The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 133: Eyes

"The plane is..."

   By the ears, the noise-filled voice became more blurred, but the panic in David's voice could be clearly felt.

   tried hard to get rid of the inexplicable traction behind him, but John realized that he couldn't do it. The many towering buildings beside him were torn to shreds under certain force.

Just like a collapsed sand castle, those huge buildings made of steel and cement fell apart, and the fragments that disintegrated amid the roaring sound flowed behind them, as if a huge monster was swallowing it with its mouth wide open. all.

   John turned his head and looked behind him, and he could vaguely see the small but attention-grabbing figure. Numerous fragments poured into it from all directions, and then disappeared when he touched it. The magnificent scene is also like the end of the world.


   The screaming voice of a teammate sounded through the communication, and the five people have realized that life and death are at this moment, but how to save themselves if they want to save themselves.

  At this juncture of life and death, time seems to have slowed down. John felt that his hands could not be controlled, and his palms were full of sweat. This situation has exceeded the limit of his understanding.

   "Calm... Calm... I want to find a way... but what else..."

   He tried desperately to think about a way, but seeing the fighter being dragged back a little bit, he couldn't think of a way. But suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"in case……"

   The boldness of this idea surprised even him, because it seemed like an impossible thing, but it seemed that he had no other choice.

   After making up his mind, he put his hand on the steering column...

   The rear engines of several fighters were desperately spitting flames, trying their best to get rid of the invisible attraction, but suddenly, a fighter suddenly turned sideways, and went towards the rear instead.


"what are you doing……"


   Anxious and surprised shouts of his teammates sounded in his ears, but John didn't say a word, just heading towards the source of all this.

  The huge attraction involved the fighter, so that John seemed to be able to feel the groan of the upper and lower parts of the fighter being overwhelmed. Of course, this was just his illusion, but the heavy acceleration pressure on his body and the heart that was about to explode made him intuitively feel the huge pressure that the fighter was under at this moment.

   In front of him, it was the naked girl, who was walking forward at the moment, seemingly unaware of the warplane approaching fast.


   In the sharp sound of breaking through the air, two missiles with long tail flames flew out from under the war body.


The missile with a speed of more than 2 times the speed of sound first hits around the target, and then the fierce flame burst out like a flower blooming. Although the sound cannot be heard directly, it can also make people imagine its roaring momentum, and its smoke slowly rises on the spot. A small mushroom cloud.

   At the same time, the machine gun mounted on the fighter fired.


  Machine gun, this ancient low-tech weapon has not withdrawn from the stage of history, and still has an irreplaceable role on fighters. The machine gun with a 23mm caliber spews fierce flames toward the target.

   The violent smoke obscured John's vision, but it did not prevent John from judging the location of the target based on his memory.

   His palms were full of sweat, John's eyes were fixed on the target, and he did not dare to release the shot.

  The method he came up with is actually very simple. In any case, it can be concluded that this girl caused all this. Whether she is a mutant, a superpower or something else, in short, as long as she is solved, she will probably get out of the predicament.

   He knew it was dangerous, but he had nothing else to do.

   The machine gun was still firing, the smoke slowly dispersed, and John's heart almost touched his throat.

   A silhouette of a human body appeared in the smoke. John's heart sank first, and then when he saw it clearly, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

   At the same place, the weird naked body was covered with wounds burned by flames and holes pierced by bullets. One arm was broken on the ground, and golden blood flowed from her wounds.

The face, limbs, body, there were wounds and huge wounds shot by bullets everywhere, as if she had just recovered. The girl seemed a little strange on her face, she was touching her cheek with her hand, feeling the bullet. Hole through the hole.

   Although she was not dead, the missile and machine gun seemed to have caused a lot of injuries to her.

   That guy will get hurt!

   This fact is enough to excite John, for this unknown girl? Superpowers? monster? At first, John only felt a deep powerlessness. In the face of the power that could trigger a natural disaster, he even felt that the steel mount he was driving was so powerless.

   But, after all, she is still a flesh and blood body, will be injured, then... will die.

   "David! I hit her! She will be hurt! She is not immortal..."

   John shouted into the headset excitedly, but at this moment...

   The "girl" opened his eyes.

   is difficult to describe, because she had her eyes open, but John still couldn't help but think so, because at that moment, the gaze that glanced at him seemed alive.

   The erect pupils are weird and inhuman, with cold eyes like a snake.

   The gaze is too vast, like a lake, like the sea, like space.

   As if a behemoth half-dreaming and half-awake opened his eyes, for the first time he lowered his head and noticed the tiny bug under him. The gaze seemed to ignore the steel cockpit blocking between the two, directly through his body, staring at his soul.

   In that vast gaze, John felt cold all over his body, and his body dissipated into elementary particles in that tangible gaze...


In just an instant, the huge beam of light from the opened eyes swallowed the entire fighter plane. The beam of light was pure and flawless, and the huge heat instantly evaporated all the high-rise buildings and streets, cars, and all man-made objects, those Asphalt and concrete floors were evaporated and melted by the little heat escaping from the beam of light in less than a few microseconds, and turned into hot lava.

   Fighter planes and pilots have become a thing of the past, and no living body can look directly at or withstand the power dissipated by this huge beam of light. In New York City, countless people saw the huge beam of light, and their bodies disappeared in the overly hot light, without exception.

   This energy is so huge that it breaks through the invisible barrier and even distorts the basic structure of time and space.


   The remnants of the old world, in the world full of magma.

   The angel with folded wings swung the huge sword in his hand, and every swipe would emit thousands of radiance, just like the eternal sun that never sets, destroying countless monsters in this world. However, the ecstatic monsters have long forgotten the long-term fear of angels, the old master has awakened, and who can stop them.

   Every time, countless monsters are destroyed, but their remnants will gather in this weird world and become new powerful monsters, once again participating in this ancient battle.

   The angel of God's light is struggling to support, but it is getting harder.


Suddenly, just as the world opened up, accompanied by waves of violent purple thunders, it seemed that the sky opened its eyes, and the gloomy sky was suddenly torn open endless holes, and the world of blue sky and white clouds outside became old. The monsters of the world opened the door.

   The monsters stopped, the angel stopped too, and a shrill voice screamed.

   "It's the breath of the master..."

In the world full of magma and hell, the endless ancient evil creatures overwhelming the sky, the countless ghosts, angels with broken wings, demon gods with broken heads, **** warriors with spears, these ancient monsters bathe Under the blue sky that I hadn't seen for many years, they laughed wildly and began to sing the ancient hymn.

   "I will bring darkness, I will bring disaster, darkness will cover my body, cover the hundred swords on my body, darkness is my destination..."

   Their singing shook this hell-like world of magma, while the winged monsters were frantically hovering in the gloomy sky, and their low voice made the hot magma tremble.

   The last angel looked down at everything under him, still silent, without words.

"Darkness swallows my soul. I return from the battlefield with resentment. I exchange my soul for power. I will destroy the sky. I will bury the ocean. I hold a knife and stab me. Each sword symbolizes my original sin……"

"I hate, I am painful, I will destroy the world, I cry and resent, I roar, the world will tremble under my hands, I will fall into the prison of endless reincarnation, I will sing to the sky in hell, we have no future, we will Break the future..."

"The light hates me, the creatures hate me, I will be the darkness of all things in the world, I will fall to eternity, I will destroy myself, and the last sunlight will leave me, as if in disgust, I die in the light, I am in the dark Zhong Yongsheng..."

   The deep singing voice became louder and louder. Those headless giants, eight-armed basilisks, creeping sticky bugs, and six-eyed tigers and leopards roared loudly, or they roared and cursed.

   The countless weird and violent monsters slapped their old drums, beat their rotten weapons, made chaotic noises, and issued angry curses at the messengers on that day.

   "God of heaven, fall down! Fall down for me!!!"

The deafening sound formed a huge air wave, and the air wave formed a tornado in this hot world. The tornado absorbed the magma on the ground and spread the magma to the whole world. Countless rain of fire was scattered on the body of the ancient evil. Also scattered on the already gloomy angel wings.

   The angel had no words, and his cold eyes did not change. He just clenched the giant sword in his hand again.


  The huge beam of light did not stop, but continued to move towards the sea...

   The Atlantic Ocean, on a certain warship.

   A sailor walked out of the hatch, and then he looked at the sea in front of him in astonishment.

   In front of it, there is a crazy scene that an extremely crazy painter can't paint. In the rainbow, a wide crack appeared in the vast sea...

   is also like the myth of Moses dividing the sea. The sea of ​​thousands of miles seems to be forcibly cut off by an invisible force. The sea is forcibly separated, exposing the seabed in the middle. From the ship, we can still see distant places, the smooth faults even exceed the height of the seabed, and the sailors can even see the red things that seem to be magma.

  At this moment, the warship is heading towards the huge abyss that is tens of thousands of meters Police...Alert! ! ! "

   On the battleship, the piercing voice of the sailors sounded.

   At the same time, under the sea.


   dragging the fish tail into the hall, the snake-man princess's face was full of tears, she squatted in front of the king with excitement, almost crying.

   "The king, the father of the great snake... the father of the snake finally..."

"I know."

   But what responded to her was not the imaginary Wang's joy, but an unexpectedly flat voice.

   Ya An Jiemu looked up at the king sitting high on the throne of the White Palace, and looked at the king who was sitting high on the throne of the White Palace.

   The king was silent, as if thinking about something.

   "Ya'an Jiemu, take your subjects and greet your father of snakes."

   After some silence, Wang's low voice sounded, and the snake-man princess looked at the king in surprise.

  In the king’s words, he seemed to have neglected himself intentionally or unintentionally. He is the favorite child of the father of the snake and the ancient king who once served by the father of the snake himself, but why...


   Ya An Jiemu was about to speak, but Wang just shook his head slightly. Then, Wang raised his head and looked at the sky above, as if he was gazing at a certain place on the surface of the sea, and at the same time, he seemed to be gazing at an unknown world.

   "I have one more thing to do."