The Devil is Lurking By Your Side

Chapter 80

Although Leng Yu had guessed the secrets and truths hidden behind Liang Chengyuan and others when they were killed, she still could not imagine that in a corner of the world more than ten years ago, there were many children who were cruelly toyed with by so-called adults. Killing, but such a tragedy has not been exposed, until today after several homicides have occurred, it was slowly exposed.

Behind this tragedy is also another more terrible tragedy, which spread out in the sun, revealing the terrible human nature and the sinister heart of the human heart.

In order to satisfy their own perverted desires, they killed many innocent children, and even stretched out their hands to the children who had no power to restrain them, tortured them to their heart's content, and tortured them to death.

Xiaojie is one of their victims. Although he survived by chance, it has already devastated him deeply, and this terrible dream is still following him until now, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop until the day when he is executed.

He is an orphan and his fate is already very miserable. Later, after encountering such tragic events, he finally turned into an extremely terrifying, even emotional, murderous demon.

Many years ago, he was not treated as an adult by these doctors. And until he became an adult, when he killed them, he also regarded them as objects, so he took their lives without mercy.

Leng Yu believed that even after he was arrested today, Xiaojie's heart would not show a trace of regret for killing someone.

"Regret it?" Leng Yu asked lightly.

"No." Xiaojie only replied one word, the expression on his face has returned to indifferent.

However, the tears still hanging in the corner of Xiaojie's eyes are enough to prove that he is actually an emotional person, but his inner emotions have been worn away many years ago.

Today, he is just a living corpse, only a body, but no soul.

"Yeah." Following Xiaojie's one-word answer, Leng Yu also gave him a one-line response, which is regarded as understanding his inner thoughts.

The tragedy is happening in front of him. How can a man who has been severely mutilated be able to let go of his grief and anger and choose to forgive the deceased?

What's more, after he escaped from the orphanage, because he thought that the past that was ashamed to open his teeth would lead him astray without being properly guided, and he has never been able to get out of that scary one until now. shadow.

Although the tragedy of the year has been clearly explained, Officer Wu is curious about how Xiaojie managed to escape. So he asked: "Mr. Liu, you just said that your hands and feet are **** with chains, then how did you escape from the orphanage or even the basement?"

Xiaojie's original indifferent expression immediately showed a bleak color after hearing Officer Wu's questioning.

This is another pain buried deep in his heart.

I saw his eyes lowered, despair appeared in his eyes, and scenes of the past came to his heart again. When Leng Yu saw him showing this look, after thinking of the photos they found in Lin Shengchuan's bedroom, he already understood why Xiaojie felt so desperate.

The beast Lin Shengchuan obviously lied to Xiaojie, he brought hope to Xiaojie, and at the same time knocked him from the sky to hell.

Or that Xiaojie's truly tragic fate kicked off with Lin Shengchuan's instigation.

For a long time, when Leng Yu wanted to stop Xiaojie from telling the painful experience, he heard him speak. He only heard him say: "The reason why I was able to escape was because I believed the beast, Lin Shengchuan!"

And the police officer Wu and Xiao Cheng sitting in front of him became curious. They asked in unison: "Why? What did he do to you?"

Xiaojie looked at them with a miserable smile and said: "I thought he was a little bit different from others. He said that he knew I didn't like to stay in the basement, so he promised to take me out, and I was young. I couldn’t stand the terrible environment in the basement again, so I chose to believe him. Just after he took me out of the basement, this guy took me to another place. He locked me up again, and then Every day he will sexually assault and molest me, and even treat me as his **** slave!"

Leng Yu stared at Xiaojie, and after hearing that he was being assaulted for the second time, he couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Many times, when a person is violated for the first time, his body and mind have been severely injured. However, after another person rescued him from the abyss of pain, another second assault can make a person completely ruined.

Xiaojie belongs to such a victim. Therefore, compared with his elder brothers and sisters, the trauma he suffered physically and mentally was far stronger than that of them, and it even numbed him to death and lost the will to survive.

Officer Wu also sighed later, and he asked softly, "Do you want to continue talking?"

Such inquiries show respect for the prisoner Xiaojie. He knew that Xiaojie was originally an innocent and kind child, but because of the torture of these demons, he fell into the abyss of despair.

However, after Xiaojie bravely shared his experience today, he won the respect of the audience in the interrogation room.

Xiaojie took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "Don't you want to know the follow-up development of the matter? Anyway, they are dead, and my wish has been fulfilled, so I want to take all their ugly deeds. Speak out, let everyone know that these guys deserved it! All their deaths were taken by themselves!"

After a pause, Xiaojie said again: "Lin Shengchuan treats me as his own **** slave. He said he would not kill me, but I have to provide him with this kind of service for a long time. If I run away secretly, He would chase me and even kill me. I was scared when I heard it, but this guy became worse and tortured me more terrifying than death. He did that to me every day , And my body was hurt by him, and he even made me bleed again and again without mercy. Every day of my life can be said to be better than death. Later, I thought, instead of continuing to succumb to life, it would be better to fight. So, after torturing me one night, he went to his bedroom to sleep. But I secretly found the key, and finally opened the lock and escaped. Later, when I was After successfully escaping, I was quickly rescued and I lay in the hospital for a while. However, from that time on, I stopped talking, and I never talked to anyone about what I had experienced. Later. Although the person who rescued me called the police, the police couldn’t get any information from me. In the end, they had no choice but to send me to the Welfare Department. My future life will be spent in the Welfare Department. Yes, even started to go to school, and then slowly climbed into the Federal Bureau."

When Leng Yu heard him say this, he interjected and asked: "You climbed into the Federal Bureau to find out where these people went as a policeman, didn't you?"

"Yes." Xiaojie nodded and admitted.

Leng Yu gave an "um" and stopped talking.

Indeed, if he stays in the Federal Bureau, as a police officer, he can ask other colleagues to find out the whereabouts of Liang Chengyuan and his wife, Lin Shengchuan and Tangyuan, and even accurately find out their work unit and identity information, etc. Thus began to plan this series of killing stamps.

The reason why he endured it to this day was that he wanted to kill these beasts with his own hands.

Xiaojie is a very good actor. He concealed his colleagues in the Federal Bureau, and he planned step by step until he successfully avenged himself and his brothers and sisters.

Xiao Cheng's eyes had never been removed from Xiaojie. He asked in a deep voice, "Why have you never told us about this?"

Xiaojie looked up at this moment, met Xiao Cheng’s eyes, and said, “Xiao Cheng, if I told you about this, would you believe me? You may believe me, or you may be dubious, or even think that I am. It is impossible for a big man to encounter such a thing and think that I am joking. Even if you believe me, you will definitely follow the law to inquire about the evil things Liang Chengyuan and the others have done. However, the legal way There is really no way to let me vent my anger. The reason why I don’t mention anything to you is because I want to use the same method on them to harm them, so that they can know how the children who were killed are before they die. You’ve suffered. However, if they were arrested by you, they would not have suffered such a crime. Moreover, they may have escaped because of the wind."

Alas, after all, I still want to retaliate against the dead, and I don't want to make them so cheap.

"Xiaojie, when is the wrongdoing reported?" Xiao Cheng looked at Xiaojie with sad eyes and said.

Xiaojie smiled indifferently at this time and said: "Xiao Cheng, you are not me, you will not know how I spent these years. If this hatred is not reported, I will not die."

"Well, maybe." So far, Xiao Cheng didn't speak again.

His heart is very complicated.

On the one hand, he was very upset for Xiaojie, and even thought that the tragic situation of the dead before their deaths was what they deserved. However, on the other hand, Xiaojie's extreme personality and unforgettable psychology made him feel deeply sorry.

However, Xiaojie was right. This kind of long-term nightmare will indeed drive a person crazy, and even commit this terrible crime in the end.

The interrogation room fell silent again after the conversation between the two of them ended.

Leng Yu turned to look at Officer Wu's handwritten record, and then said to Xiaojie again: "Xiaojie, tell me about your murder."

Xiaojie looked at Leng Yu at this time, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Aren't you all clear? Officer Leng, you are the female Zhuge in our Federal Bureau. Don't you understand how I kill people?"

When he said these words, there was a hint of complacency in his tone.