The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1211: Do you have a double personality?

"long time no see."

According to Li Yalin's imagination, he and Tiantongmu have not seen each other for a long time. Once again, they should be very excited.

It is a pity that the imaginary embrace did not appear. Even the tone of Tiantongmu did not change. It was still so cold and clear. After seeing Li Yalin, it was only a little embarrassing, and nodded at the same time.


In the face of Tiantongmu's more lukewarm attitude, Li Yalin suddenly had a few monks and two monks who couldn't figure it out. It was only a short period of time that she hadn't seen it. How could this change of wood be so big?

In the past, she liked to stick to her. Now she has become such an attitude. Can she change her mind? Did she find the man she likes?

Li Yalin’s feelings for Tiantongmu are more of a kind of brother’s love for his sister. This is beyond doubt, but after he can’t help but raise his mind, he has to admit that it’s a slightly sour taste. It is brewing in his heart.

Very complicated mood, it is difficult to express in words, just as the daughter suddenly took the boyfriend home, as the father will certainly not feel comfortable.

Mommy! Wood is not a bird that is imprisoned in the cage. She wants to fly, she has her own choice, why is she so entangled?

But ... unhappy is uncomfortable. This is undoubted. Li Yalin is not the hero of the dog blood drama. Since he found something wrong, he certainly has to find out.

If someone dares to steal the heart of the wood, then prepare to unload him!

“Don’t you have to work? What are you doing?”

Li Yalin is thinking about this side of his heart. He saw Tian Tongmu scanning the surrounding circle and re-smoothing the opening, instantly letting the company, which had almost solidified, renewed its vitality.

Ok. Looking at the busy employees, Li Yalin has no idea how to vomit.

"Yaling, please come with me."

At this moment. Tiantongmu has already walked to Li Yalin and has no expression on his face. It was like looking at an ordinary guest and making a gesture for him.

This, on the other hand, makes Li Yalin feel uncomfortable, and at the same time he is also skeptical. What is the situation, it will make such a huge change in wood.

No! Must be checked!

Resisting the unhappiness in my heart, Li Yalin came to her office with Tiantongmu, but what he didn't expect was. Just at the moment when the door of the office was closed, the expression on Tian Tongmu’s face changed instantly.


At this time, from the face of Muji, where can I see the cold and calm, she is now like a child, with a happy face in the arms of Li Yalin, the power of use is like I want to integrate myself into Li Yalin's body.

"Wood is more of you, this is..."

In the face of this situation, Li Yalin has completely collapsed. Which one is playing again? Could it be that during the time of leaving, Wood has become a double personality?

This is totally wrong!

"Yalingo! You are finally back!"

Although Li Yalin wants to clarify the truth. But the problem is that Mu is now holding on to him tightly, while his mouth is still whispering. It is like a little wife who has long been a long-lost husband with a deep love.

In terms of time, we haven’t seen each other for so long. At best, it will be less than two months in a month. How is this change so big?

"Are you really wood?"

In the face of such a change in wood, Li Yalin subconsciously asked such a sentence, no way, he really can not but be so skeptical.

"I hate Yalin, I am of course the Tiantongmu!"

When Li Yalin asked this question, Mu was finally released. But looking at her expression, it is slightly dissatisfied. It seems as if she is so skeptical that she is very angry.

The problem is. Li Yalin does not doubt that it is a strange thing.

"But you just..."

"That's just acting. I haven't you been cheated by Yalinge?"

After hearing the words of Mu, Lin Yalin was subconsciously pointing at the door, but this time she looked at Muzhi again, but she could not help but laugh out loud.

However, after hearing her explanation, Li Yalin said that she was completely speechless.

As the president of a company, especially this kind of civil garrison company, the majesty of the president often represents the strength of the company. When there were only two or three members, Wood did not need to pay attention to anything, but today, as a child The company has become one of the largest companies in the Tokyo area. As a president, she can be stared at by outsiders.

In this case, Mu has to restrain his feelings, and because of this, she has only been so cold, and when she is no one, she becomes so enthusiastic.

"You are really not easy."

After listening to Tian Tongmu's explanation, Li Yalin couldn't help but sigh and didn't know what to say.

In fact, there is a problem in his mind. Is the image of the president really so important? Just because of the eyes of others, do you have to tie your feelings together?

Well, Li Yalin also knows that there is a lot of pressure on Tiantongmu’s body. After all, today’s Tiantong folk guard company is the company where the patron saint of Tokyo is located. If she is a president, if she makes a mistake, she will not say anything else. The pressure of public opinion is enough to screw her up.

Even if Wood is a strong girl, it is difficult for her to bear these.

So she needed to disguise herself and shape herself into a cold woman.

Just to continue this way, I am afraid that it is not a good thing for her.

All along, Li Yalin hopes that Wood will be a normal girl, healthy and happy life, but it is a pity that this wish is difficult to achieve, only because of her **** vengeance.

The hatred of the Tiantong family is always eroding the spirit of the wood. If Li Yalin is not there, she will soon become a murderer who only knows revenge and killing.

If the day is not reported, the wood will not return to normal in one day, and the dark side of her heart will continue to spread.

Now she disguise herself, even Li Yalin, who is disguised, can deceive herself. In fact, it is not just her disguise. It should be said that she is gradually showing the cold side of her own nature.

If you continue this way, it is much easier for Wood to make a mistake. This kind of thing is not what Li Yalin is willing to see.

Then the question is coming. How to solve the situation of wood?

Thinking about it in this direction is actually very simple, destroying the Tiantong family! Untie the knot of Tiantongmu, and as a result, the darkness of the wood will gradually fade.

It can be said that it is not easy to destroy the Tiantong family.

Then again, the biggest enemy of Mu is now, and the grandfather of Tianzuju, who is her grandfather, is the most trusted person of Shengtianzi. If you kill it without any reason, although you can do it, it will inevitably make the Holy Son produce afterwards. Knot.

Li Yalin didn't want to fix the wood and then provoked the Holy Son, so this matter still needs to be considered.

If you want to destroy the Tiantong family and get rid of the more enemies, you must come up with a more reasonable plan.

Forget it, wait and see, in the current situation in the Tokyo area, it is not a difficult thing to find out the flaws of the Tiantong Ju.

Since the third Kanto war, the military forces in the Tokyo area have been weakened by a large chunk. After all, the 7,000-strong Self-Defense Forces have been destroyed. If there is a civilian police force led by Li Yalin, I am afraid that the entire Tokyo area will fall completely.

Even after the war, the strength of the Self-Defense Forces is not so simple to recover. If there is any large-scale gastro-intestinal invasion in the meantime, once Li Yalin is not present, the Tokyo area will still be played.

The lack of armament is the most embarrassing thing in the Tokyo area.

That is to say, now that the power in the hands of Tian Tongju is so big, its own strength is still the biggest weakness of his eyes. If he further erodes the power in his hands, I believe he will soon become the fish on the chopping board.

Hey, Tianzhiju, you will wash the chrysanthemums and wait! I will make you worthy of your name, so that you can enjoy it!

"Yaling, what are you thinking about?"

In the view of Tian Tongmu, the smile that Li Yalin just smiled was a strange thing, which made her subconsciously shudder.

She didn't like this kind of Yalinge, so she also quickly reached out to shake Li Yalin's arm and wanted him to wake up as soon as possible.

"Oh? I didn't think about anything."

After being so swayed by the wood, Li Yalin quickly returned to look at the wood and looked more worried. He couldn’t help but scratch his head.

However, at this time, a knock on the door was suddenly introduced into the ears of the two.

"Come in."

After hearing the knocking on the door, Wood immediately restored the expression of deserted, and opened his mouth faintly.

"President, holy... Holy Son is driving..."

Knocking on the door was a clerk dressed in a suit. After hearing the orders of Muji, he opened the door slightly and panicked. When he walked into the office, he was also a bit flustered.

As for why it was so flustered, his next words also explained the situation.

Driving from the Holy Son?

This can be fast enough.

After hearing this report, Li Yalin and Tian Tongmu were even more stunned. St. Tianzi suddenly visited. Is there a job to arrange for the company, or is it directly directed at Li Yalin?

Although I don't know what the situation is, the top leaders of the people have come to visit, and I can't say that I can't miss it. (To be continued.)