The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1869: This is the fate of Fuso?

Although Gio was thrown into the black hole by Li Yalin, the black hole is still expanding. If it is not stopped immediately, I am afraid that this ark will be swallowed up quickly.

The harm caused by this black hole is still small. Li Yalin feels that it is necessary to lift the aftermath. After all, the bigger the expansion of this thing, the worse it is.

So, how do you deal with this black hole?

In this regard, Li Yalin does not study a lot, but even if he is not proficient, he will know how much.

After a moment of thinking, he felt that it was better to neutralize the black hole, or to simulate a black hole that could be controlled, and to devour the black hole into it was a reasonable solution.

So which one to use?

Well, it is still more reliable to make a controllable black hole. It is not impossible to neutralize the black hole, but it is easy to accident. In comparison, the latter is safer.

So... can Li Yalin create a black hole?

The answer is of course affirmative. You must know that his black hole technique is still produced by the system.

Destroy the black hole!

Li Yalin’s shot is definitely not hesitant. Although he has rarely used the skills produced by the system, the method of using it almost in his mind can make him use it without any oysters.

With the strength of Li Yalin getting stronger and stronger, the power of this skill is getting bigger and bigger. This time, the black hole that he summoned is directly beyond the black hole of Gio, and the powerful suction is easy. Soak in the black hole that is constantly expanding.

Um... is it still a little hard?

It makes sense to say that black holes are used to devour black holes. There are certainly some risks in this. At least when Li Yalin’s annihilation black hole swallows the artificial black hole of Gio, he feels the unnatural fluctuations in the black hole.

It is as if the simulated black hole is intensifying the effect of annihilating the black hole, causing his annihilation black hole to expand several times.

Fortunately, Li Yalin's strength is enough to control the black hole annihilation, although a little harder, but not really can not control.

After almost ten minutes, he finally closed the faint annihilation black hole. At this time, he looked around and he couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the black hole is amazing, and the destructive power is amazing. I remember that when he was weak in the past, using the black hole to annihilate it was like opening a garbage disposal channel. It is not bad to **** in a few people.

But now, he has a hunch, if you let him do his best, this is not a problem.

Could it be that, without knowing it, I have added a new card?

The skills produced by the system, in fact, there is more room for growth?

As Li Yalin experienced more and more worlds, the power he controls is also increasing. He has given up more than the newly acquired abilities, like those of the previous strong skills.

Now I want to come, it is indeed something wrong, just to annihilate the black hole today, if it is not the black hole of the Gio, he may not remember.

After all, he will have too many things now, and the subconscious forgetting is justifiable.

But this does not mean that the skills he used to be eliminated, in fact, if the control is good, perhaps those skills will become stronger!

It seems that I really have to think about it.




Everything that happened inside the ark was not known to the witches outside. When Li Yalin entered the ark, their hanging hearts were not put down.

What is particularly shocking to them is that there is a figure in the middle of the road that is wrapped in electric light and burst out from the ark. The speed is so fast that they can't do it.

Everyone didn't know what happened, and they didn't know whether Li Yalin in the Ark was good or bad. Until his figure appeared again in front of everyone, it would be a relief for everyone.

Seeing that Li Yalin didn't have any scars on his face, his face was still so calm, and everyone's high hanging heart was finally able to let go and rushed to Li Yalin.

Whether the result of this war is victory or defeat, there is only one expectation in your heart, that is, his return of peace!

"Okay, everything is over, let's go back."

Facing the tension and excitement in front of him, Li Yalin couldn't help but smile, and yes, as he said, everything is over!

After experiencing the Battle of Mount Fuji, the two beasts of Knoss will escape and die. The unlucky one of Gio is thrown directly into the black hole, and it will never appear in this world. Federer is scared by Li Yalin. Bold, directly escaped Fuso.

Without the beast god, the animal beast of Knoss is a loose sand, and it is easy to gather it.

In fact, it should have been the case, but the results were somewhat unexpected.

In the next battle for the cleaning of the beasts, Li Yalin did not suffer any large-scale resistance. He smoothly gathered all the beasts in Fusang. If they were integrated, there would be almost a hundred thousand.

This is the total remaining beastized army in Fusang.

Logically speaking, this should be a happy event, but in fact, this makes the Qingzi frown.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple, because the males in Fuso suddenly disappeared a lot after the World War II in Mount Fuji, and the number of them even seriously affected the future of Fusang!

According to the survey, the proportion of men and women in Fuso has reached an astonishing three to seven. Only three of the ten people are men, and the number of old people and children is also included.

Such a disparity in proportion does not mean that in the long-term future, there will be a large number of Fuso girls who cannot find a husband and cannot give birth to the next generation for this country?

How to do?

Is it difficult to start encouraging polygamy? What are the only remaining males in Fuso?

Although this is a solution, it is not very pleasant for Qingzi.

Standing on the position of a woman, she is not willing to happen.

As for why this happened, after the investigation, everyone finally realized that the original Knoss had already prepared a large number of beasts and soldiers, and they were hidden among the civilian population. Last time the Battle of Mount Fuji, Fide While escaping, he also made a backhand, using a large number of marine beasts to transport all the beasts from the ocean channel.

It is precisely because of this that it led to a large number of Fusang males.

After the incident, it was impossible to recover the male, and Li Yalin did not intend to recover.

To put it bluntly, what if you chase it back? Can you still make those men's buds back? That is simply impossible.

Nowadays, it is still the solution to Fusang’s current dilemma. At the very least, let’s not let Qingzi frown.

"It is definitely impossible to solve this problem. Fusang experienced a great injury after the war. At least three or fifty years of rest can only be restored. You should look at the opening point."

As the emperor of Fuso, Qingzi is thinking about the people. This is understandable, but things have already happened. It doesn't help, no matter how much it is, this is what Li Yalin must persuade.

"I also know, the problem is that Fuso does not know how many young girls can't find a husband in the future. This is really..."

Shaking his head, Qingzi also knew that Li Yalin was persuading, but the thorn in her heart could not be removed anyway.

When she thinks that there are too many girls in the future who can't form a family, she can't stand it. All this is brought by Knoss! That **** Knoss!

"I know what you mean, in fact... although this is irreparable, we may not be able to think of a solution."

There is an idea. Li Yalin has been thinking about it all the time. He just thinks that the time is not yet mature, and he has never said anything.

Now that Qingzi is so worried, this makes him feel that he may try to say it.

"The solution? Alin, what good idea do you have?"

Li Yalin said that Qingzi’s eyes suddenly became brighter. She recently became more and more accustomed to relying on Li Yalin. If he could find a solution to the problem, it would definitely remove her heart disease.

"You should know that the method of meditation can make ordinary people become magical. If you can, I want to call the girls in Fusang who do not have the qualifications of witches, learn the method of meditation, and finally join our team of witches."

After a moment of pause, Li Yalin said his thoughts after a little wording, and this also gave Qingzi a slight glimpse.

"What do you mean... increase the number of witches?"

Some of the Qingzi did not understand too much. She did not know what Li Yalin meant.

"Saving the world is only the first stage of our actions. In the future, I will save more of the world, and maybe I will leave with the witches."

Li Yalin said this here, and Qingzi suddenly realized it. She knew that Li Yalin was also a **** resource for Fusang.

It’s just that... Isn’t it the same as Knoss, is Fuso as a replacement station?

Only Knoss needs men, needs more beasts, and Li Yalin needs women and needs more witches.

Is this the fate of Fuso?

At the thought of this, the Qingzi could not help but reveal a sorrow, although she trusted Li Yalin, knowing that the witches would not suffer in the hands of Li Yalin, he would also try to protect the safety of the witches.

Negative thoughts in the heart can not help but emerge.

However, what she did not expect was that Li Yalin’s words had not been finished.

"The worlds I have experienced in the future will be a bit magical. Not only will the witches have more opportunities, but they will also have a longer life... Well, you should know the truth."


A much longer life? (To be continued.)