The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1310: Isn't this the rhythm of a thousand mile

Chonggong really became the sister of Li Yalin. This is actually not an unexpected thing. Even if Li Yalin himself, he has already calculated this point, it is only a matter of time. pbtt

Taking advantage of this incentive for the emergence of Shisaki madness, taking the opportunity to launch a strategy, successfully won a sister, and harvested the name of his older brother, Li Yalin said very satisfied.

As for the arrangement of Chonggong Zhenna, he felt that it is better to leave her at ast for a while. After all, it did not immediately rip the face with dem, and she also had to follow the ast sisters to carry out magic training.

There is a very well-equipped facility on the ast side, and staying there is better than letting her join Ratatovsk.

Of course, this is just a matter of expediency. The conflict with dem will be there sooner or later. Even if Li Yalin does not go to the door, people will take the initiative to find it. It is only a matter of time before leaving ast.

It’s better to stay here for the time being, let alone she can use her own authority to provide some help for Li Yalin.

In this matter, Li Yalin had a detailed conversation with the scorpion in the lower part of the day. Although there was no unreservedly all-out, there were some situations that the captain of the royal sister knew, such as the future arrangement of the true one. Long stay ast or something.

On this day, the scorpion also nodded in agreement. Anyway, this is not a problem for her. Since the family knows about her own affairs, the ast temple can not accommodate the big Buddha of Chonggong. It is not her arrogance, but the fact is that.

Otherwise, when she was actually transferred to ast, she could not have so much concealment.

“A new classmate has joined our class today.”

After solving the problem of Zhenna, Li Yalin resumed his usual life as always, while also waiting for the resurgence of the madness.

In fact, he did not wait for how long, just two days later, in the early morning, before the start of the first class, class tutor Gang Feng Zhu Hui announced an important news for everyone.

There are also transfer students coming!

It should be said that it is really a legendary transfer student class? Is the frequency of this transfer student too fast?

The voice of Gangfeng Zhuhui just fell, and the class immediately discussed it. For the upcoming transfer students, everyone is also talking about it. After all, before this, some news has not been transmitted. What is the transfer student? How come so mysterious?

"So. Please come in." Just in the discussion, the class tutor Xiaozhu also turned his attention to the direction of the classroom door.

As her voice just fell, a beautiful girl who couldn't help but hold her breath, slowly walked in.

"Beautiful girl!"

This kind of beauty is completely inferior to the ten incense and origami, but all the students in the class can't help but marvel. Further, the male students in the class were all excited.

To say that in the current class, the two pillars can be called the two knives of the night knife and the one origami. Unfortunately, whether it is the spice or the origami, their eyes are just watching. Li Yalin’s body.

Oh, yes, there is another Wuheshi weaving that I just transferred to school. This is also a cute girl who can match the ten incense and origami, but she just transferred to school. The popularity is not enough.

What's more, even if it is Wuhe Shi weaving, people have already had a name for themselves.

Ten incense and origami for Li Yalin, you can compete, as long as the eyes can not be seen, you can understand it, naturally it is impossible to ask for a bite, and finally wait until the emergence of Shi Zhi, but found that people have a relationship with Li Yalin.

Although the name of the people is said, the two are only brothers and sisters. They can listen to the words of a brother of Yalin, and the bright future of the brothers and sisters is in front of them. It is really a super-boy who is secretly hurt.

But now it’s alright. Finally, there is a new beautiful girl appearing, for everyone's happy life in the future, we must let her stay away from Yalin students!

It is true that Li Yalin’s popularity in the class is good. After all, he will be a human being, even if he is envied by Yan Fu, it will not cause any annoyance.

Especially among the girls, he is quite popular. If there are ten incense and origami, I am afraid that some people will have the courage to confess to him.

It is only about the happiness of the future. The boys in the class can't take care of the brothers' feelings. If you want to grab the sisters, let me pass this one!

"My name is Shisaki mad, and I met again, Yalin."

Faced with the beautiful girl who was transferred to school, the boys are all squeezing their heads and waiting to show themselves. Maybe they can hook up with the girls.

But the result, the side of the beads let people introduce themselves, the first half is still normal, write a good name on the blackboard, and say their name, but why did the second half, everyone can not understand?

meet again? Yalin classmate?

Lying in a big slot!

I don’t understand it. In fact, it’s just that a group of negative dogs are forcing themselves to understand. In fact, they really don’t understand? Seeing the tears on their faces already knows what is going on.

"Shisaki classmates! Have you met Yalin with you long ago?"

Yes, the new transfer student is the time of the madness. After all, she said that she will meet again, and she will definitely appear again in front of Li Yalin.

At the same time, I liked it, and she brought a few cries to countless boys in the class.

Now, the boys are crying silently, and they can't afford the excitement of half-pointing. The girls' words are already bursting out of curiosity.

Big news, big news! Originally, there was a feeling that the triangular relationship changed into four people. Now there is a beautiful girl who joins it. Is it necessary to have a five-person trip?

No! Be sure to find out the truth!

In the first time, a girl raised her hand and stood up. When she opened the door, she raised questions with Shisaki.

This girl is... mountain blowing Aiyi right.

Li Yalin’s popularity in the class is good, but not everyone sees him very pleasing to the eye. This mountain is blowing one, which is actually one of them.

It's not that she hates Li Yalin, but she and the other two girls, Ye Ying Mai and Fujisawa, have always been close to Shixiang.

All three of them are very supportive of the fragrant love, and naturally they will be dissatisfied with Li Yalin who has been 'hesitating', even if Shixiang himself has not figured out what is called love...

Now that Yamashita Aya has raised this issue, I am afraid I will do it for the sake of the incense.

"Although it can't be said very early, we really know it."

Although on the file, Shisaki Madman is an evil elf with 10,000 people in his hands, but in front of the students who came to the second year of the Zen High School, she is an elegant lady.

That kind of calm attitude, even the mountain blowing Ai Yi as a questioner, can not help but stunned.

"So... what is your relationship with Yalin?"

Although everyone really stunned because of the madness of the three, but it was only a short period of time. After returning to God, Ye Shuang Mai in the three-cloth combination, also raised the doubts in the heart.

These are very important issues, and may affect the future happiness of Shixiang. Maybe they can't retreat here!

"I have a relationship with my classmates?"

After hearing this question, Shisaki madly turned his attention to Li Yalin's body, staring at him for a while, and finally tapped his index finger on his lips.

"It should be said that I have been searching for Alin students to come here."


When Shisaki’s madness came out, it was said that it was a thousand waves and pursued the words of Yalin’s students. Isn’t this the rhythm of a thousand miles?

At this point, the boys in the class are all desperate, and finally come a beautiful transfer student, and the result is the dish of Li Yalin, who is completely desperate for the world!

"Wait a minute...Is it true that the three students are right? It seems that we have only seen one side before. If you say so, I will feel very troubled."

At this time, Li Yalin knew that he couldn’t say something that he couldn’t do. He felt the cold and fierce eyes around him. Besides the doubtful eyes of Shixiang, it was necessary for him to clarify the facts and stop giving Everyone misunderstood.

Otherwise, this future will definitely not be better.


Sure enough, Li Yalin said this, suddenly attracted the excitement of the classmates, only seen one side? real or fake? If it is true, this does not mean that the two people are not familiar at all.

"Although this is true, but you are the first person to identify with me, and I am looking for you to come here. This is also true."

Li Yalin is indeed clarifying the facts, but when he is mad at the other side, he has not let him go. Perhaps she also noticed the atmosphere in the class. She even chose to add fuel to the fire at this time.

I have to admit that it was really good for Shisaki to do three things. Her words even succeeded in making several boys cry out.

No way, don't cry, this is too unfair! On the other hand, he can only be a single dog, while Li Yalin on the other side is left and right, but he has a beautiful girl who loves him at first sight and even catches up with the class.

The same is true of people, how is the gap so big?

In this case, Li Yalin really didn't know what he should say, should he vomit? After all, your group of supporting actors also want to compare with the protagonist, isn't it asking for trouble?

If you think about it again, if you spit at this time, then the trouble is really big.

Beads! This time it is your turn to save the field! (To be continued.)

Ps: Today, the computer is proud of it, and the explosion suddenly completes the single kill. It’s really good to not make a fire. It’s really good to just blast the monitor.