The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 68

When Mayor Ye remembered the past, Leng Yu noticed a little tear in the corner of his eye. Seeing him, she immediately raised his arm and wiped the tears with the sleeve on his arm.

Then, when he turned his gaze to Leng Yu again, seeing the other party seemed to look at him casually, as if the thing about his tears had never appeared in front of her.

He secretly thanked Leng Yu for giving enough face to him.

Leng Yu saw that Village Chief Ye had calmed down, and asked, "When did Mayor Ye, Liang Chengyuan and Lin Shengchuan come to the village?"

Village Chief Ye stretched out his finger and said, "Liang Chengyuan came here in the third year after Chen Yiqin came to the village. At that time, he had just graduated from medical school and was assigned to work in this village. An ordinary doctor, and he and Chen Yiqin met at this time."

"They quickly fell in love after they met. Liang Chengyuan looked pretty good at the time. He talked well and had a little bit of talent. Therefore, the unmarried girls in the village liked him very much. However, he did. None of them looked down on him until he came to the orphanage to diagnose and vaccinate the children before meeting the young and beautiful Chen Yiqin, and finally found the first girlfriend in his life." Village Chief Ye Said slowly.

Leng Yu was actually not interested in the love history of Liang Chengyuan and his wife when they were young. However, in order to get more information, she forced herself to listen carefully to Mr. Ye's words one by one.

She later asked, "So Liang Chengyuan should come to the orphanage very often in order to date Chen Yiqin, right?"

Mayor Ye nodded and said, "Yes. He does report to the orphanage after work, or when he is not working on weekends. Therefore, the children in the orphanage are actually used to his appearance. , And because of this, his relationship with the children is pretty good..."

Leng Yu gave an "um" and asked, "So, since Liang Chengyuan and Chen Yiqin were together, have they done anything to the dean?"

When Leng Yu asked here, Village Chief Ye couldn't help but "hum" heavily, and said, "How could it not be! Instead, they have gotten worse, and various rumors about the dean spread among the villagers again. Now, some villagers even accused Chen Yiqin of complaining that he was sexually assaulted by the dean! Think about it, the dean is an old man in his 70s. If he really wants to sexually assault Chen Yiqin, that’s unlikely, and I and I The dean has always been on good terms, knowing that he has no sexual ability, how could he still violate Chen Yiqin? This is simply nonsense and nonsense!"

Leng Yu was excited when he saw what he said, and could imagine how the dean was wronged because of these two people. She asked, "What happened then?"

Village Chief Ye took a deep breath and said, “Later, the dean came quietly to my earthen house one night, and I invited him into the house. After he saw me, he told me Then I told me that he was wronged. I said it was better to find Chen Yiqin and let the villagers come to the orphanage together. We confronted her on the spot, but the dean was unwilling. Police officer, you know, the villagers The thinking is very conservative. If they are told about the dean’s loss of sexual ability, it will be a serious blow to a man, and he is so old that he does not want to ruin his reputation because of this incident. Therefore, he I didn’t agree with me anyway. And I understood what he was thinking, so I had to come forward to settle the matter for him and tell the villagers that if there is not enough evidence, we can’t accuse one person of doing something to another for no reason. Something like that happened."

After a pause, he said: "However, after the villagers listened to my explanation, they still didn't buy it. I had no choice but to turn my finger at Chen Yiqin, and I told her if she was really sexually assaulted by the dean, Then Dr. Liang was in the village at the moment. She could find her boyfriend and ask him to check on herself. After the evidence was obtained, it would not be too late to file charges against the dean. Later, Chen Yiqin had seen the incident and did not go anymore. It was noisy and was no longer pursued, so this matter was put on hold because of this, and it gradually faded over time. However, the relationship between the Dean and Chen Yiqin also became worse because of this incident."

Leng Yu asked, "So did Chen Yiqin make other small moves afterwards?"

Chief Ye Village said: “Since the sexual assault accusation against the dean was unsuccessful, she did not want to stay in the orphanage anymore. Therefore, she moved out and lived with Liang Chengyuan until she went to Nanshi. After the mayor’s funding was granted, the orphanage in the village was rebuilt and she moved back."

When Leng Yu heard this, she remembered the old bed she had seen in the left bedroom of the abandoned orphanage. Who slept together?"

Chief Ye village nodded and said, "Yes. Back then, the dean slept in a small room upstairs, while Chen Yiqin slept with a group of orphans. In fact, I know why she deliberately moved back to the orphans. Police officer, think about it, she left Liang Chengyuan to live well, why did she suddenly move back?"

Leng Yu sneered and said, "She just wanted to set a good example. As the deputy dean, if she didn't live with the children, it would be too shameless. Sooner or later, she would leave the villagers behind. Talking." She rolled her eyes quickly, and said: "But, I don't think she was purely because she wanted to set an example to herself. She did it because she had a serious tendency to abuse children. With so many children in the orphanage, she must be able to satisfy this perverted desire in her heart."

"Police officer, you are so smart." After listening to Leng Yu's analysis, Chief Ye village couldn't help but admire her.

A very shallow smile appeared on Leng Yu’s face. She said, “Mr. Ye, don’t laugh at me.” Then, she changed the conversation and asked Mr. Ye: “Then, I want to know. What happened to the dean? Was he forced to leave later for other reasons?"

At this time, there was a dim light in the eyes of the Mayor Ye. He sighed and said, "Yes, he was later charged with corruption by Chen Yiqin. At that time, things were very violent, and even the mayor was accused of corruption. This scandal came to the village deliberately again, and with his title and reputation, the dean immediately resigned from his position, and ordered him to leave the village immediately that night."

At this moment, Huang Lin, who was standing behind Leng Yu, couldn't bear it for a long time. She said loudly: "This Chen Yiqin is really deceiving! She framed the dean again and again, for what?!"

Mayor Ye looked up at Huang Lin and smiled bitterly: "She obviously has a deep relationship with the mayor, but I didn't find out what kind of relationship it was until a year later."

Leng Yu saw that the topic was gradually turned off by them, so she hurriedly pulled it back. She asked, "Then Chief Ye, did he come to you on the night the director left?"

When Mr. Ye Village asked her, his face was a little dazed, and then he shook his head and said, "No, he has never come to me, and I still don't understand why he didn't come to say goodbye to me until today. He just left quietly, and to this day, I haven't heard anything about him."

After Leng Yu listened, her eyes widened slightly, and she asked, "President Ye, tell me, when did the dean's post be dismissed?"

Mayor Ye replied: "It's about 10 o'clock in the morning."

Leng Yu nodded and asked again: "So, when he was dismissed, he didn't come to you until he left at night?"

Village Chief Ye quickly said: "No, no, he still came to see me. At noon that day, he came to my earthen house, and we had lunch together. At that time, I told him that he remembered to come to me when he left at night. I also agreed, but since lunch, he hasn't come here again. And I didn't see him from noon to night, and then waited until 11:30, and still didn't see him. I think At this point in time, if he wanted to leave the village, he should have left long ago. He would never wait until this time before leaving. Because there are no street lights in the village at all, it would be for an old man in his 70s to leave at midnight. It is very dangerous. Because of this, I became suspicious, afraid of what danger he might encounter, and went out to the orphanage. However, when I went there and found one of the staff to ask, she But he told me that the dean left after 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and that he should have already left the village. Therefore, I thought it might be that the dean didn’t want to disturb me any more, so I left quietly."

When Mayor Ye said this, Leng Yu lowered his head to think seriously.

The white gloves Yang Cong held in his hands kept circling around in Leng Yu's mind. After a long time, she suddenly raised her head and asked, "Mr. Ye, I want to go back to the orphanage again. Would you like to come with us?"

"What?" Mr. Ye asked, his eyes widened.

Leng Yu's black eyes showed a hint of light, and she said lightly: "I think the dean never stepped out of this village that night."

At this time, the remaining three people in the earthen hut asked in unison: "Why?!"

Leng Yu sneered and said, "Either he is missing, or he is dead."

Village Chief Ye became more suspicious, and he asked: "Even if he is dead, it is not surprising, after all, it has been so many years..."

Leng Yu slowly shook his head and said, "No, if he really died, he wouldn't die after so many years. He died when he was about to leave the village."

After this sentence came out of Leng Yu's mouth, all three were dumbfounded.