The Devilish Immortal

Chapter 38: The "complete state" of magic weapon

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Soon, ripples flashed over the wasteland behind, and a silver ship broke out. The bow of the ship, with a faint mysterious fairy, and a tense Shang Guanying juxtaposed the bow. Behind them were Zhang Ran and Lu Xinyun, who stood respectfully.

When the ship sailed over Lu Liang and others, it was a meal first, and then Zhang Ran and Lu Xinyun jumped down. After that, the ship's shadow disappeared into the air again.

"Liu Liang, Aunt Qing said, when I talked to the people over you, I said it was Aunt Qing who helped." Lu Liang's voice came from Shang Guanying's mind.

Lu Liang worshiped where the ship disappeared, and then the words were directly transmitted to everyone.

Almost at the same time as the ship disappeared, the five enlightened figures also landed in front of Lu Liang and others. The leader was the mixed Yuan Jianxian. There were four Tianxian behind him. They were Fuyuan real person and Zhenyuan. Real person, and a short, middle-aged man, it seems that it may be a sly unintentional Master, a real person.

Xunyuan Jianxian glanced around, and finally set her eyes on the huge pit, as if waiting for the explanation from Lu Liang and others.

Lv Liang gave Li Wuyi a wink, and the latter knew, stepped forward, and bowed down and said, "The ancestor in charge, the masters respect the ancestors, this is all because of the disciples ..." They told everything they had encountered after coming out of Fang City, including Lu Liang and Xu Mubai, who had used Shengpo Dan to support them.

Of course, the final shot to turn the tide and make such a destructive man on the battlefield, naturally fell on Aunt Qing. Jianyuan Sword Fairy already knew what was going on. He nodded slightly after hearing the words, and the other four Tianxian were convinced. After all, no one knows the name of His Majesty the Dragon, and this level of damage is already very light.

In his unintentional words, he did not regret the praise and gratitude to Lu Liang and Xu Mubai. The five ancestors, including Xunyuan Jianxian, expressed their sincere thanks to Xu Mubai for sending charcoal in the snow.

Among them, when Tianyuan real people learned that Xu Mubai's defensive magic weapon was damaged during the battle, he said nothing and directly took out a shield magic weapon that returned to the virtual period. After erasing his knowledge, he gave it directly to Xu Mubai.

Xu Mubai was naturally unwilling to accept it, but in the end he couldn't stand the power of the predecessors who were present, and finally thanked him for his gratitude.

At the same time, when I heard that Xu Mubai came out to travel around, Xunyuan Sword Fair also kindly invited him to stay for a while in Jianfuxian Palace. Xu Mubai did not have any excuses this time. According to him, being able to visit the second largest force in Wufangyu is also his dream.

Afterwards, everyone returned to Jianfuxian Palace together. Regarding who was attacked unintentionally, Junyuan Jianxian seemed to intentionally not explain. Lu Liang and others were also interested and did not ask again.

After entering the imperial palace, Li accidentally was taken away by Tianyuan real person. Before leaving, he transmitted a message to Lu Liang, and agreed to see him five days later. At the invitation of Lu Liang, Xu Mubai also planned to stay in the medicine garden for a few days.


In the main hall of Jianfuxian Palace, in a secret room, Jianyuan Xianxuan said something respectfully to a ghost, and looking at the ghost's physical appearance, it was the sword ancestor.

"Master, the above is the situation that Li unintentionally experienced. The last person who killed the blue robe man in the late stage of the infant transformation should be Lu Liang undoubtedly. The destructive force caused by the technique and the scene is in line with the effect of the magic thunder. After the Xianyuan sword fairy finished speaking, he seemed a little hesitant, but continued to say, "The two blue robe men, according to the disciples' speculation, are likely to be disciples of the Vientiane Gate of the Paleid Realm. After all, the faceless face, and The cricket I've seen there is a lot like it! "

"Well, the Vientiane Gate is a mysterious sect that emerged unexpectedly about a million years ago. Now it has replaced the Yi Shui Zong and became the first gate of the Blue Realm. The Vientiane Gate and my sword Runxian Palace have always been well-watered. You They have even been invited to participate in the promotion ceremony held by their heads. This time, for the body of the mysterious soul, I openly shot at my disciple of the imperial palace. It seems that there is another article! "The ghost of Jianfu's ancestor frowned. Seems to be thinking about something.

"What does that mean by Master?" The mixed Yuan Jianxian looked up at the sword ancestor.

"Since the other party is concealed, and my disciples have not been harmed in any case, don't tear your face. After all, Vientiane Gate is too mysterious, and no one knows how deep their strengths are. If I It is good to say that this attack must also have some connection with their core 傀儡 之 术. Notify Tianyuan and send people to pay more attention to it. I don't think Vientiane Gate will stop so easily! In a moment, the final solution was given.


At the same time, in a dark mountain canyon somewhere in a pale blue field, in a dark hall, a huge figure measuring three feet high is sitting on a wide armchair, looking closely, it is a three-headed, six-armed Huge cricket! On his head, the three heads are completely different, namely an old man with a thin eyebrow, a charming woman, and a decadent strong man.

Below him, there was a red-masked man kneeling respectfully, revealing only a pair of dark green eyes, as if looking admiringly at the huge puppet in front of him.

At this time, the head of the huge old man made a sound first, and it seemed to be mixed with deep joy: "According to you, although the two juniors failed, the information returned was still very useful! The body finally fell! And, actually, I could meet the owner of the "protective life"! That must be left by Master! "

"Brother, it's not me who says you are all old, why can't you be so strenuous? I think it's fine now, anyway, we are also the first in the blue domain. If it is going back to Pangu World, I'm still a bit interested. "The decadent man's face doesn't matter, and he yawns.

"Do n’t bother you. Bihuo, I remember that there are still 20 years when the source of the demon world will be open. I believe that by then, among the disciples sent by Jian Fuxian Palace, there will definitely be this mysterious soul. A place for sports disciples! At that time, let ’s take a look at the machine. Brother and brother are also a bit reasonable. You have been a little radical in recent years. But brother two, can you cheer up? On strength, you should It is the first of the three of us! "The words of the enchanting woman were very light, but there was a charming charm contained in it, which made people unconsciously want to obey her words.

The old man with white eyebrows turned his eyes when he heard the words, and muttered in a low voice: "Anyway, I can't say that you two, Bihuo, just follow Xiaorou's words. Go and choose someone now, and count Haotian as a lazy guy, It must be foolproof. If the soul of the mysterious soul body can really be achieved, our 'three emperor's puppets' will be able to break the prohibition of the ancient covenant! "

The man in red kneeling down, stunned his head after hearing the words, and disappeared in place.


At this time behind the sword Runxian Palace, Lu Liang has properly placed Xu Mubai, and is currently researching the storage bag from the chubby blue robe man in his cave house.

After opening the storage bag to see the contents inside, Lu Liang's mouth was about to reach his back. At the same time, he also felt that the immortal cultivator, this net worth is not ordinary rich!

In the storage bag, there are one hundred top-grade yuan stones and nearly ten thousand yuan-grade stones. There are also three magic weapons, two of which are infantile, with a square green shield and a dark blue long fork. There is also a small bronze mirror. When Lu Liang saw his eyes light up, he immediately erased the above knowledge and merged into his own knowledge of the sea.

Lu Liang has seen this small bronze mirror on the wall of Yibao Hall. The effect is very simple. Without the need to inspire the enlightenment, you can spy on all the practices of the immortal practitioners below Tianxian level. The only drawback is that you can only use it three times every twelve hours, and then you have to wait for twelve. Hour.

In addition to Yuan Shi and treasures, there are some elixir in the storage bag, but they are only used during the baby's metamorphosis, which is not very useful for Lu Liang now.

After refining the magic weapon with satisfaction, Xu Mubai just came to visit.

After the two met, Xu Mubai directly pulled Lu Liang out of the cave house, then took out his silver long sword, and said to Lu Liang, "Lu Daoyou, in the previous battle, I see that you can actually use the area of ​​Kendo, really Tianzhuang Wizards! However, I see that although your moves are powerful, the sword in your hand has not reached the 'complete state'. The sword in my hand, called 'Lan Guang', is a magic weapon for infantile metamorphosis. Pay attention to it! "

As soon as Xu Mu's voice fell, the long sword in his hand disappeared. In the next moment, countless silver lights fluttered above his head, exuding a sharp sword!

Lu Liang's mind was stunned. When he fought against the fat man in the blue robe, the one that inspired him could only be regarded as the prototype of the realm, and it appeared only under the simultaneous action of the demon head and Shengdandan. If you only rely on the ghost head or ascendant Dan, at most it will be better than when you broke through and caused commotion. If you face Xu Mubai's sharp sword, the outcome is really unpredictable.

"Complete state? Brother Xiu, what is that?" Lu Liang looked at those flying swords, and seemed to realize it, but more was still blank.

When Xu Mubai heard the words, he immediately took Jianguang, smiled and patted Lu Liang's shoulder, and applauded: "Haha, it really is! You can still use your kendo to such great power without knowing the" perfect state ". Over time, it will surely become the top Kendo power of the Three Realms! "

Then, Xu Mubai asked Lu Liang to take out the flying spirit sword and the blue light sword. After reading it, he shook his head and sighed: "Sure enough, they are all magic weapons beyond the infancy period! No wonder you don't know the concept of" complete state ". Because I am Jindan period, so it can stimulate the "complete state" of the magic weapon of the infant metamorphosis. Below, the fool brother is not talented, you can puzzle out the Taoist. "

When Lu Liang heard the words of joy, after pulling Xu Mubai back to Dongfu, he began to listen carefully.

"The concept of 'perfect state' only began with the magic weapon of the Golden Dan period. There are two conditions for inspiring the 'perfect state'. One is that the magic weapon must establish a spiritual connection with the owner. Above one level. For example, my chaos lightsaber is a magic weapon for infantile transformation. I am a Jindan period immortal, so I can easily inspire its 'complete state'. And you, as a base period, The magic weapon is infancy, and naturally it cannot stimulate its 'complete state'. This practice must be its own true practice, and any practice that depends on temporary promotion cannot stimulate the 'complete state' of the magic weapon. "

"There is no magic weapon that motivates the 'perfect state'. It can only exert its own quality power. Only when the 'perfect state' is motivated can the full power of the magic weapon be exerted! Your master did not tell you before, it may be because of you. The cultivation is disproportionate to the magic weapon, and I am afraid that you are so far-reaching. However, from the following point of view, Taoist friends are strong and ambitious. Great success! "

After Xu Mubai said this, he gave a few words of random guidance, and then got up to leave, leaving only Lu Liang, with a look of sorrow and aftertaste.

"No wonder when I was in Divine Realm, my predecessors said that I could not use the full power of the flying sword." Thinking of this, Lu Liang began to look forward to it. Looking at the two long swords in front of him, Lu Liang thought, and began to call for the take-off spirit boy.

It is also strange to say that before entering the sword rune fairy palace, the flying spirit boy sometimes had a divine pass with himself, but soon after entering the fairy palace, he did not actively contact Lu Liang, and Lu Liang did not care. The name of the flying spirit boy is to understand what kind of power should appear when the flying spirit sword is in the 'complete state'.

At the same time as Lu Liang's thoughts moved, the small flying spirit boy appeared on the flying sword, and scratched his little head to make an embarrassing look.

Lu Liang smiled, and then expressed his doubts. Before waiting for the flying spirit boy to answer, a domineering voice came from the blue light sword on the side: "Little spirit, ignore him! Actually holding us as ordinary soldiers is also the best of the fools. But he can actually use this to show a little power in the field, and God can be considered blind! "