The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1734: Dynasty closed

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? Somewhere in the sky, in a turbulent space, Su Yu was forcibly removed by a law of space using a spacecraft girl.

"What's wrong with this ruined ruin, trap me inside and keep me from coming out! I have to bite through the restraint and run back across nothingness!" Kocho murmured, chewing a piece of restraint fragments in her mouth.

The whole audience was choked.

"What did she say?" Many people didn't believe their ears.

"She seemed to say that she was forcibly left in the ruins, and ... then flew back through the restraint."

The faces were bewildered, and they did not understand who the mysterious girl was and where they came from.

The gray robe emperor's face changed slightly, and he turned his head to look at the prohibition behind him. The prohibition was uncertain, and it was a sign of damage.

Fortunately, the damaged area was not large, and soon repaired itself.

A shocked expression appeared on his face, and eating restrictions? It's unheard of!

"What kind of person are you?"

Fluttersaw glared at him: "Old guy, what roar? Roar again, I ate you!"

The Emperor of the Grey Robe glared with irritation, and the air of a double-crowned Emperor vented.

"Seniors are slow, she is the darling of the prince." Su Yu stretched her hands on Kocho's shoulders and held her down.

"Spirit Pet ..." The Emperor of the Grey Robe stunned. The young girl was clearly a human race.

Well, it is not uncommon to subdue the beauty of all races as a spiritual pet.

It is not incomprehensible that the sixth prince has such a taste.

The gray robe emperor gathered his wrath and said, "Do you say there is a national fortune on this spiritual pet?"

Nodding his head, Su Yu said, "Is it not foul for your own pet to help win the National Games?"

The Emperor of Grey Robe shook his head: "The spirit pet is also a part of its own strength, and it does not count as a foul."

Five princes can work together to suppress a prince and a princess. What's the point of helping each other?

Even the great prince frowned, but did not dare to say that it was against the rules.

However, looking carefully at Fluttershy's breath, he was not very worried.

This spirit pet doesn't have the slightest breath of the emperor, or even the peak of the overlord.

What kind of ancient beast can such a spirit pet kill? Wouldn't it be god-level?

He smiled scornfully.

The second prince waited for several princes, and after a while, they seemed to laugh.

"The sixth emperor actually pinned his hope on such a spirit pet. It seems that he really has nothing to do." The princes exchanged eyes and laughed secretly.

Su Yu also did not know the specific strength of Kocho. Since she woke up, she has never shot.

"Hundreds of ancient beasts hunted? Alas, those who are above the royal ranks." Su Yu rubbed her head and asked.

Fluttershy extended her index finger: "One."

Only one, Su Yu sighed.

She was able to slay the imperial ancient beast. Although unexpected, it was still rare after all.

When the prince and others were surprised, Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, so dangerous, this humble girl could actually kill the ancient beast of the emperor, incredible!

The gray robe said: "Take it out."

Fluttersaw glared at him, and slaps a dry pocket on the table angrily: "Hum, see for yourself!"

The gray robe emperor looked indifferent, opened the pocket, and poured out the National Games in public.

The result shook, but it didn't shake out.

"What's the situation?" The Emperor Grey Robe said to himself. He obviously felt that there was a National Games in it, but he couldn't fall out. It was his first encounter.

"Broken!" He nodded with one hand.

But listening to a slight boom, his pockets burst.

A group of national games that grew from small to large, like a balloon expanding rapidly, blinked from the size of a fist to 50 feet in size.

The gray robe emperor was caught off guard and was severely retreated by the National Games and hit the ban.

"Ah! What a big thing!"

Several princes were also forced to retreat, and they couldn't see the whole picture when they watched from a close distance.

But the people watching in the distance, like petrochemicals, stared at the huge National Games without blinking, stunned.

The great prince froze and looked back. After looking at the original appearance of the giant, it was also petrified.

The rest of the princes did so one after another, all with a ghostly expression.

At the moment when the National Games swelled, Su Yu pulled Princess Ruchen back.

Looking at the huge object, he stunned slightly, and then smiled gently: "You are in luck, you picked it cheap."

Fluttershy raised her neck: "Come less! It took me a lot of effort to eat the crow, but it tastes good, but it's worse than those fierce souls."

He does not mean that.

The princes were shocked and looked at Kocho.

"Crow ... isn't it the double-crowned ancient beast that was injured by Su Yu and Bei Wangchen in the remains of Dayu, the evil crow?"

Later, when Su Yu and the fire dragon Zhenjun fought, the evil crow fled without a trace and no one knew where to go.

did not expect……

With that said, the incredible National Games in front of them is ... National Games with double crown ancient beasts!

The Emperor of the Grey Robe was shocked and stared at Su Yu's pet.

That evil crow was eaten by her ...?

He finally believed that this spiritual pet came out after banning the remains of Dayu.

It took a lot of effort before he settled down, and he barely pushed the huge national movement into the furnace.

"Thousands!" The Emperor of Grey Robe couldn't help but be excited. This is the National Games of the Double Crown Emperor.

"I still give it to Huang Mei." Su Yu said lightly, with a firm tone without any hesitation.

The Emperor of the Grey Robe sighed again, and entered the 15,400 National Games inside.

He looked around at the princes and queens again: "Any objections?"

The great prince and others were as dead as a face. So far, Sinopec has not been able to return to the spot.

What about disagreements? Can they make 100,000 national shipments?

"Since there is no objection, seal the furnace tripod and wait for Your Majesty to announce the result of Chu Jun's position. Now, the battle for the National Games of the remains of Dayu is officially over!" The Emperor of the Grey Robe collected the two furnace tripods with one move.

With the announcement, the national competition for the entire dynasty was finally brought to an end.

Princess Chen's mansion was filled with joy, and the relatives and relatives of all parties stepped on the threshold to congratulate them.

In the past, Princess Ruchen was not seen by any of the relatives and relatives of the emperor, and she made more friendship with the great prince.

Today, she is the future Majesty of the Dayu Dynasty!

Princess Ruchen was tired of coping, and even the invisible emperor was busy.

Su Yu stood over the palace of the sixth prince and looked at the lively princess's palace, smiling slightly: "Let's go."

"Don't say goodbye to her?" Kocho lay on the roof, left-handed dragon meat, right-handed dragon blood, uncomfortable.

This is Su Yu's reward to her.

"No, promises are fulfilled, let's go." Su Yu said lightly.

Dongfang Xia is back soon, and the Dayu Dynasty cannot stay.

With six princes, Su Yu easily left the palace.

Soon, using the royal teleportation array, he arrived at the dynasty border and looked north to seal the land.

He made his way to the border entrance, ready to leave on a meteorite.

Unexpectedly, the border entrances are all closed!

A large number of imperial garrisons guarded the entrance and exit, and no one was allowed in or out.

Su Yu was startled, and the border of the Dayu Dynasty was closed?

He grabbed a nearby peak hegemon passing by and asked: "When will the border be closed?"

When the other party saw that he was of the same rank, he was still given face, wondering: "Xiongtai is not a person looking north to seal the land?"

"From below the imperial city." Su Yu had a bad feeling.

"Oh, that's no wonder!" The other side said suddenly, "As early as more than a month ago, all the entrances and exits of the dynasty were closed, not only looking north, but the entrances and exits on the edge of the land were closed. You are in the dynasty, and the news is blocked, so Don't know yet. "

Su Yu's pupils narrowed slightly.

A month ago, wasn't that exactly the beginning of Dayu's ruins?


Dongfang Xia is chasing the fire dragon of the double crown outside, who has not returned yet, who is qualified to order the closure of the entire Dayu Dynasty?

Su Yu made countless calculations, but the borders of the Dayu Dynasty were closed.

Looking at the posture of the imperial guards, it is impossible to leave with bribes as before.

With a slight movement in his heart, Su Yu came to the snow lion to seal the ground, and entered the black market lightly.

Unlike the past, today's black market is full of unspeakable depression.

I often see people who are mysterious and mysterious, hesitating, or walking on foot, as if something big happened.

It seems that something really happened in the Dayu Dynasty.

He came to the black market to sell news. It was a relatively deserted place, but at the moment it has become the most prosperous area in the black market.

Crowded people lined up from the hall to the street and lined up more than half a street.

"Sure enough!" Su Yuxin sank again.

He wondered if he could enter the intelligence agency earlier ~ ~, but the voices of all sentient beings rang coldly behind him.

"Prince Six, why are you free to come to our black market? Are you here to check our black market?"

Looking back, Su Yu knew it, hesitated slightly, and clenched his fists: "It turned out to be Miao Chengtian's magical treasurer."

Su Yu looked at Su Yu with a smile and laughed: "Ah, no, how can I say that I am a person in the black market, the six princes are now the royal princes of the Dayu Dynasty."

Su Yu frowned slightly: "Just say something if you have something, don't turn corners."

He really wanted to destroy the black market, he had already destroyed it.

This point is not clear.

"Oh, talking to the sixth prince is easy." Huanmei smiled and groaned: "Me, find a sixth prince to make a deal."

He just wants to leave the Dayu Dynasty as soon as possible, and has no interest in the transaction.

"Say it." He held his temper.

"The sixth prince helped us do one thing. We helped the six princes leave the Dayu Dynasty."

Su Yu shrinks her pupils and calms down, "Just joking, why should I leave the Dayu Dynasty?"

"Yeah!" Hyunmu hid his mouth and smiled: "Now those who come to the black market to find the intelligence service have only one purpose, sneaking out of the Dayu Dynasty."

Su Yu's face changed, staring at her, half a moment, and said, "Why do I have to help you with things? It's safer to give money to information."

The phantom smiled strangely and lowered his voice: "Oh, what do the six emperors think is the way of sneaking that can accommodate so many people without being noticed?"

The implication is that intelligence agencies are taking advantage of the opportunity to sell fake news and make a profit and run away.

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