The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2006: 1 enemy 3

A century-old tree.

Su Yu closed her eyes slowly, and the power of flooding on the surface of the body was like a cloud of waves constantly tumbling and rolling.

A breath of strength and weakness alternated around his body.

After one month, the bodhidan's medicinal power finally pushed Su Yu's cultivation to the extreme, and he could break through just one line and become a five-time crown lord.

At the same time, with the death and death in January, the sword of Guihui became more and more complete.

With some more heat, you can reach the realm.

However, he does not always have time, he may not have time, he will have the opportunity to complete cultivation and sword art at the same time.

Staring into the distance, Su Yu's eyes were deep and high.

"It should come, after all."

He stood in place, with long silver-white hair, slowly turning purple.

If you don't distinguish it carefully, it will certainly not be able to distinguish it from the purple hair.

He looked far away, with huge wings spreading out behind him, and immediately fanned, he fell directly in front of Princess Pi Pi and three deputy commanders.

"It's a good time!" Princess Pi Yan kept an eye on Jin Guang, and when she noticed that she disappeared, she realized that Su Yu had come.

Sure enough, Su Yu with purple hair appeared.

Pi Pi was a little surprised, why does her hair color change overnight?

However, this is not the case for Su Yu.

call out--

The three of them were teleported to the outside at the same time, and they used the tactics of the Cat Demon Hunter King, and did not give Su Yu a shot against any one.

"Time and space freeze!" Su Yu only recognized Pi Yan, eyes shot purple to freeze her instantly.

"Soul, broken!" Its soul power reached the pinnacle of the Five Crowns.

A tingle can annihilate Princess Pi Pi's soul.

But a wave of water-like ripples appeared on her body, blocking the soul attack.

Having had the experience of fighting with Su Yu in person, it is natural to take precautions when Princess Pi Yan returns.

The soul defense magic weapon is one of them.

Unsuccessful, Su Yu used the law of death.

However, at this moment, the three deputy commanders outside Wanzhang were killed with terror.

Su Yu didn't remember anything, and fanned out the huge wings directly.

The three deputy commanders arrived, each holding a golden porcelain cat.

Unlike white porcelain cats of the past, gold is a magic weapon that can really disrupt space.

Once opened, Su Yu couldn't escape trying to escape.

"Chasing! He cannot escape today," said Princess Pi Pi.

They were chasing golden dots, and Zi Fa Su Yu was chasing.

The two groups of people chased from different directions towards the same point.

The golden dots changed direction several times, and they followed the change.

In the end, the golden light spot descended on Thunder Mountain, the Beastmaster of Wan Lei, hiding in thousands of thunder.

Princess Pi Pi and three deputy commanders followed.

"Be careful and cheat," said Princess Pi Pi quietly, "destroy Thunder Mountain directly and force him to show up!"

However, at this moment, Su Yu once again displayed the yin and yang wings of Tai Chi, and immediately hit a certain mountain.

Over the top of the mountain, a purple-haired Su Yu was flying quickly.

Cold and embarrassing, Zi Fa Su Yu noticed that the golden light dots disappeared and appeared below herself, and was slightly surprised, and then exposed a touch of drama: "See me, accident ...

How could it be unexpected?

At the gate of the city of the Seven Nights Gods, when he learned that someone like himself was doing evil everywhere, he understood the purpose of Zi Fa Su Yu.

Su Yu only glanced at him slightly, and then urged Taiji Yinyang Wing without expression, and left directly.

Zifa Su Yu was not in a hurry, chased after, and smiled slightly: "Do you think you can escape by now?"

However, he was able to escape a few steps, and three extremely powerful spirits of the tribe descended quickly.

"Su Yu, you can't escape!" Princess Pi Pi's eyes meant to kill.

Gathering three deputy commanders, she did not believe that Su Yu could still compete.

She carefully analyzed afterwards that Su Yu's annihilation should be some kind of one-off or long-term talent attack,

Otherwise, Su Yu can really be used continuously. Why should I keep it as the bottom of the box?

Zi Fa Su Yu turned around, and suddenly understood the true reason for deliberately appearing in front of him.

"You know the wrong person, don't believe your compass." He said lightly.

Princess Pi Yan's eyelids drooped slightly, and she glanced at the compass to find that Su Yu's golden light was still galloping away.

She couldn't help frowning and muttering: "Really!"

Looking suspiciously at Zifa Suyu, Princess Pi Pi nodded his head: "Well, we ... destroy him!"

Suddenly, she had a sharp tone and smirked in her eyes.

When is she a fool?

Still want to use this method to lead it away in person?

No matter why Jin Guang is still moving, Su Yu is in front of her!

The three deputy commanders suddenly launched a lore.

Each of them is no different from the strength of the former deputy commander.

Three simultaneous shots, any one and a half trail owner will die.

Purple hair Su Yu didn't even have time to resist, so she gave the three-stranded chain to her body.

The strong shock caused by the chain of laws has led to dense folds in the space, and large areas of space have become blurred.

After a while, the space slowly returned to normal, and the sight gradually became clear.

Princess Pisong Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "It's over ..."

However, what makes his face froze is.

A figure of purple hair hit the scene intact.

His shirt shattered and he couldn't get a touch of it, but all over his body didn't break open a piece of skin.

What's even more distressing is that the three rules of the chain were caught by both hands of Zifa Suyu.

In his expression, a few sighs of scorn and a few contempt: "Harm me by law, haha, whimsical!"

What is his body? It is the refining of the God of Dinosaur from the fragments of the rule of the road, which is the body of the real law.

Later, it was strengthened by the wicked woman and became more powerful.

The attack of the law can no longer help him.

"His--" Princess Pi Ling took a sigh of coolness, and there was a chill in her eyes: "Go ahead and kill him as soon as possible."

The three deputy commanders drew a chain, but found that they could not pull back the law chain at all.

On the contrary, Zi Fa Su Yu laughed evilly: "Also, before killing that kid, let's accompany you for a bit of activity."

"Hualongshu!" Zi Fa Su Yu roared, and changed into a drastic black dragon.

This is the "Hulongshu" practiced by Su Yu in that year. According to the dragon blood of the annihilation dragon, the incarnation becomes the appearance of the annihilation dragon.

What is different is that under the transformation of the evil girl, today's Hualongshu has been turned upside down.

The black dragon he incarnate emits a terrible breath, which is much stronger than the original annihilation dragon.

"Death of the World Dragon!" He grabbed the three chains in his hands and spit out the Destruction Dragon's Breath unique to the World of Dragons.

Suddenly, the incomparable flame rushed quickly towards the three deputy commanders along the chain.

The faces of the three deputy commanders changed dramatically, and they immediately let go of their chains.

In this way, it was worthy to escape from the calamity, unable to be contaminated by the extinct dragon's breath.

Otherwise, they will never go out unless they are burned to ashes.

"Devil swallows the world." The dragon with purple hair and Su Yu incarnation suddenly opened his mouth to bite.

A looming giant beak suddenly appeared behind the three deputy commanders. At first glance, the giant beak was like a mouth of a monster.


The beak bite down, the three vice-presidents' faces turned wild, and the power of the flooding and wasteland all contended, so that they could barely resist the bite.

The three deputy commanders were shocked and said, "The princess is leaving, we are not opponents!"

Pi Yan had long noticed that the seed was wrong, and was terrified.

Before the three deputy commanders said, she took a space rune and fled on the spot.

Zi Fa Su Yu gave a slight glance, snorted coldly, too late to chase.

Cold eyes glowed in his evil eyes: "The warm-up is over, ants."

"Jiuyang Qiankun Sword Formation!" Behind him suddenly rushed out of a long silver sword with nine handles, and wandered an unusually mysterious trajectory in the air.

The sword formation took shape, and a world-breaking frontier broke out.

The three deputy commanders were drowned in the sword formation.

When Jian Guang converged, except for the blood rain, there were no three vice captains.

Better than them, they were killed lightly by Zi Fa Su Yu, even the soul failed to escape.

Zifa Su Yu was shed with blood, and the wind lightly recovered the Jiuyang Qiankun Sword Formation, smirking: "The celestial silver bamboo sword transformed by the woman has extraordinary power."

Jiuyang Qiankun Sword Formation, originally a powerful sword formation cultivated by Su Yu, has now become a powerful killer of purple hair Su Yu.

The three horrible half-walker masters have never blocked the power of the sword array, and they have all died down.

He licked the residual blood on the corner of his lips, looking towards the end of the sky, and when he stepped on his toes, he galloped.

Looking at the hunting ground, no one can stop him at all.

Whoever blocks who dies, who blocks who dies.

It was the immortal Princess Pipa who fled into the desert.

Looking at the dots of the three deputy captains disappearing on the compass, Pi Xi's heart pounded wildly: "Who ... then? It doesn't look like Su Yu."

If Su Yu really has such powerful strength, how can he be chased and flee?

His heart was extremely heavy, and he looked at the golden dots still moving fast on the compass, and gritted his teeth: "If you don't destroy you, this princess will not be human."

She took out a Taoist fairy embryo with a hidden seal breath, which contained terrible abnormal waves.

It is truly the supreme nail of one of the ten taboo Taoist fairy embryos inherited from the imperial royal family.

The Supreme Master can be nailed to the soul in an instant, causing permanent trauma.

If it is the living soul nailed under the Taoist master, it is the end of soul destruction.

Su Yu is strong again ~ ~ Can it also die!

the other side.

Su Yu successfully ignited hot fights between the two sides and resumed silver long hair.

He was about to take the next step. Suddenly, he suddenly sensed his own space and the spirit beads.

He has a spiritual connection with both, as long as he can feel it within a certain range.

"It's little unicorn here!" Su Yu sighed with joy, instantly teleported past.

When he landed in a forest, he saw Cat Susu hurrying on the road.

She looked at the compass in her hand and adjusted her direction.

Suddenly, she stopped and looked at the compass in her palm in surprise.

"Here." Su Yu stumbled and fell.

(End of this chapter)