The Devilish Immortal

Chapter 505: Painless

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Da Moxian!

"Trouble, if you don't go in, don't get in the way here, okay? Lean on the side!" An unpleasant grunt made the figure in front of the voice turn slowly.

Lu Liang was very confused at this time. Although he turned around, his thoughts remained in a chaotic situation. On the opposite side, a middle-aged man who was half a head shorter still frowned, but finally couldn't bear it. He just stepped forward and pushed him aside.

"How did I come to this kind of place? This is ... so real ..." In a corner that did not affect the passage of others, Lu Liang finally woke up.

Before I was recognized by the dragon, I finally entered the temple door as he wished. After that, the familiar dizziness came. After being awake, I was already in this turbulent place.

"Boss, this time you must worship in the temple sincerely! You see, the oldest brother of the old Zhao family and the oldest of the Liu family all worshipped three months ago, and it turned out to be a precious child ten days ago. A half-haired aunt dragged a young man across Lu Liang's body and walked while walking, while the dragged young man followed helplessly.

"Temple ?! Here ... Could it be ..." Lu Liang excitedly looked up at this time, then opened his mouth in surprise.

At this moment, about a hundred feet northeast of him, a weird hall was right in front of it, and countless people were gathering in it, and on the plaque hanging above the gate of the hall, there were the four golden characters of "Golden Temple"!

The reason why it is weird is that in the outer part of the temple, there is a faint layer of black inflammation that is also burning with the sparkle of golden light.

It wasn't until this time that Lu Liang, who had been fully awake, looked squarely at the current situation.

The space in which he is located should be a place constructed inside the temple. At present, his consciousness is still there, but he does not feel that he can operate mana in the slightest. It seems that this place should be controlled by the power of the ordinary laws.

As he pondered, Lv Liang also started to walk towards the temple gate with the flow of people, but the more he moved forward, the disgusting feeling changed from weak to strong, and his intuition told him that the originator of this discomfort was the burning one. Hei Yan!

"It seems ... same as the black flame outside the Dark Temple, but it's not that serious! These people ... can't see it?" Lu Liang frowned, glanced across the crowd, and only saw that one by one Faces full of expectation and excitement.

"The old man is mysterious, and we welcome all the donors to enter the temple for incense. As usual, each person has a time limit for incense, forgetting that you can respect the time and observe the discipline, and do not affect the later people, Amitabha." Another voice that stimulated Lu Liang's nerves came from the temple door. Come forward.

"Xuan, Xuan Bei ... Master? The **** who destroyed the world ?!" Lu Liang was completely shocked, but suddenly he realized, "I was ten thousand years ago? Is it the eve of the temple destruction?"

Thinking of this, Lu Liang's spirit was refreshed, and his excitement sprang up. What could be more exciting than exploring the secrets in person?

Mixed in the crowd, Lv Liang had no hesitation, even though the disgusting feeling became stronger and stronger, he stepped into the temple with a hundredfold spirit.

The temple is not so big, he has such a sweep of consciousness, good guy! More than 10,000 people properly!

Deep in the lobby, you can see a statue of a golden buddha near the height of one hundred feet, which is exactly the goal of crowds to worship.

Before the statue, the ten crystal-clear large tanks were almost piled up by the brilliant spirit stones, which shows that this incense is extraordinary.

However, Lu Liang's attention at this time has all condensed on the huge Buddha statue. Other people are worshiping with excitement, but he ca n’t worship anyway!

Because in the eyes of others, there may be a statue of a tall and majestic Buddha with peace and solemnity in front of him, but in the eyes of Lu Liang, under the peaceful appearance, it turned out to be a giant skull that was uttering a 桀桀 桀桀!!

The most important thing is that countless lines of soul qi emanated from the whole body of the skull, and the other end of this line is the countless devout masses who are worshipping!

"This is clearly an evil method that draws the essence of everyone!" Lu Liang's teeth rooted, but he knew it was impossible to do anything now.

As time passed, the sky gradually darkened, and the worshippers changed a lot, and Lv Liang had long been hidden in an obscure corner of the temple.

In this process, after every visitor went away, they looked like a joy, but the skull hidden in the Buddha statue has already ignited the dark flame from the shallow to the fierce!

"I do n’t know how much Ayaka ’s time has been here. Now it ’s time to close the temple. I do n’t know if I should visit again or leave?” Suddenly, a peaceful old voice drifted into Lu Liang ’s spirit, It is the voice of Master Xuan Bei.

Leaving now, Lu Liang did not want to be killed because he knew that it was close to the last moment!

"Master, please let me stay for a while, because ..." Lu Lianggang's voice was explained, but when he wanted to say "there will be a major event in the future", the voice was unstoppable. Divine power hastily cut off!

"Oh? Because what?" Master Xuan Bei on the other side was a little curious.

However, Lu Liang could not answer any more, because he already understood that what he was about to express must necessarily be touched by the law here!

"Well, since the donor did n’t say it, he could n’t break the temple ’s rules, so I still hope to forgive him!" With the sigh of Master Xuan Bei, Lu Liang only felt that he was wrapped in a piece of golden light, and then he covered himself again. Obviously the rhythm to be teleported!

I finally had such an opportunity to explore the secret core of that year, how could I lose it so easily!

Lv Liang was also anxious. The explanation was unexplainable. As a result, he was subconsciously bursting out of the fighting atmosphere, which was such a subconscious that he really burst out!

The original feeling of disappearing mana, I do n’t know when it has completely disappeared, at least there is no problem in playing the ancestral level of cultivation! And Lu Liang, who broke out of combat power, is even more straightforward. He has a certain physical shape and will not leave!

"... You really are not an ordinary person! You ... you can see the source of sin?" Master Xuan Bei's voice came again, but it was full of heavy feeling.

"The master is talking about that skeleton? He **** everyone's soul, and the master already knew it?" Not to mention here, mentioning that Lu Liang's anger started to rise.

"Who the **** are you?" Master Xuan Bei's question came again.

"I'm ... huh ?!" Lu Liang just wanted to answer, but fiercely excited, and then he couldn't think of anything else, and a sword qi shot towards the top of the Buddha statue!

At this time, although it is the last time to worship, the popularity of the temple is only enduring, because not only the people who are worshipping do not want to leave, but also those who were previously blocked because of the current restriction.

Lu Liang's sword air was unbiased and just hit the Buddha's head!

Then I heard a "click", the head of the Buddha broke off from the neck and fell directly on the ground!

At the same moment, a phantom of the blue robe flashed away!

"Damn! What weird power of that man's act! Uh? Is this ... is this the truth ..." When Lv Liangzheng regretted not hitting the target, his face changed suddenly, and his heart sank to the bottom!

The original golden and splendid palace has been transformed into a dark and weird space at this moment. A dim yellowstone egg the size of an ordinary egg emerges from the broken neck of the Buddha statue. With the appearance of this egg, all the soul lines originally attached to the huge skeletons also gathered on it!

And the most important thing is that those who are still visiting the temple before, all who are in the temple, all do not fall, all lingering in black light, dull eyes, slender figure, without a word, converging under the stone egg.

It was also at this time that the figure of the giant skull began to replace the Buddha statue, and while weird laughter continued, a large stone plate about ten feet in diameter loomed out of its chest!

The previous words of the King of Dread Beasts, as well as the memories that were difficult to erase in the heavens, told Lu Liang that the stone egg is the culprit that will cause the heavens to become disordered in the future: the eggs of the ancient god!

What happened to Master Xuan Bei, he didn't know and couldn't care less.

Now Lu Liang, in his mind, wanted to destroy the stone egg and felt a mess.

"Is that the King of Dread Beasts coming out?" If that power hadn't hit him, it's almost time for him to show up!

But wait, Lu Liang can't wait!

Because at this moment, the people in the temple started to walk outwards one after another!

The Golden Light Temple, in addition to its own huge temple main body, also has a vast courtyard on the periphery, where it has also been overcrowded!

Although the people there did not look like this rampant, the situation was not bad. Because the yard has been limited by an invisible bondage, how can the people inside not run out!

And when the people in the temple came out, they were like bloodthirsty crazy dogs. When they saw normal people, they pounced and bite!

Anyone who has been bitten first hissed in pain, then became the same as those bloodthirsty in the two breaths, except that a line of soul gas converged on the stone egg, and he began to choose people. And biting behavior!

"I can't control that much!" Lu Liang's teeth bit a bit, and the King of the Beasts shot and so on, he just left his mind behind, without any hesitation, condensed all the fighting power, and killed the past directly towards the stone !!

But at this time, the abnormal changes are coming!

Just as Lu Liang rushed to kill, the brilliance around the stone eggs shone, and ten figures with a strong breath appeared!

"Huh? This is ... the guardian! This is how it looks ... tricky!" Lu Liang fixed his eyes and immediately remembered the secrets that he heard from the stars in the heavens. These ten were not the guardians of the temple. Guardian?

I am now the ancestor of the ancestor class, the ten opposites are only strong and not weak!

It's just that all ten people have a dull expression. The red eyes are almost the same as the bloodthirsty tadpoles outside. The only big difference is that they can all erupt the murderous horror!

There was no retreat, and Lv Liang also saw that the King of the Beasts might not be here in a hurry. He did n’t know if it was a fantasy or not, but this deadly battle was inevitable ...

(PS: After this chapter, another chapter is the next one. All the causes and effects of the temple are basically explained clearly, so I wish I had just made a wish!)