The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1962: Yin Yang Caravan

Perhaps the five crown lords in the later period could hardly compete with this sword.

After concentrating and recovering from the injury, Su Yu found the monster again and continued to sharpen the ninth style.

Soon, monsters roared in the beast picture.

This practice is a full three years.

Huangfu Lieyang and Mo Xiaozhang also guarded the beast picture to pass the long journey by cultivation.

On this day, the entire camp suddenly shook terribly, and everyone seemed to have lost their focus and drifted forward.

"I've arrived at the next stop," Huang Fulieyang woke up and calmed down.

Every few years, Luo Yan stops at once.

According to the map, this place should be a civilized department named Xiao Ye.

Xiu Xiu jeer

Suddenly, a rather strong breath came out of the camp.

The middle-aged man who was spending a lot of time outside Dongfu flickered and immediately went outside the camp.

But seeing a bottle of **** red coffin, eight people carried it and stood outside the camp.

In front of the blood coffin stood an old man with fine clothes and dark hair.

There is a dark beast horn on the forehead.

There was an elusive breath from all over the body.

Let's look at the eight coffin lifters. They are eight feet tall, each has eight hands, four eyes on their faces, and the breath radiating from their bodies is unreadable.

The middle-aged pupil shrinks slightly: "The fairy is lifting the coffin, and the dragon is leading the way. This is the legendary Yin and Yang caravan."

Yinyang Caravan is a caravan that has spread to the Taichu Realm.

This caravan consists of nine people, eight of them are immortals with eight arms and four eyes, and the other is a dragon.

The strength of the nine people is unfathomable. Some people say that they are the peak of the Five Crowns, some people say that they are the Supreme Taoism, and some people say that they come from the sacred mountain in the early kingdom.

They walked on Luo's route, and then came to a civilization to host Yin Yang's rebellion.

The so-called yin and yang rebellion is a trade fair.

The Yinyang Caravan will open a trade fair, and they will provide treasures that are hard to find, and others will provide the price.

According to legend, all treasures are in that blood-red coffin.

The top treasure in it has caused the Taoist robbers

The most rare thing is that the value of treasures is much cheaper than the market.

Every time it appears, it means a huge business opportunity.

But where it appeared, it was extremely immediate.

Sometimes it appears in the bustling crowd, sometimes it is in the unknown wilderness.

If it is a person who meets alone and happens to be able to buy a peerless treasure, it is a godsend.

This caravan is full of legendary mystery. Middle-aged people have been in Luo Yantian's eyes for thousands of years, and they have heard talk of souls from various regions.

But he never believed it was true.

How could there be such a weird caravan in the world?

Now, the middle-aged heart is beating like a yin and yang caravan that is very similar to the rumors.

At this moment, thousands of successive figures, like bamboo shoots after a rain, are descending from the civilization department below to Luo Tiantian.

They all came from the Department of Civilization of Xiaoye. No doubt, they were aware of the existence of the Yinyang Caravan, and they all caught up.

It was trembling that there was even a half-walker

They all faced the deep blazing, staring at the yin and yang caravan

The huge movements caused a sensation throughout the camp, and there were more and more onlookers.

But the yin and yang caravan did not make any other moves, but stayed in place.

The day gradually darkened, and the faces of the insiders changed: "It's not easy to find a cave to hide."

A thousand new people rushed into the camp in search of Dongfu.

Suddenly, all Dongfu were overcrowded.

Including middle-aged caves, Dongfu is not enough, and even the corridors have people living at large prices.

The middle-aged man couldn't stop talking. He contained hundreds of people, and each person demanded a hundred coins while looting.

Earn thousands of coins overnight

It's a pleasant surprise.


Suddenly, the air trembled, and the surrounding air field solidified.

A middle-aged man in a robe stepped into the cave.

The middle-aged eyelid trembled, and immediately stepped forward: "This noble guest, I'm sorry, the cave is full. If you don't want to abandon it, you are in the corridor."

The middle-aged robe in front of me is not someone else, but a half-walker from Xiaoye civilization.

"The corridor is all right. Since there isn't, then I will leave." Half-walker turned and walked away.

Middle-aged 焉 can miss these big customers, saying: "Slow, I think of a way for you"

After turning his eyes, the middle-aged man looked at the cave where Su Yu was located and immediately stepped forward and knocked.

Huangfu Lieyang opened the door and frowned, "What is it?"

Middle-aged said lightly: "An adult came to complain and lived temporarily. You are aggrieved. It will be one night in the corridor."

Hearing that Huangfu Lieyang almost thought he had heard it wrong, his eyes were cold: "Why do we let"

The middle-aged glanced at him obliquely: "This is the Dongfu I opened. Let you live in the corridor and live in the corridor. Say one more word and get out immediately."

Huangfu Lieyang annoyed: "You are not wrong, we paid the money for ten years, why should we drive us away?"

He was half-talked, pulled by Mo Xiaoyu, shook his head slightly, motioned him not to continue.

Because, Mo Xiaozhang has noticed that in the middle-aged sleeve, there is a five-crown emperor's attacking rune hidden in the middle.

She is pregnant now and is really fighting, even if she can win.

Huangfu Lieyang just felt that his chest was going to burst. I have never seen such a bully.

He murmured, forbearing his anger, carrying a picture of the beast, he was forced to leave the cave house and succumb to the corridor.

Freeing up the room, the middle-aged smiled: "Guest, please come in."

The half-walker hesitated slightly and stepped into it.

In a world of weak meat and strong food, the weak have no right to fair treatment.

Huangfu Lieyang was humiliated and stayed with Mo Xiaoyu for a whole night in the cold corridor.

In the early morning the next day, the animal picture in his arms suddenly trembled.

A vortex of space appeared, and Su Yu, smiling and full of spirits, emerged from it.

After three years of hard work, Gui Hui finally cultivated a three-point fire and barely started.

Although it is just an introduction, the power of a sword, even the strongest beast of the Five Crowns Emperor, must be killed.

If you encounter a mid-life creature with a five-crowned emperor who is not strong enough, you can also die with a sword.

Kankan appeared, Su Yu realized that the environment was wrong.

"How are you in the corridor?" Su Yu was slightly surprised.

Huangfu Lieyang lowered his head and reluctantly smiled, "Nothing."


As he was saying, the stone gate of their cave was opened, and he stepped out of the half-walker without squinting.

Su Yutong's eyes flickered a little, Shen said, "Why is our Dongfu occupied?"

In this way, Mo Xiaoyu sighed quietly and made the cause and effect clear.

Knowing that they had been kicked out, Su Yu's eyes froze slightly.

"People are kind and deceived, he thinks we have not resisted, but we are bullying." Su Yu sighed quietly: "I wanted to endure the calm for a while, it seems that the other party didn't want to be calm.

"Let's find a place to talk." Su Yu said, taking the two of them out of the corridor.

Coincidentally at this time, the middle-aged man hugged his waist and watched the half-walker leave.

I happened to hear Su Yu's sigh, looked at Su Yu slightly, and Lu Rusi despised: "I will be afraid of you"

That being said, he still left the cave without hesitation and headed for a wider cave in the camp.

"Hehe, what wind is blowing the nine-headed bird" In the cave, a totem of Gao Yao who is full of totems is tasting wine, and there are several wild beauties waiting on his side.

The original middle-aged name was a nine-headed bird, and the face was extruded with a smile. Haha said, "In front of the lone crocodile boss, what is this nine-headed bird?"

The lone crocodile got up and patted his belly, and said, "Nothing will go to the Three Treasure Hall. Let's say, what's the matter?"

"Hey, it's okay, it's just that three guests have recently come to look like they are going to get in trouble, so I pay the boss a protection fee in advance, hoping that the boss will be able to do it."

The lone crocodile flashed lightly: "Oh how big a fat sheep has been slaughtered"

"Not much, it's just one Taoyuan for one night, and it was collected for ten years." Jiu Niao laughed.

He concealed most of the numbers

The Lone Crocodile shook his head with a smile and said, "You jerk, you are not afraid to kick the iron plate."

"Which boss is there, what if the other party is Golden Feet?" Jiu Niu smiled.

"Old rules, I want half." Lone Crocodile stretched out five fingers, and felt that it was impossible to meet the unstoppable River Raptors ~ ~ He is a mid-level champion of the Five Crowns and still There are several Fuyus of the Five-Crown Emperor, who can't help him unless he is a half-walker.

The nine-headed bird handed over to the other party fifteen thousand coins.

"Okay, find me again if you are in trouble." The crocodile waved and sent the nine-headed bird to leave.

They didn't know it, the sky above them, a round of huge eyes slowly disappeared, and every move between them was brought into view.

Somewhere in the camp.

Su Yu opened her eyes slowly, blinking in her eyes: "Is he your dependency?"

With a little thought, Su Yu had a plan in mind.

Next, the three of Su Yu seemed to be wandering around the campsite in their leisure time. They seemed to be buying things, but they were inquiring about the news.

Unsurprisingly, the nine-headed bird was the infamous black merchant in the camp.

I don't know how many guests have been slaughtered.

But so far, the nine-headed bird is safe and sound, because in addition to collecting money, he also knows how to spend money to buy masters in the camp, such as crocodile.

Revenge was encountered on several occasions, and the result was, without exception, the cost of those guests' permanent disappearance.

Including the locals in the camp, although they hated the behavior of the nine-headed bird very much, but because of the cruel and ruthlessness of the nine-headed bird, they could only dare to be angry.

In addition to relying on lone crocodiles, the nine-headed bird itself is also the early strongest of the hidden five crowns.

He claimed to be the early state of the Four Crown Kings, but several times accidentally exposed the strength of the Five Crown Kings.

Coupled with its own New Year's operation, there should be a five-crown crown attack attack sign.

After learning this information, Huangfu Lieyang secretly rejoiced, but fortunately, Mo Xiaoyu stopped and did not do anything, otherwise the consequences would be really hard to say.

"That being said, we can only discuss from a long-term perspective." Mo Xiaoxi said.

End of this chapter