The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 59

A spare tire in the courtyard of Lin Shengchuan Villa revealed that the murderer led the victims out of the tire on the grounds of a flat tire, and then killed them.

Huang Lin frowned and asked, "Boss, under what circumstances did the murderer have the opportunity to make hacks on the tires?"

Leng Yu turned her head and asked, "Then do you remember the motorcyclist that the security guard met in the hospital parking garage?"

"I remember." Huang Lin and Xiao Cheng both replied.

Leng Yu watched them with a pair of eyes, and did not speak. It was not until dozens of seconds later that Huang Lin shouted: "Yes! Why did he put 500 yuan for the security? That's because he confronted Liang Chengyuan in the parking garage. The tires of the car were tampered with, and I was afraid of being discovered, so I thought of bribing the security guard."

"Yeah." Leng Yu nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Xiao Cheng asked: "So what about the second deceased? Is it possible that his tires were also tampered with by motorcyclists in the parking garage?"

Leng Yu shook his head and said, "I don't think so. He couldn't do anything on the tires of another victim in the same place. Just now two reporters said that Lin Shengchuan was drinking at a bar last Friday. I'm drunk, so I have reason to believe that his car tires were passive when Lin Shengchuan and others were drinking in the bar."

Officer Wu interrupted and said: "Yes, I agree with Officer Leng's analysis. It is impossible for him to give the security a second time, and he will definitely suspect that we have asked the security about him, so he will not take risks in the same place. "

When talking about stuffing money, Leng Yu's head flashed, and she said: "Do you remember? He stuffed the security with 500 yuan. This is not a small amount. Perhaps the murderer has a decent, decent, or even He has a higher salary than ordinary migrant workers. Perhaps he rides a motorcycle to cover his eyes and not want to be guessed by us and the two victims."

Huang Lin said: "Does that mean that the murderer is probably the medical staff or even the doctor in the People's Hospital?"

Leng Yu frowned and said: "So far I don't know, but combined with the fact that the murderer can easily enter the room to kill, I think the deceased must have known the murderer, so the probability of the murderer being a medical staff in the People's Hospital should also be very high."

Having said that, no one can guarantee the true identity of the murderer, and there is no suspected target for the time being.

Leng Yu sighed and said, "Looking back, we will ask Mr. Wu and Mr. Yan some questions, maybe we can get some information from it."

After the other three nodded in agreement, they stepped to the entrance of the villa's hall.

When the four people arrived in the hall, they were immediately disgusted by the smell of blood and the smell of corpses. Although it is not the first time they have encountered a corrupt body, the smell inevitably makes everyone feel very uncomfortable.

Leng Yu came to the deceased first, and after looking down at the deceased's body, he couldn't help but frown.

The forensic doctor who was squatting next to the corpse raised his eyes and glanced at Leng Yu, and said, "This deceased has the same state of death as the last two deceased. They both lost too much blood and died."

Leng Yu also squatted down and saw the hole in the deceased's eyes at a glance, and asked, "How long has he been dead?"

The forensic doctor said: "For more than three days, the exact time of death will not be known until the corpse is dissected."

The two exchanged answers for a while, and Huang Lin and others also came up. When they saw the appearance of the corpse, they couldn't help exclaiming: "His eyeballs were dug out by the murderer!"

The forensic doctor shook his head and sighed: "The eyeballs of the deceased were taken by the murderer alive. Also, you see, there was a trace of burnt under his eyes. The murderer should have used something like a spoon to take the eyeballs. However, before he dug his eyeballs, he should have used something like a lighter to heat the spoon in advance, and then dug the deceased’s eyeballs."

"Why would he do this?" Huang Lin asked.

"I don't know, maybe I want the deceased to bear more pain." The forensic doctor said.

Xiao Cheng couldn't help but screamed: "It's really abnormal!"

When everyone looked at the deep black eye of the deceased, they couldn't help but fill up some terrifying pictures in their minds. They imagined how the deceased struggled and endured the tremendous pain when the murderer took his eyeballs.

When the two eyeballs were dug out, how did he walk from the originally bright world into the dark world. And in the dark world, how clearly did he feel the huge pain he suffered when his abdomen was cut open by the murderer.

Darkness always makes the senses stronger, so this deceased was tortured no less than the two deceased before he died.

When everyone thought of this, they were shocked.

Officer Wu said in a deep voice: "What kind of deep hatred is this to make this bloodthirsty demon perform such heinous behavior."

He turned his head and glanced at the **** ground, and saw that there were many traces of blood with invisible shoe soles beside the blood stains, knowing that the murderer had come prepared.

The murderer will not let the police track him down easily, so he prepared a pair of plastic shoes when he committed the crime.

Leng Yu pointed to the abdomen of the corpse and asked: "This knife mark under the murderer is different from the last two dead. This knife was cut from the abdomen to under the chest. So, what organ did he take away? Woolen cloth?"

The forensic doctor carefully examined the body, and then said, "I took the liver."

Last time, the murderer took away Liang Chengyuan's kidney and Chen Yiqin's uterus, but this time he took away the deceased's liver and his eyes.

Leng Yu stood up and asked Officer Wu: "I still haven't found the removed organs at the scene?"

Officer Wu shook his head and said, "No. This time the murderer was more proficient. When he took the organs, he didn't leave a drop of blood in the courtyard or the iron gate."

Leng Yu let out an "um" and said, "The more he kills, the more skillful the technique will be, and the more courage he will become."

When she turned her head to look at the corpse again, she suddenly pointed to the lower body of the corpse and said: "The deceased's pants and underwear have been pulled back to the knees. Have you ever been sexually assaulted?"

The forensic doctor turned over the corpse, checked it, frowned and said, "Well, I was really sexually assaulted, and there were serious cracks."

Hearing what he said, everyone leaned over again to the deceased's **** door and saw that there were signs of tearing.

The forensic doctor sighed and said: "He was sexually assaulted before his death, and some splashes of blood appeared on the ground near the abdomen. It does not rule out that the murderer had already cut his abdomen when he sexually assaulted the deceased. The blood spewed out with his movements. Such behavior is very rare. The murderer's method of killing the dead is fierce and cruel."

"Tsk tusk, what is this murderer thinking in his head, how can he perform such a terrifying behavior!" Xiao Cheng said bitterly.

"Oh, look, his intestines are still flowing out. It's really a broken intestines." The forensic doctor personally picked up a small intestine on the ground and placed it in the deceased's abdomen before calling out: " Take him into the autopsy room."

Seeing that he was about to lift the body away, Leng Yu suddenly remembered one thing. She said: "Forensic Qian, before you dissect the body, check if there is a watch hidden on his body. If there is a watch, you will immediately Send us a message to let us know what time the hour hand of the watch points, and whether the watch has stopped operating."

He nodded and said "Okay", then stood up, took off the medical gloves on his hands, followed behind the small forensic doctors who came with him, and they got into a police car together. Rushed to the Public Security Bureau.

Leng Yu looked around and said, "It's the same, let's check around, and by the way, find out if there are other wall clocks or alarm clocks in the room."

Huang Lin pointed to the blood footprints on the ground that gradually extended to a bedroom, and said: "Let's follow the blood footprints. The murderer should start looking for the alarm clock or wall clock after the incident."

Leng Yu gave an "um" and said, "Let's do things separately."

After speaking, he walked to the window of the villa. She looked at the window tightly closed, knowing that the murder must have happened between midnight and early morning, because it was impossible for the deceased to have the hall window open at night and then walked into the bedroom to sleep.

She looked down at the edge of the window, and there was no trace, so she made a judgment in her heart: the dead and the murderer knew each other.

However, I don't know if they met just after Lin Shengchuan's tire punctured or they met each other early in the morning.

Combined with your previous conclusions about the tire blowout, the dead and the murderer should have just met. However, if the murderer was the motorcyclist, then when he was following Doctor Lin, the helmet on his head must have not been removed from beginning to end. Therefore, even if Lin Shengchuan knew the murderer a long time ago, it should be difficult to identify his true identity.

So, who is this mysterious motorcyclist?

When she raised her head and looked out the window again, looking at the big road in front of her, there was another flash in her head, and she turned and walked quickly to look for Officer Wu. When she came to the kitchen, she saw that Officer Wu was carefully examining everything in the kitchen, and she said to him: "Officer Wu, can you send someone to check the surveillance system on the main road that extends all the way to this community? See if the same motorcyclist followed Dr. Lin home."

Officer Wu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

He took out his mobile phone, and after dialing the number, he arranged for police officers to search and monitor.

Officer Leng waited for him to arrange, and said, "I didn't find a wall clock in the living room. Where's the kitchen?"

"Neither." Officer Wu replied briefly.

Officer Leng said: "Then let's go to his master bedroom and have a look."

As the two of them walked towards Lin Shengchuan’s master bedroom, Huang Lin’s voice followed from the master bedroom. She shouted, "Come on, the alarm clock on the small table beside the bed of Dr. Lin Stop moving!"

They stepped into the master bedroom and saw the alarm clock on a small table beside the bed at a glance. The hands had stopped turning, and the time was pointing to another number: 6.20 minutes! !