The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 316: Do you still have to regret doing it?

I have been observing the situation since I started Latella. Although I don’t know why Li Yalin wants Messiah to destroy the inner line of Amyla, one thing is certain, Amyla is finished.

Just after Messiah’s heavy expression can be seen, Imela will not be better if I don’t die this time, and then the **** scene will make Lachara horrified.

What kind of trick is Li Yalin playing? Why does Amyla, whose inner defense is destroyed, suddenly recover? Why did she have to leave in such a hurry without any doubt? These all make Lachara confused and unable to solve the truth.

"What is going on?"

In the face of La Chaolla's doubts, Li Yalin came directly to a confused, but Lacha Laila was angry enough.

Just the scene, as long as it is a bit of a head, you can know what is going on? But this Li Yalin actually asked himself what happened, what are you kidding!

"What is going on with Amela?"

Although there was a feeling of wanting to go away, Lachara took a deep breath and calmed down his mind and asked Li Yalin.

Calm, must be calm!

In the face of Li Yalin, Lachara knows that it is useless to play smart, this guy is very smart, and if he is angry with him, then it is really in his trap.

Therefore, at this time La Sala's face is full of calm and serious expression, she needs to know the truth.

"That's the way it happened. I was thinking that if I could destroy her inner defense, would she be able to sneak in, but I didn't expect her to be stronger than I thought, I haven't waited. What, she recovered herself."

With his eyes open and swearing, this skill, Li Yalin admits that no one can match him. Especially at the moment, he lie and does not blush at all, and the serious appearance is like the real.

Can you believe this?

Lachara said that if he could believe it, he would be a fool. But unfortunately, no matter how she asked, soft and hard are on, but Li Yalin did not.

"You guy..." Lachara is mad, how is this guy as stinky and hard as the stone in the pit? Can we be a group? Don't you tell me this?

Li Yalin certainly can't tell Lachara. He still wants to tell her that he has special ability because of his eyes. As long as the person's inner defense is destroyed, a permanent hint can be made?

Ah, if this is said, La Sala's ambition will definitely erupt. When it is time, I will let myself control who I am. I don't even think about this kind of thing. This is the secret of Li Yalin alone. Never say it!

And more crucially, Li Yalin knows that his eyes are too much against the sky. If he is known by others, he will have to wonder if he has been washed and brainwashed, and then he will be intimate. Friends, when you treat yourself, you will also be jealous of three points. This is definitely not what he wants to see.

so. You can guess slowly after His Highness Lachara, but you will never be able to guess.

"Small Yalin, you are really amazing, always can surprise me."

Just as Li Yalin and La Chalamin struggled, Messia finally recovered from the shock, and looked at Li Yalin’s expression was full of surprise.

Her heart is clear, because when she was just hypnotizing Amela, she accidentally used too much force, which led to the destruction of Emerald’s inner defense, in her eyes. Amyra is no different from the dead, but whoever thinks it will recover in such a short time.

Obviously, all of this is the credit of Li Yalin. If there is no Li Yalin, Messia has the confidence to make Aimela a doll for a lifetime.

Just because I understand all this, Messia was so shocked when I saw Li Yalin, but I was amazed. Her interest in Li Yalin is also growing.

At the beginning, Messia was attracted by Li Yalin's appearance. It is undeniable that the woman of Messia is a positive controller. I think it’s very interesting to play a little like Li Yalin, not to mention the personal guard of His Highness La Sala, and it’s also his own.

But with the closerness with Li Yalin, the more Messiah feels that this little brother is very mysterious, not only has the swordsmanship that he also looks up to, but also surprises people inadvertently.

The more this is the case, the more Messiah wants to approach Li Yalin, seeing that this pair of humans and animals are harmless, I really want to eat him in the stomach.

"In fact, nothing, haha...ah haha..."

In the face of Messiah's wink and La Silla's blink of an eye, Li Yalin touched the back of his head and smirked. What is stupid for him is a light-hearted way for him. As for the beauty of Meila, it is so windy. Let's go.

However, what I want to explain here is that At this time, Amyra no longer has the previous beliefs, and will not go to the loyal Dagumai again. From now on, there is only one owner who wants allegiance, that is Li Yalin!

The eye of charm, when the inner defense is the most vulnerable, it can give a permanent psychological suggestion, and this time, Li Yalin also uses the eye of charm and the hypnosis of Messia, successfully transforming the beauty Became a person.

Li Yalin is really no choice. If he can, he really does not want to use this ability, and he does not want to force Ai Meila to become like this.

But unfortunately, the hostile relationship between him and Daguima has long been unable to resolve, no one will let anyone go, then if Aimela stands on the side of Dagumai in the future, then she will become the enemy of Li Yalin.

For the enemy, Li Yalin will never be soft, and he can now conclude that Dagumai is dead, and he will not let him go anyway, so if you don’t use the eye of charm, once Dagumai is killed, Then Amela will definitely become an avenger.

I don't want to be an enemy of Amira. Li Yalin can only make a decision. I will have a chance to compensate Amela in the future. Now, I can only say sorry to you.

But then again, with the effect of the enchanting eye, Amyra has already transferred all of Daguima's loyalty to Li Yalin's body, and there is no hatred for him at all. If this is the case, it looks like this still It’s like what the devil will do.

Is it natural that he is the material of the devil?

After escaping the question of Lachara, Li Yalin couldn’t help but ask himself. For him, although he does not feel that he is a good person, he does not feel that he is a bad person, but this time he is afraid that only the villains can do it.

If it is those of the Madonna, I am sure that I have already spurted on what I have done.

Li Yalin can only say that no matter who he is, there is definitely a demon hidden in his heart. It is only to see if the demon has been fermented and can realize the idea of ​​the demon.

Forget it, do you still have to regret it? Anyway, this has no loss for Li Yalin. On the contrary, he is more confident in conquering the world.

The reason why Amela would go, it was because of Li Yalin’s instructions. According to his thoughts, now that Amela is not suitable to be with him, he needs to monitor Daguima’s every move and understand all his movements. Therefore, a spy must be placed next to Dagumai.

Now, Amela is the most suitable candidate, no one can think of it, Aimeila has become a person since then.

This is a dark chess, and one day will be useful sooner or later.

No... it’s already useful now.

"Yalin, this is all the recent developments of Dagumai, and he has also told me to get the steam armor design of Wau Anli anyway."

After the night, in the room of Li Yalin, a black shadow flashed, and then a woman wearing a night dress appeared.

Needless to say, this person is Li Yalin's inner should love Meila, and at the same time she sees a thick piece of information to the hand of Li Yalin respectfully, and also explains the task that Dagumai explained to her.

"Very good, the information is very detailed, I am doing a good job."

Looking at the information in front of you, the above detailed record of all the movements of Dagumai does not say, even his preferences and weaknesses are clearly marked, it is worthy of Dagumai's personal attendant, except for Amera In addition, there is probably no one in the world who can come up with such a complete set of information.

"This is what I should do, Yalin." Hearing Li Yalin's praise, Amyla's face suddenly showed a happy color. She is a very easy to meet girl, as long as she is a little better, she can get Very big satisfaction, just like now.

For this reason, Li Yalin has always been secretly a pity for Amyla. In fact, Li Yalin knows that Amela is loyal to Dagumai, but it is also because of the same love for Dagumai.

It’s a pity that this guy from Dagumai doesn’t know if it’s a foundation. It’s obvious that there is a big beauty around her, but she only treats her as a man, even if she doesn’t even show her face, this makes Amela It has always been painful.

But now, the loyalty and love of Amyla have been transferred to Li Yalin's body, and At the same time, Imela has received the desired return, which is a kind of happiness for her.

Although this happiness seems a bit false, but life is alive, why is everything so true? Can you live a happy life, that is not enough to make people very satisfied.

"Then the design of the steam engine armor, I will get it to you later, when you go to Dagumai to return to life."

"Yes, Master Yalin."

After reading the information, Li Yalin also mentioned the design of the steam mech. This is because Daguima wants it, then he will be a good person, but he doesn't care anyway.

"It’s hard for you to love Mela, but now you have to be patient, as long as the time is up, you can stay with me forever."

PS: Dear 11 happy said ~~