The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 12: sun

"Da da da."

   The celestial horse with blazing flames burning all over his body, stepping on the endless clouds, dragging the chariot of the sun, galloping above the unreachable sky.

And behind the horse, the majestic and beautiful Sun Goddess Sur stood on the chariot, holding the pure gold reins in her hands to steer the direction of the two heavenly horses, with long golden hair in the wind. Flying for it, the majesty is hard to look at.

  Beside her, the sun shining all over the earth was burning hot, carried by the solar chariot, emitting unspeakable light and heat to the whole world.


   Standing on the chariot, Su yelled, pulling the reins in his hand slightly, and the two horses in front of him immediately understood, slightly changed the route of their hoofs, and made them return to the correct trajectory.

   Above the sky, the white and flawless clouds, sometimes like cotton wool, sometimes like long ridges, are so beautiful, but...


   The Pegasus, burning with fiery flames, rampaged between the clouds.

   Where the **** horse steps on, the vast clouds are all broken up, and all the clouds that are close to them will be instantly evaporated by the sun dragged by them.

   The vast sky and the vast clouds, the chariot of the sun travels freely in it, and under it is the mortal world-the atrium, Midgart.

  The god's car moved forward endlessly, while the sun goddess Sur lowered her noble head and looked down at the ground beneath her.

  Under her gaze, through the clouds, countless mountains and rivers can be vaguely seen. With the sharp eyes of the gods, she can even see the appearance of the mortals on the earth.


   The corner of the goddess' mouth showed a satisfied smile.

   In this age of mixed human and god, the relationship between human and **** is still very close. The original human being was created by Odin, his Wiley, Wei, and his brothers.

For the Norse gods, as a creation, human beings are very much liked by the gods, so that the heroic men among the human beings will be specially allowed to enter the Odin’s under the guidance of the Valkyrie Valkyrie after death. Palace: Valhalla—In the Hall of Valor, enjoy a steady stream of wine and meat, daily banquets and binge drinking, continuous actual combat exercises, and improvement of martial arts.

As a member of the gods of Asgard, the sun goddess Sur also has considerable goodwill towards humans. Otherwise, if she does not want to drive the sun chariot every day to illuminate the earth, even Odin will not be able to force it. she was.

   Galloping above the sky every day, and seeing the world in which mortals live in leisure time, for this goddess, it is still a very pleasant life.


   With a movement in his heart, Su Er immediately looked farther above the earth.

   To the east of Midgart—this infinitely vast continent is the sea; beyond the sea, there is an endless mist; beyond the mist, at the end of the world, you will see a new land...


   In this world, there are countless frost giants who are descended from Ymir, the ancestor of frost giants.

At the beginning of the birth of the world, Odin and his brothers killed the infinite giant ancestor Ymir, turning his body into a tree of the world, using its skull to make the sky, and his flesh and blood to make the earth , Created the world now.

   However, the descendants of Ymir fled to the edge of the world, Jotunheim, and continued to thrive, always intent on subverting the rule of the gods, and often trying to enter Asgard where the gods live.

   In addition, Warnerheim to the west is home to the Warner Protoss whose origins are unknown to the gods, as well as ancient gods like Egil, the **** of the deep sea, who have unknown attitudes towards the king Odin. And so on, or underground, in the sea, or in the sky, or alive, or dead, or animals, or plants...

   Although on the bright side, the **** king Odin rules all the living and the dead in the entire nine worlds, but under this seemingly calm surface, there is never lack of dark tides.

  Because of this, the Asa protoss headed by the **** Odin, all of them are stubborn, and often fight with those monsters and giants in order to maintain the order of the entire nine worlds.

   "But... how long can this order be maintained?"

   Su Er's mind suddenly flashed a thought, but in the next moment, she threw the thought behind her.

The Asa Protoss are all born warriors, and warriors don’t like to entangle with such things. For Sur, if there is an enemy, just pick up the bow and arrow and shoot it. As for the final victory or defeat, it’s not in her Within the scope of consideration.

   Her afterglow scanned the ground for a while, and she was about to withdraw her gaze, but at this moment, in her afterglow, a black spot suddenly began to grow bigger...

   A warning sign suddenly emerged from my heart.


Before she could make more reactions, she yelled, and the reins in her hand suddenly pulled, and the two horses burning with blazing flames seemed to feel the inexplicable danger. They suddenly turned, deviated from the previous track, and turned away. A beautiful curve, the burning horseshoe left only a little flaming seed in the clouds.

   And just now...

   "Boom boom boom!!!"

   is louder than the thunder, and more violent than the earthquake when the earth wailes. UU reading

   In Sur’s surprised gaze, the incredible monster roared, his head smashed through the thick cloud barrier and reached the sky above the sky.

   The sea of ​​clouds is boiling, the wind and thunder are screaming, thousands and countless storms are raging above the sea of ​​clouds, and any storm is comparable to a tenth typhoon.

   Thousands of miles?

   Still Wanli?

   can't calculate at all, and can't understand.

  As far as I can see, everything in front of me is shrouded in darkness.

  Any scale is so big that ordinary people can't understand it, and a random move is enough to trigger a storm.

   Half of its body is still in the sea, while the other half has stretched directly above the sky, trying to reach the kingdom of God.

   Infinitely magnificent, infinitely great, and infinitely huge...

  In front of such a behemoth, even the gods would lose their brilliance for it, and appear extremely small.

   "Son of Loki, Orochi Yemengard?"

Sur looked at the behemoth in front of him in surprise. Although Odin had never appeared when Odin tried to deal with Loki's three children, as a god, Sur could still easily distinguish the name of the monster in front of him. .

   And at this moment, the pair of erect snake pupils that are as large as a mountain are looking down at the sun goddess who is standing on the sun chariot in front of him and looks surprised.

   In the scarlet eyes, there is only endless greed, tyranny and madness.


   The infinitely huge giant snake roared, opened the huge mouth like a bottomless abyss, and swallowed it suddenly towards the sun goddess...