The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2909: Hit the west

Bai Xue deeply thought so, and said, "Be assured that you won't delay your trip. The gap will meet here, but it's only half a day away."

Su Yu shook her head and said, "No! If not bad, there is no safety there!"

"It shouldn't be there. It's very secretive. They won't be able to guess where they can calmly leave the heavens." Bai Xue was very sure.

However, watching Su Yu's deep eyes, he couldn't help shaking: "Well, what do you say?"

Su Yu's lips were opened, and her approach was described in lip language.

The latter nodded, his eyes suddenly bright.

The three immediately hurried away, nonstop, and finally reached the border of Tiandaojing half a day later.

To the naked eye, a huge gray net standing on the border, no matter whether it was walking or flying, it could not get around the huge net.

That is the defensive barrier of heaven.

Since the beginning of the first generation of Heaven Alliance, it has continuously strengthened its existence.

After more than a dozen epochs, it finally became a huge net with both offense and defense.

Its toughness is enough to withstand the joint attacks of the ten great saints. It can be said that no one can break through.

Moreover, if it is forcibly attacked, the energy of more than ten epochs stored in the giant net will be mobilized in the first time to destroy the invaders.

The power is terrible.

However, not far away, under the shadow of a mountain, the corner of the giant net was extremely dim, and the light was changing.

Sometimes flashes, and sometimes disappears.

The three of Su Yu squatted in the grass and silently observed the vicinity. Baixue said, "Did you see it? There! For some reason, the damage here has not been repaired."

"The gap, a tea disappears after three breaths, and then three breaths appear, so as long as we catch the moment when the gap flashes, we can leave smoothly."

Sheng Ge looked around vigilantly, saying, "Those old monsters should have at least half a day to catch up."

Because, a few hours ago, the illusion she left was triggered.

The location of the illusion is at least half a day away from here, even if the Great Holy Power is on his way.

As a result, they have plenty of time.

"That's good!" Bai Xue said: "Let's go as soon as possible, so as not to have long dreams at night."

Su Yu and Sheng Ge did not have any opinions, and stood up before the gap.

At this moment, the barrier at the gap is weakening. When weakening to the limit, that is, when the gap appears, there will be three breaths at that time, enough for them to leave calmly.

Time passed little by little.

After half a cup of tea, finally, the barrier weakened to the extreme, and a gap appeared!

"Go!" Bai Xuexu supported Su Yu and flew over.

However, at this moment, a very white writing brush hanged straight from the sky, inserted in front of the gap, blocking their way.

The intense shock wave shook all three of Bai Xue!

Bai Xue lifted her eyes and looked at the man standing with a hand on the writing brush. She could not help exclaiming: "Elder Zhao?"

Come, it is Zhao Yuan that they thought they could not catch up with!

Elder Zhao watched them indifferently, especially after finding that Su Yu was seriously injured and needed help, he looked even more indifferent: "You think we veterans, don't know there is a gap here?"

The elders may not know what the lord knows.

"As early as in the last era, this gap existed, and it didn't appear when you were the leader of the alliance." Elder Zhao Yuan said a cold thing in Bai Xue's heart.

It turned out that as Su Yu expected, the gap was not a safe place!

Shengge Huarong was overshadowed, and said, "How could it be, shouldn't you still be there?"

There was a trace of irony in Elder Zhao's face: "Little girl, can this trick be hidden from us? We are just pushing the boat down the river, making you mistakenly think that we are still there and haven't caught up."

It turned out that they had discovered the illusion long ago, but did not touch him, but had not yet reached the illusion.

In fact, they have caught up with Su Yu and others. Until they were about to reach the gap, they ordered the people who stayed in the illusion to touch it, making Sheng Ge mistakenly think that they were still in the illusion.

After all, they are old monsters who have lived for countless years. There is really no tactic in the world to escape their eyes.

嗖 嗖 嗖 ——

Suddenly, four strong figures appeared from all sides.

One of them stood up against Han Duanzu, who was so powerful that he was suffocating!

His injury has been fully recovered. At this moment, there is only a skeleton-shaped body left. Two sunken eye sockets are staring at Su Yu, saying, "I know that by your cultivation, you can't bear the eyes of the grandfather's eyes. "

"It hurts one thousand, and it will damage eight hundred. The truth is that the bumps will not be broken."

The other three veterans were relieved.

They also worry that Su Yu has the power to fight, and now he can be at ease.

"The sickle is a peerless creature. It is better for us to keep it in order to avoid harm to the people." Han Duanzu stepped forward.

He didn't take a shot, but it was already falling apart.

The large barrier trembled rapidly, the sun, moon, and stars flowed disorderly, and the four seasons appeared at the same time.

Its power has affected all things time!


Bai Xue and Sheng Ge couldn't bear the power of one foot, they vomited blood and looked pained.

Su Yu, who was badly injured, was unconscious on the spot and didn't know.

Han Duanzu shook his head: "After all, 蚍蜉 is 蚍蜉, it's hard to shake the tree!"

He flew down, Bai Xue and Sheng Ge immediately suffered heavy pressure, and Qiqiao's **** coma fell.

Just driving, suppressing them all to the ground.

This is the strength of Han Duanzu!

He grabbed it from the air, just about to grab the sword box on Su Yu's back and his space container.

However, this catch, even caught empty.

"Huh?" Han Duanzu frowned ~ ~ and then narrowed his eyes and looked around.

Under his eyes, the Quartet faintly appeared cracks, as if something invisible was broken!


It was as if the mirror had cracked and there was a crisp sound all around.

Countless rifts have completely burst!

"Fantasy!" Han Duanzu was slightly surprised, he immediately looked at the three unconscious on the ground, his eyes flickered for a while.

Those three were even covered with cracks!

Finally, when all cracks fall off, the original world is exposed.

All three dispersed into fluorescence, leaving only a few energy stones that maintained the illusion.

"What, it turns out to be a fantasy?" The other four elders were quite surprised.

They didn't realize what was waiting for them, not the three, but a fantasy.

This shows that they realized that the place was not safe, they did not plan to leave from here, and left a fantasy to delay them.

"Belittle them," Han Duanzu said indifferently. "One of them is very vigilant."

Elder Zhao Yuan Shen said: "It is imperative to figure out where they are going ..."

As soon as the words fell, a voice of messenger appeared at the same time.

Opening it up, it turned out that the nearest border entrance was attacked by unknown people!

"Sound hits the west! We're fooled, let's go!" Han Duanzu immediately cut off.

It turned out that this group of people actually intentionally led them here, but they actually attacked an exit and left!

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