

Xiao Cheng was called by Leng Yu in public, and he immediately smiled embarrassedly: "Don't ask me, I haven't been to Fengyue place, how can I know?"

"Or you have the opportunity to go in for insight this time." A cold light radiated from Leng Yu's eyes and cast it on Xiao Cheng's face.

After listening to the conversation between the boss and Xiao Cheng, Huang Lin had already guessed what they meant. She frowned and asked: "So you mean that the old dead want to be younger too, and like to go to Fengyue Place to play with women?"

"Don't say it so bad, okay, who said that elderly people can't have that kind of thinking, and the elderly also have needs for that!" The forensic doctor who was still performing the autopsy looked up and smiled at Huang Lin.

"But it's all so old, is it okay?" Huang Lin expressed suspicion again.

"Okay, okay." Leng Yu interrupted Huang Lin, and then said: "The Fengyue place where the old deceased went in and out should also be of high-end grade, otherwise they wouldn't be so particular about dressing."

Does Fengyue Place still have different grades? Everyone looked at Leng Yu suspiciously. It was hard to imagine that such a cold and serious female police officer would actually know a little bit about this stuff.

Just as several people were discussing the clothes, anxious footsteps came from the anatomy room, and the trace inspector broke into the anatomy room.

He quickly took out the material evidence bag, raised a stance to everyone, and said, "Although we couldn't find any murder weapon at the scene, we found a wallet in the river!"

He walked into the autopsy room and handed the wallet in the evidence bag to Leng Yu's hand.

The forensic doctor stopped his work. He frowned and said: "No murder weapon was found at the scene, but a wallet was found. Therefore, the murderer did not kill the dead because he wanted to steal money..."

When I said this, he pointed to the throat of the deceased and said: "No mud was found in the throat of the deceased, so the murderer must have killed the deceased first before throwing the corpse into the river. Then, combined with the scene, nothing was found. The murder weapon, we can prove that the banks of the Qinghe River were indeed not the first scene of the murder."

Leng Yu lowered his head and opened the bag of physical evidence he handed her, took out the wallet from it, and when he opened it, he saw that there were hundreds of dollars in it. Later, she took out an ID card from her wallet, and what she saw was a photo of a man pasted on the ID card. He looked like he was around 70 years old. Then, the owner of the ID card was named Hou Zhongyang, a native of Yang City, and his address was clearly displayed.

Leng Yu quickly took a photo of her ID card with her mobile phone, and then reloaded her wallet into the evidence bag. He turned to Huang Lin and Xiao Cheng beside him and said, "The old deceased's name is Hou Zhongyang. Let's go to his house to take a look. Well, let’s see if there are other people living in his house. By the way, Huang Lin, by the way, check if Hou Zhongyang offended anyone during his lifetime, and then which nightclubs in Yang City he has been to, he is very big Maybe it was because he got into a peachy dispute and was killed."

Even though he said that, Leng Yu knew that Hou Zhongyang’s death was not as simple as causing a peachy dispute. Otherwise, why did the murderer spend time cutting holes in his clothes after killing him?

The three of them drove to another small town in Yang City according to the address entered in the navigation. After a tortuous drive, they drove to the designated location.

Leng Yu got out of the car and looked around and saw that only Hou Zhongyang was standing alone in an empty grassland.

After scanning around, she saw that the homes of other residents in the small village were scattered elsewhere, not a short distance away from Hou Zhongyang's home.

This is the arrangement of a typical country house.

Leng Yu and others came to Hou Zhongyang's house slowly, came to a window, looked in, and saw that there was not much furniture in the house, and it was well organized.

The three people then touched the window lightly and saw that their fingers had been covered with ashes. It seemed that this room had not been occupied for a long time.

Therefore, Hou Zhongyang should have lived here alone.

Leng Yu pushed the door and walked in. She stretched out her hand and looked at her palm, and saw that Shou's palm was covered with ashes. The three people stepped into the house back and forth, and separately went to each corner of the house to investigate.

Hou Zhongyang's house was cleaned up, and the furniture in the house was neatly arranged.

He is a neat person.

Leng Yu walked into the master bedroom and saw a double bed in the bedroom. As the years go by, the double bed looks a bit old. She turned her head and looked around, and saw a photo frame on the head of the bed, which was a wedding photo.

She moved to the head of the bed, reached out and picked up the photo frame, and stared intently.

I saw that the young man in the photo was handsome and handsome, and there was a young and beautiful woman standing beside him, but the clothes and hair styles of the two men looked very retro.

This is an old photo.

The man in the photo should be Hou Zhongyang, who turned out to be married.

So did he still give birth to a child?

If he has a child, what is his relationship with the child?

Leng Yu was very curious about Hou Zhongyang’s identity. She took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the Federal Bureau, and said, “Help me check the missing person’s record to see if there is a man named Hou Zhongyang.”

If Hou Zhongyang has ever been reported missing, then the person who reported the incident is likely to be his relatives, and the police can also act on his relatives to find out whether he has offended anyone and was harmed by others.

Leng Yu put the photo frame back to its original position, walked to a window next to the bedroom, looked out the window and calmly sorted out the thoughts in his mind.

When she saw the wardrobe in the bedroom reflected by the sunlight through the transparent glass, she turned and walked quickly towards the wardrobe when she had the idea.

She came to the closet and stretched out her hand to open the closet. When she looked inside, she was startled.

I saw that the closet was full of gorgeous shirts.

She frowned and thought: How much does Hou Zhongyang want to be a young man? If he has a lot of energy, why doesn't he marry another after his wife dies?

Besides, where does he get so much money to pick up girls in nightclubs? The number of picking up girls is still so frequent. .

Such an inconspicuous old man, how much does he need in terms of sex?

Leng Yu looked at the floral shirts hanging in the closet, and suddenly thought: What does the fabric with the holes in the clothes look like? What color does it belong to?

Then, does the color on the fabric with holes have a great influence on this murder case?