The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 158: The dilemma of step 2

What is war in the space age like?


  In the ancient earth era, many sci-fi works like to describe life driving a variety of space battleships, and then shooting various beams in space.


   However, among the many sci-fi works, most of them ignore the changes in technology. In the eyes of science fiction writers in the ancient earth era, they often think that space is nothing more than the expansion of the ocean, and space warships are nothing more than the expansion of ocean warships. Therefore, in this vast space, there are battles of naval battles. .


Therefore, the wooden warships with dark matter engines are running horizontally in space, relying on the sturdy neutron star material collision angle to collide with each other, and the soldiers holding machetes made of neutron star material, relying on jumping tactics to kill the seven in the crowd. In and out, the space age uses the tactics of the sail age. The black hole weapon is like a big bomb, and the law of dimensionality is modified at will...


   But unfortunately, this situation does not exist in the physical universe.


Even if the footsteps of interstellar humans have expanded to the entire galaxy, interstellar humans will still not be able to use the "mathematical modifications" and "rule weapons" in the science fiction works of the ancient earth era, just like human beings will not create omnipotents even if they reach the 22nd world. The wishing Doraemon came out.


  In this extra rigorous, rigorous physical universe that can sometimes be boring, countless illusions have been suppressed, but at the same time, the tactics of interstellar humans are far beyond the understanding and imagination of human beings in the ancient earth era.


With the advancement of technology, humans will not wear thicker armor and sharper swords to fight, but wear light military uniforms, because no matter how thick the armor is in front of gun bullets several kilometers away It also makes no sense.


   Once the Middle East countries thought they had countless artillery tanks, and relying on their experience during World War II, they believed that firepower was everything. However, the effortless informatization battle of the United States easily achieved a battle loss ratio of 50:200,000.


  Technology, its changes will always exceed the understanding and imagination of the ancients.




   In space, in the fluctuations caused by psionic jumps. A huge spaceship appeared in space.


   "General Tiloan, the army has been assembled."


   The information sent from afar was received by the processor in the brain. The middle-aged man named General Tiloan didn't say much, but just signaled to prepare for battle.


   However, he clearly only has one spaceship, what kind of battle is he commanding?


  Yes, he only has one spaceship...a ​​flagship spaceship that doesn't have a weapon system at all. This huge flagship spaceship has no combat capabilities and only has a large number of command systems.


  Because at a distance of 10 billion kilometers away from him, in the boundless space, there are more than one hundred million, neatly arranged drone swarms floating quietly, like a dead army, waiting for orders.


   With the formation of AI technology, the thinking of relying on humans to drive warships is already very silly.


   Humans need food, clothing and daily life, and need to plan many redundant areas on the battleship as living areas; but AI does not need it, AI only needs energy, and a faithful AI will execute all commands without hesitation. The spacecraft that has greatly compressed space can therefore be loaded with more efficient weapons and become a high-speed, deadly, and cheap killer.


   As long as the factory is continuously producing, the army can be formed continuously. How can a flesh and blood body compete with steel in quantity? A swarm of drones calculated at billions of billions is meaningless for interstellar civilization, and even if the number is increased by 100 million times, it is meaningless.


   On this basis, the ancient soldier profession has almost disappeared. The army only has the general who manages drones and the commander who manages the general.


   Therefore, a long time ago, space warfare has changed from a life contest between humans to a calm numerical calculation, which is somewhat closer to playing strategic games in the ancient earth era.


   "A-1 Group...C-6 Group..."


   Within a flagship with dozens of people, the general calmly gave orders. Any order will directly affect the fate of the drones with more than tens of billions of people.


   Those UAVs equipped with celestial weapons can easily destroy an asteroid, and some are equipped with star-destroying weapons. Although it can only be used once, this kind of cheap machinery doesn't need to think about reusing it.


   These drones are like billions of powerful ammunition. What is needed now is to tilt these ammunition out.


  According to the detection, after another 17 galactic hours, the target will enter the huge army formed by the drone.


   Taking advantage of this intermission, Tiloan even took the time to connect to a private channel to exchange his commanding experience with his companions.


   "General Tiloan, do you think this test can be successful?"


Beside   , a young reserve general asked, his body exuded flashes of mental fluctuations, and he seemed a little curious.


  Tiloan glanced at the young reserve general beside him, he thought about it, frowned, and then shook his head.


   "To be honest, I am not very optimistic."


   Obviously, this answer completely exceeded the expectations of the young reserve general. In his opinion, this long-known general should be bolder and more aggressive. How could he be so pessimistic?


   he asked in surprise.




   Tiloan did not directly answer the young reserve general's question, but asked rhetorically.


   "Rookie, why do you think you can win?"


   "We have the most advanced weapons, the most advanced drones... If our power is really poured out, we can completely destroy a star."


   The young reserve general couldn't help but straighten up and replied proudly.


   Indeed, in this era, no human kingdom can resist the technology of the Second Republic. At this moment, the Second Republic is expanding crazily. In many people's eyes, the day when the human beings in the galaxy will be unified again is not far away.


General    asked again without comment.


   "What about the opponent? What do you know about your opponent?"




   The young reserve general was speechless for a while. He knew the composition of his army very well and knew the advantages and disadvantages of those unmanned machines, but his opponent? How can he know something that even academic conferences don't know.


   Looking at the preparatory general in front of him, Tiloan sighed, and instead of using psychic fluctuations for spiritual communication, he spoke softly.


   "This is what I worry about. We don't know the target's intelligence. We just attacked with confidence. Even if we can really test the target's fighting style and behavior, it's just a victory by luck."


  Different from other optimistic colleagues, Tiloan, who has made great achievements in various space battles all the year round, feels uneasy.


   This kind of uneasiness is not only because of his psychic sense of danger, but also because of his experience.


   was talking, AI has sent a message.




   Tiloan's eyes habitually narrowed, watching the message coming from the front.




   In the front, there are some UAVs equipped with subspace communication capabilities. They have no combat capabilities. They are easily destroyed when dealing with the same human fleet, and basically have no actual combat value.


   was originally used to explore space, but considering that the target would not know the role of these drones, some eyes were used as remote. These sub-space communication drones will directly transmit information to the flagship 10 billion kilometers away through the super-light speed capability of the sub-space to serve as immediate command.


   Among the information sent back by the subspace communication drone, Tiloan could see the huge snake that was regarded as the top sample by academic conferences and caused heated discussion in the human world.


   Just like the rumors, it was an incredibly huge monster. Even if the prosthetic eye with super power was installed, it could hardly capture the shape of this huge monster, only a huge light was coming.


   Almost nothing can catch up with it, even the drone, which is known for its high speed, does not work, but it just needs to ambush it in advance.


   The first wave of drones has already been greeted.


  The weapons carried by these drones are not powerful and can only penetrate some small celestial bodies. In Tiloan's view, it is impossible to penetrate the scales that can resist stellar matter. However, neither Tiloean nor the Academic Council had counted on this. After all, Tiloean’s task was to test, not to kill.


  The weapon in the first round successfully hit the target, at least in the feedback, but it seems to have no effect.


   "Test... small plasma... invalid..."


   Aside, the spacecraft AI is doing statistical work silently.


   almost immediately followed, the second round of drones also rushed up, followed by the third round, the fourth round, the fifth round...


   In the continuous weapon impact, the huge light didn't mean to stop, but in just a few rounds, the light had flown tens of millions of kilometers.


   Tiloan's face remained unchanged.


   He is very clear about the high-speed characteristics of the target. All drones are distributed according to the speed of the target. Within this 1.4 billion kilometers, there are rows of drones. Contempt of the target is more suitable for this test task.




   The spacecraft AI is constantly counting the results.


   In one round of testing, after dozens of rounds of weapon impact, the target seemed to have no effect, and Tiloan's brows frowned slightly.


   Although the target has no response, it is indeed very suitable for testing the effect of the weapon, but the more important thing is the target's attack method. If you don't know the target's attack method, there will be no real battle.


   "Planet-star weapon preparation."


  Tiloan made some adjustments. The ineffectiveness of the previous weapons is expected, but the real focus is the star-killing weapon. In the face of weapons that can destroy planets, can the target continue to ignore it?


  Finally, facing the attacking star-killing weapon, the huge light seemed to move, and in an instant, the mutation happened...




   Suddenly, the distant information from before my eyes disappeared instantly.


"what happened?"


   I can no longer see the on-site information coming. The spacecraft AI automatically tried to reconnect through the subspace communication, but the subspace communication drone did not respond. It's not that a drone lost its response. It seems that in an instant, more than hundreds of millions of drones scattered around all lost their response.


   Not only that, even if it tried to contact other weapons to test the drone, there was no response, as if the flagship spacecraft had lost contact with the outside world in the vast space.


   "Tiloan, we detected an anomaly... how is the situation ahead..."


   Suddenly, a rapid subspace message came. In the image, the fleet commander in the 21st area looked anxious.


   is not a malfunction?


   An inexplicable anxiety emerged in Tiroan's heart.


   "Leap immediately and leave!"


   didn't even consider the plan to call the drone group ahead again, and Tiloan directly ordered the spacecraft to make a subspace jump.


   The spacecraft AI executed Tiloan's order, and after ten seconds, the huge flagship spacecraft disappeared in place.




   After a few galactic hours, a strange time and space fluctuation formed in the original drone cluster, and a fully armed spaceship appeared.


   Tiloan looked at the vast space in front of him, silent.


"how so……"


   beside The young reserve general was dumbfounded.


   In the dark and silent space, countless drone fragments are suspended in this 1.4 billion kilometers of space, like relics left after a war.


   Several galactic hours ago, what happened here? No one knows that even Tiloan, who has experienced all of this, can't explain it, as if it was really just a moment, and more than tens of trillions of drones were turned into fragments.


   "We...Let's test it again."


   The preparation general gritted his teeth, and Tiloan looked at the huge space mechanical cemetery in front of him, but shook his head.


   "It's useless, I think, I'm afraid it will be the same as many times as possible."


   As Tiloan said, the next few tests also ended in strange failures, all of which disintegrated into fragments in an instant, and no one knew why.


   And this situation was quickly known by academic conferences in the ring world.


   Facing this result, the president of the 7th Ring World Society gritted his teeth and looked at it for a long time.


   What kind of power does the giant snake in space have? How does it behave? Until now, it is still a mystery for the Second Republic, no one knows.


   In the second step, I was still caught in a predicament.