The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1536: Goodbye key

Soul body ... Su Yu couldn't help but think of Yun Yazi.

Both powerful and boundless soul bodies are equally mysterious.

But she touched Yunyazi quite a lot, and Su Yu shook her head and said, "When it comes to her existence, it doesn't matter whether or not (肉 ròu) (身 shēn) is there. If you only talk about the strength of the soul, you will surpass the Emperor of Heaven and Earth. The special method of the soul, otherwise this is not a weakness. "

The fish emperor applauded: "Oh, working with you is reassuring. If someone else knows that she is a soul, I'm afraid to be blind and optimistic at once."

"Yes! Her strong soul cannot be shaken by the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, but unfortunately, an unusually powerful civilization weapon was born in the Divine Realm, specializing in the soul, but unfortunately, it was too late to be manufactured at that time. The Underworld and the Dragon come. "

Su Yu's heart moved: "Are there drawings?"

唰 ——

The fish emperor threw out a drawing, which he himself painted.

It was a rather tall human figure, covered with strange Sanskrit.

Seeing this picture, Su Yu's pupils shrunk slightly. Isn't this the Brahma 傀儡 that is being created in the extinction disk?

He calmly returned the drawing and said, "It looks like the power should not be so big, only the level of the double gods."

"Hahaha ..." The Emperor fisher smiled: "Since I dare to call it a top-level civilization weapon, I can only have a dual-day deity? It seems that he is just a normal emu, but the Sanskrit language on his body can absorb God. Blood, the more you absorb, the more powerful you are. "

Su Yu frowned secretly, still have this ability?

"My vision is to draw the blood of the world and bring Brahma to the level of Daoist master, and give a devastating blow to the soul of the wicked woman!" Xu Yu said, "This is why I want to unify the world. No Absolute imperial power. It is difficult to force everyone to donate some blood. "

Can you reach the master level? Su Yu's pupils shrank, and she took a breath.

That being said, it is possible that the Brahma 锻 he is forging ...

Suppressing the inner excitement, Su Yu faced nothing, saying: "So, your plan is to unify the world first?"

"Yes! And the time is too short, only half a year later." Yuhuang's eyes lightened, and said: "I hope you can help me. Only this method can destroy the evil woman. In addition, any attempt is futile. . "

After pondering for a long time, Su Yu nodded slightly: "Fortunately, the witches in the Lost Kingdom said that I was confident to persuade them to give part of their blood, but the four dynasties of Divine Realm, I was totally unsure."

Fish Emperor Road: "Leave it to me. I am going to send an invitation. Please ask the four monarchs to meet again and discuss together. You must also be present at that time."

If he has deep meaning.

Su Yu understood what he meant, and said, "It's so good, then I will return to the lost country first, and discuss with the Mochizuki leader. It is not too late to leave."

The two exchanged communication tools, and Su Yu broke through.

When the fish emperor's big sleeve fell, he immediately rushed back to the Yongye Dynasty and immediately posted an invitation.

"Brother Su, the drawing is like ... the one in your warehouse." Luo Xueyi's eyes turned. She also saw the drawing just now, and Xue Xue was as smart as her, and seemed to guess something, saying: "Su Brother, don't you trust the reincarnation of the former emperor? Why don't you tell him that you also have one? "

Su Yu's eyes reveal a deep fascination, and he said, "Of course I don't trust him! This person's means are fierce, and he is cruel, even if he is truly a reincarnation emperor, he must be careful."

Recalling that he easily killed General Blackfish so that he had followed his subordinates from the beginning, Luo Xueyi thought deeply.

Turn your face around (qingqíng), kill with a smile, and cooperate with such people, it is not too much to be careful.

"You rest first, and I immediately rushed to Wan Mo (ban jìn) to meet the witches." Su Yu said.

Luo Xueyi bowed his head, and obediently returned to the World Destruction Disk.

Next, Su Yu immediately used the Tai Chi (yin yīn) sun wings.

Today, Su Yu has far more supernatural powers than the triple heavenly gods, second only to the double heavenly gods, and uses Taiji (yin yīn) Yangyi effortlessly.

Therefore, all the way is continuous teleportation, moving hundreds of thousands of miles.

偌 Lost lost in the forest, reversing like a phantom at Su Yu's feet.

Along the way, there was no accident. All the land that was formerly (日 rì) sunk in the sea, seeing heaven (日 rì) again.

The same is true of those ancient forests.

Moreover, Su Yu was somewhat surprised to find that the remaining seawater kept receding in one direction.

With a slight movement in his heart, Su Yu changed her direction slightly and looked in the direction in which the sea water receded.

Half a day later, Su Yu stood in mid-air, frowning deeply.

Under his feet, there was a huge whirlpool, and the water from all directions poured into the whirlpool, and it kept flowing.

The reason why Lost Kingdom dries up is that this vortex exists.

In other words, under the vortex, there should be a bottomless pit that can hold endless seawater.

But the location here is a bit subtle.

It just happens to be in the center of Heimulin, more coincidentally, it is located in the center of Wanmo (Forbidden jìn), Hongchen (Forbidden jìn), Shura (Forbidden jìn)!

"Is it a coincidence?" Su Yumulu thought.

Suddenly, Su Yu was suddenly in the vortex, seeing the dark reflection if there was nothing, like a ball, looking up, but there was nothing in the sky.

"Eh!" Su Yu said lightly, looking intently into the water, the reflection became more and more familiar.

For a long while, Su Yu suddenly remembered what it was.

In that year, Su Yu finally took out the power of the ancestor and witch who had been sealed in the snow for many years with the talented (yin) style.

Unexpectedly, the power of the ancestor witch flew over to the sky by itself.

He especially remembered the excitement and loneliness of Chuangshilong at the time, saying that this thing was the key left by the ancestor.

So far, Su Yu never understood what the key was.

However, it actually appeared in the whirlpool, which happened to be in the center of the three major lands, which seemed strange.

"Lost in the kingdom, broken into two divine realms, what happened in the end?" Su Yu's eyes flashed.

After a pause, Su Yu continued to hurry.

Two (Day rì), Su Yu arrived at Wan Mo (ban jìn).

What made Su Yu slightly surprised was that after two years, Wan Mo (forbidden jìn) even re-entered the defensive posture, and all the scales contracted and wrapped into a ball.

His arrival immediately caught the attention of Chuangshilong and opened a small gap.

Su Yu quickly flashed (body shēn) into the house, the purpose is to inflict heavy casualties on the witch tribe.

Including the maiden (temple diàn) of the Lord, there are also serious injuries (body shēn), and they are still difficult to heal.

The remaining injured Triple Sky witches are not a minority.

"What happened?" Su Yu fell and asked immediately.

The maiden (temple diàn) looked up, and Mulu rejoiced: "Su Yu! You are back!"

The other Wu people heard the words and rushed over to reveal the sad and happy God.

The Virgin (Dian diàn) said: "Su Yu, we were ambush a few months ago, and many of the powerful witches fell, and the wounded countless!"

"Is it against the cold star? He is not dead?" Su Yu frowned.

Unexpectedly, the lord (diàn) shook her head, with a hint of fear on her face: "Not him!"

Huh? Su Yu was surprised, except for the cold star, who else would set up an ambush for the Wu tribe?

"It's the night seeking magic." A huge cave space suddenly appeared in front of Su Yu (body shēn), and a deep voice came from inside.

It's him? Everlasting ancestors who cheated the creation dragon ball?

"Why should he start against the Witch?" Su Yu was puzzled.

Creation Dragon said: "Because, his goal is me!"

Oh? Su Yu's eyes thought back and thought for a while, "Must he refining the Dragon Ball, something changed, and you need to be used?"

The cavern space was silent, with repressed fury exuded in the silence, and said lowly: "Well, Dragon Ball, he has successfully refined!"

Hiss ... Su Yu took a breath of air.

Before refining, there is a power of heavenly gods to seek magic in the night. If you refining Dragon Ball, then ...

"He wanted to draw the power of the dragon in the creation of the dragon ball, but did not open the seal of the dragon ball, so he asked for it." The creation dragon road.

Su Yu grinned: "Don't he think that you will hand over the Dragon Ball Seal for the Witch tribe?"

In essence, the Chuangshilong is also a generation without love, and will definitely not sacrifice self for people such as the Wu tribe.

"Of course not." Chuangshilong said: "The purpose of his ambush is to search their memory and analyze the weakness of the dragon scale enchantment of the deity, so as to forcibly break it from the outside."

Yep? Su Yu blinked her eyes.

No matter how strong the defense is, there are weaknesses, and Dragonscale Enchantment is no exception.

"So, who was taken away?" Su Yu glanced at the Witch people.

They were all silent, silent, and ashamed.

Chuangshilong sighed softly: "It's the most troublesome one."

Suddenly, Su Yu stunned: "Will it be the Lord of the Moon?"

The maiden (temple diàn) the Lord can flee back, why is he alone?

The maiden (temple diàn) was ashamed: "The **** leader was caught by the other party to cover us!"

If it was him, it would be really troublesome.

If you understand the land of Wan Mo (forbidden jìn), who can go deeper than the Witch tribe several times?

The Wu people's exploration of Wan Mo (ban jìn) has never stopped.

"It's been two months. If they really analyzed their weaknesses, they should be almost there, right?" Su Yu said.

The maid (diàn) the Lord smiled bitterly: "I have long grasped it. In the middle of January, they tempted every day, almost confirmed."

The cavern space exudes a deep sigh of relief: "Come on, let that ungrateful thing come to Ben Long, and the deity will shoot him to ashes!"

It's you who fell to ashes, right?

One was sealed and repaired to have only a double sky.

One mastered Dragon Ball, repaired to reach a heavy sky.

Really betrayed the sky to seek the magic to break through the dragon scale enchantment, the dead will be the creation dragon.

Coincidentally, it seems that in response to the genesis dragon's words, the dragon scale enchantment suddenly changes color, emitting bursts of fiery red.

The maiden (temple diàn) saw that, and her face was filled with anger: "It's them! Here it is again!"

But unlike in the past, you can leave as soon as you explore. At this moment, the dragon scale enchantment continues to change, as if the enchantment is being burned by a fiery fire and becomes fiery.

"This is an official attack." Chuangshilong took a deep breath, exuding violent gas: "They are hiding in the cave space, they are looking for me."

The strength of the enemy, especially the terribleness of seeking evil spirits, they saw with their own eyes.

That is by no means a level that many people can compete with.

After a moment of hesitation, they were reluctant to hide in large and small cave spaces.

Only Su Yu has no resignation.

"Su Yu, you can step back, too." Chuangshilong stared at the melting scales and said.

Su Yu said: "Although my strength is average, I can still help you cope with one or two."

Chuangshilong shook his head: "No! Although you have good strength ~ ~, but you are as vulnerable as a cloud in front of the evil spirit, if you die here, then no one can avenge me. "

Sighing up, Genesis Dragon said: "Maybe it's my destiny. I can't wait for you to help me find the Dragon Ball. But, please continue to keep your promise and annihilate the evil spirits. It's also avenging me. ! "

In the end, his tone was desolate, sad, and boundlessly sad.

He stared at Su Yu with a little exhaustion: "Back down, remember to avenge me."

At the end of the speech, a force of space swept out, drawing Su Yu into a cavernous space.

In addition, it also blessed the power of the Chuangshilong, sealed it out, and concealed Su Yu's breath at the same time.

After everything was done, Chuangshilong shouted angrily: "God against the devil, please come in!"


The fiery dragon scale enchantment splashed fierce sparks and was finally melted by a large gap.