The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 621: Second Coming Warship

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"Give you two choices, first, die! Second, obey me." Su Yu's tone was not harsh, but it sounded like a thunderbolt in the ears of the sixteen guards.

"Senior ... I'm willing to follow you from now on." A little clever little guard, with a clever move, ventured forward alone and worshipped when others were still frightened.

One person did so, everyone followed suit.

After all, fate is his own, and no one wants to die here in vain.

"Okay, let go of the resistance consciousness. I will plant a restraint in your souls to ensure that you will not rebel again!" Will one day obey another person and rebel against Su Yu?

Only by means of control is the superior method.

"This ..." Suddenly, many guards changed their faces and hesitated to be present.

"Senior, I'm willing!" It was that little clever guard who let out resistance without thinking.

Su Yu couldn't help but look at him one more time: "You're smart, what's your name?"

"The junior Luo Xiong, fortunate to follow the seniors, is willing to recognize seniors as the mainstay!" Luo Xiong.

Even Su Yu had to admit that he was much more clever than ordinary people. When others were still panicking, he had already seen the opportunity to be the first to be sincere, bold and careful, which was really good.

Su Yu nodded faintly, condensed a rune of thunder and soul into her palm, and broke into Luo Xiong's soul.

From beginning to end, Luo Xiong's face did not change color, he was very calm, and there was a touch of expectation.

With him at the beginning, later people were unwilling, but they had to bow their heads and be subdued by Su Yu.

Suddenly, Su Yu could manipulate their life and death.

"Luo Xiong, from now on, you are their captain and lead them." Su Yu said.

Luo Xiong's face was slightly optimistic. Sure enough, it was good to be the first to surrender. Following the young man of unbelievable strength in the future, the one who made the most profit must be his Luo Xiong.

Hearing that the other fifteen guards secretly exchanged their eyes, staring at Luo Xiong's back, slightly uneasy.

How sharp is Su Yu?

"What's the matter, you'd better say now, if there is any internal fighting between you in the future, don't blame me for being cruel!" Su Yu's eyes were cold.

It was said that the fifteen guards were embarrassed, and they did not dare to look at Su Yu's eyes.

One of the extra-tall statures was significantly more majestic than the others. This is the reason why the aura in his body is so pure. It seems that it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the three-crystal half-immortal.

"Back to the master, Li Cheng is the deputy leader of the annihilation team. I have experience in commanding and may be better at leading the team."

To put it bluntly, they just couldn't get used to Luo Xiong's gain.

Prior to this, Luo Xiong was only a mediocre man in the team and has never been reused. Now he is flattered and won the position of captain, naturally unconvinced.

"Deputy captain, um, then you can continue to be your deputy captain." Su Yu said lightly.

Li Cheng was a little dissatisfied, and boldly said, "Master, I am stronger than Luo Xiong."

Luo Xiong kneeling down on the ground could not help but be embarrassed. Indeed, his strength had to serve many and some difficulties.

"Well, it won't be any time soon." Su Yu took a golden fruit from Jiubi Lingzhu and threw it into Luo Xiong's arms.

"It's good for you to have time to eat it and purify your aura." Su Yu said lightly.

Luo Xiong was caught off guard, rushing to catch this golden Cancan fruit, looking at the fruit in his palm with big eyes and small eyes, he didn't know what it was.

With an upright and bitter smile, Li Cheng took a sigh of coolness behind him, and he couldn't help but startled: "Bodhi ?? Hiss! This holy fruit is the best relic of Reiki on the real dragon continent, how many people dream of purifying the holy Fruit, it is said that for the first time, it can purify Lingjing to the extreme. If swallowed one, it is equal to 100% hope to condense the true crystal! But as early as thousands of years ago, this fruit disappeared and it was on the mainland. Never appeared again! "

Is Bodhi the Holy Fruit? Among the population of Kyushu mainland, it is Xuan Yu Ling Liu.

After a period of time, the green fruits on Xuan Yu Ling Liu have matured, as many as a dozen.

"Yes .. Is it the Bodhi Sacred Fruit?" Luo Xiong's lips were trembling and his palms trembled. This kind of legendary mainland Sacred Fruit has only been introduced in ancient classics. He never thought that he could get one.

If swallowed, he breaks through the three crystals and half immortals, but it is just around the corner!

Even if the crystallization is successful, breakthrough Fei Xian is just around the corner!

"Thank you, Master Dao, Luo Xiong went to the soup and do everything he could!" Luo Xiong was ecstatic!

In the eyes of a group of colleagues flushed, it was happily closed.

Su Yu took a look at everyone's expressions, and then took out a Xuan Yu Ling Liu from the palm of his hand.

"Also! There are actually !!!"

"Oh my God, the second Bodhi fruit!"


噗通 ——

Several consecutive chants of worship sounded: "Master, we are willing to follow you!"

The others also cursed cunningly and saluted one after another.

This holy fruit cannot be provided to them.

Only Su Yu, this mysterious boy like a dazzling star!

Li Cheng knelt in the crowd, staring at Luo Xiong's back, secretly gritting his teeth.

Su Yu bowed with satisfaction, all he wanted was this effect.

"Brother Su, you are still short of brother, brother and I will give you a hand." Gang Dalei rubbed his hands and walked over with a smile, a pair of eyes, but never left Xuan Yu Ling Liu.

Su Yu laughed abruptly and threw it over: "Take it, I don't believe you really lack a baby."

Su Yu, however, until this guy did not know from which relics a drop of blood of true dragon was still in the Su Yu space ring, the treasure on him may not be less.

Gang Dalei knew what Su Yu meant, and sighed with a dark face: "Do you think I'm like you, walking around and turning around baby? In order to find the treasure for the thundering grass for my old man, I squatted at the bird without **** It ’s been a full month and a half, and there ’s no hair on it. It ’s better to stay on the seventh floor of Qin Yushan to pick herbs! ”

Hearing that Su Yu smashed his mouth, Da Lei was also desolate.

"What about mine?" A soft, weak voice came, but saw a white soft tenderness, reaching out to Su Yu.

Zi Yunxiang pretends to be Jiao, but when it comes to the end, she is very shy. She can't do it. She blushes and twists, adding a little fun.

Su Yu smiled, "Yes, of course you are indispensable!"

Taking out one and stuffing it in her free palm, looking at her surprise, Su Yu felt satisfied.

Next, Su Yu gave Zi Donglai and Lin Yunhe each one: "Two seniors, after swallowing, they will have some effect on you, so you don't have to push them away."

The two of them are too old to absorb the medicinal power of such purified fruits, which is far less than young people.

It can be said that giving them is a complete waste.

Seeing Su Yu throwing three extravagantly, the guards dripped blood, as if Su Yu was cutting their flesh, eager.

Who knows how much Su Yu has, and in case they haven't done anything, they all throw it out, who do they cry for?

"Don't call the seniors the same way, martial arts, first, you must stop me and wait!" Lin Yunhe smiled bitterly: "But I accepted this fruit, although I was useless, I can also reward it Pleasant junior. "

Gang Dalei's nose crooked: "Master Lin, don't you look good to me?"

Lin Yunhe was teased: "Mix boy! You have one, and you still remember the old man!"

During the scolding, Gang Dalei laughed and responded with a laugh: "Baby isn't too much."

"Okay, it's not too late, I need to go back to Heaven Alliance!" Su Yu commanded: "Luo Xiong, you lead five people, escorting them to this place and meeting with the undead phoenix master. This is the message Yupei. Will contact you. "

As a result, Su Yu threw him a messaging jade.

Undead Phoenix Lord? Several people from Zidong were surprised at the same time. Why was the undead Phoenix Lord outside the warship?

Think carefully, they are relieved!

Su Yu, just in case, let the undead Phoenix Lord transfer Jiu Lao and Yi Yu Shengjun in advance!

In this way, Su Yu has not yet noticed that Su Yu has realized that something might happen, so prepare in advance?

Zi Donglai feels awkward, so meticulous!

Suddenly he had some sympathy for Fu Cangshan, and it was really sad to be against such a terrible man with a more terrible mind.

Just thinking about himself if he was against a person like Su Yu, he shuddered.

"Li Cheng, ten of you followed me back to Heaven Alliance." Su Yu commanded.

Li Cheng was overjoyed, this is the time to make a contribution!

Luo Xiong, on the other hand, is a bit worried, so whether Li Cheng will grab the limelight.

"Protecting them well is more important than any merit. They are my most important people." Su Yu seemed to see through him and said nothing.

After the speech, he led the ten guards to fly the Tiandao League.

Coming at the bottom of Tiandao League, Li Cheng apologized, "Master, let me contact and start the formation!"

Su Yu stared at the bottom of the battleship, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Master, Tiandao League battleship is solid and unrestrained. It is a legendary semi-finished artifact. It can only enter when the matrix is ​​opened internally, and external forces cannot be broken." Li Cheng, eager to explain, explained from the side .

Su Yu stands with his hands in his hands, if he has a deep meaning: "Is it? I think it's better to go the other way!"

嗤 啦 ——

Li Cheng only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and there seemed to be some red object in Su Yu's palm ~ ~ Then, a horrible flame turned into a tongue of fire from the air, a hundred feet high!

The area where the array law was located was burned through!

The blockbuster sound came from the secret places around it.

There were heavy soldiers lying in the teleportation array, and the number was far from extraordinary defense!

After such a long period of time, they must have been on guard for a long time, just waiting for them to teleport in, they will be killed!

Li Cheng secretly squeezed a cold sweat, if he had just passed the teleportation array, would he have to die in the chaos?

But he was even more frightened that Su Yu really broke the battleship of the Heavenly Alliance! !!

This, is this Fei Xian's combat power?

In the end, what is the strength limit of this overpowered boy?

"Isn't the road going yet?" Su Yu said lightly.

Kowloon Shending