The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1911: 5 Thunder Boom

Remembering this, Ye Ming fought a cold war. 1 ~ ~ She reopened the messenger and said diligently: "The whole army withdraws! Detour!"

Twenty-three days later, the army accelerated their march all the way and returned to the barracks first.

After half a day, the army in the Western Theater came on schedule.

But, it is exactly the same as Su Yu speculated. The command ship is not the commander in chief of the Western Theater, but his assistant!

Ye Ming secretly scared, really dangerous!

Marshal Wu said, "Where are you Marshals?"

Assistant Secretary Wu said: "The commander in chief has something in the middle and returned to the barracks temporarily. He asked me to tell Commander Long about the assassination of Chen Tianqing. Commander Long must give an explanation!

Xun Longlan was also secretly hanged, but fortunately Su Yu appeared in time, otherwise he would have caught the trap of the old thief.

He was about to ruthlessly refuse, but suddenly Su Yu's voice came to his ears: "Why not suggest that the two commanders-in-chief come to a union at the border and discuss the matter together?"

Xu Longlan and Yu Guang looked at Su Yu and said, "This time, thanks to Su Yu, he was saved from difficulties. Did he have a new strategy?"

After a moment's groaning, he said, "If you want to explain, you can! Ten days later, the border will be aligned!"

Suddenly, the assistant unexpectedly evaded the crowd and asked the commander in chief of the Western Theater.

Distant Western War Zone.

Border, military camp.

The other three battalions in the Yunxi Theater, the civilization near Chen Bing, were densely packed with soldiers ready to go.

In the camp account, the commander-in-chief of the Western War Zone commander, Chen Huang's eyes were sharp, forcing several deputy commanders and generals unable to breathe.

"In the end I was looking at Long Lan's courage and looking at the goddess of war, which really disappointed me. I didn't choose a risky move!" Chen Huang said indifferently.

It's a pity that the commander-in-chief of Xun Yigan is extremely regrettable.

借助 They used this emergency to put great pressure on the Eastern Theater, and also created the illusion that they wanted to be under the city.

I just made the Eastern War Zone feel uneasy and made a move to break the boat.

Anyway, they failed to attack the teams that entered the Eastern Theater, preventing them from becoming famous.

At this moment, Chen Huang suddenly received an urgent summons from his assistant.

After reading it, Chen Huang lost his thoughts and was puzzled: "What is the purpose of Long Lan's proposal for border talks?"

He couldn't understand what he saw. The talks between the two sides were of no benefit to Long Lan.

On the contrary, in the face-to-face negotiations, Chen Huang was able to overwhelm each other with momentum and gain a greater advantage.

"Agree with the talks." After a brief thought, Chen Huang decisively decided.

Eastern Theater.

I received a positive reply, Long Lan's assistant Qiao Long and the assistant of the commander in chief of the Western Theater finalized a detailed plan. ?????? A look at the book WWW? W? ·

The two sides agreed to go to the border for negotiations ten days later.

The next day.

Qi Longlan, Ye Ming, and the two major teams, magnificently headed for the Western Theater.

Wu Suyu also accompanied.

"Why do you ask the two commanders to talk?" Ye Ming asked curiously on the way.

Pu Suyu laughed and said, "You will know when the time comes."

After a boring march, they finally reached the border of the Eastern War Zone on the tenth day.

The two sides each sent delegations to the civilization talks as a dividing line.

皇 Chen Huanghe and his delegation arrived one step ahead and sat down in the civilized plain.

Qi Longlan and others followed shortly thereafter.

"Long Commander-in-chief, it's been a long time!" As if Chen Huang hadn't experienced any unpleasantness, he stepped forward and shook hands with him.

Qi Longlan was also calm and calm: "I haven't seen you in a long time, and your body is as good as ever."

The two seem to shake hands, but they are fighting in secret.

"Please sit down!" Long Lan said.

After all the two sides sat down, Chen Huang only narrowed the smile on his face, showing a bit of coldness, and turned his face like a flipbook: "Dragon Commander, the dog was assassinated in your Eastern War Zone, I wonder what kind of explanation you are going to give me?"

Behind him, Chen Tianqing, who lacked an arm, was full of grief.

When his eyes glanced at Su Yu and Ye Ming next to him, anger flashed in his eyes.

Long Lan said indifferently: "According to our investigation, although there was a riot in that restaurant, it was not Mr. Su in our Eastern War Zone who shot and injured people. Except for Chen Tianqing and his bodyguards, there was no certification to prove that it was Mr. Su. hand."

皇 Chen Huang Lengheng: "Joke! The son of the grand commander-in-chief of the mighty West War Zone, would it be impossible to slander an ordinary person?"

With this in mind, Long Lan chuckled: "Oh, Mr. Su is not an ordinary person, he doesn't hide it. He is a powerful warrior from ancient Wu civilization."

Xun Wenyan said that Chen Huang and Chen Tianqing and even the generals in the Western Theater of War stunned.

"A warrior of ancient martial arts civilization? Is it special? Can it be used as proof of suspicion?" Chen Huang asked three times in a row.

Qi Longlan smiled and said nothing, and did not speak again.

Qi Su Yu sat still, and said lightly, "If Su wants to assassinate your son, ten thousand of him will be wiped out. How can he just lose one of his arms and fail to return?"

皇 Chen Huang didn't look at him at all, just looked at Long Lan, and said: "The commander-in-chief of the dragon, our two commanders-in-chief talked. It's better not to get in the way.

"I feel that it is better for Mr Chen to respect Mr. Chen."

"Hehe, isn't it?" Chen Huang ignored Su Yu at all and was too lazy to look at it, showing his own toughness.

Wu Suyu smiled slightly: "Of course it is."

He did not see any movement, but saw a sudden panic on Chen Huang's face, his head turned uncontrollably, turned to Su Yu, and was forced to look at Su Yu with his eyes.

"I think when someone talks to you, looking at his eyes is the most basic courtesy." Su Yu said indifferently.

Chen Huang was horrified and said, "What did you do? Is it the latest weapon developed by your Eastern War Zone?"

Can actually force people to physically act against their will!

"You can think so, but I prefer to call it divine magic." Su Yu said.

At this time, Chen Huang felt that the invisible power had dispersed, but he never dared to underestimate the so-called warrior.

"It can't be proven either, your little divine magic has the ability to easily kill my son." Of course, Chen Huang knew how his son's injury was going, but in any case, it must be determined that the other party said.

Qi Suyu's eyes were faint, and he said, "What kind of divine magic do you think have the ability to kill your son?"

皇 Chen Huang grinned: "At least, something like Wulei Bangding?"

The many generals behind him burst into a smile.

"No warrior of ancient martial arts has heard of it, and I don't know what it is."

"A little trick, I thought I was really a god."

Even with the ability of the Jiawu civilization, it is still impossible to interfere with the thunder of nature, not to mention a strangely dressed man.

Wu Suyu was not angry, and some remembered: "Thunder, it's really been unused for a long time, it's a little rusty, I won't be able to make Wulei thunder, but the same magical skills should be a bit."

But when he saw that he was sitting firmly in his seat, he reached out and struck a finger at Tian, ​​and said lightly, "Thunder is coming!"

Bang bang bang bang

In the dead time, a thick layer of dark clouds over the entire civilization.

Just now the wind and sunny sky were dark and dark.

A burst of purple, red, and black thunder kept flashing in the clouds, a continuous thunder erupted, and the rumbling shook everyone's eardrums.

Great Tianwei made everyone present, such as civilization about to be destroyed, screaming in horror.

The timid person had weak legs and could not sit still, slipping down from the seat.

Even if it is your own Longlan and others, you are scared by the extermination of the world, and your heart is full of fear.

Jain ... is it really human?

Despite Ye Ming's psychological preparation, he was still deeply shocked, and his eyes filled with deep yearning.

This is the true strength of the warrior?

A glance can lead to the gods of heaven and earth!

"Run!" Among the generals behind Chen Huang, finally, there was a timid general who could not bear the psychological pressure and turned away with a scream.

I mean that Chen Huangdu was trembling inside, could not help trembling, and ran away with intention.

Bang bang bang

此时 At this moment, tens of thousands of thunders, straight bangs came, densely, and the whole world was dazzled.

In the eyes of everyone, all that remains is the immortal thunder, and the scorching breath of the earth destroyed by thunder.

After a few moments, the Thunder all finished.

The sky is back to light, and the world is quieter than ever.

Except for those scorching lands, there are noisy sounds, no noise.

All people, all petrochemicals on the spot.

Because what appeared before them was already a terrible scene that would be unforgettable.

In addition to the Baizhang with them as the center, he looked around, and all the way to the end of the world, he was blown up by the Thunder and had nothing.

The entire ground was blown up a hundred feet deep.

The eyes are full of burning stubble leaves and acrid anxiety.

"You ... you ... God!" Chen Huang stood up tremblingly, looking at Su Yu's eyes, full of endless fear.

Qi Longlan and others also trembled, respecting them as gods.

Su Suyu slowly got up and said lightly, "It is a bit rude to describe me with cheap words like God."

The real state of the gods is probably humble to the royal world.

He looked at the trembling Chen Tianqing, just looking at it, Chen Tianqing could not stand, and threw himself to the ground.

"Now, do you still think I will fail if you assassinate you?" Su Yu lost the hand.

Everyone understands ~ ~ There is no need to assassinate him to kill him, even if he hides in thousands of troops, a word of Su Yu can still make him fly.

"Father, save ... me!" At this moment, Chen Tianqing, where is the half-minded pride?

With a dumb throat, he trembled for help from Chen Huang.

Ye Ke, Chen Huang was also embarrassed, and tremblingly reached out to Su Yu, saying, "Su ... Mr. Su, a misunderstanding, please don't take it to heart."

Xi Suyu had her hands behind her back and did not mean to shake hands with it.

Depending on him, also worth shaking hands with Su Yu?

"If I put it on my heart?" Su Yu asked coldly.

Chen Huang trembled in his heart and turned to look at his son, saying, "Tianqing, don't you apologize to Mr. Su?"

Qi Suyu's eyes grew colder and colder: "You wouldn't think that I would walk over thousands of miles and just apologize for one, right?"