The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 210: Count her child to eat quail eggs

Although I don’t know what it means to be a flat-screen airport, I’m looking at it from Li Yalin’s eyes. This is definitely not a good thing! Especially he has been staring at his chest, it’s hard to be...

The most hated thing is that some people say that they are in their own body. Looking at the big sister and the second sister, it is really a majestic match. Why is it that there is nothing to do on this side? She is very unhappy.

Now the idiot-colored wolf devil is still dare to touch his own counter-scale, he wants to die ah ah ah! ! ! ! !

The impetuous Isa rushed to Li Yalin and started to work, but how could Li Yalin, as she wished, dare to work with her brother and practice for two years!

For a time, Li Yalin and Isaia were both upset, and the ones that looked at them were very helpless.

Isa is a spoiled child, who usually likes to make trouble, but how does the demon king accompany her to make a fool? If this is what is going to happen?

"Isya! You still can't stop!"

"My Majesty the Devil, please don't be in general with Isa, she is just a child."

Chetiya snorted, and Cameron also took Li Yalin and persuaded him to calm down the two people’s hustle and bustle, but what they did not expect was that they just opened their mouths, Li Yalin and Isya were Suddenly stood on the united front.

"Cut, it’s boring, I said that both of you are too boring."

"Yeah, the big sister and the second sister are so boring, what is the murderer? Do you want to eat people?"

What is the situation?

Li Yalin and Isya, who have just been fighting each other, have stood together. They have the same meaning of being enemies, and they are all inexplicable.

This change is too big, right? What are the two of them...

"Ah, hahaha, big sister, second sister, you are so fun! So what do you look at in silly?"


The disappointing expressions of the two women made Isaja laugh, and Li Yalin took the opportunity to celebrate with the slap in the face. It turned out that the two had just been deliberately, and they were all playing with the heart and soul. Camille once.

"You are really..."

Looking at the opposite side of Li Yalin and Isa Ya, Cameron did not know what to say, obviously before the water. How come suddenly there is such a big change?

"Oh, I lost the chest and was squandered by the wolf devil. Sure enough, you are all fooled." Camille's helpless expression made Isaya more proud, but she didn't have a door in her mouth. Also called Li Yalin, the wolf devil, suddenly let Li Yalin's head appear a few well words.

"Sacrifice the chest? Why didn't I see you have a chest?" Li Yalin squinted at Isaiya's chest and her face showed a scornful expression.

"You bastard! What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, what can I see?"

"You give me to die!"

"What can you do with me?"

"I will kill you!"

This is the next. Li Yalin and Isa Ya have been playing from fake to noisy, but this kind of trouble has long been a habit for both of them. I don’t know if it’s the last time’s family. In short, these two are not a day. Comfortable.

After a while of the fight, there is no match between the two, if it is not early. It’s time to have dinner, and Li Yalin probably won’t let Isiah.

But now, if her child eats a quail, the brother is too big.

"Cheeya, our Mozu has always been eating meat, but I think that is just the case, it will not be good for the development of the body. You must know that comprehensive nutrition supply is the first step to maintain good health. There is a lot of nutrition in this vegetable, and the same is true in the staple food."

In the face of Cherya, Li Yalin’s expression is very serious, and at the same time, the maids put the dishes they prepared in advance on the table.

“Nutrition? What is that?” After glanced at the dining table, Cesya found that the plates on the ends had a silver meal cover, and they couldn’t see what was inside. This made her more curious.

"Amount... Nutrition, you understand that what is intentional to the body is right. In short, the development of agriculture can not only alleviate the food crisis in our country, but also comprehensively enhance the physical quality of our Mozu people."

The problem of Cherya’s problem made Li Yalin stunned. The world has no concept of nutrition, and he even said it. Cheeya will not understand, simply do not say more, just simply explain what I mean.

"In addition to meat,..."

"I understand that because of this. I prepared this table today."

Cheyya hesitated, but Li Yalin waved his hand and ordered the maids to open the lid and present all the dishes inside.

As a golden light broke through the clouds, the dishes on the table began to shine with brilliance... Wait, is it the wrong way? Although the dishes that do not shine are not good dishes, but now it is in the blood of the world, not in the Chinese small home!

Well, the details do not need to care about it. Anyway, after the meal is opened, the dishes inside are presented to everyone. The fragrance in the moment is overflowing, and the girls who are present can't help but twitch a few noses.

"This... good fragrant!"

Isa is very surprised to see the dishes on the table, one by one is beautifully crafted, as if the crafts are general, if it is not the above-mentioned fragrance that makes people want to stop, she probably will not treat these as food.

"Of course, you don't see who did it."

Li Yalin was very proud of licking her mouth, and her nose was almost a few centimeters long. This is just a pediatrics. When my brother is in a good mood, come to a table and scream at you!

"Cut... what kind of strength is it, just smelling good, watching it is okay, it must be hard to eat! Yes! It's hard to eat!" Isya couldn't understand Li Yalin's proud appearance. The more she does, the more she wants to tear down the stage.

"If you are unpalatable, don't eat it. Anyway, these are for Chelsea and Cameron. You are just a matter of number. If you don't eat it, I will save it."

For the sorrowfulness of Isa Ya, Li Yalin feels that he should be a slap in the face, so that you are still proud. Can't eat, see you cry, don't cry!

"You are the Wolverine, I am fighting with you!"

"I'm afraid you have teeth? Hey! You die, you really bite me! Quickly!"

"It’s a nest and it’s not a buckle!”

"You give me loose and talk!"

"I said that you two... almost enough!" Just as Li Yalin and Isya were bothering again, Cherie’s coldness caused the temperature in the room to drop a few degrees, which was cold. Discourse... is it angry?

Li Yalin and Isiah both shuddered at the same time, and then looked at Cherya... It’s better not to provoke her today.

"Cutya, you misunderstood, we are just joking. Is it a little girl?" I was afraid that Cherya would be angry, and then I would give myself a thousand miles of ice, and it would be too tragic to be innocent. Li Yalin was busy. I grabbed the shoulders of Isa Ya and said that she and Isia were good friends, and there was absolutely nothing to do.

"Yes, big sister. I am with the devil! Wang! Hey! Next! Just kidding, we have a good relationship." Isya also reacted at this time, and repeated explanations, but when it comes to the devil When she was a word, her tone was aggravated a lot.

"It's okay, let's eat." A faint look at Li Yalin and Isaia, Cesareia turned to the table. There is no expression on her face, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

Just in the moment when Cesya turned her head, Isaja suddenly stepped on her foot and stepped on Li Yalin's instep. She didn't check it for a while, Li Yalin suddenly took part.

Dead girl!

Although for Li Yalin, this foot of Isaia is nothing at all, no pain or itching. Can be stepped on in plain white, can not be revenge back can still be his character?

But before Li Yalin can do the action again, Cherya has already sat down at the table and turned his gaze to himself. It is already too late to do anything.

Dead girl, do you think I can't deal with you?

Looking at Isaiya's smug expression, Li Yalin secretly sneered. If this is the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!

"Today's dining at the table, I have only used two main materials. I am also the two crops that I am going to plant. I want you to try these crops and see if they can Can't match your taste."

For the time being, I did not go to Isa Ya. Li Yalin first introduced the dishes on this table. This is the main purpose of his invitation today.

“Just two materials? So many dishes?”

Li Yalin’s introduction made everyone very surprised. After all, there are at least 20 sets of this large plate on the table. Can you make so many patterns with only two materials? It is really for everyone to understand.

"Of course, if it is not time-limited, I can actually do more, but these are enough, then everyone will try it first."

Li Yalin smiled and made a gesture to everyone, indicating that everyone can start, but looking at the way like this is like a handicraft, everyone seems hesitant.

Is such a good-looking dish to be destroyed?

Seeing everyone's appearance, Li Yalin didn't know what they were thinking. He had no choice but to smile. He could only take the lead.

With Li Yalin as an example, everyone has finally let go, but with this entrance, the eyes of several girls are instantly bright.

"This... this is too delicious!"

Originally, some disdain Li Yalin, but just took a bite, Isiah almost jumped up from the table, she swears that she has never eaten such a delicious dish! In contrast, what you often eat barbecue, it is simply pig food!

“It’s delicious? Eat more and eat more.”

"Hmm! It's delicious... What is this?"

"It's delicious, very delicious."

"Really? Then I tasted it... so hot!"