The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 57: The second night of the night

If you talk about internal affairs, Camer is far from being able to compare with the older sister, Cesya, but if it is military, there is probably no one in the entire Blood League that can match the existence of Camer.

When Cameer saw the power of AKM, the body subconsciously shuddered. She was not afraid of the power of AKM, but thought of it in an instant, how the emergence of such weapons would bring about changes in the world.

If it is a showdown between the masters, Camille can be sure that this weapon will not play a big role, although it can easily penetrate his own shovel, but does not mean that AKM bullets can penetrate the magic barrier.

When the strength reaches a certain level, such as this level of Camer, you can use the magic of the body to develop a protective barrier. Not only the Mozu, but even humans can do this, such as the spell barrier or the war barrier. Should be able to easily resist bullets.

In addition, even without the magic barrier, Kamma has the confidence to use the speed to flash the AKM attack, although it is really exaggerated at first glance, but as long as you can see the direction of the muzzle, understand the bullet's trajectory, want to dodge and Not very difficult things.

The key to the problem is that a master like Cameron is not everywhere on the street. It can be strangled on the battlefield, or a warrior and a warrior-level soldier.

Even said that even the Devils are very rare, the vast majority of soldiers are only the level of the Demon Warrior!

In this way, the emergence of AKM is very scary.

I can't use the magic barrier, there is no speed to avoid the bullet. When the bullet hits, what can I do besides the hard resistance?

The question is, is the resistance down?

Of course, the answer is no, and because of this, Kamma made up his mind in the first time, and this kind of weapon must not fall into the hands of others! Otherwise, this is definitely a disaster for the blood league city!

If the number is small, but Li Yalin has already said that he is going to equip every soldier in the Blood League City with such a weapon. What kind of time will it be?

It is conceivable that when thousands of AMKs appeared on the battlefield and the scene of releasing bullets was released, I am afraid that even a master like Cameron would be helpless, even if the magic barrier can withstand bullets, but the magic is exhausted. What time?

Although the body of the Mozu is stronger than human beings, it is not an undead body. Even the iron armor is sifted into a sieve. If it hits the body...

The next scene, Cameron can't imagine, where is the demon king's weapon? This is simply the weapon of the devil!

"How about Kamma, is it very powerful? Let's try again, I have stronger and more powerful weapons here."

Just as Camille was shocked, Li Yalin on the side once again challenged her nerve limit. Originally, in Camille's view, the appearance of AKM was already exaggerated, but who thought, Li Yalin actually said There are weapons that are even stronger than AKM!


Camille’s mood is now difficult to describe in words, but then, Li Yalin’s weapon demonstration was not achieved.

The reason is very simple. Under the silent night sky, AKM's gunshots once again jumped the chickens and dogs in the castle. Not waiting for Li Yalin to take out the weapons again, there are many guards appearing, Li Yalin and Camille. Surrounded by groups.

The guards did not know what was going on. At this moment, it was natural to give priority to the protection of His Majesty the King and the Princess.

"Amount... I think I will talk about it tomorrow."

It was a lot of people who appeared. This made Li Yalin discover that he seems to be the second night of the night. It’s not good to do so. The weapon test is still waiting for tomorrow. If you continue, I’m afraid the people in the castle will Don't want to sleep.

Cameron also strongly agrees that she needs some time to digest the emergence of AKM, not to mention the next stronger weapon than AKM. I am afraid that the battle mode of Blood League City will change dramatically in the future!

Feeling a lot of tongue and the guards explained clearly, Li Yalin also had a good night with Cameron, sleep, there is nothing to wait for tomorrow!

It’s just that Li Yalin’s spirit is full of heads. It’s only when I’m close to the dawn, I finally fall asleep, the jet lag is really difficult to reverse.

"Dream the Majesty, are you getting up?"

The sound of sleeping, Li Yalin suddenly awakened by a knock on the door, the voice of Camer? How did she come?

Suddenly opened his eyes, but then it was a kind of tiredness swept over, which made Li Yalin feel that he should ignore the knocking of Kamen, and it would be better to come back.

Unfortunately, not waiting for Li Yalin to close his eyes again, Kamener pushed the door open and walked into Li Yalin’s room.

"Camer... Is there anything?"

Li Yalin’s voice was a little exhausted. After all, he just fell asleep soon, so he was quarreled and the body would definitely send out a dangerous signal.

"I am sorry to kneel down, disturbing your rest, but... Big sister, she... wants to see you."

Cameron saw Li Yalin's tiredness. She was also very embarrassed to disturb the Devil's rest at this time. But the problem was that Chery suddenly proposed to see the demon king, and Cameron felt that this could not be done. Wait a second time.

Nowadays, only Kamen, the three princesses of the Blood League, is firmly standing on the stand of supporting Li Yalin, and Isiya is very annoyed by Li Yalin, let alone support, as long as it is not chaotic, it is burning incense.

Therefore, the attitude of Cherya is very important for Li Yalin. As long as Cheria supports Li Yalin, then Li Yalin’s position as the devil will not be shaken any more.

On the contrary, Cheria will become an enemy.

Cameron does not want to be an enemy of her sister, whether it is Cheria or Isa Ya, so she must now make double efforts to make the interior of the Blood League city stable, and let Li Yalin sit more securely in the devil. On the bit.

For this invitation of Cesya, Cameron feels that it is a very good opportunity. If you can take this opportunity to draw the distance between the Devil and his eldest sister, it would be better.

But Cameron did not think about it, why did Cheyya suddenly see Li Yalin.

Do you want to see yourself?

Knowing this news from Kameier’s mouth, Li Yalin seems a bit confused. Suddenly want to see what he is prepared for?

At this point, Li Yalin can not have the optimistic attitude of Cameron. Since the last time he was frozen by Ice, he has instinctively created a sense of fear for Cherya.

What's more, Cesya is the first master in the blood league city, and there are N levels higher than Li Yalin. Such a horrible iceberg woman, it is better to have less contact.

"That... I can't do it?" Instinctively, Li Yalin wanted to refrain, but in Cameron, there is no room for discussion.

"Of course not, the Devil is getting out of bed!"

Cameron will not let go of this tempering opportunity, naturally it is impossible for Li Yalin to escape, but this is not at all ambiguous.

"Really are……"

All kinds of unwillingness in the heart, but under the urging of Cameron, Li Yalin still got out of bed and dressed under the service of Camer.

Originally, according to Li Yalin, his own clothes can be worn by himself. Even if he is not good enough, he can't use Cameron to do it himself. Is it difficult to be a maid outside?

But I don't know if Kamaler is taking the wrong medicine today. He has to take over the work of the maid and let Li Yalin do all kinds of uncomfortable things.

This is to let the Royal Highness serve to wear clothes! Not to mention the Blood League City, I am afraid that it is the whole true devil country, and only you can enjoy this welfare!

Although I have to admit that this is a very good thing, just suddenly being served by a beautiful girl, the stimulus for Li Yalin is still a bit too big.

Was voted for the Samsung bad vote, isn’t it wrong to write it, tears...