The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1529: Demon Gods

At the beginning, the line connecting fate, Xia Jingyu passed seven notes from another passage, and passed a sentence to Su Yu.

"Brother Su, I'm waiting for you."

It is for this sentence that Su Yu closed her research on the Tianshu for five years, eliminating all difficulties to go back to Xinghe God Realm just to find her.

Yes, but only once again!

"What's wrong with her?" Su Yu stopped before that, losing her courage to enter.

Yun Yazi said deeply, "You know when you go in."

For a long while, Su Yu gathered courage and stepped into the hut.

What caught the eye was not Xia Jingyu's remains, or the picture of her dying.

Instead, she leaned in front of the window, enjoying the scenery outside the window peacefully and peacefully.

A yellow, unknown bird flies gently on the back of her hand, singing cheerfully.

In the afterglow of the sun (氤氲 rì), 氤氲 水 vapor swept over the beautiful side face, which was indescribable beauty, which seemed to surpass all beauty, even the birds and birds, singing in delight.

Seemingly, the woman turned her head, and Bai Xue's clear eyes seemed to penetrate through time and space for twelve years.

At that moment, Su Yu's heart stopped beating, and she even stopped thinking.

Those familiar eyes, once replaced him to see the prosperous eyes of Zhenlong mainland, evoking endless memories of Su Yu.

He seems to have returned to the beginning, when he was still a teenager, and when he was an unknown student, he first met Xia Jingyu.

The woman seemed to be stunned, the pupils of Cai eyes gradually enlarged, snow eyes seemed to melt a whole iceberg, turned into endless tears, rolled down.

"Brother Su ..." Xia Jingyu stared with tears in his eyes and ate.

That beautiful jade look, like a weeping flower, was distressing.

The two of them had a spirit and embraced each other.

The long-awaited hug made Su Yu's heart both excited and inexplicable, and even forgotten the aftermath, and only wished to enjoy the moment quietly.

"Brother Su, finally wait for you, I have no regrets in my heart." Xia Jingyu caught Su Yu's neck, hugged him deeply, whispered softly.

Su Yu closed her eyes and said: "In the future, there will be no more regrets between us. When I deal with the lost divine realm and permanently relieve the scourge, we will look at each other ..."

Xia Jingyu in his arms trembled slightly, although Su Yu's motion was weak, but he was clearly captured.

"Brother Su ... I don't think I can accompany you to the end." Xia Jingyu said, the tone was crying.

Su Yu opened her eyes suddenly, clinging to her tightly, restraining her anxiety, and said, "Why?"

Xia Jingyu raised his eyes and stared at Su Yu quietly, but did not answer.

At this moment, Su Yu suddenly found that Xia Jingyu's pupils had no luster. If the solidified black pearls lost their vitality.

Her eyes are blind!

She couldn't see Su Yu at all!

"Your eyes!" Su Yu was anxious, holding her face.

However, inadvertent movements made Su Yushi realize that her face and her body were cold and cold.

What makes Su Yu (body shēn) stiff is that they hug each other, but they can't feel her heartbeat.

"Jingyu, your body ..." Su Yu choked in her throat, her heart trembling, she couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

Xia Jingyu gathered her tears, but the tears were like a broken kite, unable to stop, dripping down the ground along her cheeks, and falling into the sea.

The sea gradually drowned her, from the ankle to the calf to the knee ...

Su Yu took her hand, but she sank a little and was swallowed by the sea.

"Jingyu!" Su Yu responded, roared, and pulled her up hard, but the seawater had almost the power of a famine. No matter what Su Yu could do, she could not be swallowed.

Xia Jingyu worked hard to raise a smile: "Brother Su, don't miss me, don't think about me any more, just treat me as a passenger in your life, you will not be alone with the fairy.

The sea water drowned her body, leaving only one face outside.

Tears lingered in Su Yu's eyes: "Why? After ten years, I met you again, but you made me forget you?"

Xia Jingyu left Su Yu the last smile: "Because, I don't belong to the world, only belong to Brother Su ... Goodbye Brother Su, I (love ài) you ..."

A touch of seawater struck, flooding Xia Jingyu.

"No!" Su Yu roared, trying to pull the tide to pull her up, but his hands were empty, as if the tight-knit kite was broken, and his palm was empty.

Pulling back the palm, a strand of hair entangled between the index fingers, that is Xia Jingyu's blue silk!

The seawater at his feet gradually calmed down and turned into flat ground.

Everything in the house is the same as before, there is no trace of seawater erosion, as if just a fantasy dream just now.

"Master, was everything just an illusion just now?" Su Yu didn't look back, her voice seemed very low.

I do not know when Yun Yazi stood outside the door, staring sadly at Su Yu's lonely back, Xu Xu said, "No."

Su Yu's heart trembled: "Then ..."

Yun Yazi came over and patted her shoulder gently, looking at a ray of green silk wrapped by Su Yu's index finger, saying: "This is her last thing in the world, her body, her soul, her life has been disappear."

Boom boom--

Su Yu just felt that thousands of thunders rolled in his mind, blank.

She only has a ray of green silk left? She has ... died?

The woman who realized the meaning of God with him under the moon? The woman who has seen the world for him and forgotten for him? The woman who made him violent and chased ... dead?

Time seemed silent, and the world seemed silent, leaving only Su Yu alone to walk alone.

He even forgot to breathe, but just stood still, dejected, like a stake.

For a long time, as if countless years had passed, Su Yu was stunned and said, "How did you die?"

Yun Yazi admires and deplores: "In the list of souls, there is a third-class race, the goddess. They are born intelligent, have a great understanding, and are unreachable. They are the races that have the most rules of the road among all races. Many people only know this, but they do n’t know that Goddess has a name that few people know. "

"That's ... the Immortals! Born to control the disaster!"

"They can rob a specific creature through ancient sacrifice. They are invisible and extremely destructive. They are one of the most terrible creatures in the Primordial Realm! Similarly, they can do it, but it is 10,000 times more difficult than advent. Because of the calamity, what is needed is the most precious part of themselves. "

Hearing this, Su Yu's eyes restored a touch of focus,

Healing ... He had a lot of trouble in his life. Several times, there were man-made traces, but they were miraculously resolved.

"You have gone through four calamities. The first calamity is the calamity of the true dragon! The second calamity is the calamity of the Kyushu! The third calamity is the calamity of the devil! The last calamity is the calamity of the uncle!" Yunyazi said: " She resolved the four calamities for you and sacrificed one of her most precious things. "

Su Yu's eyes flickered.

The real dragon robbed, the blood emperor died, and Su Yu cast back time and space with an elixir, which came from Xia Jingyu.

The disaster of Kyushu, the advent of the gods, Su Yu was destroyed by the endless black thunder feathers, and there was power in the underworld to stop the gods.

The devil's robbery, the bitter sea giant chased and killed, and the tunnel escaped at the last moment. A Buddha bone that shouldn't appear appeared in a place that shouldn't appear.

Su Yu's robbery, Su Yu should have been unprepared and killed by a powerful and unpredictable puppet. As a result, Yin Yang got a bracelet by mistake, which resolved the difficulty of the robbery.

Now that I think about it, those seemingly coincidences are not coincidences.

Especially when the robbery came, there was even a quarrel in the midst!

"To resolve your first calamity, she sacrificed her eyes, the second calamity, sacrificed her heart, the third calamity, sacrificed all her memories, and the fourth calamity, sacrificed her (body shēn) body. "

Therefore, she lost the light, lost her heartbeat, lost her temperature, and finally lost her body, leaving only a ray of green silk.

Su Yu's silent sorrow and self-blame rolled inside.

It should have been thought that she left Zhenlong City alone, why? Just to prevent Su Yu from seeing her loss of light and not to blame him for it.

Since then, she has sacrificed again and again to resolve the increasingly dangerous calamities for Su Yu.

Until Xiang Xiaoyu!

And he didn't know it!

Holding the green silk tightly, Su Yu suddenly moved in her heart, and an emerald-colored dragon flowed around her left palm, surrounding the ray of green silk.

A faint shadow of the laws of space and time came around.

However, the blue silk pattern did not move.

Life is useless!

Su Yu was not reconciled, and the three laws of time, space and soul emerged from the body surface, enveloping this strand of blue silk in the retrograde time, letting it return to the time when Xia Jingyu had not sacrificed herself.

However, nothing happened!

Yun Yazi sighed: "She's sacrifice caused her death to be entangled by the rules of destiny, and you haven't mastered the rules of destiny in Kowloon God's Trinity to resurrect her."

Su Yu's eyes lighted up and flickered ((逼 bī) bī) people's light: "The law of destiny, can I revive it if I master this law?"

Yun Yazi bowed his head: "If she can break the entanglement of the chain of destiny, she should be able to do it."

Su Yu can't take care of it anymore, why did Yun Yazi know about the God of Kowloon, and said anxiously: "So, what kind of blood is needed next to water the dragon of destiny?"

The dragon of Jiulong's own blood can't water this dragon.

Yunyazi said: "The strongest master."

Taoist? After listening, Su Yu was not only hopeless, but a burst of almost crazy laughter: "Teacher, okay, there is no such thing as heaven!"

What he feared most was not that the road was difficult, but that there was no way to do it.

There was a way to save Xia Jingyu, but Su Yu was extraordinarily relaxed, her eyes regained focus, and her eyes were firm and bright.

"Speaking of the Taoist master ... isn't there one in the Lost Divine Realm?" Su Yu smiled, and it was cold.

Even Yunyazi ~ ~ didn't let the heart beat slightly, feeling a little uneasy.

"You're going to hit the evil girl?" Yun Yazi was surprised. He should have seen the evil girl's power in the backflow of time and space.

Su Yu's eyes were cold and cold: "Yes! No matter who she is, since her blood can save Xia Jingyu, even if she is the rule of the road, I will kill it!"

What's more, Nie Nv and Demon Dragon never planned to let Su Yu go.

There will be a deadly battle between them sooner or later.

Yun Yazi looked deeply at Su Yu, his eyes were complicated, and he sighed in silence: "Are you a wicked girl ... I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with her at that time because she is ..."


Suddenly, the cottages shook violently, and the cliff where they stood was also shaken violently.

The water of the galaxy that has flowed for billions of years suddenly dropped.

Tomorrow at 1 pm before three.