The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 49

After coming out of Dean Shen's office, Leng Yu stepped into the front office at a hasty pace, and saw that the front desk nurses were busy registering patients, checking in, and so on. The three of them then stood aside and waited quietly.

Huang Lin, who was standing next to Leng Yu, asked, "Boss, let's go to Doctor Lin for an interview, right?"

"Yes, I want to ask him a question." Leng Yu raised his watch and glanced at the time.

At this time, a nurse saw that the three of them were crowded at the front desk, and she came over and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Leng Yu saw that although the nurse who came up with a sweet smile, she couldn't suppress the impatience in her heart. She directly showed her police officer's ID and said, "We are from the Federal Bureau and are investigating. Regarding the recent murder case of Liang Chengyuan, I want to ask Dr. Lin from the emergency department, can you take us to see him?"

The nurse took a look at her certificate and quickly said, "You are looking for Doctor Lin Shengchuan, right? He is now in the outpatient clinic. Why don't you come to the conference hall as the three of you? I'll let him come when he is not busy."

As there were many patients in the hospital, Leng Yu knew that he couldn't interrupt their work, so he nodded: "Well, let's wait for him, or you can ask him to come to the conference hall directly to find us after work."

After the nurse agreed, she led them to the conference hall. After the three people thanked her, they sat in the conference hall and waited.

Sitting next to Leng Yu, Huang Lin asked when she saw the boss frowning, "Boss, is it possible that the murderer of Liang Chengyuan was a medical staff in the hospital?"

"It's possible." Leng Yu said.

At this time, Xiao Cheng also inserted the topic. He said: "There must be some intrigue in the hospital. Maybe someone is jealous of Liang Chengyuan's ability, so he quietly followed him to his house and killed him and his wife. NS."

"You don't need to be quiet, it's just going into the house and killing people with integrity," Leng Yu said coldly.

When Liang Chengyuan and his wife Chen Yiqin were both found lying in the living room of the villa, the windows of the house were tightly locked, and there was no trace of broken windows entering the room.

Even the door of the villa hall is intact, so it can be concluded that the murderer must be familiar with Doctor Liang Chengyuan, and even if he is not familiar, he must have met.

After waiting for about an hour, the door of the conference hall was pushed aside, and a doctor in a white coat and gold-wire glasses walked in.

When Leng Yu and the others looked up at him, they saw that the doctor was wearing gray hair, and he looked like he was in his 50s.

When the doctor saw the three people sitting in the conference hall, his eyes were somehow caught by a cold woman in front of him, and the gaze was very sharp, piercing his heart.

"Three police officers, what are you looking for?" After Lin Shengchuan asked a few words, he abruptly moved his eyes away, never daring to meet Leng Yu again.

"Dr. Lin, please sit down, we are just looking for you to ask who we saw before Liang Chengyuan was killed." Leng Yu didn't talk to him and said straightforwardly.

After Lin Shengchuan heard what she said, his eyes rolled and he sat down without saying a word. He seemed to wait for Leng Yu to speak first, then take another step, count one step, and look at her. Ask something, and answer it carefully.

Leng Yu saw through Lin Shengchuan’s thoughts, and said coldly, “Dr. Lin, although we are here from the Federal Bureau, we will not catch people casually. We just ask you for questions. I hope you can cooperate. Let us find clues and solve the case for Dr. Liang immediately, without letting the murderer continue to escape justice."

Facing an old oilman like Doctor Lin, Leng Yu naturally knew how to gain his trust, so when he came up, he told him the real purpose of coming here, and he didn't make a roundabout.

"Police officer, just ask if you want to ask, I will try my best to cooperate." Lin Shengchuan said cautiously.

Leng Yu sat up straight from the chair at this time, and she asked, "Dr. Lin, before Liang Chengyuan gets off work, are you the last person to come into contact with him?"

Lin Shengchuan knew that Leng Yu must have hidden some intentions when he asked, but in front of the police, he couldn't lie. If you lied, the police will accuse yourself of obstructing the police's official duties with some crimes.

After thinking about this, he said: "I'm not sure, but I might be the last person to contact him before he leaves work."

"Well, did Liang Chengyuan explain to you some handovers? For example, let you take over?" Leng Yu asked.

"Yes, he looked for me before work, it was about 5.30 pm at that time, and he left work at 6 o'clock, so I guess he will not see anyone else except me." Lin Shengchuan answered truthfully.

"He asked you to take over his job. Did you say the reason?" Leng Yu asked again.

Leng Yu knew from some people that Liang Chengyuan was a workaholic, and he used to work overtime often and rarely asked for leave, so he was surprised that he suddenly let others take his place.

Lin Shengchuan touched the moustache on his chin and said, "I know he took a day off, but I don’t know what to do. He just told me to take a day off and let me take the day off. Anyway, I did. There was nothing else to do, so I promised him."

After Leng Yu heard this, he quickly turned his mind and asked, "Did Liang Chengyuan drive to work?"

"Yes, he drove to work." Lin Shengchuan replied.

There was a hint of surprise on his face, and he didn't understand why Leng Yu asked like that. Driving to work is a common thing for a doctor, so he thought it was not actually an important clue.

"Do you drive every day?" Leng Yu asked again.

"Yes, every day." Lin Shengchuan replied.

Leng Yu gave an "um" and asked, "How is your relationship with Liang Chengyuan?"

"Not bad. We have worked in a hospital for decades and have a good relationship with each other," Lin Shengchuan said. This time, his answer was obviously relaxed, probably because he had put down his guard against Leng Yu and others.

"Does Liang Chengyuan maintain a good relationship with the medical staff in this hospital?" Leng Yu asked.

"Well, I have never heard of any conflict between him and anyone." Lin Shengchuan thought for a while and replied.

"Then you guys will get together after work?" Leng Yu asked with a frown.

She actually felt a little impatient, because the answer Lin Shengchuan gave her was almost the same as that of Dean Shen, and it was difficult to find out what the result was.

"Not very often. After all, Liang Chengyuan has a wife and children at home. Most of him go straight home after work." Lin Shengchuan said.

"Then do you know his wife?" Leng Yu looked up at him, seemingly wanting to see a clue in his eyes.

"Yes. Because he brought his wife over when we were in the party. I and other colleagues have seen his wife several times. His wife is very easy-going. We used to tease Brother Liang that he was very blessed and married. I arrived at a beautiful and virtuous wife." When Lin Shengchuan said this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah." Leng Yu replied.

Seeing that there was nothing to ask anymore, Leng Yu stood up and said to Lin Shengchuan: "Let's do that today. Thank you for making time to see us. If you think of anything else to tell us, just Give the public security bureau a call."

Lin Shengchuan agreed, but he didn't stand up. He moved his lips and stopped talking.

Leng Yu caught his expression, stopped, and asked, "Doctor Lin, do you remember anything?"

Lin Shengchuan immediately got up from his chair and asked: "Police officer, in fact, many people in our hospital are worried about Liang Chengyuan's death because we don't know if the murderer will continue to kill..."

Hearing what he said, Leng Yu sat down again, frowned and asked, "Have you all heard anything about it?"

Lin Shengchuan blushed, and said with some embarrassment: "It's not that we received any wind, but our colleagues will guess each other, is it just like everyone said that the murderer killed Brother Liang for what reason? Do you want money and kill you?"

"Making money and killing?" Leng Yu asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lin Shengchuan touched the back of his head and said, "That's how it happened. The other day, Brother Liang mentioned to us that he wanted to open an elderly home with his wife after retirement, so we wondered if he also told others about this news. The murderer accidentally heard him, so he broke into his home and killed him and stole his money."

"President Shen should have told you the death of Liang Chengyuan and his wife, right?" Leng Yu said.

"Yes, even though I said that, we really don't have any certainty that we can grasp the real motive of the murderer to kill Brother Liang..." Lin Shengchuan waited to say that when he saw Leng Yu's glance over, he stopped again. .

At this time, Huang Lin, who was standing by, was already impatient. She said, "Doctor Lin, just speak up if you have something to say."

Looking at Huang Lin's impatient look, Lin Shengchuan swallowed before saying: "That's it, I also have a little money in my own family, so I wonder if the murderer will also list me as his next prey. ."

Speaking of this, Leng Yu and others were surprised.

It turned out that this guy was worried that the murderer would break into the house and kill him cruelly because he had a few cents in his family.

Xiao Cheng, who had been standing by and listening to a few people talking, couldn't help it now. He said, "You should be careful these days. If you are afraid, then take time off work and stay at home. "

"No, no, it's even more miserable to stay at home." Lin Shengchuan said with a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Then you live in the hospital." Huang Lin suppressed a smile and said casually to him.

Seeing that it was late, Leng Yu and the others stopped paying attention to Doctor Lin. They stepped out of the conference hall. When they arrived in the hospital lobby, Huang Lin couldn't help but said to Leng Yu: "Boss, look at these doctors who help the weak from the dead. It turns out that everyone is so courageous."

Leng Yu, who had been thinking about the problem quietly, heard what Huang Lin said, and said: "I always feel that things are not that simple. Although Liang Chengyuan died in the hospital, why is Lin Shengchuan so afraid of being like this? Isn't it one of them? There is an unspeakable secret?"

After meeting such a brutal killer and such a difficult case, Leng Yu had to run his thoughts in another direction.

Is this another case of revenge?