The Dragon That Devours the World

Chapter 200: Believe in hope

"The Dragon Who Eats the World(

In that small spot, countless eyes were watching the creator.

God smiled and was about to speak, but the violent breath swept this infinitely dark and silent void.


The torn void expanded rapidly, and a huge, magnificent, and inconceivable huge thing emerged.

Scarred scales, hideous white teeth, crazy vertical pupils, swaying huge heads, squeezed through the void, and emerged from the world that has not yet been born.

In its big mouth, light was faintly visible, it was the remains of an entire world.

That universe, at the moment of its Big Bang, before it had time to grow into a trillion light-year range, it had already fallen into the mouth of the monster.

The light fell and disappeared into the monster's mouth.

In the void, the monster dragging the magnificent body that he did not know to be hundreds of thousands of miles long finally descended on this world again.

In front of this crazy monster, God also appeared infinitely small.

God stopped speaking, and just waved his hand, and the little spot disappeared involuntarily.

After the moment the creator and the creator looked at each other, there was no more communication.

The crazy and violent monster's eyes shot purple light, and the scales on the whole body burst open, erecting like swords and halberds.


The monster didn't have any interest to stop, roaring, and savagely slammed into the **** who stood in front of him.

The **** stretched out his only remaining arm, and the huge force bursting from his fingertips blasted towards the monster.

The power erupted from the fingertips surpassed human imagination, and the power of the Big Bang of the entire universe was gathered in it.

And this is just a finger.

From the fingertips, light-like power penetrated the body of the monster in front of him, exploding a huge wound.

Under the huge impact, the monster retreated, but this made the purple light in the monster's pupils more intense.

"The weak god, what right do you have to resist me!"

Roaring, the monster rushed forward again regardless of his serious injury. The open mouth swallowed straight to the god.

God was about to fight back, but it was too late.

Under the raging anger, the light that enveloped the **** dimmed, and there was no chance to resist, and the **** was swallowed by the monster.

"Monster who never knows satisfaction..."

Before being swallowed, the voice of God's taunting sounded, but it was only covered by the roar of the monster.

After swallowing the god, the monster flicked its tail and headed in another direction of time and space.


Seven heavens, lunar heavens.

Angels are patrolling the world, which is the closest to the world.

Suddenly, an angel condensed his eyebrows.

"What's going on? The future time and space is destroyed?"

"Who is interfering with the operation of the world?"

"Hurry up and report the archangel..."

Soon, Gabriel, the monarch of the lunar sky, noticed all this.

Under its gaze, the future space-time is being destroyed by some unknown force. It's nothing if it's just a simple doomsday, but this is the disappearance of Time and Space itself.

"What happened in the future?"

Gabriel did not dare to neglect, and jumped to the crystal sky, trying to seek insights from God.

When it came to the crystal sky, it saw that all the archangels had arrived, and above the **** seat of the crystal sky, the figure of the **** became more and more illusory, as if it would disappear at any time.

"what happened……"

Gabriel was shocked.

This is not only the case for Gabriel, but also for all the archangels.

But God knows it.

"I've already lost, you go separately."

The erratic **** waved his hand, and in the heavens, the angels fell into the world before they could react.

The consciousness that had been deceived vaguely awoke, and according to their own vague memories, each found its corresponding place of origin and formed its own **** system.

But all this did not last long. The monsters that traced back from the end of time and space swallowed everything, swallowing all time and space into their own belly.

And the embarrassed little dot shuttled in this old world.

The snake bite the entire time axis, and the end of time and space fell into the belly of the snake one after another. The purpose of the snake at this time is no longer even to swallow those little bugs, it now wants to swallow the world to fill itself.

Hungry, endless hunger.

I want to swallow more, I want to fill my stomach, but the more I eat, the more hungry I feel.

Why can't it be filled?

why! ! !

The hungry, crazy, and greedy monsters moved further upstream.

When Xiaodian hurriedly passed through a time and space, the gluttonous monster followed without hesitation, trying to continue to break through the time and space, but suddenly encountered an obstacle.

A finger.

A slender finger just appeared on the thin space-time barrier, against the magnificent head of the snake.

Although completely disproportionate, it was this finger that made the rampant monster unable to move forward a little bit.

"Go back, this is not where you should be, the snake of the future."

Said in a low voice.

Behind the air barrier at that time was a world submerged in a great flood.

Under the dim sky, people stayed on the ark in despair, while the Almighty God, who has made an agreement with all living beings in the past, future, and present, sits high on the throne.

But unlike other time and space that keeps flowing and advancing, this world is frozen forever.

The omniscient and omnipotent does not advance or retreat, but stays eternally in this time and space.

He didn't interfere with other time and space matters, but he still watched the chessboard change, even if the chessboard was about to be completely smashed by a snake, he didn't move.

However, there are some things that He must also do, and that is the agreement once made.

Neither a **** nor a demon can cross time and space, nor can they pry into the future.

This is part of the agreement.

The gods of other time and space were defeated one after another, failing to stop the snake's reckless behavior, but this time and space of the omniscient and almighty was not affected in any way.

If you can't live, you can't live. Everything can live, but you cannot.

This road is nowhere.

The meaning expressed in that finger is simple, but unshakable.

However, the monster caught in hunger and madness was desperate, and its body made a terrifying crackling sound.

"Get out of me!!!"

The vertical pupils were hideous, the dark purple body burst open, and countless scales bombarded that finger.

No one can stop me, I am the strongest and invincible.

Regardless of the reason, this inexplicable self-confidence is so firm, as if it were a matter of course for the monster.

However, no matter how many scales impact, it seems that the mayfly shakes the tree, the finger is still there, no matter how big the impact is, it can't shake the slightest.

And this just angered the monster even more.

The power in the body is swelling more and more. If anyone observes it, it will find that the power in the monster's body is increasing hundreds of times, thousands of times.

In the monster's body, there seems to be an endless source, constantly providing inexhaustible power.

This power is so huge that even the monster's body can't bear it, and it has been repeatedly shattered and reborn many times.

As a result, the monster instinctively opened its mouth, and the endless power in his body finally found a catharsis, rushing towards the time-space barrier in front of him.


In the impact of infinite power, thousands of time and space vibrated, and the power of rage shook every scale of time and space.

This force is huge, beyond imagination, bigger than infinite time and space, and farther than any god.

The aftermath of this force instantly wiped out those terminal time and space that had not been completely destroyed.

Behind the monster is the infinite void, and in front of it is the fragile and small world.

Once this fragile and small world is destroyed, the upstream time and space hidden behind this time and space will lose its protection and will only be completely destroyed.

Under this impact force, that tiny finger was directly swallowed in infinite power, and this solidified time and space was submerged in all directions.

And when the power gradually dissipated, the finger still stood there without any wavering.

In the void, furious monsters constantly attacked.

After a long time, the monster's hideous pupils remained the same, but it uttered a long cry unwillingly.



In the stagnant time and space, the omniscient and almighty looked at the chessboard in front of him.

This is already an endgame. Both the Black King and the White King have exhausted all their chess pieces. Only the Black King, the White King, and a gray soldier with an unknown position are left on the entire chessboard.

In this case, no one can win.

There is only such a short period of time left in the entire time and space, from the birth of the world to the arrival of the great flood.

It seemed like a dead end, and there was no room for maneuver. Neither the black king nor the white king had any pawns to win.

However, the gray soldier is still advancing hard. It is the last variable on this chessboard, the last struggle.

If a soldier goes to the end and rises to the strongest [Queen] on the board, it may dominate the final outcome of the board.

However, no matter what the ending of the soldiers is, it has nothing to do with the black and white king, they have all lost.

"In the end, did we all lose."

The omniscient and almighty looked at the endgame in front of him and seemed to laugh.


This is an ancient age, an age of myths.

There is a heaven in the sky, and angels and gods live in the heaven. Angels patrol the world and plan the order of the world. There are monsters and snakes on the ground. The snake is hung under the earth. ; And in the sea, the snake-man using steam is still flourishing. King Unogaya and the snake-girl rule together this civilization that is still in its bud, but has been able to see its glorious future.

On the earth, a civilization called Atlantis is gradually taking shape. These humans who are still in the tribal era are still ignorant, but full of hope.

But at this time, a small spot from the future was cast into a farmer's home.

The gods are aware of all this, and so are the demons, but the gods and demons only have a glimpse of their sight, and they no longer care.

The mortals of the future will remain mortals after all. Since there is no violation of the rules, there is nothing worthy of attention.

Although I am quite curious about why things will pass through in the future, but...

"The future is my shit."

The snake didn't pay attention to all of this. The arrogant monster didn't mind this little thing. It's better to take a rest when you have this time.

Although God is interested, he does not intend to pry into the future.

It’s just that what makes God strange is that, for some reason, he seems to have some vague restrictions, and he is no longer so arbitrary.


For the first time, the no longer omnipotent God had doubts.

And in that farmer's home the crying baby was held in her arms nervously by the farmer's wife, and she couldn't help comforting.

And in the baby's mind, the small dots made of information are still making some final comments.

"We can't survive in this old world..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as our civilization is passed on, the carrier is not important."

"But can they win instead of us? The time given to them is too short, with less than 10,000 years to develop..."

"Believe it, let us believe it, believe in these immature children... We have failed, but they may not fail, once failing twice, twice failing three times... Try again and again, in In a world that this monster cannot penetrate, they can use this as a stronghold to try again and again..."

"Although it will be very long, and it will make mathematics meaningless, but one time, we will defeat that monster..."

"So, go and believe, only if you believe, will there be hope..."

At the end of the discussion, there is no more interest, and information is only information after all, and it can no longer be expanded into those living creatures.

But the peasant woman holding the baby didn't know all this, she just coaxed the child who was crying inexplicably distressedly.

In this land with few people and many beasts, every child is precious and a hope for the future. When they grow up, they will write their own stories by themselves.

The peasant woman hummed herself and coaxed the child to sleep.

The baby was still crying ignorantly.


In the vast wilderness, there is a vague cry of babies.

Farther away, the fluttering birds, the hoofed beasts and horses, the singing herdsmen...all the living beings are growing, vigorously marching towards the unknown future again.