The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2175: Pick people up

The gentle man didn't say much, followed closely.

After thinking about maturity, Su Yu also got up slowly, shook a snowflake, and came to the temple with a negative hand.

The old man was meditating in the hospital with a cross-legged look, a look of enlightenment.

"We already have our own answers, do you want to hear?" The proud man ignored the old Taoist leader to enlighten him and interrupted him.

Lao Da opened his vicissitudes of eyes, and his eyes were dull, without any anger, but a bright light of expectation: "You two are the top ten light ambassadors of the Palace of Light. The understanding is extraordinary, and I look forward to your answers!"

Su Yu was on the side, and her eyes flashed.

People in the Palace of Light?

"You answer first." Old Tao looked at the proud man who spoke.

The proud man looked to the sky and said, "I thought that death is the end of life, and there is death in life. Everything is in the grasp of that invisible road."

He thought he had a subtle answer. The old man listened in his ears, but his eyes were a little dark.

The proud man stared at the old man, hoping to get the expression he wanted.

However, he just dragged lightly and said, "Pick up your teeth, superficial!"

The proud man thought he was a good answer, and only got a superficial evaluation. His face was blue and red, and some could not get off the table.

The old man ignored him and looked at another man: "What about you?"

The gentleman with gentle features pondered a piece of film and said, "I think that life and death are a kind of reincarnation to lay the foundation for a new life. The new life welcomes the end chapters of death, reciprocating each other, without beginning and end.

Su Yu glanced at the man slightly surprised, and he thought quite deeply.

The old man couldn't help but nodded: "Although it didn't satisfy me, I have my own unique opinion."

The light of his palm flashed, and a light blue invitation was sent to this person.

The gentle man caught it, bowed his fists, and said, "Thank you, Minister Tao."

Finally, Lao Dao looked at Su Yu, looked a little, and asked, "Do you have new insights?"

"That's right," Su Yu said.

The old man had lost hope, and his eyes were calm.

The light ambassadors of the Palace of Light gave unsatisfactory answers, let alone young people with no names?

"Tell me, man, why did you die?"

Su Yu calmly said, "Because, we are killing ourselves."


Not only the old way, but even the two angels of light hold.

This is a bit shocking!

In the plain eyes of Lao Dao, a ripple appeared, wondering: "Why is this saying?"

The two men also expressed their curiosity, and the remarks were indeed fresh and unheard of.

Su Yu said arrogantly: "The world is not infinite, with limited space and limited resources. There can only be so many creatures that can support it! Only a part of the dead can give birth to new life.

"Therefore, there is a law of weak meat and strong food in this heaven and earth. Weak beings are killed by powerful beings, so that the balance between heaven and earth can be maintained."

This is what Su Yu said, his own weakness, killed himself!

Listen, the gentle man thinks thoughtfully and tastes Su Yu's remarks carefully.

At first I felt that this remark was too radical, but I can think about it, and it applies to beings at any level.

Aren't all the ants in an ant's nest, the creatures in a civilization, and the whole primordial world?

Limited resources, doomed everyone to eat only weak meat and strong food, natural selection!

The old man groaned for a long time. His dull eyes were complicated, and his mouth murmured, "People, died of their own weakness?"

After a while of silence, the old man stood up, took out the same blue invitation, presented it to Su Yu, and admired: "Your answer is the most satisfactory post I heard for you!"

Su Yu had a happy heart and took it with both hands.

"Three, please come back."

Except for the proud man, Su Yu and the gentle man were satisfied.

Su Yu took a step forward and headed towards the imperial city.

As he hurried, he opened the invitation. As a result, he could not help but look at it.

"How can this happen?" He immediately took out another invitation from Jin Chancan.

Compare the two invitations. Except for the different colors, both the cover and the contents are the same!

"I already have invitations?" Su Yu laughed at all.

Busy in a big circle, but ended up busy!

"Strange, who was that person in the blue robe that day?" Su Yu fumbled with a golden invitation.

A savage woman was encountered that day. Later, the girl's father caught up and gave Su Yu this golden invitation.

I never imagined that this invitation was an invitation to the banquet of the imperial kingdom!

Its value is inestimable!

Information alone can sell 100 million coins, not to mention a real invitation?

The identity of the blue robe man should be different!

"Maybe we will see him again at the banquet." Su Yu secretly.

When he first came to Liuli civilization, Su Yu saw several powerful men at the level of homeowner, and her heart was urgent.

You need to improve your strength again and take yourself to the next level.

At present, his physique has become enlightened, and the evil dragon Bible has also been cultivated to the bottleneck. The realm of the heaven and earth must also be determined.

Only the Taoization of the soul has room for profit.

After a long period of tempering, the soul has become more than 90% Taoist.

After another ten years of tempering, it should be successful.

However, before coming to the Liuli civilization, Su Yu knew that in the Palace of Light, there was a strange creature called the Light God Deer.

He can penetrate the heart and discern good and evil.

The entire Palace of Light has only this one.

It is rumored that it is because of its extraordinarily powerful soul that it can penetrate the soul of others.

Thanks to its soul, a pair of antler on top of its head only needs a breast, which can be ground into powder and swallowed, which can make the soul quickly enlighten in a short time.

If we can get a piece, Su Yu might be able to save ten years and complete the soul enlightenment!

It is a pity that the bright **** deer is a unique treasure of the bright palace. It is usually guarded by several powerful homeowners. It is extremely difficult to get close to him, let alone picking velvet antler?

Drag, Su Yu no longer thinks.

"Sir, please!" Just as he was on his way, the two men only followed after him.

The proud man took out a golden card and said: "There are 300 million coins in it, buy your invitation!"

With that said, he flicked his fingers and ejected the gold card.

Su Yu frowned slightly and added an invitation. He wasn't unable to sell, but the tone of this person was where to buy things? It's all that I can look down on you and reward you!

There are indeed a lot of 300 million yuan, but Su Yu is not that bad.

"Not for sale!" Su Yu didn't look at the gold card, turned around and continued to hurry!

The proud man brushed and intercepted in front of Su Yu, his hands around his chest, and said lightly: "Maybe, I need to introduce myself again. My name is Wang Jiuyang. The top ten bright angels are ranked fifth!"

For the contemporaries of the Emperor's Kingdom, the four words of light messenger are tantamount to a nightmare.

The last confrontation between the peers of the two major forces, the eighth-ranked messenger of light, defeated all the arrogance of the imperial kingdom.

Even the tenth-ranked Lightbringer is enough to sweep all peers except the top three of the country that never sleeps.

Wang Jiuyang ranks fifth, and his strength is in the imperial kingdom, which must be the first!

However, as long as the strength does not reach the level of Xia Yichen, Su Yu is nothing great.

"Oh." Su Yu calmly said, "What then?"


Wang Jiuyang's eyes sharpened, and his teeth were fangs: "Is it because the Fengyun Tea Party has not been held for too long, do you young people of the imperial kingdom forget how we were abused in the past?"

The arrogance of the imperial kingdom all night, it should be quite awe to see the messenger of light.

It is a pity that Su Yu did not sleep in the imperial kingdom.

"What do I care about?" Su Yu bypassed him and continued on his way.

Unexpectedly, just bypassing him, Wang Jiuyang shot violently and snorted coldly: "It's safer to speak with a fist like you!"

Feeling the strong wind from behind, Su Yu's eyes sink slightly, which is really overbearing!

Isn't this the Palace of Light? Are you afraid to buy and sell?

"Go!" Su Yu pulled a sword backhand and stabbed behind.


The sound of Jun's fighting came into Su Yu's ear.

A great force passed along the sword to Su Yu's palm, making his palm numb.

So much power!

Su Yu secretly confided that the Palace of Light could suppress the imperial kingdom for many years. It is not just a coincidence. ~ However, there should be no one among his peers who is Su Yu's opponent.

Suddenly, his hand holding the wishing handle suddenly rebounded.

蹭蹭 蹭 ——

Immediately behind him came the sound of 踉跄 retrogression!

Turning his head and looking, but seeing the incomparable Wang Jiuyang, he was looking at himself with an astonishing look.

The look was full of incredible colors.

The gentle man watching from afar, covering his mouth, his eyes widened.

Wang Jiuyang's physique can be said to be one of the best among his peers, which is comparable to that of a homeowner.

Even the King of the Lightbringer, who ranked first, was worthy of his draw.

The silver-haired people in front of you, shouldn't they be a Taoist realm?

But why is his body better than Wang Jiuyang?

In fact, he didn't know that this was just the tip of the iceberg of Su Yu's physique.

Wang Jiuyang is most proud of his physique. How can he admit that he is not as good as Su Yu?

"Come again!" Wang Jiuyang rushed over again, unwilling.

Su Yu raised her eyebrows and said lightly, "This is the territory of the imperial kingdom. Are you sure you want to fight with me here?"

Gentle man's slender eyebrows are gently lifted.

Seriously, Wang Jiuyang's move can be regarded as provoking a dispute.

In the territory of the imperial imperial kingdom, shots against the peers of the imperial imperial kingdom will, strictly speaking, indeed cause disputes between the two parties.

"Wang Jiuyang, the word."

Wang Jiuyang is angry, how can he give up?

But he still knew where he was, and said, "Then we can switch to the Palace of Light, then there will be no problem!"


The gentle man immediately realized what he was going to do and quickly said, "Word, don't use that thing at will ..."

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