The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 54

Officer Wu, who had just put a bite of rice into his mouth, was a little stunned when he heard what Leng Yu said. The chopsticks he held in his hand were placed beside his mouth for a long time, and he looked very funny.

After Xiao Cheng saw it, he held back his laugh. He touched his elbow and said, "Officer Wu, our boss said Chen Yiqin might be abusive."

After more than ten seconds, Officer Wu slowly put down his chopsticks, but he didn't feel any embarrassment because of Xiao Cheng's reminder. Instead, he asked curiously: "Why?"

Leng Yu smiled slightly before saying, "Did you hear that? Liang Hanguang said that his mother once slapped him."

The three nodded, but Officer Wu was still a bit unclear. So he asked: "It's common for a 9-year-old or 10-year-old child to be slapped by an adult for being naughty? Is there any reason to say that she has a tendency to abuse? ?"

Leng Yu took another bite of the dish and asked faintly: "Then let me ask, what is your impression of Liang Hanguang?"

After hearing this, Huang Lin first said: "He is a weak child, like a boy who will fall when the wind blows."

Leng Yu nodded, turned to look at Xiao Cheng, and asked, "What do you think?"

Xiao Cheng also nodded his head and agreed with what Huang Lin said. He said, "The character of this kid makes me feel quite gentle, a little girlish, and I know at a glance that it is a kid who won't cause trouble to adults. I won’t look for people everywhere to make appointments."

Leng Yu gave an "um", looked at Officer Wu, and asked: "Officer Wu, what about you? What do you think of the child?"

When Leng Yu and others said this, Officer Wu had fully understood the meaning of Leng Yu’s words. The corners of his eyes with crow's feet raised slightly, and smiled: "Officer Leng, your analytical ability is better than that. I have improved a lot when I saw you before. Yes, I always think Liang Hanguang is a little delicate, not like a kid who will cause trouble everywhere, so even if he is at fault, he won't let the adults slap, and this person Also his own mother."

After Officer Wu finished speaking, Leng Yu pushed a dish in front of him and motioned for him to eat. Officer Wu was also not polite to her, and after taking a bite of the dish with his chopsticks, he delivered it to his mouth.

The four of them were sitting together eating dinner and discussing the case, and they didn't feel tired at all.

After eating a piece of meat, Leng Yu spoke again: "In Liang Hanguang's eyes, he thinks Chen Yiqin is a kind mother. I think that is also based on two reasons."

"Officer Leng, you said." Officer Wu looked up at her, eyes very focused.

Leng Yu put down his chopsticks, took out a tissue from the tissue box next to the table, wiped it off, and said, “First: He has rarely had contact with other children since he was a child, so the family discipline for his family is I didn’t know it at all. I always thought that Chen Yiqin’s way of discipline was because he loved him. Chen Yiqin gave his son material satisfaction and made up for his son’s inner loneliness. Liang Hanguang is also very sensible, so he probably wouldn’t make a fuss about wanting to go out when he was a child. What? He didn’t get in touch with some outside friends until he grew up. Second: As Liang Hanguang said just now, if a child from another family bullies him, Chen Yiqin will handle it for her son, but how does she deal with it? However, Liang Hanguang didn't mention a word..."

When Leng Yu said this, Officer Wu intervened and asked: "Is it because Liang Hanguang has something unspeakable, so he doesn't want to tell how his mother handles his relationship with other children?"

"I think Liang Hanguang doesn't even know how his mother handled it." Leng Yu said coldly.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the other three people felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts for some reason. I don’t know if it was because of Leng Yu’s words or because Chen Yiqin, a mysterious woman, was bullied by other children when her son was young. What did the children do that the children hide away when they see Liang Hanguang.

Everyone seemed to be shrouded in gray and black, and they faintly felt that the death of the Liangs might be due to the incident.

At this time, Huang Lin suddenly remembered something. She said to Leng Yu: "Boss, the security guard said that the man in the helmet who stuffed him with 500 yuan is a young man, isn't it?"

Leng Yu turned his head and looked at Huang Lin, with a satisfied look on his face, approvingly said: "Your guess may be what I am thinking in my heart now, keep talking."

Seeing that the boss rarely agreed with her statement, Huang Lin couldn’t help feeling a burst of joy. She said: “If the helmet man was a young man, he might have known the Liang couple decades ago, and he was He is still a child. Therefore, if Chen Yiqin has a tendency to abuse children, the helmet man may be one of the victims. Without proper psychological counseling and help, his psychology becomes extremely distorted when he grows up. Tragedy."

After listening to Huang Lin's analysis of the case, Leng Yu nodded and said, "I think so too, but what about Liang Chengyuan? How did he offend the murderer?"

When the question was raised again, everyone fell into the Wuli Mist again. Indeed, they can't connect these two things together.

Liang Chengyuan was a conscientious surgeon. He was forced to switch departments and became a doctor in the emergency department until he encountered a health problem.

Moreover, according to Liang Hanguang's description of his father, he is a father who loves his children and is responsible, and a man who loves his wife, so he can't seem to find any flaws in his character.

So, what about Chen Yiqin? She may be a woman with a tendency to abuse children, but why are the kindergarten teachers so full of praise for her? All agree that she is a rare, patient and caring teacher?

If Chen Yiqin really has a tendency to abuse children, then her death may be excusable, but what about Liang Chengyuan? Since he was said to be so good, why did he encounter the same miserable situation as Chen Yiqin?

One can be said to have been killed because of the earlier abuse of children, while the other is perfect in character, but also brutally killed.


Leng Yu looked at the other three people and saw that they were the same as himself, and his face was blank.

None of them can find out from the character of the deceased why the murderer wanted to kill the two couples.

When a dinner was about to be finished, Leng Yu sighed slightly, and said, "The other thing that puzzles me is why the murderer thought of cutting off an organ from the dead, and then why did he take the organ again? I think Liang Chengyuan's death may be related to the lack of organs in his body."

At this time, Xiao Cheng, who had just eaten a meal, interjected and said: "There is another doubt that is the wrist watch worn by Liang Chengyuan on his wrist..."

When Xiao Cheng was halfway through, Leng Yu suddenly said to him: "By the way, Xiao Cheng, didn't you take a group of photos of the Liang family's villa? You take it out and let us have a look."

"Huh? Just watch it here?" Officer Wu asked.

"No, no, let's go to the conference hall." After Leng Yu finished speaking, he got up first. Others were surprised to see her suddenly wanting to see the photos in a hurry, but they all got up with her.

Four people left the canteen again.

After Xiao Cheng arrived at the conference hall, he immediately took out a set of photos from the backpack he was carrying with him, put them on the long table in the conference hall, and said, "All the photos are here."

"Boss, what do we have to find from the photos?" Huang Lin came to Leng Yu's side, and wanted to find out with her.

Leng Yu looked down at the pile of photos and said to them: "You guys also help, find any photos with a clock or an alarm clock."

"Okay!" The three people agreed in unison, and instantly understood Leng Yu's intentions.

Leng Yu scattered a group of photos taken by Xiao Cheng on the table, and then divided them into 4 piles. The 4 people just dig through the photos, hoping to find a clue.

Time passed bit by bit, and the four of them kept rumbling, until Police Officer Wu said "Huh" before stopping.

Leng Yu and others put down the photos in their hands and came to Officer Wu's side together, and looked at the photo he was holding.

"The wall clock refers to 4.10 minutes!" Police Officer Wu shouted.

"Boss, the time pointed by the wall clock in the living room is different from the time of Liang Chengyuan's wrist watch!" Huang Lin shouted.

"Moreover, the time indicated by the wall clock is different from the time when I took the photo!" Xiao Cheng also yelled, pointing his finger at the time and date under the photo.

Leng Yu raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and said with a sneer: "The murderer was deliberate. I believe the wall clock in Liang Chengyuan's villa still points to 4.10."

Then, she turned her head to look at Officer Wu, and said to him: "Officer Wu, please call the police officer who is staying there and ask if the time to look at the wall clock in the living room points to 4.10 minutes. ?"

After Police Officer Wu quickly agreed, he immediately called the police officer stationed there. Within a few minutes, he hung up the phone and said to everyone, "Yes, the time on the wall clock in the living room has stopped moving. It is pointing to 4.10."

"Why is this?" Xiao Cheng couldn't help asking, his tone irritating.

He really didn't understand the purpose of the murderer who deliberately stopped the watch and wall clock at a certain point in time.

The other two were already impatient, because they felt that the murderer deliberately presented a problem for everyone and asked the police to solve such a problem.

This game of hide and seek seems to mock the police's incompetence and helplessness towards him.

The time problem on the clock was discovered by Leng Yu, so at this time everyone turned their eyes to her again, with questions in their eyes, wondering what kind of thoughts were hidden in her heart when she mentioned time.

"The time of a wall clock is not just time. It may represent a set of numbers with meaning. Just like the time on Liang Chengyuan’s watch, it represents a certain meaning, which is what we inferred earlier. It represents the time of his death." Leng Yu said solemnly.

Since the time point of a watch and a wall clock are different, what does the time on the wall clock represent?