The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 669: Great earthquake of the White Knights

It is clearly a far-off person who fights against the super-level. However, Li Yalin still has the time to experiment with the dark magic. It is really impossible for people to vomit, but it turns out that Li Yalin has this temperament, in the face of enemies that others cannot seem to overcome. He is very comfortable to come.

After all, the enemy can't attack him, then everything is equal to zero.

Take this thing as a target and start training.

Li Yalin feels that he is coming right. A good target like this is not something that can be encountered every day. The various exercises on weekdays are very boring. In addition, he does not expose himself to being a black magician, and he can’t use it casually. Dark surgery.

But now, he is cool, and the dark spells from the first to the eighth order all have a good time, but the higher order dark spells are even cursed, he can't release it as he pleases, because then, killing But it is not just a heretic, but even the entire city will be dumped.

How happy is that to play?

Speaking of it, this super-level heretic is really miserable. It is silently and silently sneaked into the city. Before it is cool, it meets an opponent that cannot be defeated anyway. Even the tragic smashing target is just like the fish on the chopping board, and it can only be slaughtered.

Seeing it, one head was burnt into coke, and the other head was frozen into a popsicle. In short, nine heads, none of them were intact.

After Li Yalin was tired of playing, he took out the real holy sword, Saldika, and the double sword was in an infinite sword array. He directly cut it into countless paragraphs, and even the whole body could not stay.

Hey, this is over, and it is said that it is a super-level heresy. It is really boring.

After the test, the Hydra was killed. Li Yalin snorted and expressed some disdain. The heretics of this world are much weaker than he imagined. If the future heretics are like this, it would be too boring.

In fact, it is no wonder that he would think so, after a long time ago. He has already experienced the gut animals that are completely inferior to the heretics, and then his strength has been increasing by leaps and bounds, and even more will not put these heretics in his eyes.

However, this is a good thing for him. First of all, his task will be completed very easily, and more importantly, if he wants to control the world, it is not particularly difficult. .

Now Li Yalin goes through a mission world every time. The world will be regarded as its own supply place. The world is naturally the same. The world that the strong is respected most likes him. Because the fist is big, it is the last word. If you take your fist out, he will get the power he deserves. And status.


Li Yalin and the super-level singer's battle, but worried about the heart of May and Jing Nai, although constantly escorting the wounded to leave. But their minds are all concentrated on Li Yalin.

About the past life of my brother Black Devil. May naturally knows, but even so, when she saw countless dark magic spells spurting out, one after another explosions, her heart was still hung up high, for fear of Li Yalin's accident.

However, her worry is not necessary. If you want to defeat a super-level heresy, it is not a problem for Li Yalin. Seeing his brother returning like a hero, there is only a happy joy in May.

Rushed to Li Yalin, a flying pounced into his arms. May can't speak the excitement at this moment, facing such a powerful enemy, my brother still completed his promise and returned to his side safely!

In her arms, she held a soft body in May. Li Yalin gently patted her sister's small head and turned her eyes to Jing Nai.

At this time, Jing is not as excited as May, but instead looks at Li Yalin with tangles in the complex, as if there is something in mind.

Can understand her mood at this time, Li Yalin's powerful strength represents his possibility of having an advanced s-class savior, but also because of this, becoming a s-class savior represents countless responsibilities and obligations, to When he is afraid that he will be busy fighting all day, even if she can get the right to talk with the family, she still does not want to see Li Yalin unhappy.

Jing is understanding Li Yalin, because he and his predecessor, Saura, are not really like power and fighting. If they can, she wants him to live a safe life.

But now, he killed the super-level heresy and became the equivalent of the s-level savior, and his life will change dramatically.

"Don't worry about Jing, I know how to do it since I exposed my strength."

Seeing Jing Nai’s eyes, Li Yalin knew what she was thinking, because the two were so heart-warming, and Li Yalin said that she had other arrangements.

Although I still have worries in my heart, in fact, Jing is more confident in Li Yalin than in May. Since he said so, he should believe that he is right.

In this way, a super-level multi-headed heretic who ravaged the city completely became a fragment under Li Yalin's hands. This incident was spread out, but it caused a great sensation.

Especially when Li Yalin’s peace took May and Jing’s return, the entire private Yazhong Academy was a silence. Everyone silently watched the three return, and could not say a word in their mouths.

This is really exaggerated. It is simply unimaginable. These three people are obviously just new students who have just entered school. Why can they achieve the feat of working together with the entire Japanese branch?

Only three people have defeated the super-level heretics?

In fact, we still don't know that it is only Li Yalin who really fights against the aristocrats. If they let them know the truth again, I am afraid they will drop their chins to the ground.

"Welcome back." Finally, the silence was broken. The first one was the stone movement of the actual army's captain.

At this time, Shi Yaxun looked at Li Yalin's eyes but it was full of complexity. He did not expect that Li Yalin was going to die, but as a result he not only died, but also killed the enemy and became a real hero.

To ask if Stone Motion regrets not playing with Li Yalin, he will definitely say no regrets, because his task is to preserve the existing strength and wait for the reinforcements to fight together.

But if I let Stone News say from the heart, he really regrets not fighting with Li Yalin, even if he will not admit it anyway.

In the end, all he could do was to say a welcome to Li Yalin, and that's it.

"Well, I am back."

In the opinion of Shi Dongxun, this time Li Yalin will definitely have a rift with him. After all, the two people’s ideas have already collided. Even Li Yalin proves that he is correct with his strength.

Imagine that in the future, such a conflict of ideas will happen again, and I am afraid that I can no longer be a good match for his predecessors.

To be honest, Shi’s mood is very complicated.

What he did not expect was that Li Yalin did not proudly announce his own record, nor did he take the opportunity to devalue him and humiliate him. Instead, he smiled and said to him, I am back.

What does this mean?

Stone News surprised to look at Li Yalin, found that his eyes did not have the slightest impurities, but looked at himself very sincerely, which made the stone movements suddenly excited.

It is worthy of being a fancy person!

It should have been an indelible crack, but because of Li Yalin’s words, he smiled and enmity, which made him have to feel, and also made Li Yalin’s evaluation even higher.

He even said that he was considering whether Li Yalin should take over his position directly after he graduated, and let him become the captain of the actual combat troops. Even if he was an international student from Tianchao, he was still in the school during his school. This is always true for students.

If Li Yalin had just entered school, and his qualifications and experience were insufficient, Shidong News even had the urge to immediately abdicate him.

Li Yalin did not expect that he just did not want to conflict with Shizhixun, so he took the initiative to give the other party a step, but made the other party so excited, but this also proves that Shizheng is really a straightforward and simple old man. Such people use it, but it is most convenient.

In fact, the sudden overthrow of the aristocrats was easily wiped out. The sensation was not just the private Asian Academy, but the entire Japanese, including the White Knights of the world, had a major earthquake.

Three freshmen who have just entered school have killed the super-classic heretics? real or fake? Isn't this the Japanese branch making scams to deceive people?

What everyone doesn't know is that it is not three people who actually kill the super-sexual heretic, but Li Yalin is alone.

In fact, Li Yalin did not want to conceal this matter. However, what surprised him was that Jing was talking to him separately afterwards. He hoped that he could conceal the truth and share his merits on three people. Just to prevent him from becoming an s-class savior as soon as possible.

Although Li Yalin was very hesitant about this, but seeing Jing’s expectations in the eyes, he could not help but agree.

He knows that Jing is for himself. He is afraid that he will be destroyed by the wind in the woods, but he even thinks that Jing is thinking a little more. As long as he is strong enough, who can hinder himself?

However, since Jing thinks so, she promises her well. Anyway, this matter will not be concealed because of her own moment, but the real announcement ends. In fact, many people already know the truth.

This includes the headmaster of the private Yazhong Academy, four miles! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!