The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 1893: Conspiracy

"Sovereign, isn't this right? From the previous performance point of view, at least 70% of the shops in the market are controlled by the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, and they are all expelled suddenly. Who will replace them? Will this cause The cargo is so scarce that it causes confusion? "The old man said his concerns.

Wu Suyu Mulu admired for a moment, and after this incident, they paid a little attention to business.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Their vacancies will be taken over by their own organization. It is more assured to give their own economic life to outsiders."

The performance of Lu Ding, in their eyes, and the deep relationship with the suzerain, can be trusted.

"Ding is able to accept so many shops?" The elder still questioned.

Wu Suyu smiled lightly: "Rest assured, they can do it."

Next, Tai Chi Zong released a news that shocked Tai Chi civilization!

The shops in Taiji Chengfang City will all rent up 10,000 times next year!

The ownership of the shops in Pufang City belongs to Tai Chi School, which has the right to increase rents arbitrarily.

"What, ten thousand times?" Boss Peng in Zhencui Pavilion was almost scared.

The rent of Zengzhencui Pavilion is now 10 million **** stones per year, soaring 10,000 times is 100 billion!

For 100 billion, the annual sales of Zhencui Museum are not so much, let alone profit.

This is to force all shops away!

"Confirm the news is true?" Boss Peng asked the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper nodded affirmatively: "It is a notice posted by Taijizong himself. Except for a few shops, the rents of all other shops have soared tenfold."

"The rest of the shops?" Boss Peng was as bright as a mirror.

少 The small number of shops should be the ones that follow Tai Chi School in this hype and actively and stably price.

At the moment, Taijizong slowed down and began to liquidate the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, and preferential treatment was given to those successful shops.

"This is too hard, isn't it?" Boss Peng was anxious.

He had long anticipated that Taijizong would defeat this victory and he would surely attack the hidden danger of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, but never thought that Su Yu's courage was too strong.

I actually planned to drive away the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce in one go.

For example, like the Zhencui Pavilion, although it is not the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, at the critical moment of the Taiji Sect, it fell to the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce and took the opportunity to raise prices and clear them together.

"No! I'm going to see the Sovereign." Boss Peng has taken root in Tai Chi civilization for many years and will never give up this site.

However, when he came to Taiji Zong waiting room, his eyelids could not help but jump.

But seeing the crowds of the various owners of the owner, carrying gifts in his hands, waiting in a crowded waiting room.

No doubt, they are in the same situation as Boss Peng, they are courting with courtesy.

On the other hand, Boss Peng was empty-handed, and he really couldn't take it.

Suddenly, Boss Peng remembered that a new batch of acquired crystals had recently arrived, worth less than 100 billion yuan.

There was a pain in his heart, so he separated it out and put it into a separate space storage ring.

I waited patiently for three days and three nights before Boss Peng finally had a chance to come to the main hall of the suzerain's office.

But I heard the understatement of Su Yu: "The rent increase is our Tai Chi decision. If you think it is unreasonable, you can look for the development of civilization. By the way, I will not accept the gift."

After a short while, a dark-faced owner left his head in despair.

Boss Peng felt a little uneasy in his heart.


Boss Peng Peng was deeply worried, and walked in cautiously.

But when Lu Qingchen was lying a few days before the case, he brushed the brush gently and crossed out a name on the booklet.

He looked up and found that it was Boss Peng. He nodded slightly: "What wind blows Boss Peng? Please sit down."

Boss Peng Peng stood respectfully, how dare to stand, and said, "I know that the suzerain needs the day after tomorrow, so I will find a way to get a batch, and I hope the suzerain will smile.

He put the space storage device on the case table, and Su Yu glanced lightly, and said, "Boss Peng also came for rent?"

Wu Wenyan said that Boss Peng knew that the time to decide his destiny was coming, and he quickly said, "I also asked the suzerain to raise his expensive hand. I was persecuted by the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce and had to follow!"

Wu Suyu disagreed.

He is afraid of the sanction of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, is he not afraid of the punishment of Taiji School?

In the war without gunpowder, Boss Peng used action to choose a position.

Of course, unlike other businessmen who followed the hype from the beginning, Mr. Peng was initially willing to cooperate with Tai Chi Sect to take the initiative to settle prices, but his position was not firm enough.

Such a businessman can't be killed with a single pole.

"I understand you, but please also understand my position! As a Taiji Sovereign, I deserve you 10,000 times the rent, but personally, I waive you a hundred years of rent. After a hundred years, everything will follow the rules."

This is so, Su Yu is benevolent.

Boss Wu Peng turned pale, only one hundred years later, he would have to leave Tai Chi civilization after one hundred years ...

I have a bitter heart, I don't know if it should be happy or sad.

"Return the gift, I will not accept it." Su Yu gave the guest a short visit.

Boss Peng Peng didn't have a taste in his heart. He left Taijizong with a storage ring and lost his heart.

As soon as she came out of the gate, she met two on-site familiar owners who were different from other businessmen's gloomy faces. At the moment, the two of them were glowing with red faces.

"Haha, Boss Zhao, the lord gave me the normal rent, but also cut through my shop ten times for free and used it for free for 100 years! I am completely confident that I can be the first in the industry within 100 years!"

"Hey, I get the same favor! I have to say that the new suzerain is a very gracious person. I just supported it as best I could in the price war last month. I never expected to give it back a hundred times. More than compensation! "

What they lost was nothing more than making a few unscrupulous money in January.

But the compensation I get now is hundreds of times of that black money!

The joy of their mood can be imagined.

Suddenly, the two also saw Boss Peng and stepped forward to salute: "Boss Peng, congratulations, presumably you have also been rewarded by the monarch? The scale of the Zhencui Pavilion, I am afraid that it will be expanded more than ten times, which is really envious ! "

The specific details of whether the shops have increased their prices, only Tai Chi School has statistics. Merchants are in it, but they do not know much.

二 The two of them only know that Boss Peng, like them at the beginning, took the initiative to stabilize prices, so they said so.

Boss Peng's face was embarrassed, and great remorse emerged in his heart.

These two people were not regarded by giants like Boss Peng in the past, but now, they are paid a hundred times, and their future development will definitely surpass him.

What's more, after a hundred years, he had to leave Taiji civilization and go to other civilizations to develop arduously.

He couldn't help recalling that Su Yu personally went to the door for help.

Why was he so confused then? Actually refused the suzerain's help!

If he helped, he would get more rewards than the two in front of him.

Unfortunately, time will not go backwards, the opportunity has been lost, and will never come again.

He said goodbye to the two, and returned to Zhencui Pavilion.

Suddenly, a mysterious man wearing a bucket hat stopped him in the middle, and said, "Boss Peng looks very worried, why don't you find a place to drink two?"

"Li Weitong?" Boss Peng immediately heard, this person is an assistant of Yaobailing, and could not help but be angry.

It was this man who caused his mind to sway and lost his chance.

"Oh, okay!" Boss Peng was so angry that he didn't dare to find the medicine Lark, and didn't dare to teach a dog leg.

"Boss Peng, please!"

The place where Li Weitong brought him is indeed a restaurant, but he is not qualified to drink.

Because there are all top merchants of Tai Chi civilization.

There are not only the three giants of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, but also the non-Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

The boss of Peng Peng was only middle-to-high among them.

At a glance, Mr. Peng knew their identities, without exception, all merchants driven away by ten times the rent.

They are gathered together and it is unknown what they are going to do!

"Have Boss Peng met the lord?" Yaobailing said with a gloomy expression: "I wonder how much he rewarded you?"

Boss Wu Peng heard the temptation in his words, his eyes turned slightly, and he smiled bitterly: "It only allows me to continue my business for a hundred years. Ten years later, ten thousand times the rent is waiting for me. Is this a reward?"

Hearing, Yaobailing exchanged a glance with Xiao Qian, Bao Qianjin and others, nodding slightly.

I was in agreement with the information on the eyeliner. Boss Peng did not lie.

"Well, then, boss Peng is willing to sit back and wait to be kicked out of Tai Chi civilization after 100 years?"

Boss Peng Peng has a clear mind ~ ~ I know that this gathering is not a good thing. Often, the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce and the merchants who are driven away are unwilling to prepare for a conspiracy.

As soon as I felt in my heart, Boss Peng said, "I do n’t know how many years I have taken root in Tai Chi civilization, so I will naturally give up if I give up ... and ask the boss to save me!"

Paiyin Bailing smiled: "Heaven only saves those who save themselves! I have a task, if you can complete it, you can get a hundred times and a thousand times the immediate benefits!"

Boss Peng Peng was so excited that he said dryly, "Please give me a clear way."

"It's very simple. Donate money, please come to the killer of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce to come and get rid of Taiji Sovereign!"

Wu Wenyan said that Boss Peng took a sigh of relief: "Remove him? This ..."

"Other than that, there is no other way!" Yaobailing shook his head coldly: "Only by removing him, we can motivate and change the attention of Tai Chi School."

Boss Peng Peng rolled his eyes secretly and asked cautiously, "What is the probability of killing him?"

"Ten percent! Because we are going to invite the five-time crown killer! Even with the protection of Mo Xiaoyu, Su Yu's children will not escape!"

Boss Peng Peng was surprised again. In the middle of the Five Crowns ... killers of this level, they cannot even be contacted by ordinary people.

Only insiders of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce such as Yaobailing can contact the killers in the Chamber of Commerce.

"How?" Yaobailing stared at his eyes slightly impatiently.

Bo Peng Peng was nothing more than a medium-sized businessman in his eyes. He didn't have much time to wait for his reply.

Boss Peng Peng is full of thoughts. If he doesn't donate money at this moment, I'm afraid he can't get out of here?