The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 15: choice

In the boundless wilderness, the young man stood before the road.

Compared with a few years ago, the young man looks a little more mature, and he has lost the childish childishness, replaced by the youthful confidence and vitality between his eyebrows and eyes.

He was tall, muscular, handsome and strong. Even if he counts the whole world, he is a rare beautiful man.

At this moment, this beautiful man was touching his chin, lost in thought before the road.

There are two distinct paths before the youth.

A road is wide and flat, and not far away you can see the glorious road full of flowers and gold. Not far on that road, power, food, love, happiness... everything is there.

The other road is a rugged and difficult path, full of thorns, poisonous snakes and beasts looming, but its end is almost in the distance, countless skeletons and bones lie on the ground, they are all forerunners, but they have not been able to get there. the end of the road.

Two paths are placed in front of the young man, and he does not know which path he should choose is better.

Just when the young man hesitated, two groups of lights appeared, and two noble goddesses emerged from the light.

A dignified and polite person, with gentle eyes, wearing a white robe. The other person is slim, charming, and confident in the corners of his mouth.

"Hello, hesitant traveler, I am the goddess of happiness. At this crossroads in life, it seems that you are in doubt, do you need me to clear your doubts?"

The charming woman raised her head and spoke to the young man proudly and confidently.

The young man who was in a daze saw this goddess, but he didn't know why, and he was not surprised, but laughed.

"Ah, goddess of happiness, I'm confused about my future, and it would be best if you could help me out."

The goddess of happiness smiled, and her smile was sweet.

"Alkades, look, everyone should follow in my footsteps and take the light and happy path."

"Look, you and I know your strength, your strength can defeat all enemies in the world, you can have countless wine and food if you want, all kings should bow down to you, the most beautiful woman in the world should also be your wife."

"Believe me, and believe in yourself, these are all things you can do. You don't have to work and work hard, you will have many, many friends and lovers, and you will live in a calm and happy life."

"Alcades, come with me. Your ears don't have to hear, your eyes don't have to see, follow me, and I won't burden you, and you'll live a very comfortable life."

At this moment, another woman stepped forward, and this elegant and solemn lady bowed politely to the young man.

"Alcades, my name is Glory, and I am also called Morality."

"Dear friend, as hedonistic...or her self-proclaimed happiness says, she's not lying to you, you do get those if you want. But, before you make your choice, allow me to show you another A very different path."

The serious goddess raised her head slightly.

"I'm not like pleasure, I'm not good at speaking, and I don't know how to lie. I have to tell you that if you're going to follow me, I'll give you the greatest test."

"Only by sowing can one reap, and only by experiencing hard work can one grow."

"If you want to be respected by the world, you must become the benefactor of the world. If you want to gain unparalleled fame, you must build unparalleled achievements. You have to go through countless hardships and create countless great achievements. In the end, it's the achievement that would make any man's heart beat, and put the whole world in the palm of his hand."

"Come on, Morality."

The Goddess of Pleasure, or, as she called herself, the Goddess of Happiness, laughed sarcastically.

"You led him down a hard and endless road."

"Look at the skeletons and bones on that road. They are all heroes who were once crowned. They listened to your words and went to fight against beasts and monsters, to fight on the battlefield, and to take risks on the sea. But they almost No one can enjoy their old age in peace. They either died at the hands of the enemy, or were swallowed by monsters in the sea, or died in obscurity in the wilderness where no one cared about. Even if they survived this terrible trial by chance, All that awaits them are injuries and coughs from old age."

"They could have used their power to live a good and happy life, to enjoy good wine and food, power and beauty, and sleep comfortably. I will lead them on a happy path. Using their power, they can be happy all their lives."

"But they gave up the easy and happy life just because they listened to you."

Saying that, the goddess of pleasure looked at the young man, put her red lips close to the young man's ear, and whispered softly.

"Think about it, you were born so strong, what can you do wrong? Why do you have to listen to that old-fashioned woman?"

"Trust me, as long as you want, you can do whatever you want, you can get everything you want, you can live a happy life, and it will be like this all your life. What about those high gods? Nymph fairies, even those noble goddesses in the sky, they should kneel at your feet and kiss your toes, you should defeat all the gods in heaven and earth, and become the only master between heaven and earth."

"Alcades, mighty Alcides, you know, you have this power, you've always known it. You can even have that person if you want to..."

Having said that, the pleasure showed a picture in front of the youth.

In that future, in which the pleasures are revealed by the youth, the youth will act recklessly on the earth, and the mortals on the earth cannot resist such a powerful force at all.

He had thousands of wives and concubines, piled up a mountain of treasures, his enemies were trampled to death by his foot, and the survivors could only scream in fear and tremble in front of him. But this is still not enough to satisfy the desires of young people.

He is an unprecedented demigod, a being stronger than God. His ambitions are endless, so he builds the largest army ever built, slays Olympus, and confronts the gods. Hera, the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, and Athena were just playthings in his hands, and the king as powerful as the gods was finally defeated and bowed his head to him.

In the end, even the gods were defeated by him, and he sat high on the highest throne in the sky and became the only master.

All the beauties, all the treasures, all the power, all the things, belong to him.

The whole world is chanting his name, the new **** of war, the new king of the gods, the new father of the gods.

And in that future, the person he longed for when he was a child finally came to him.

That cold and pale face, the same girly appearance as before, that silent and noble figure, finally also served by his throne, begging for his love.

The young man's breathing seemed to be half a beat slower.

He was moved.

Everything in the world, everything a man fantasizes and dreams of is right in front of him, who wouldn't be tempted.

And just when the young man's heart was shaken, the pleasure and timeless whispered in his ear.

"Alcades, you know, you can do all this if you want."

But at this moment, another voice sounded.

"Alcades, but, is this really what you want?"

There was a little pity in Moral's eyes.

"You have a powerful power in your body, and you can indeed use it to do whatever you want, but are these really what you want?"

"Enjoyment, you make people's desires endless, and they want to get them."

"Even though you are full, you still want to continue to eat, making yourself bloated and fat; drinking wine and continuing to drink until you are drunk, so drunk, that you lose your noble body."

"No matter how soft the bed is, you can't be satisfied, you can't fall asleep after tossing and turning; you sleep sluggishly during the day, and when you get old, people are ashamed of their past self for wasting time."

"You make people forget their noble souls, like foolish beasts, who only know how to satisfy their never-ending desires without end."

"The wise are far from you, the upright have rejected you, and though you are immortal, you will never be able to enter the ranks of the gods and be honored by the world."

Pleasure was ridiculed, flushed and screamed.

"Then what can you do? You let those strong people die in vain, and they're full of injuries, and live their whole lives without knowing what a happy life is like. Morality, that's what you're guided by. the road?"

"Respect, ideals, self-realization, that's what I give my followers in return."

In the face of accusations of pleasure, the noble and reserved goddess looked directly at her without fear.

Morality continued.

"On this hard and difficult road, my followers died, but their names were still sung by people, children looked up to them, young people wanted to be them, and old people respected them."

"They are on the thorny path, but their hearts are never lost. They sing cheerfully every day and walk on the road they believe in. Their conscience makes them feel comfortable and at ease."

"They are respected by people, and they have achieved their ideals and proved their pursuits."

Then, Morality bowed to the youth.

"Alcades, you have great power. But if you don't know what you really want and satisfy your desires in vain, what can you do even if you have invincible power?"

"A life engulfed by endless desires is pathetic, choose the path of true happiness."

Charming and moving pleasures, noble and pure morality, the two goddesses standing in front of the youth are also two different paths.

"You know, which way is a happy and easy life..."

"Your power shouldn't be just that..."

Facing the diligent or earnest words of the two goddesses, the young man finally made his own choice.

Lift your feet and take the first step in life.

So, wake up...

Nanuo City, in the temple, the young man woke up.

Although he no longer remembered the contents of the dream, it seemed that he finally figured out something.

He blinked and shouted.

"That picture, where is the goddess now?"

That picture is a statue in the temple, and it is also a steam guard, usually waiting in the youth's room.

"The goddess is praying before the father of snakes."

The half-human, half-snake statue opened its eyes and made a low voice.

The young man jumped off the bed and rushed out of the room without looking back.

"God son, where are you going?"

"I figured it out, I finally figured it out, I'm going to say goodbye to the goddess now."

The young man who rushed out of the room had excitement on his face, and he finally understood what he should do.

He jumped on the layered roofs of Nanuo City, and flew in the wilderness outside the city where he was These are the places he has been familiar with since he was a child, and now, he has passed them one by one. .

So he came to the towering mountains.

These are the scales on the father of the snake. Relying on his amazing physique, he climbed these towering and steep mountains as if tireless.

One mountain, another mountain, another mountain...

The sharp cliffs slashed his fingers and oozes blood, but he didn't care, because he had made up his mind to say goodbye to the goddess at last and find his way.

So, when this young and vigorous young man climbed a mountain, he finally saw the goddess who was praying silently on the mountain.


The praying figure opened his eyes, turned back, and stared at him silently.

The bright-eyed youth shouted excitedly waving at the goddess.

"I like you! Be my wife!"