The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 180: The miracle of disappearance

"It's coming! It's coming!"


   "What to do, Sumor will be eaten..."


   "Don't panic... calm down..."




   At the Sumor Dyson Ball Control Center, he was already in a panic. Looking at the monster with his mouth open in the image, trying to swallow the entire star, many people were pale, fighting in two battles, at a loss. Although some people were desperately crying for calmness, it was of no avail.


   "Listen to me now! Activate the weapon defense mechanism!"


   But just then, a rough voice sounded.


   An old old man stood on the second floor with wide round eyes, looking down at the technician below him, and shouting.


   "Everyone is here! Ready to fight back!"


   The rough and primitive sound waves were transmitted to everyone's ears.


   After a brief chaos, the technicians barely suppressed the fear in their hearts, and with the assistance of AI, the Dyson ball was revealed again.


   So, after tens of thousands of years, the Dyson sphere, which had disappeared for tens of thousands of years under the optical deflection technology, resurfaced. Outside this hot and huge blue giant, a layer of sphere structure similar to an iron cage appeared.


  The complicated and peculiar star restraint device is like a bridle that restrains this violent beast.


  In the pre-human generation of that galaxy separatist, one day, a scholar had a whim, so scholars in the entire human world echoed his idea, and then began to build a great space project.


   This miraculous project puts the reins on the stars and domesticates them into docile domestic animals; disassembles the stars and rebuilds them into an unprecedented ring-shaped world.


   For ten thousand years, stars have silently provided infinite energy to the entire ring world, so the golden age came. Many times, people even forget its real name:


   Stellar control device.


   is not only to extract the energy of the star, this ancient and magnificent device, the original purpose is to control the star. Although horses can be used to reclaim fields, horses can also be used as mounts on the assault battlefield.


In space, the huge snake opened its mouth and tried to swallow the entire blue star, but this quiet blue star suddenly became irritable and restless. Under a strange mechanism, its hot corona suddenly became violent. It soared in a circle, as if a sleeping tiger awakened from its long sleep.


   A large number of hot prominences sprayed out, reaching thousands of miles away, and among them there was a strange gathering together, a large number of blue prominences gathered together, and then spewed out.


  The prominence measured in billions of tons forms a violent beam of energy particles, which rushes toward the head of the giant snake.


   This energy and kinetic energy is so huge that it is equivalent to hundreds of planets being thrown directly, hitting the head of the giant snake, and it can't help but deflect its direction.




   The giant snake, who was about to have a full meal, received a counterattack from the stars, shaking his head and shaking his head, seemingly uncomfortable with this counterattack. It let out a low growl of dissatisfaction, then gave up swallowing and began to circle the star.


   "Oh roar..."


   In the eyes of the technicians in the control center, the giant snake's retreat seemed to be evasive because of threats, and there was a burst of cheers. In other places around the world, there are countless people who are carnival, rejoicing for the giant snake's avoidance.


   But the old man's face was as deep as water. He was not as optimistic as other researchers, because he had seen this "monster" fight.


   He stared at the monster in the image, and the monster was coiling around Sumor.


   Then, the giant snake coiled half a circle, then opened its mouth again, trying to swallow the star from another angle.




   The old man scolded again.


   The prominence of the star is powerful, but it shouldn’t be wasted. It’s best to release it at close range.


   So, again, the star's fangs bit the giant snake.


   Under the impact of the strong torrent of energy particles, the giant snake once again avoided, seeming to dislike the counterattack of stars.


   In the control center, cheers rang out again.


The    star control device showed its extraordinary power. Powered by a super star, the bursting power is so great that it makes people seem to see the hope of resisting the giant snake.


   The huge star reacted fiercely, and the strong corona rose more and more, like a cricket that defeated the opponent, showing off its strength and fighting spirit.


After    several times in a row, the stellar weapons showed great power, and the giant snake avoided it several times. Every time it avoided, it would arouse cheers from countless people around the world.


   However, no one can notice that after every retreat, the erect pupils of the giant snake will become more and more cold.


   Finally, after avoiding it again, the pupils of the giant snake began to turn red.




   Different from the low growl before, this time, the giant snake issued a fierce roar like never before.


   Along with this roar, numerous cities in the sky fell under a huge impact in the ring of the world, and the billion trillion interstellar humans were also affected by a burst of invisible psychic energy. Crazy and distorted people were crying and wailing on the ground, and scales grew involuntarily on their bodies. What's more, their legs directly degenerated into a snake's tail.


In the roar of   , the giant snake suddenly rushed towards the star in front of him.


"not good……"


   The AI ​​has already made a judgment before the old man makes a decision.


The entire star suddenly exploded, and the hot stellar material rolled on the surface, ejecting thousands or tens of thousands of violent prominences. The length of these prominences is beyond imagination, and some can even be ejected all the way to half light. Outside the year.


   is like a mystery monster that suddenly grows thousands of tentacles, waving its tentacles, trying to fight against his own powerful enemy.


   But before those tentacles unfolded, an abyssal mouth has bitten this unimaginable, huge blue giant into the"


  The prominence gushing out is extremely hot, and a clear red light is printed in the mouth of the giant snake.


   As if conscious of his own death, the star burst out an unprecedented violent reaction, trying to fight the monster that swallowed him.


   The star’s fangs are gritted. It has not only fangs, but also thousands of fangs, but the monster in front of it turns a blind eye to it, as if everything is just a baby's struggle.


The monster ignored its opened jaw, but greedily bit the star, and refused to let it go. Only madness and greed in its red pupils slowly swallowed this huge star. .


   The hot stars are madly surging, and the overflowing energy is ejected in the vast space to form prominences, but they can't resist the monster's firm and powerful swallowing.


   Then, the star fell into the monster's mouth, and the faintly visible red light gradually dimmed until it disappeared.


  In the control center, the technicians looked blankly at space.


   The miracle, the miracle created by mankind more than 10,000 years ago, has completely disappeared at this moment.


   Not long after a little hope was ignited, hope was swallowed under the gaze of the entire world of humans, and the entire world fell into despair.


   Eternal night comes, but this eternal night will not last long.