The Divine Martial Stars

Chapter 1638: Kirin knife path

Ling Yanjun?

Li Mu has never heard of this name before.

But judging from the two-sentence dialogue one by one, this person must be someone who knows Qin Kongyu, and also has deep roots.

The **** Qin Kongyu jumped out of the window on the third floor.

He sprayed fire with his eyes, staring at the collapsed Nantianmen number plate.

In the endless surging black tide, a black demon lotus composed of magical energy is blooming, the petals are flying, like a witch scattered flowers.

On top of the black demon lotus, a head with horns and arms with scales stood tall.

His appearance seemed to be a combination of demon and man.

With similar physiques, Li Mu has also been seen in the Ziwei Star Field and the World.

Basically, there are some demons who are not cultivated to the top. They cannot completely change to be human races.

But the man in front of him was obviously not.

His practice is that he went straight into the emperor's realm and overwhelmed him. He had already reached the realm of humanity, but still retained some animalistic characteristics. There are only two explanations. Either the blood is too strong, even if it is the emperor Nor can it be fully refined, or he himself has taken the initiative to retain some of his own characteristics to show his differences from the human race.

"Oh, the demon army?"

Ling Yanjun smiled softly: "This world is sick and needs to be washed. What I bring is the power to purify the world, the power of true God, to purify you filth."

"The emperor's devotion to the forgiveness pardoned your Kirin tribe, and you didn't know how to repent," Qin Kongyu stabbed with his hands, as if the anger squeezed from the back of his throat was difficult to suppress: "You will pay for your actions."

"Hahaha, the price?"

Ling Yanjun laughed in the sky, and the petals of the black demon lotus bloomed and fell off layer by layer: "This sentence is what I want to give to heaven. You do n’t even know how terrible the power of God is, you guys, All dogs in heaven must die. "

"I killed you first."

Qin Kongyu roared.

An indescribable burst of blood and blood burst out instantly.

Qin Kongyu's body suddenly swelled, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant one hundred meters high, with two swords stained with blood, and the blade body became larger as if it were a hill.

Its breath and momentum entered the realm of the emperor in an instant.


Qin Kongyu roared and rushed to Ling Yanjun above the demon lotus.

"Second Brother ..."

Qin Linger sighed sadly.

Li Mu said: "Is this the transformation of the spirit group?"

Qin Linger said: "The second brother has not yet reached the emperor's realm, forcing the secret technique to enhance the combat power, but once the secret technique maintenance time is over, he is unpredictable ..."

Li Mu learned that the mystery of the giant spirits had such side effects.

"The second brother must have been killed by the sister-in-law, and the excitement went crazy. What can I do?"

Qin Linger is like an ant on a hot pot.


The battle outside has begun.

Black fairy lotus petals are flying.

The blood of giant spirits is also projectile.

Qin Kongyu looks like a wild lion, with no defense at all.

Ling Yanjun is also a two-handed sword.

"Ha ha, cut the original sky knife? Ha ha, is it the knife path known as the first sword in heaven? Today, I will use the [killing sword] of the Kirin tribe to break the myth of your giant spirit, ha ha ha ha.

Ling Yanjun laughed.

A pair of dark, long swords exploded.

The battle, from the very first moment of the beginning, became extremely brutal.

"Brother Li, go and help my brother ..."

Qin Linger said anxiously.

Li Mu shook his head.

At this time, he could not shoot.

Because this is a glorious battle belonging to Qin Airspace.

It is the first battle between cutting the sky knife and destroying the sky knife.

Qin Linger thought Qin airspace was mad by Wei Rulan's death, Li Mu didn't think so.

Although he knew Qin Kongyu within a few days, he had a deep understanding of this man in heaven.

Wei Rulan's death was indeed a great blow to Qin Airspace.

However, as a general commander, at this time he bears the life and death of the entire Nantianmen survivors. If he is immersed in grief and unable to extricate himself, the consequences are unthinkable.

Taking advantage of the hatred in Ling Yanjun's heart, he took the initiative to challenge this strong unicorn. Qin Kongyu pretended to be mad, but in fact, it was delaying time.

At least during this time of the battle, Kuroshio no longer attacked the Nantianmen Hall.

The wounded soldiers in heaven, and the exhausted soldiers, can get a chance to breathe.

If the battle can last longer, maybe you can wait for reinforcements at Tiangeguan.

If Li Mu rashly joins the battle at this time, not to mention whether he can kill Ling Yanjun, once the balance of the heads-up is broken, the Kuroshio Shadow Shadow Frenzy will attack again, and Nantianmen will not be able to keep it for long.

This will kill a lot of hard work in Qin Kongyu.

More importantly, Li Mu faintly felt that in the endless black tide, there is a more terrible existence than Ling Yanjun, as if it were a ghost and dark demon, watching this place quietly.

That is the real terrible existence.

Li Mu tried to capture the trajectory of this existence.


Fighting continues.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the time passed by Ayaka.

"Time is up."

An obscure voice as if the ancient devil was whispering, sounded from the deep Kuroshio.

Ling Yanjun was shocked.

"Qin Kong Yu, take your fate ... Wan Qi vanishes."

The entire person instantly merged with the black demon lotus, and a black unicorn armor was grown up, and the black scale armor even spread to the black double knives.

"No, it's not scale armor, it's petals."

Li Mu's eyes shimmered, and suddenly he made a new discovery.


The Tao is surging and the energy is overflowing.

The huge figure of Qin Kongyu flew back in the battle circle and smashed into the Nantianmen Hall. Li Mu leaped and caught Qin Kongyu. When he received it, Qin Kongyu already became his original size. However, the knife marks on the body are all over, the bones are deep enough to reach the bones, blood oozes out, and the breath suddenly declines.


In the final confrontation, he lost.

It was defeated to cut the original sky sword.

"Hahahahaha ..."

Ling Yanjun's wild laugh sounded: "It's just the case of cutting the original sky knife. Today, my Qilin tribe's annihilation knife returns to the first place in the fairyland, and rushes to break the Nantianmen Hall."

Li Mu released a gentle force and returned Qin Kongyu to the main hall, then sneered loudly: "The first sword in the fairyland, huh, you have to ask me again."

Purple gold sword in hand.

Li Mu released his sword, turned it into a lightning bolt, and attacked Ling Yanjun directly.

"Well? Who are you?"

Ling Yanjun was stunned, feeling the terrible sword that was swept up front, but he couldn't help but produce a sense of fear, which surprised him.

Who is this person?

The sharpness of the sword is actually above the cut-away sky knife of Qin Airspace.

Moreover, he clearly did not cut off the sky knife?

When did such a sword-making figure appear in heaven?

Before defeating Qin Kongyu before, didn't it fail to hold the position of the first sword in the fairyland?

Damn it.


Ling Yanjun urged Kirin's sword, but cut off the fear in his heart, and then reminded the secret technique to welcome him.