The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1772: Rule of Progress

She was practicing in depth. Su Yu did not wake her up. After leaving a jade with a stone in front of her, she quietly left and entered the training room dedicated to the leader.

Secret Realm harvested well, especially Daoyu, followed by Master Baokun's jade card.

Qi Su Yu first took out the latter, and gently twirled her fingers, and took out a trace of the breath of Master Bao Kun.

If it is resurrected from death, it may mean that Baokun can be resurrected.

But he doesn't.

"Go back to the source!" Su Yu said lightly, and the vitality of his fingertips was released, condensing around this breath.

The tadpoles condensed into a drop of blood at first, and the blood nourished the meridians, the meridians nourished the bones and lungs, and then the flesh was nourished.

Twenty-five hours later, a body just like Master Baokun appeared before his eyes.

Except that his eyes are empty and there are no soul waves, his breath is exactly the same.

Resurrecting death will reshape the body and soul of the dead.

But with a new understanding of the laws of life, this process is under control.

I can only recover the body, but not the soul.

In other words, if any strongman dies, Su Yu can recover their bodies.

I just have the body of Bao Kun, does not mean that he can get his full strength.

Without the soul of the Triple Crown Emperor, he could not exert the strength that this body deserves.

As soon as Xu's heart moved, Su Yu used the light of the soul to divide the shadows and divide one-ninth of the soul to occupy this body.

Master Bao Baokun's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Su Yu and smiled at each other.

"You have a year to merge with your body." Su Yu said.

After two years, Qintai Cocktail Party had to guard.

Master Bao Baokun's head was a little bit. He crossed his knees next to Su Yu's side, and actively merged with Master Bao Kun's body.

Qi Suyu closed her eyes and immediately began to immerse herself in Dao Yu's feelings.

At present, he only understands the laws of space, 40% of the laws of life, and the laws of soul, death, time, and destiny.

He has a long way to go and has no time to delay.

Soon, he entered into the deep level of setting.

at the same time.

Dark Star civilization north.

A bright light cut through the dark sky of the dark star civilization and landed in a deserted land.

A man and a woman came out of the light and shadow.

The man is handsome and martial, and the woman is beautiful.

"Is this the Dark Star civilization? The rumored four-star civilization." The woman looked around curiously.

The man smirked proudly: "Yes, my luck guides me here, it must be the appearance of the King's Killing Sword! I have a gut feeling, it has been waiting for me!"

He is not someone else, it is the born emperor who is unparalleled!

The emperor's four-piece suit is destined to belong to him!

The woman next to Xun could only be Xuan Xuan: "Why is Brother Wushuang so keen on the king's sword?"

She followed Zhan Wushuang through Kyushu mainland, Xinghe World, Jiulonggu Shenyu, and finally came to the Taichu Realm.

As if in a lifetime of unparalleled warfare, he was constantly fighting and becoming stronger in the battle.

She doesn't quite understand, what is the motivation of Zhan Wushuang's struggle?

Wu Zhanwushuang stared deeply at Xuan Xuan, and sighed silently, the furthest distance in the world is that my heart is beside you, but you cannot see.

He remembered the maiden of the Wu tribe, Xuexue, and in just two days together, she still saw the unparalleled intentions of the war, but Xuan Xuan who had been together for 20 years, still could not feel it.

Do you have to say it?

What I can't say is also what Xuan Xuan has at the moment.

For what? In order to give Shimei, give people in their hearts a safe haven.

This is the motivation for his constant struggle!

"Maybe it's my nature to take risks?" Zhan Wushuang gave a plausible answer.

No one knows, in fact he prefers tranquility, and only wants to be peaceful.

Wu Xuan nodded earnestly and grinned, "I think so."

Suddenly, she remembered something, and said, "Brother, I heard that the six princes of the Dayu Dynasty had a pseudonym, Su Yu, is that Su Yu?"

有 There is a lingering eagerness in her eyes.

Wu Zhuangsou saw in his eyes that his mood was very complicated.

Ten years have passed, have you not forgotten him?

I thought for a while, and Zhan Wushuang lied for the first time: "No, I think he is still in the cage."

Xu Wenyan said, Xuan Xuan's eyes were dark, and she was unhappy.

I'm sorry to deceive you, but it will be the last time.

He received the Emperor's Killing Sword and controlled the boundless power. He would carry He Xuan to Xanadu, an ordinary life.

Since then, there has been no earthly one after another, no Su Yu, only him, only Shimei.

"Let's go, I can sense that the Emperor's Killing Sword is hidden, waiting for me to take it."

Uh ...

Time passed, and a year passed quietly.

In addition to coming out regularly every month and opening the spiritual pool of faith, Su Yu is working hard to perceive Dao Yu.

When all Daoyu was fully enlightened, several rays of light emerged from his body, looming like chains around him.

The first law of space!

Twenty-four percent of the law of life is complete!

The law of time is fulfilled!

The law of souls is fulfilled!

五 The law of death comprehends 50%!

Only law of destiny remains.

But because of the destiny dragon of Jiulong Shending, it is impossible to continue to crystallize for a long time.

Before getting Daoyu again, you must find a way to crystallize the Dragon of Destiny completely.

I first crystallized the dragon of fate, using the blood of the evil female Taoist master.

Does it mean that if you find the blood of the Taoist master, you can successfully crystallize the dragon of fate?

The Dayu dynasty of Sanxing civilization did not have the blood of the Taoist. Does the four-star civilization exist?

Ordinary people can't answer. Only at the Qintai Cocktail Reception, explore the tone of the rest of the powerful leaders, they may know one or two.

After completing enlightenment, Su Yu took out the inheritance of the magic sword emperor and began to enlighten the sixth form.

After a year of baptism with rain, He has almost realized the sixth form.

After one month, Su Yu suddenly took out a sword and made a plain stroke in front of him.

A vague but overbearing sword, swept out suddenly.

I was waiting for the leader to exit the gate, and once again opened up the protection of the spiritual pool and the elders of the mission. At the same time, I felt that a dangerous force was spreading, and the birds and beasts were scattered.

When Kan Kankan left, they were shocked to find that the nearby flowers and trees were withered at the same time, and the vitality in their bodies was wiped out by a certain mysterious force in an instant.

Bian Bai Li Hu Fa and others stared at Shimen. Is that the sword qi?

The puppet master had such a high accomplishment in swordplay?

I wo n’t dare to resist the sword, even if it is Bai Li's protection, otherwise he will die.

Fortunately, Jian Qi was so convergent that he did not play it out, otherwise he might not have been able to escape just now.

In the meticulous room, Su Yu bowed his head: "The nine types of magic sword, the power of one type is far better than the one, and the power of this move is" more than ten times the power of the sword. "

He secretly sighed, remembering that when the magic sword was bound to die, under Yun Yazi's order, he suddenly realized that the tenth sword was born and directly stabbed the Taoist master.

Taking the realm of the emperor, a drop of blood was left from the evil female Taoist.

That sword is the sword of the endless magic sword.

He is the only monk who devotes his life to the sword as he did, and can only be heard as the ancient sages say.

Wu Suyu may be able to learn the full nine swords, but the tenth may not.

But I'm satisfied now.

I have this style in hand, and the non-three crown lords are not rivals at all.

And if it cooperates with the expression of the sword of King Longlong Zun, the power will only be doubled.

至 At this point, Su Yu went out.

"Welcome to the Lord ..." Bai Lihu Fa and others came to greet him.

Wu Suyu waved his hand: "I know what you are doing, so don't say more."

Every time he used this set of flattery words, he wondered how the moon worshiper could endure it.

Xi Baili protects his face and reveals his face, thinking of it, saying, "The priest of Kailuan, the maiden returns, and waits for the lord in the hall for worshiping the moon."

Why did you come back after a year?

He pondered, Su Yu first opened the Lingchi for them, then rushed to the moon worship hall.

When she was far away, she saw a slender woman in a white robe standing alone in the main hall, sinking into a deep settling.

"The maiden is back? Congratulations and congratulations." Su Yu said faintly, unable to hear the slightest joy in her tone.

He tried to imitate the attitude of the worshiper, both awe and dislike.

The maiden did not hear anything abnormal, turned around and nodded slightly: "I'm looking for you to ask you something."

"Say it." Su Yu looked reluctantly.

But this is more in line with the attitude of the worship leader.

"The Bailong Mountains are occupied by Dustless Moon Sect, and more than ten million believers have been poisoned by Lord Baokun, why haven't you moved?" The maiden under the snow robe stared at Su Yu lightly.

Jain tone, if you are questioning.

Su Yudao: "It is the time to fight for the Emperor's killing sword, and you must not lose any power. Although the Dustless Moon Sect occupies the Bailong Mountains, it has no meaning to further expand the war. In this case, do not stir up the trouble wonderful."

He fully deduced a monk who worshiped the emperor to kill the sword, but also worshiped the moon and feared death.

Sure enough, the maiden did not feel the slightest surprise, and sneered sarcastically: "Then you must not know, the Emperor's Killing Sword appeared in the White Dragon Mountains?"

Wu Wenyan said that Su Yu was “shocked” and surprised: “Do you take this seriously?”

The maiden of disappointment was disappointed, disappointed with this greedy and incompetent worshiper of the moon, saying: "It is your timidity that misses the great opportunity to seize the king's sword."

Su Yu immediately regretted it ~ ~ Anxiously asked: "Why not notify me? If you know, what I say is to stop Master Bao Kun! By the way, what about the sword? Master caught? "

Seeing his anxious appearance, I was disgusted by the virgin. How good would it be if the worshiper was half as clever as the man in black robe?

In contrast, the leader of the moon worship is mediocre.

"Run away!" The maiden said indifferently, unwilling to say more to the worshiper of the moon: "Also, the dustless Yuezong has also withdrawn, your weakness and incompetence have caused a very serious negative impact on the believers. So far, several parishes have seen large-scale withdrawal from moon worship! "

Wu Suyu's face sank, and he hummed, "Withdraw and retreat. I have hundreds of thousands of moon worshipers, no worse than that!"

The words made the maiden even more angry, this incompetent waste!

Her face was stretched out, and she took out a booklet, and she could not tolerate: "I have found a lot of talents in the moon worship in two years. I have arranged new positions for these people. You take care of it yourself."