The Downs of Marriage

Chapter 252: Waiting for result

Seeing Ji Wenyu endure the pain and work hard not to cry, Sheng Zeyan felt distressed, but if you want to know the result, this is the most convenient method, blood draw and the like are more painful, he worried that Ji Wenyu can't stand it.

Mu Nanfeng watched Ji Wenyu pull out his hair, he also pulled out a few of them, and Sheng Zeyan pulled them out together.

After that, Mu Nanfeng asked Ji Wenyu to sit on the bench and wait first. He took his hair and went to the doctor he had contacted yesterday.

In order to make the lie look more real, Mu Nanfeng also pulled out his hair, Sheng Zeyan was still a little worried, and repeatedly told him not to make a mistake.

Mu Nanfeng gave Sheng Zeyan a relieved look and went to the doctor by himself.

And Sheng Zeyan stayed where he was with Ji Wenyu, which was also Mu Nanfeng's careful thinking.

In any case, the relationship between Ji Wenyu and Sheng Zeyan still needs to be improved, and increasing the time alone for the two is also a means.

At this time, Ji Wenyu didn't seem to reject Sheng Zeyan so much, and took the initiative to speak to him.

"Uncle Sheng, what are we going to check?"

Sheng Zeyan smiled bitterly in his heart. Although it is not yet known whether Ji Wenyu is his own child, it is somewhat uncomfortable to hear him call his uncle now.

But then I think about it, "Uncle Sheng" is better than "Bad Uncle", take it easy.

Sheng Zeyan comforted herself in her heart, and patiently replied: "It is to check whether we have bacteria in our body. Uncle Mu, a friend who is very sick, will infect him if we have bacteria in our body."

In order to fool Ji Wenyu, Sheng Zeyan also racked his brains, finally came up with such a reason.

Ji Wenyu looked at Sheng Zeyan with a seemingly understanding, and then asked, "Then what kind of bacteria should we check, and why do people have bacteria?"

Sheng Zeyan was suddenly miserable. How did he know that children would have so many problems.

He couldn't remember if he was like this when he was a child, and he kept asking questions when he didn't understand.

"We have to wait for the doctor to tell us this. Uncle Sheng doesn't know." Sheng Zeyan didn't want to say that he didn't know, but when he thought that if he answered seriously, there might be more questions.

He really can't bear it, it's better to throw it at the doctor.

Mu Nanfeng seemed to have arranged things properly, and only then came back.

Sheng Zeyan asked him with his eyes, and he gave Sheng Zeyan a relieved look.

"When will there be results?" This question can still be asked.

"It will take two hours at the earliest. This is the back door."

It takes a long time to do this check, after all, genetic comparison is needed.

Sheng Zeyan was not in a hurry, anyway, Ji Zilin was involved in this matter. She had already convinced Ji Xuan that even if they waited a little longer, they would not be discovered.

It's just that these two hours are a bit difficult, and the waiting time is always long.

Mu Nanfeng would pass the time, taking advantage of this time to help Sheng Zeyan ask a lot about Ji Wenyu.

Sheng Zeyan knew that he was helping him inquire about Ji Xuan in disguise, but he didn't know what he thought in his heart, so when Mu Nanfeng asked, he didn't participate at all.

"You're talking, it's not my business." Mu Nanfeng turned to ask Ji Wenyu, but Ji Wenyu is too young, but he is over three years old, and many things are vague. Yes, Mu Nanfeng still struggled to distinguish.

Sheng Zeyan really didn't know how to get along with Ji Wenyu. Although he knew that he might be his own son, this feeling was too strange. The feeling of being a father without knowing it is not something ordinary people can understand.

"Last time the kindergarten kids didn't bully you anymore, did they?" Sheng Zeyan thought of when Ji Xuan was still in the south, Ji Xuan went to find someone to reason about Ji Wenyu, but was driven out by the security guard.

Speaking of this, Ji Wenyu still remembered that Sheng Zeyan went to his house at that time.

Ji Wenyu talked about the kindergarten, and suddenly asked, "What does the ex-husband mean?"

At that time, Ji Xuan told him that he could only tell him when he grew up, but he felt that he had grown up now, so he could ask this question.

Sheng Zeyan and Mu Nanfeng were both stunned, how did they know that Ji Wenyu suddenly had such a problem.

"Who told you this?" Mu Nanfeng was a little curious, and Sheng Zeyan's face turned black.

Who told him, he didn't need to guess at all. Last time at Ji Xuan's house, Shu Yujue called him "ex-husband" in front of Ji Wenyu, but Ji Wenyu even wrote it down.

"It's Uncle Shu, he called Uncle Sheng like this." Ji Wenyu pointed at Sheng Zeyan, still innocent.

Mu Nanfeng looked at Sheng Zeyan and almost laughed.

If Ji Zilin saw this scene, she didn't know what she was going to laugh at.

"Xiaoyu, let me tell you, what about the ex-husband, that is, your Uncle Sheng's, he, is your mother's ex-husband." Mu Nanfeng looked at the excitement as if it were a big deal, and pointed to Sheng Zeyan.

Sheng Zeyan really wanted to sew Mu Nanfeng's mouth on.

Ji Wenyu still looked at them blankly, as if they didn't understand what it had to do with Ji Xuan.

"Let's put it this way, it means that Uncle Sheng and your mother used to be husband and wife. What do you mean by husband and wife is that if you call Ji Xuan as your mother, you must call Uncle Sheng as your father. Do you understand?"

With Mu Nanfeng's explanation like this, Ji Wenyu suddenly realized that he pointed to Sheng Zeyan and said, "Then Uncle Sheng is my father?"

"You can say the same, but you can't say that. Everything has to wait for the results to come out." Mu Nanfeng felt that Ji Wenyu was doing pretty well now, at least he didn't repel Sheng Zeyan anymore, just follow this momentum.

Ji Wenyu still didn't understand, "But my mother said that Uncle Sheng is not my father."

Sheng Zeyan was in a bad mood. Originally, Mu Nanfeng told Ji Wenyu that it didn't matter to him, but now that Ji Wenyu said that Ji Xuan told him that, his mood was even worse.

"Mu Nanfeng, just say a few words and don't mislead the children."

"What's misleading? I'm telling the child the truth, and I can't be misled by Ji Xuan." Mu Nanfeng was a little unhappy. He was thinking about Sheng Zeyan now, how could he be accused by him.

Sheng Zeyan looked like he was too lazy to talk to Mu Nanfeng, and said patiently to Ji Wenyu: "Xiaoyu, you don't need to know these things now. If your uncle is your father, you will know later. As for your mother, she has something to say. No matter what she says, you can't blame her."

Mu Nanfeng curled his lips, but he didn't realize that Sheng Zeyan still has such a side. Is this defending Ji Xuan?

I knew there was today, so why bother?