The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1756: Bai Diyu

"It can't be held, it can be very heavy, or you are not qualified to pick it up. [Full text reading]" The goatee stood with both hands, looked at Su Yu lightly, and the corners of his eyes were full of deep strange colors.

As everyone knows, his psychological activities were completely exposed to Su Yu's ears as early as the meeting.

The day **** stone is problematic and very problematic.

Su Yu easily hugged and effortlessly.

When he "recognized bad", it was too late.

Su Guangguang, a large swath of 迸 S from the Sun Stone, instantly wrapped Su Yu in it.

Before Su Yu responded, Wu Guangwu turned into a cage, trapped in it.

The gap in the cage was very small and very strong. Su Yu tried to tear with the body of the double crown, but the light mist cage remained motionless.

"No need to waste effort, the souls of extraterrestrial civilizations, this is the prohibition left by the White Emperor, to specifically restrain the extraterritorial powers, even if the three crown princes are trapped, what's more, let alone a peak overlord?" Real face, calmly said.

Su Yu, who was "inadvertently fooled", looked dumb: "You lied to me?"


Several secretly ambush day soldiers gathered around and besieged the Su Yu regiment.

The goatee scorned: "The ancestors once said that the creatures of extraterrestrial civilization are cunning, and if anyone asks for the sunstone, let them take it. Now it seems that the extraterrestrial civilization is nothing like this."

Su Yu gritted her teeth: "We have no revenge, why do you lie to me?"

His expression of anger and perplexity seemed very good.

The goatee calmly said, "I lie to you because you are still useful."

Before Su Yu asked, the goatee waved his hand, and a group of day warriors immediately lifted the cage away.

Su Yu struggled in the cage but couldn't get out of trouble.

Watching myself lifted away.

Of course, this is Su Yu in the eyes of the Bairi people. What Su really feels, only Su Yu knows it.

"Oh? Somewhat interesting. Except for me, in recent years, they have captured many extraterrestrial civilizations who have accidentally entered this place." Su Yu was willing to hold hands, just hearing the thoughts of the goatee.

It turned out that in addition to Su Yu, other creatures were arrested.

That being said, the entrance here is not just that dangerous whirlpool passage?

In other words, the unknown maiden who is missing after coming to the mystery may also be there?

So he pretended to be captured.

If you can find the maiden, it is best to kill forever with a sword!

Seeing that Su Yu was taken away, the goatee returned the sun-rock that had fallen on the ground to its original place, and then bowed deeply: "The ancestors forgive me and other descendants. We must find a way to leave this space, or we will completely destroy the tribe. "

"The souls of extraterrestrial civilizations are the power to help us."


Day warriors took Su Yu deep into the ground.

Under the seemingly small island, the huge underground space was opened up, and the area was extremely wide. The soul power of the three crown princes of Su Yu could not be seen at a glance.

According to preliminary estimates, at least half of the space where the Belars are located.

The whole underground was dug out by students.

嗦 啦 ——

As soon as I entered, I heard the sound of a chain rolling, and looking at it, it was a ragged dark moon creature, and his right foot was bound by a long chain.

The other end of the chain was attached to a fat, fat-eared day creature.

He held the chain in one hand and the long whip in the other, fiercely beating the Darkmoon tribe.

Under its whip, the Darkmoon tribe held their bodies, exhibited the Darkmoon Shenguang, and continued to dig deep underground to open up the place.

Perceive carefully, similar scenarios are no less than tens of thousands!

Many of the creatures bound by the chains are Darkmoon, and only a few are aliens.

But without exception, they were opened by underground people to open up the underground world.

At this time, the day warrior carrying the cage took the chain he had prepared and put it on Su Yu's ankle.

Su Yu's heart did not evade, let it be trapped.

In this way, the day warriors opened their cages with confidence.

"Luo Fatty, I'll assign you a new guy again." The Day Warrior greeted the fat man from afar.

The fat-eared Day people, like holding a dog, led the Darkmoon people to trot over, looked at Su Yu, and grinned: "Ah, another extra-terrestrial civilization and soul of the peak overlord, I am worried about this month It can't keep up. "

"Hey, then you have to remember to invite some of our brothers for a good meal." The Day Warrior hippie smiled.

Luo fat man patted his belly: "Rest assured, I have good things for Luo fat man."

Speaking, Luo Fatty took out a small pocket and threw it on the spot: "Don't hesitate to eat."

The four day warriors opened it and looked at it with excitement: "Ri Rongguo! Luo fat man, it's interesting! Next time there are good goods, I will give them to you!"

Su Yu listened secretly, Rirongguo was a very common spiritual fruit of the Dark Star civilization. Generally, he was only interested in eating below the level of the gods, because the true energy contained was very scarce.

At present, the four day warriors are bronze overlords, and they are still excited about this.

It seems that the resources of this D house world are quite scarce!

When the four day warriors left, Luo fat man grabbed a chain that bound Su Yu with one hand, and laughed: "Little baby, obediently work in the hands of this master, obedient and have something to eat, disobedient, hehe Let you taste the whip. "

When speaking, I took a whip and asked Su Yu to remember the taste of the whip for the sake of discipline.

The nearby Darkmoon people narrowed their necks, sighed secretly, and another bad luck.

Luo Fatzi is one of the few hard-working and hard-working day people. The extraterrestrial civilization living in his hands, more than half died not from exhaustion and war death, but by his torture.

Hit someone with a little discomfort, occasionally get drunk, and even beat him to death.

Before him, Luo Fat Man had died like this in seven or eight extra-terrestrial civilizations.

He was lucky to live to this day.

Looking at the small human captives, he secretly showed pity.

However, the tribe was not afraid, but looked around very leisurely.

Until the whip was about to be drawn, he turned his head and glanced at Luo Fatty lightly.

Suddenly, Luo Fatty was pumped severely, his fat body trembled fiercely, his palms were soft, and his whip fell to the ground.

"Pick up the whip, don't be found." Su Yu glanced around lightly.

"Yes, master!" Luo Fatzi's eyes were still very agile, but he respected Su Yu from the bottom of his heart.

"Do not call the master, call my people."

"Yes, Terran!"

That's ridiculous!

The dark moon people on the side were shocked when they saw their chins: "This, this is a divine art? No, it is a mystery of the soul? How is it possible? Isn't this chain sealed you? Unless it is the emperor of heaven and earth, you ca n’t break the chain . "

In order to prevent the captives from escaping, it is not the ordinary chains that bind the captives, but the special chains that suppress the divine and soul power.

Only the Ombudsman who holds the chain can unlock some of the bonds through the chain.

Because of this, this fat man was a bronze overlord, but he could control him as a silver overlord.

But what about the people? It is amazing to be able to perform soul mystery under the circumstances of being suppressed.

"Is the emperor of heaven and earth? Well, almost." Su Yu said lightly, he is not the emperor of heaven and earth, but the double crown emperor may not be able to escape if he meets him.

Su Yu looked at the Darkmoon people with a thoughtful look.

The Darkmoon clan suddenly felt bad, and Su Yu controlled the matter of the inspector. Once leaked, it would be bad for Su Yu.

If he were Su Yu instead, he must be executed immediately, and his secrets must be kept forever.

"Wait! You can't kill me. If I die, it will cause Bai Diyu to notice." The Dark Moon people are anxious.

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly: "Bai Diyu, what is that?"

Such dark moon talents breathed a sigh of relief and said busyly: "Have you not thought that the strongest of the Days is the goatee?"

Is not it? The strongest soul in the entire island is this person.

"Three years ago, a strong man with a double crown fell unexpectedly here. He chose to fight and fight against the goatee. He did win, but he still became a captive! Why? Because of Bai Diyu Shoot! "

The Darkmoon people looked around vigilantly and suppressed their voices very low: "Although the Bai ancestor, the White Emperor, has fallen for countless years, before he died, he made two very special The organs are so stupid, they are so extraordinary, they have the triple crown striker in one hand! "

"Three years ago, the double crown princes were the ones who led Bai Diyu to death and were injured and reduced to captives."

Triple Crown-level puppet?

Su Yumu was surprised, but no surprise.

In the tunnel of the Sixth Whirlpool, the double crown king's puppet still appears, and why can't you understand that the triple crown king puppet appears again?

Just don't know how much the puppets of these three crown lords are worse than the true crown lords.

But those who can easily crush the double crown should not be weak.

Su Yu secretly fortunately ~ ~ Fortunately, he did not shoot directly on the island, otherwise it will cause trouble for the two white emperors.

At that time, Su Yu, who had completely cultivated himself, was not only such an ordinary chain, but it was likely to be a special chain above the realm of the emperor.

Be careful to avoid a disaster!

"Where are you? Do they have their own intelligence?" Su Yu asked.

The Darkmoon people pointed to the vicinity 1: "It is near the underground space of the person, monitor all the captives, and once they find abnormalities, they will immediately appear."

So, is there wisdom?

It's tricky.

Thinking for a moment, Su Yu said, "I ask you two questions. First, how did you get in?"

The Darkmoon people did not dare to hide at all, and said with a blank expression: "In fact, I am not quite sure, but I have asked the rest of us, we will fall here, almost at a very special moment, that is, the moment of the full moon. "