The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 214: Traitor of the Gileen Foll family

With Li Yalin's order, the **** city of a thousand elite demon guards were waiting for the battle, waiting to follow the demon king to join the battlefield. The speed was so fast that Li Yalin was somewhat surprised.

Although the soldiers were selected and trained by him personally, he did not participate in the training in the late stage. He had always been the owner of Cameron. I did not expect this short time to really train these soldiers.

Li Yalin is also very satisfied with this. What he wants is this effect. These guards have already demonstrated their strength with practical actions, which also makes Li Yalin more confident in the next battle.

Although the number is small, the number of enemies may not be dominant. He just understood the words of Olaer. Now it is the more than two thousand human beings who are in the territory of the Gileen Foll family. Although it is one of their own. More strength, but if it is a frontal battle, Li Yalin has the confidence to win the victory of the enemy!

Only this time the pro-weapons went out and did not go out in a big way. Instead, they stayed out of the city day and night, and did not affect the rest of the people in the Blood League.

Li Yalin knows how long it will take for the pro-Guards to go out, but once they are known by others, it will inevitably not be thought of.

For this reason, after the pro-guards left the city, Li Yalin immediately let the reserve team take over the position of the pro-guard army and stationed in the blood league city to ensure that they were not seen.

Although the pro-weapons and the reserve team have different treatments, the usual training and the equipment are the same, even if they are now replaced. No one will notice it for a while.

In this way, everything is ready for nothing.

"Everyone, set off!"

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Li Yalin nodded with satisfaction and turned over the horse. After issuing the order, he immediately rushed to the front.

And the thousand pro-weapons, also Qi Qi, followed suit, followed the Devil's Majesty at the fastest speed, and went to the battlefield in the South. Ready to start the first shot that shocked the whole world in the future!

In the future. With the reputation of Devil Li Yalin, the whole continent, this loyal follower of the Devil's Guards, who is always loyal to the demon king, is also widely known, once it is the enemy of the demon king. There is no difference in color.

but now. This Guardian Army has not yet formed. And the battle that is about to begin is just the first battle of this unit.

Unfortunately, the horses are seriously inadequate. You can only take these ordinary horses together.

Li Yalin, who was at the forefront of the horse, did not forget to sigh while advancing. The capital of Blood League City was not enough. Even a thousand horses could not be taken out. It would be estimated that people would lose a big man.

Li Yalin once read the history of war in this world and knew the cavalry units of many races. It can be said that the cavalry riding the ordinary horses is only the first level of cavalry.

Ordinary war horses are nothing, and those who have tyrannical strength are the real best mounts!

Like humans, there are quite famous griffin knights, the legendary elves also have Tianma knights, etc., but the strongest pass, or the dragon's dragon knight, the demon family with the dragon knight, can be said to be the mainland No rivals can be found.

But now, I am a demon king, even the horses can not make a number, not to mention the Dragon Knight, you know, those ordinary horses can not be compared with the trained horses!

Forget it, don't want to be so much, just this thousand horses, or Chessya bite his teeth to help himself hard, if not for the speed of marching, Li Yalin can not bear to make her so embarrassed.

In the end, it is still not enough. If you want to develop the Blood League City in the future, you still need to redouble your efforts.

"Your Majesty, do we really want to take her?" Just as Li Yalin thought in his heart, Camer, who was also with him at his side, suddenly came close and asked him.

"No way, we are not familiar with the situation there, we must always have a way to lead."

Although it is said that the soldiers are very fast, but a thousand people are not a small number, Li Yalin and others can not really rush to rush, nothing to ignore, although still at the moment, talking to people is no problem.

As for Camille's doubts, Li Yalin also knows what she means. Although this request for help does not seem to be a problem, it is not without loopholes. Not only is Camille suspect, Li Yalin and Cheyya are very suspicious.

But doubts are doubtful, such a good opportunity Li Yalin naturally can not let go, whether it is true or not, this must go on such a thing.

Before leaving, Cameron had suggested leaving Olaer in the Blood League City to prevent any variables from happening. It is also good to control her to have a card.

However, Li Yalin did not agree with this suggestion. In his view, it is better to tie her to his side than to tie Olaer. If there is a change, then the role of Olaer can be highlighted.

What's more, Li Yalin and his entourage are also unfamiliar with the world. After all, they must have a way to understand everything. Otherwise, this march will definitely become very difficult.

Speaking of Olaer, Li Yalin couldn't help but glance at the girl who was behind her own horse and was licking her lips. I didn't expect that before it was in front of me, it looked like a dirty man. The guy, after taking a shower and dressing up, would be so beautiful.

The long blond hair flutters in the wind, and the blue eyes are like the deep ocean. The delicate little face is very eye-catching, but it is always pouting, always giving a serious feeling.

This Olaer seems to be about seventeen or eighty years old. It’s a complete girl, but it’s a pity that it’s a broken end.

Although I have to admit that Olaer is a very beautiful girl, Li Yalin is not a **** person who can't walk without seeing a beautiful girl. For him, even if Olaer is beautiful, she can't clean her. Suspect.

Olaer, I hope you didn't lie to me, and don't make anything that is not good for you. Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying it!

Squinting at Olaer for a while, until she had a slight gap, Li Yalin finally recovered his gaze and continued to pursue the road.

What is the human slave team, your death is here!

On top of this road, Li Yalin took the Guards with no waste of time. Apart from eating and sleeping, what he left to do was basically concentrate on the road. It was almost a day, and they finally arrived at Gillian Buddha. The territory of the family can finally start the war!

In fact, to be honest, the number of soldiers in the Gillian Foll family is not very small. If you count it, how can you make up two or three thousand, but the human slave team takes up the right place and the first place. Time annihilated the Gileen Foll family, resulting in the soldiers under the dragons without heads, after being rushed for a while, the scattered escape, completely failed to exert any combat power.

This is also the reason why Olaer was unable to gather the soldiers after the defeat and regrouped to counter the slaves.

However, just after Li Yalin’s arrival at the destination, the scouts sent earlier brought an important message, which made Li Yalin unspeakable.

A subordinate aristocrat under Gillian Foll’s house was able to consolidate the soldiers at the time of the military chaos, and now at least 17,000 soldiers are attributed to his majesty.

Logically speaking, this should be a good thing, but what I didn't expect was that the guy surrendered to the slave team with the soldiers! That is to say, now there are more than 17,000 demon fighting forces in the hands of the slave squad. This is really a fact that makes people laugh and cry.

This traitor is really good enough, one thousand seven troops, are you still afraid that you can only beat the 2,000 slaves? Say good bones of the Mozu? Have you been eaten by a dog?

What should this be called? Magic? Anyway, Li Yalin doesn't know how to describe it.

"Kevin...the traitor! The **** traitor! He dared to do this...does he have no self-esteem?"

Unexpectedly, when Olaer learned the news, the expression on her face was quite wonderful. The red burst of purple, the expression of resentment, was like breaking a silver tooth.

"Do you know that guy?"

Looking at Olaer, Li Yalin’s eyes showed doubtful eyes. Is this Olaer’s performance too overdone? Although the guy named Kevin is really damn, but don't need to show such an expression?

"He... can be regarded as my fiancé..." Hesitated for a while, Olaer finally spoke, but when it came to the three words of the fiancé, the roots she had hated were itchy.

"Oh? Is there such a thing to say? Then your relationship is very good?" Li Yalin took a brief glance, although he thought that Olaer might know the Kevin, but did not expect that the two of them would have An intimate relationship.

"No... just grow up together, our father... We used to give us **** for marriage when we were young. If there is no accident, I should marry him when I am an adult... ...but now... damn! He dared to betray our Gillian Foll family!"

O'Reilly shook her head. It seemed that her relationship with Kevin was not as good as Li Yalin imagined, and at the end of the day, she already had the meaning of not killing Kevin. It is.

Is the fingertips married? I didn't expect this world to have this custom. Although I was a bit curious, Li Yalin was not a gossip. People's emotional entanglements didn't matter to him. Now he is more concerned about what the Kevin is. After all, he is in his hands. It is very important to control nearly 20,000 Mozu soldiers.

If you can, Li Yalin definitely does not want to see the same family happening! (To be continued.)