The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 218: This woman is not simple

How to choose, Olaer is already very clear, and now she has no cards, the only thing left is her identity.

It can be guessed that the demon king has let himself contact the army and wants to use his identity to indirectly control the army. The problem is that he is doubting whether he will make adverse choices for him.

Although I did have such an idea in my heart, after thinking for a long time, Olaer finally abandoned this idea.

When Gillian Foll’s family was destroyed, she profoundly knew what was called the warmth of the world, and the aristocratic family that had originally made a good relationship with her family. When I heard that my family was destroyed, the first thing I thought of was not help, but how to encroach on myself. Invading the territory of the family, this really makes Ola to be disheartened.

Compared with those treacherous aristocrats, Li Yalin, the demon king, is even more brilliant, showing his attitude directly, and he has no idea of ​​coveting his own body, and he is not prepared to use himself to achieve his goal.

Nowadays, the territory of Gillian Folf’s family can’t be saved. So instead of taking away the family business that has been passed down for countless years, it’s not as good as giving it to the demon king directly.

After all, in any case, you are a member of the Mozu, and you should be loyal to the Devil.

At the thought of this, Olaer made up his mind, as long as his Majesty the Devil can help him revenge, then how can he give him a big gift?

"Really? Do you really think so?"

To be honest, O'Neill's performance is somewhat out of what Li Yalin expected. It is true that he opened the mouth with Olaer in the spirit of temptation, but did not expect that she gave herself a satisfactory answer that could not be satisfied.

The question is, is this the truth of Olaer?

Don't blame Li Yalin for his heart. The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie. This is very clear. In particular, the woman in front of her has stood on her opposite side. After all, she is also a member of the ten aristocrats. what!

"The devil is under His Majesty. All I said is my heart. The sentence is absolutely not afraid of any deception. In fact, even if I have the mind, it is impossible for me to live in this family business alone. One point. I am still very self-aware."

Hearing the demon king, there is still a temptation to test his own mind. Olaer immediately fell to the ground, very sincere and very heartfelt to show his attitude, and she said. They are also the words of the lungs, and Li Yalin is shocked.

This woman... not simple!

Yes, Olaer is definitely not simple. She knows how to advance and retreat. She can see the current affairs. If she can become her own helper, then the great cause of the real magic country will probably be smoother.

What's more, Olaer's identity is not simple. After all, she is the only survivor of Gillian Foll's family. If she can effectively use this identity...

For a moment, Li Yalin was silent, just staring straight at Olaer, the kind of eyes that made Olaer unable to help, and what did the Devil want to do? What does he want to be about himself?

"Olaer... If I said, after cleaning up the human slaves, I will return the territory of the Gillian Foll family to you. What do you think?"

After a long silence, Li Yalin finally opened his mouth, but his words actually shocked Olaer.

what? Will the Devil's Majesty return the territory of the Gillian Foll family to himself? is it possible?

No, this is absolutely impossible!

Although the heart experienced a moment of excitement, but soon Olaer calmed down, in the current situation, it is impossible to reinvigorate the Gillian Foll family, after all, he is just a woman, want to One's strength is to shoulder the burden of the whole family. If you think about it, you will know how difficult it will be.

Although Olaer is not afraid of these difficulties, she also knows that such a great opportunity, such a large territory, how can the devil can easily send out.

Who will spit out the delicious food that has already been eaten in the mouth? This is totally unreasonable.

So, that is, the devil still does not trust himself, or is he testing himself?

At the moment, Olaer’s body has a little bit of cold sweat. In front of him, the demon king is more embarrassing and witty than he imagined. If he plays some caution in front of him, he will probably be seen clearly.

No! I have to express my attitude! Never let the devil squat and doubt himself again.

"My Majesty the Devil, I am only a woman, and my family is left with me alone. I alone cannot control the territory, nor can I serve the public. One of the ten nobles is the Gilles Foll family. It has become history, and now I don’t want to consider other issues besides revenge."

Although it is necessary to express its position, it must be said how to say it. At least Olaer has been brewing in his heart for a while before finally speaking and exporting.

And this remark can be regarded as the voice of Olaer, and her final guarantee to Li Yalin.

From this point of view, she really did not have the idea of ​​revitalizing the Gillian Foll family.

"I understand that you don't have to be so nervous about Olaer. Although I did doubt some of you before, but now, I think we can confess to the announcement."

To be honest, O'Neill's attitude makes Li Yalin very satisfied. Seeing her appearance is not like a fake. In fact, she is also telling the truth. Even if she has any ambitions, her identity as a woman is also a single person. It is impossible to really reinvigorate the Gillian Foll family.

However, at this time, Li Yalin had another idea in his heart, and then he was also prepared to realize his own ideas.

"His Majesty?"

Suddenly I heard that Li Yalin said that he would confess to the announcement of the announcement. This is what makes Olaer very puzzled. What are you talking about? Do you not express your position? What else to talk about?

The whimsy of this demon king has never been able to figure out.

"The reason why I was able to become this demon king is actually a coincidence. Everything is still given by the predecessor, and I have inherited the position of this demon king. I am not afraid of your jokes. From the beginning, I was more resistant to this. ""

Looking towards Olaer, Li Yalin's tone is also stable, as if he is talking very casually with Olaer.

"After I came to the Blood League City, the first thing I wanted to do was to go home and leave the land of right and wrong. After all, this person suddenly came to an unfamiliar environment. The first thing I thought was to go home. After all, only the home is the warmest harbor." Li Yalin sighed, as if he was remembering something, and Oller listened to him quietly, she wanted to know. What the Devil wants to say.

Olaer is very clever. She knows that Li Yalin said this to himself. He really wants to say something to himself from the heart. Otherwise, he can’t tell these secret things to himself. listen.

Do you want to go home to the devil? Although it sounds very outrageous, I just want to believe it.

"There is only one way to go home, and that is to become stronger. When I know this news, I have been forcing myself to force myself to work harder, just to want to go home."

Olaer did not bother, Li Yalin continued to speak, but he did not seem to say to Olaer, but gave him a feeling of self-talk.

"But now, I have become stronger, but at the same time I have found that my identity as a demon has completely restrained myself. To be honest, now my idea of ​​going home has gradually faded, but instead I was thinking about how to make the people of Blood League City better, if we can better develop the Mozu."

When it comes to this, Li Yalin can't help but reveal a self-deprecating smile. He said that this is the truth. The idea that he always wanted to go home is indeed a lot weaker. He even said that he would not deliberately think about it. .

Li Yalin does not know whether this is good or bad for himself, but he knows that his current ideal is to let the Mozu people live a better life, and nothing more.

"The devil is under the heart of the people, this is the blessing of our Mozu."

Seeing Li Yalin’s self-deprecating smile, Olaer did not know how to comfort him for a while. He could only hesitate for a moment and said a comfort that was not comforting.

"Where is the blessing of the Mozu? If this is the case, Oleer also knows that today's true demon country is no more than that of the past, and the majesty of the devil is long gone. Among the ten nobles, the true heart has turned to the devil. There are few people, and human beings are stunned by the Mozu. It can be said that it is internal and external. As such, I really don’t know how long the Mozu can last. How long can I last?"

Shaking his head, Li Yalin walked to the window of the room, looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, and could not help but see the gods.

Although his words are to persuade Olaer to return to his heart, but this is not his true heart. Although the Mozu seems to be calm and calm at this time, what kind of storms will be hidden under this calm?

"Your Majesty, I am willing to offer all the loyalty to His Majesty, and to shed the last drop of blood for the Devil to revive the Mozu!"

Li Yalin said this. If Olaer still doesn't understand it, then she will be nicknamed the best young generation of Gillian Foll's family. In fact, when Li Yalin started to speak, she was already aware.

Not to mention the current situation, just after Li Yalin’s remarks, I’ve actually moved Olaer’s mind.

Although I knew that this demon king was not simple, I did not expect that he would have such a lofty ambition. Don't look at him just saying that he wants to develop the demon, but this alone is already difficult. (To be continued.)